#therapist in training


When I have two single clients that I want to set up so I schedule their sessions back-to-back and hope they meet, I’m subtly just like…

When my supervisor asks me how my client notes are coming along but I’m behind by a month, I’m just like

When its the end of session and a client starts saying “oh by the way…” while avoiding eye contact, I’m just like

When my supervisor leaves the country on vacation for two weeks, at first I’m like…

Then I have a crisis and it’s like,

When I’ve been trying to reach a client and their voicemail is full, I’m just like,

When I’m trying to support my colleague in setting boundaries and saying ‘no’ to people, it’s just like, 

When a client tells me they don’t believe in taking prescription medication, but they continue their drinking habit of blacking out weekly…Im just like, 

When my client starts disclosing personal problems in the hallway on the way to  the counseling room, I try changing the subject quick like, 

When I’m trying to be supportive for a family member or friend but they say I’m “therapizing” them, so I’m just like
