#the owl house eda





So we met the Blights.

We already knew from Understanding Willow that they were one, not great people, and two, not great parents- but now we’ve gotten a look at how so, exactly.

Odalia’s about what we expected, manipulative, overly controlling, only interested in what she can use her daughter for as opposed to the kid’s well-being. And then there’s Alador.

I don’t think Alador particularly wanted kids.

Like, I could be wrong, but after watching him and Odalia with Amity, the vibe I got is that Alador has no real interest in the world outside of his abominations, his wife, and the occasional small floating creature that he can follow around. The reason he and his wife seem to work is that she’s good at dealing with the social aspects of business, so she does that and he doesn’t have to. I don’t think Alador particularly gets people or has ever had any desire to learn, and Odalia has ensured it’s never been necessary. If she says they need to do something, he goes with it. He doesn’t understand why, but he doesn’t NEED to. Odalia says this is what they need to do, and she’s the people person. He has no issue with being used as a prop to get whatever they need done.

So when, years prior, Odalia came to him and said ‘I think it’s time we have children’, I’m sure he had no clue what the point of that would be, but if Odalia says they should, well, she’s usually right.

So he has kids, and they’re here now, but he doesn’t really… get them. It’s like he’s dealing with completely different life forms. They live in his house, he sees them a lot, but he doesn’t tend to engage with them. That’s Odalia’s area.

I don’t think he resents them, or anything- they’re fine. They seem nice enough. Intelligent. Good potential.

…but I don’t think he cares about them much.

I get this sense as well, though we can’t really know for sure it doesn’t seem like he tries to spend time with them outside of the abomination presentations. I think he’s probably neutral to people on the whole, with Odalia being an exception because she’s basically running the relationship. 

We also see him enforcing the existing rules.  He may not understand their ultimate intent, but he dislikes drama in general, likes rules in general, and is willing to step up when he sees his quiet zone being threatened with an angry wife and child.

It’s interesting to me, now that I think about it, that the Blight kids don’t actually refer to Alador much, either. After Luz, Gus, and Willow are expelled, Amity only says she didn’t speak up because of her mom. When Amity, Gus and Willow are sneaking into Blight Industries Edric and Emira ask them to not mention their helping them to Odalia, but they don’t mention Alador. So it seems to me that he isn’t really involved much in parenting. Maybe he only does what Odalia asks of him so he can return to his quiet zone and work. 

A morning ritual~

The small portals Eda made in the pilot gave me an idea!

What, You think this kind of hair comes naturally?

The owl queen babyyy


I have a Theory, What if the reason why Hunter is needed for the titan’s plan and needed to be safe is..

Is because Belos is gonna use Hunter as a New body to host in the Human realm on the Day of Unity, His body cannot stay as it is because so many centuries passed, and in the human realm, He won’t be able to stay in his old body for certain time.


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I’ve had this song on loop for weeks and I’ve also been brainrotting over these two for weeks so have some angst.


I’ve had this song on loop for weeks and I’ve also been brainrotting over these two for weeks so have some angst.

I’ve had this song on loop for weeks and I’ve also been brainrotting over these two for weeks so have some angst.

Brad Breeck composing Eda’s Requiem/Raine’s Rhapsody like

I love the idea that Lilith figured out she was aromantic after watching Eda and Raine be sickeningly in love one too many times and realising “I’m happy for them but I want absolutely no part in this romance nonsense”

➢ the owl house - eda and lilith matching icons

⎙ like/reblog if you save/use ♡

More Ainslé and Eda!

Bunch of recent doodles plus Eda faces from a scrapped comic.

Teen Eda and Ainslé are making a return in the AU.

Feel free to ask questions! Would love to answer them.

Click on pictures for better quality

Compilation of Raine and eda because im a sucker for the whole “kids who don’t make friends easily and are kind of outcasts meet,

become friends,

then become best friends,

then over the course of several years fall in love,

then for some tragic reason break up,

then reunite several years later,

only to be tragically separated again,

to then have it be revealed that they still love eachother and care about eachother and are doing all of this to protect eachother” trope

very specific, but it’s my favourite type of romance story when done right

Also, I love eda and Raine specifically, like the two are so confident, so witty, so sarcastic, so funny, clever and intelligent, badasses like yes, just yes

Like I don’t like romances that are purely cutsey blushing nonsense, I like a bit of blush and flusterness and cuteness but I love when the two can be kind of assholes towards eachother and be confident in themselves and sarcastic and be cocky little shits, I fucking love eda and Raine and their dynamic

So everyone is talking about lumity this episode, as they should, Amity is adorable.

But what I wanted to talk about is Lilith and Eda. And how well written they are (click on pictures for better quality)

Lilith didn’t have to agree to play a match, she didn’t have to leave her sister alone after she lost, she could’ve taken her by force or at least tried to. And Eda didn’t have to give her the ring.

And they’re constantly doing this. Lilith tries to convince Eda to turn herself in,

One of them turns it into a game

And the other just goes with it

and then Lilith just kinda of leaves her alone when she looses and and allows Eda to just run around freely

They still kind of help eachother

And still clearly care about eachother

And even though Lilith is still actively trying to get Eda to turn herself in it’s only because she thinks that’s what’s best for her sister, hell, even after Eda gets caught, Lilith goes out of her way and against orders (even dramatically burning said orders) to try to make the situation better for Eda by having her join the coven instead of being punished by law, which she thinks is the better option.

She genuinely thinks she’s doing the right thing, she’s been brainwashed her whole life into thinking this is the right thing to do. So in her own way she’s still looking out for her sister even if Eda doesn’t see it that way

Lilith and eda’s relationship honestly seem like two sisters who loves eachother and grew apart, two sisters who disagree with the others life choices but still love and care for the other.

I don’t think Lilith is an actual villian, she’s an antagonist because she goes against the protagonists Eda and Luz but she’s not the bad guy. I think that in later seasons Lilith will see and realize just how fucked up the emperor is and how they’re hurting everyone including her sister and she will join Eda.
