#this is gold




More often than not I’ll crack into a sprawling fantasy series and, while I appreciate the luscious descriptions of furniture, landscapes, and clothing, all I’m focused on is that I don’t actually know how this world works. I only know what it looks like.  

Including some functionality to your universe can add to immersion and give your reader a strong foundation on which to build their mental model of your universe. 

You certainly don’t need to use all of these questions! In fact, I recommend against that, as all of these certainly won’t make it into your final draft. I personally find that starting my worldbuilding off with 5 to 10 functional questions helps pave the way for glittery and elaborate aesthetic development later on.

  • How is the healthcare funded in your world?
  • How does healthcare functionally differ between the wealthy and the poor? (i.e. can only the wealthy go to hospitals? do poor families often have to rely on back-alley procedures?)
  • Where are health centers (i.e. hospitals, small clinics, etc.) organized in your cities?
    • Does it differ in smaller towns?
    • How does this affect people’s ability to get healthcare?
  • Is healthcare magical, and if it is, how does that affect the healthcare system? 
    • If healing is instantaneous, how does that affect people’s views on injury, illness, and chronic ailments?
  • If you have both magical and physical healthcare, which one is deemed superior and how does that affect society? 
  • What illnesses are common in your world? 
    • How does this affect daily life? 
  • What do the people in your world think illnesses are? 
    • Is it a miasma theory? 
    • Humor theory? 
    • Demons? 
    • Do they know about biological viruses and bacteria? 
    • How does this affect healthcare?
  • How do people get water? 
    • Is the water sanitary and if not, how do they sanitize it?
  • How does agriculture work? 
    • Is it large corporations or individual farms?
    • What sort of agricultural technology exists in your world and how does it affect food production?
  • Are farmers wealthy or poor?
  • What sort of natural resources does your world/country(ies) have and how are they obtained?
    • How does this affect the average wealth of the country?
    • How does this wealth affect the culture? 
  • What livestock or beasts of burden are most valued? Least valued? Why?
  • What is considered a luxury good vs. a regular good?
  • What forms of transportation does your world have?
    • What classes use what forms of transportation?
    • How far has the average citizen traveled, given your transportation limitations?
  • Which cities are the most accessible and which are the least? Why?
  • How do popular transportation methods change how cities/towns are laid out?
  • Does your world have public transportation? What is it?
  • Is there a coming-of-age aspect to travel?
  • Describe your world’s postal system or whatever equivalent there is. 
    • Who pays for it? 
    • How reliable is it? 
    • Are there emergency methods for transporting information?
  • How does your world keep time (i.e. watches, sundials, water clock, etc.)?
  • Does your world have a currency system, barter system, or something else? 
  • If you have multiple countries, do different currencies have different values across said countries?
      • How does this affect travel?
  • Do you have banks in your world and if so, how are they run?
    • Who owns the banks? Government? Wealthy? How does this affect the economy and/or class system?
  • How does credit operate in your universe?
  • Does your world operate more on big corporations or small business? Something in between?
  • How are workers/labourers treated in your world? 
    • Are there workers unions and if so, what are common views on unions? 
  • Describe your tax system. If you don’t have a tax system, explain why and how your world is affected by that. 
  • Can certain social classes not own property, certain livestock, certain businesses, etc.? Why?
  • How are business records kept? Are business records kept?
  • If your world has technology, does your world prioritize developing entertainment tech, communications tech, transportation tech or something else entirely?
    • What does this say about your world?
    • How does this affect your economy?
  • To the closest approximation, what type of government does your world have? 
  • How are rulers/presidents/nobles put in place? 
  • How much power does an individual ruler have? 
  • Is there a veto process? 
  • If you have multiple countries, do they have different types of rulers?
  • Describe any large-scale alliances (i.e. countries, factions, etc.) that are present in your world. 
    • How did they come about and how are they maintained? 
    • Are they strained or peaceful? 
    • How does it affect the greater politics of your world?
  • Describe how wars are fought both internationally and nationally. 
    • Do methods of war differ between countries/races? 
    • What about philosophies about war?
  • If there is a military, what is its hierarchy structure?
    • How does the military recruit?
    • Is the military looked upon favourably in your society?
  • What weapons are used by each country/type of people during warfare, and how does that affect war strategies?
  • Describe the sentencing system of your world. 
    • Is your accused innocent until proven guilty, or guilty until proven innocent?
  • How are lawbreakers punished? 
    • If you have prisons, describe how they are organized and run, and who owns them. 
    • Does differing ownership change how the prisons operate?
  • What are the major ways in which laws between countries vary? 
    • Do laws between cities vary? If so, how and why?
  • How does citizenship work in your world? What rights and privileges do citizens have that others do not? 
    • Can certain classes or races not become citizens?
  • Are there certain taboo subjects or opinions that artist/authors/musicians are not allowed to depict (i.e. portraying the official religion in a negative light, explicit sexual material, etc.)? What does this say about your society?
    • How do people get around these censorship laws?
  • What is the official hierarchy of duty in your world? (i.e. is family the most important, or patriotism? What about clan?)
  • How many languages are there in your world, and how many languages share a common origin? 
    • How many people are multilingual? 
    • Which language is the most common?
    • How is multilingualism viewed?
    • How are different languages viewed? (i.e. is one language ugly/barbaric while another is romantic and sensual?)

Feel free to add your own questions in reblogs or in comments!

bakapandy: Some more eye drawing notes/mini tutorialI often get comments on how I draw eyes and expr


Some more eye drawing notes/mini tutorial

I often get comments on how I draw eyes and expressions. A lot of expression can be shown in eyes alone, even without eyebrows or other facial features.

Of course, the full range of expressions comes from combining all the components that go into an expression (eyes, eyebrows, mouth, face angle, body language), which makes an infinite number of combinations

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someone recommend me some good fantasy books that aren’t centred on a war, please, my crops are dying

The Greta Helsing novels by Vivian Shaw - practical doctor to the undead defeats mildly ominous interdimensional threats with the aid of domestic vampires and a demon accountant.

Sunshine by Robin McKinley - practical baker is captured by vampires, escapes, reluctantly teams up with better vampire to kill the bad one.

Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones - young hat maker ages 60 years overnight, proceeds to upend the life of a disaster wizard while learning self-confidence.

the Discworld novels by Terry Pratchett - hard to encapsulate, but equally funny and hard-hitting, tackling race and gender and corruption and other forms of inequality while also, like, making fun of post offices and Hollywood and Shakespeare. Three or four tackle war, true, but there’s something like 35 others to choose from.

the Accidental Turn series by J.M. Frey - recent Ph.D of colour lands in the Fantasyland™ she did her thesis on, goes off about agency and diversity while recovering from the Dark Lord’s attentions and learning the truth about her fictional crush.

Middlegameby Seanan McGuire- evil alchemist creates superpowered children to assist world takeover; children just want to be a family; family is complicated.

Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik - young woman takes over family business, must outwit fairies with a love of gold.

the Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede - princess runs away to become a dragon’s housekeeper, fights off rescuers, solves problems large and small, melts wizards.

the October Daye novels by Seanan Mcguire - Half-fae detective solves murders, finds missing persons, develops found family, can’t stop self from upending the social order.

The Golem and the Djinni by Helene Wecker - A quiet golem, a tempestuous djinn, Gilded Age New York. Immigrants, identity, friendship, hope, and self-discovery.

An Unkindness of Magicians by Kat Howard - A witch from an outsider House enters New York’s magical Hunger Games, to prove a point. The problems of magic were notintended.

Zoo City by Lauren Beukes - Part-time con artist gets hired to find two missing pop stars, with the help of the magical sloth on her back. Noir ensues.

Child of a Hidden Sea by A.M. Dellamonica - Nature photographer lands on water-world, discovers lost family, tries to convince self magic is impossible.

Gods Behaving Badly by Marie Phillips - Greek gods, washed up in North London, curse Apollo to fall for the cleaner. Existential crisis, meet rom-com.

Among Others by Jo Walton - Loner teen sent to boarding school, discovers science fiction, might know fairies and do magic.

Tooth and Claw by Jo Walton - Austenesque story except all the characters are dragons.

Every Heart a Doorway (and sequels) by Seanan McGuire - the children of portal fantasy end up in boarding school coping with being kicked out of their various worlds, then some of them start getting murdered. 

The Gracekeepers by Kirsty Logan - the world is flooded, there’s a lady who works with a bear at a circus that sails to different places to perform, and a lady who is sort of an undertaker, and they fall in love

Lud-in-the-Mistby Hope Mirrlees - there are fairies but no one talks about them anymore because That’s Just Not How We Are except this state of affairs cannot possibly last and people start getting lured to fairyland

The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison - fifth son of emperor who’s lived his whole life away from court abruptly becomes emperor when his father and older brothers are killed in an accident, spends entire book trying to make friends and figure how the fuck to do a) confidence and b) ruling ethically

The Various by Steven Augarde - girl spends summer at uncle’s farm, finds the group of “various” (no direct parallel, but think somewhere between gnomes and pixies) that live in the woods, mysterious history, flying horse, The Cat Is Evil (this is technically middle grade but it’s so good I can’t even)

Turning Darkness Into Light by Marie Brennan - working on the translation of an ancient text is complicated when it might have a huge impact on the public perception of a highly stigmatised group; subterfuge, found family, mythology, and the rejection of men who steal other people’s work. 

So You Want to Be a Wizard orStealing the Elf-King’s Roses by Diane Duane.  

Tam Lin, Juniper Gentian and Rosemary, andThe Secret Country by Pamela Dean (all different stories).  

The Spellkey by Ann Downer.  

Swordheart  or Summer in Orcus by T. Kingfisher.  

The Curse of Chalion or the Penric series by Lois McMaster Bujold.

Green Year Dragonfly by Kaye Bellot.  

If by “no war” you mean “no or not focused on violence”:

The Terrier/Bloodhound/Mastiff series by Tamora Pierce
Teenage former street rat aspires to and joins law enforcement in pseudo-medieval fantasy land, proves to have moral code forged of adamantium and more determination than an entire battalion. Also talks to unquiet ghosts carried by pigeons.

the Winding Circle books by Tamora Pierce (with the exception of Battle Magic)
Four teenagers are snatched from the jaws of peril, discover they have incredibly strong yet overlooked magical powers, slowly become a found family, survive an earthquake, pirates, forest fires, plague, and puberty.

The Keeper Chronicles,by Tanya Huff
Magic user accidentally gets roped into running a boarding house in Toronto. The decor is from the 50s, the handyman is an incredibly handsome and pureminded myopic Newfoundlander, and there is a (literal) portal to Hell in the basement. The third book adds lesbians and a mall that eats street kids to the mix. (Enchantment Emporium and its sequels are in the same world btw)


If by “no war” you legitimately just mean that war is not the driving plot force:

the Hawk and Fisher books by Simon R Green 
Fairytale-destined prince and princess decide that destiny is bullshit, ditch their kindgoms, become the only honest pseudo-cops in fantasy-Gotham because strangely being a prince/princess doesn’t actually give you life skills that are not applicable to being a mercenary. Buildings eat people, gods are murdered, street drugs turn people into animals, Hawk and Fisher are so very tired.

Oath of Swords and its sequels, by David Weber

Guy from a species generally (unfairly) derided by “civilized people” as barbaric and evil thinks he’s going mad, but actually he’s been chosen as paladin by a god and he’s just stubbornly refusing to listen. Continues to go off and do heroic shit while doing the equivalent of jamming his fingers in his ears and saying “LA LA LA”. This does absolutely nothing to dissuade the god in question.

The Thief, by Megan Whalen Turner
A thief’s prison sentence is cut short when he is sent on a mission to steal an important (and magical?) object for the King. BIG plot twist at the end. Imagine going on a fun road trip through the fantasy pseudo-Byzantine Empire, except that all your fellow travelers have their own secret agendas.

The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August, by Catherine Webb 
In this universe, there are a handful of time travelers –  people who are forced to live the same life over and over, retaining their memories with each rebirth.  As Harry nears the end of his eleventh life, a little girl appears at his bedside with the following message: the end of the world is getting faster.

Dark Lord of Derkholm, by Diana Wynne Jones
The citizens of a fantasy world are getting really tired of being overrun by non-magical tourists from our world. This year, the role of Evil Wizard falls to Derk, who wants nothing more than to be left in peace on his farm/magical genetic engineering laboratory. Derk’s 2 human children, 5 griffin children, and 1 enchantress wife feel much the same. Wouldn’t it be a shame if someone were to sabotage this planet’s shitty contract once and for all? 

(For personal records)

The Athena Club series, by Theodora Goss
Daughters and/or female creations of mad scientists from 19th-century literature team up to figure out what their “fathers” were up to and what, exactly, the secret society that seems to control all such experiments intends to do next. Sort of an all-female League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, in the best way. Kind of an odd frame narrative, but you get used to it pretty quickly.

TheRuby Red Trilogy by Kerstin Gier

Love, Time travel, secret societies, and a dark secret at the heart of a prophecy.

Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy

A hidden world of magic wielders in modern day Ireland, a skeleton detective and his associate solving crimes, a race of Gods trying to conquer the world, and a dark prophecy declaring the end of all things. This one does have battles in every book but it isn’t your classical war.

Chronicles of Ancient Darkness by Michelle Paver

Set in a time when the woods were still dark and dangerous (European Bronze Age, most likely Finland), a boy and his wolf friend have to survive beasts and other clans. Includes Demons, Soul Eaters, Spirit Walkers, and Changelings.

The Bartimaeus Trilogy, by Jonathan Stroud. Naturally has 4 books, it’s about a djinn who gets summonned by a precocious Genius Student who wants to Be Recognized By Society, society being late 1900s AU Britain where the Lords and Ladies of Parliament are all magicians. Snark galore in footnotes from the Djinn’s POV.

The Old Kingdom series, by Garth Nix. Set in some Old Kingdom with no other name, it has a truly unique magic system of Charter magic (runes), Free magic (bad), and music based powers in a Chosen Bloodline that fights Necromancy. Death is a series of rivers with ever stronger currents, very cool. Pretty typical heroes journey for most books in the series, but enjoyable YA enough.

Gideon the Ninth, by Tamsyn Muir. It’s Lesbian Necromancers, In Space! There’s memes! There’s snark! There’s enemies to lovers pining! What more could you ask for.

The Rest Of Us Just Live Here, by Patrick Ness. A book about normal teens who just want to graduate high school without it getting blown up this year by the Supers, please oh please don’t let it blow up this year.

The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms trilogy, by NK Jemisin. A girl gets Chosen to be the vessel of a Goddess, politics ensue.

Dreamblood duology, by NK Jemisin. In a world where magic is performed by dreamwalkers to try and balance the 4 dream humors, a monster is found to prey on dreams. Politics ensue?

The Broken Earth series, by NK Jemisin. In a world where geological disasters happen frequently enough to be considered a Fifth Season, and where some people are born with earth bending powers but are despised as believed to cause said disasters, one earthbender mother sets off on a journey to find her missing daughter right as a new Fifth Season occurs. Thankfully no politics.

Six of Crows, by Leigh Bardugo. Planning a heist! Quirky characters! Some have magic, others have baggage, some have both! Executing a heist! Do I trust you? Are we found family?

A Monster Calls, by Patrick Ness. Borrow a physical copy from the library because this won both Best Story and Best Illustration. It’s tween and up, about a monster that is called to the window by a boy and they talk at night. That’s it, but the emotionality of it all! By the end I was a glass case of emotions. My fav book, truly I mean it this is my number one rec.

this is gold


Feanor and Fingolfin ‘s relationship in a gif:

OMFG this Sums it up perfectly XD


Not only does Icelands back story deserve an actual ending, but I would also like a re-telling of it from Norway’s point of view. I mean imagine finding an angry toddler who is somehow like…already having a midlife crisis at age 2 on some barren fucking volcanic island and immediately thinking “yes, I’m keeping this one”.




Hi, I’m Julia Morris.

Me introducing myself

Why am I laughing so much


copyrighting neon dream as we speak

this is gold


¡Warning!-Breeding kink (yes even if you’re male, we will pretend males can get breeded :) ), daddy kink, biting, a bit of Lilia smacking your ass, overstimulation, aphrodisiac venom (when Lilia bites you), multiple orgasms, SMUT SO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.

(A/n)- I am making this because I’m horny… Yeah. Shout out to my bestie @solandis-does-stuff,BESTIE THANK YOU FOR THE IDIEAS-

True form! dom! Lilia vanrouge x GN! Sub! Reader




You jumped surprised. Did someone just smack your ass? While you where asleep? How rude!

You looked up to see who it was, and noticed that it was just Lilia. A mischievous grin placed on his face, his eyes where darker than usual. You knew something was off, but you weren’t sure what it was.

“Ah, you have finally woken up darling! How was your sleep? I am assuming it was peaceful by the look of your face, such a shame I had to Interrupt” Lilia said as he crawled in bed, where you were laying at.

Lilia got on top of you. He looked at you with a smirk and started to reach down to your neck. Then he started kissing it, but not like he would usually do, they weren’t soft. No, they where rough, almost like he wanted to bite you.

You gasped in surprise and pleasure. He was acting different, what has gotten into him? Not that you’re complaining much but it’s unusual and odd for him to do.


“I’m so sorry, darling. But I don’t think I can control myself any longer. Do forgive me. I didn’t think it would come this soon” Lilia said as he starts to breath a bit faster than normally.

“What are you talking about?” You asked him confused.

“I-I… I think I’m in heat. I can’t… it came sooner than it should’ve have. I’m so sorry but I really cannot control myself, (Y/n). Please tell me… Are you okay with this?” He asked you as he tried to hold the urge to take you here and there.

You looked at him. You, as Lilia’s lover it was your job to help him with his urgent needs. His heat was just something unexpected, but not something you were against dealing with.

“It’s okay Lilia. I don’t mind. Now come one here, let me help you” You said in a more seductive tone, helping him understand both you and him, until you where both naked.

It was so hot, yet it was slightly a bit embarrassing to you due to how you’ve never been naked in front of someone, and how this is also your first time too.

“Aww? Are you shy, little lamb? Don’t be. Hmmm. I love this beautiful body of yours. And you look way cute and sexy all naked” Lilia said as he started to run his hands up to your chest, tugging your sensitive nipples, making you moan at the sudden rush of pleasure.

“Ahn~! L-Lilia! M-more~!” You moaned and started to grind your hips against his, rubbing his member against your thigh.

You wanted more of the new pleasure you were feeling. You were started to get a bit addicted to it, and he didn’t even do anything to you yet.

Lilia groaned. He roughly grabbed your hips, stopping your movements “You don’t know what you’re doing to me, my cute little lamb. You don’t know how much of an urge I have to fill up with my cum, to breed you” Lilia said and kissed you roughly.

His tongue entered your mouth, exploring it, Choking you with it. You were so concentrated on the kiss that you didn’t realize Lilia changing his appearance until you two pulled out from the kiss.

You opened your eyes, gasping for air. And when you noticed his sudden change in appearance, you gasped surprised.

Lilia has told you about his true form. However he never showed it to you before. He looks much more mature, long hair, taller, his body toned, his voice a bit deeper.

Truly he was very attractive. He is in both forms, but in this one, it makes you feel much smaller, the need to obey him, to please him.

“I can’t take it anymore, darling. I’m going in” He said, grabbing his member and slowly inserting it inside you.

Lilia tried to go as slow as possible, he didn’t want your first time to be an experience of full pain.

He kissed you once again to silence your whimpers from the pain . The kiss was deep, full of love and passion unlike the other previous ones.

Even though Lilia did have the urge to start moving, he didn’t want to ruin it. He wanted you to enjoy the moment too. So he stood there in place, continuing to kiss you, until you felt ready.

“I feel a bit better now Lilia… I… I think you can move now” you said and moved your hips a bit.

The small movement was enough for you to arch your back a bit from the small sudden pleasure.

Lilia groaned a bit and let out a small chuckle.

“Fufu~. You have such cute reactions, my little lamb. I simply can’t wait to see what other ones you make. Now be a good little lamb and moan loudly for daddy okay?” Lilia said and pulled out all the way, and went back inside you again, hitting your G-spot.

You threw your head back, arching your back from the wave of pleasure.

“AAAAGN ~! D-DADDY AH~!” You screamed as your walls clenched around Lilia.

“AGH! F-fuck! You’re so damn tight!” Lilia groaned.

You gasped as he started to move more. Each time hitting your G-spot more accurately, faster, harder.

“AH~! D-DADDY STOP~! I-I’m gonna cummm~! I’m gonna cum! IM GONNA CUM!!!” You screamed at the top of your lungs as you reached your first ever orgasm.

It was mind breaking. You didn’t even notice the line of drool coming out of your mouth.

However your orgasm didn’t stop Lilia. No. He instead kept going harder, loving the feeling of your wam walls clenching around him.

“Eek! Lilia, LILIA~! T-TOO MUCH” you cried. But even that didn’t stop him.

“Ah~ Hm… Ngh! Oh darling, you feel so good! Agh! So good! I’m going to breed you, you’re going to take all of my load, yeah? Like the cute little- GAH!- Lamb you are? You’re going to c-carry my babies huh?” Lilia said in between small moaned and grunts.

He reached down your neck again, but then time he started biting you. It was a bit painful, however in a second it started to feel great.

Your body grew hotter, the only thing on your mind right now was the feeling of the pleasure Lilia was giving you. You wanted moreof it.

You started to move your hips with Lilia’s, wanting more of the pleasure, wanting every inch of him inside your greedy hole.

Surprised by your movements, Lilia came deep inside you with one last thrust, letting out a breathy “yes”.

You moaned at the feeling of Lilia’s seed inside you. It was gooey and warm, yet it was a pleasurable feeling inside you.

And even if he just released, he kept thrusting, not once slowing the pace.

“L-Lilia! T-too much-”

“Hush now, darling” Lilia growled as he started to bite your skin. He wanted to mark you, to make you all his.

“Daddy is not satisfied with one round, Ah~, I know you can take a bit more of it~. Now be good for daddy, I’m going to breed you so full of my babies, I know you are perfect for the role of a parent” Lilia said with a smile as he kept thrusting.

Yes, it was too much for you. However your body craved for more either way.

The thought of getting filled with Lilia’s cum was arousing to you, and so was to Lilia. Seeing your belly full of his cum and babies makes him want to keep you on his cock and never pull out.

Lilia grabbed both your legs, putting them on his shoulders as he pressed his body against yours. The position would help him release deeper inside you.

Nothing around you made sense to your hazy mind, you where only thinking about one thing, and that was Lilia.

You could feel your release coming soon, your body started to shake. You could feel Lilia twitch inside you, he was also close to releasing his seed again inside you.

Lilia groaned “Ah!… You’re going to cum again, sweetie? I can feel you clenching around me so t-tightly” he moaned.

You screamed as you finally orgasmed for the second time. It only took a few thrusts for Lilia to cum, filling you up again.

You whined at the feeling and looked down at your stomach.

You where surprised to already see a bulge there, an Lilia noticed too. He smiled satisfied.

“Hmmm. I wonder… could you take more of my seed inside you? Why don’t we find out lovely?” Lilia said as he kissed you.

He bit your lower lip with his fangs, drawing a bit of blood, he licked it and pulled out from the kiss.

“Y-you still want more? But we’ve already done two rounds. And I’m already full” you said surprised.

Lilia chuckled “Oh little lamb, Fae’s aren’t just satisfied with two rounds, lovely. Plus I’m sure you can still take more” he said licking your neck.

You let out a breathy moan “Lili- AH!” You screamed as he unexpectedly thrusted his hips against yours again.

“Yes! That’s it, little lamb~! Moan for daddy!” Lilia said in between moans.

You started to scratch his back, you couldn’t help it. The pleasure was just too much, you even tried to move away from him to ease the overwhelming feeling, however it didn’t work, he would only press into you deep and grab your hips to keep you still.

“AAAAH! DADDY I CANT- IM CUMMING AH~! PLEASE, PLEASE!” You cried. You where sensitive due to the previous rounds, so no wonder why this time it didn’t take you a lot of time to reach your peak once again.

Lilia still continued to thrust. This time it was more animalistic, he would growl and bite every inch of your skin making you even more horny than before.

Lilia suddenly pulled out, sitting you on his lap and entered you again. He slapped your ass, making your yelp.

“Come on love. Bounce on daddy’s cock will you?” He said and nippled your earlobe.

You nodded and obediently did as he asked. However he took notice of how it was a bit hard for you to move your hips. He then chose to help you by grabbing your hips once again and helping you move as he sucked your hard nibbles.

“Ah~! AH! D-daddy please~! I’m going t-to cum a-again!” You moaned.

“Ah! I’m almost done little lamb~. A-Ah! Just a few more!” Lilia moaned. His thrusts where starting to get sloppy.

Then he finally came, making the bulge inside you slightly bigger.

He bites your neck, making you scream and cum at the same time as tears ran down your cheeks and drool came out of your mouth.

The pleasure you where feeling was just mind breaking. You felt like he was going to break you.

However, that wasn’t the end. He still thrusted into you, not once stopping even if you started to run out of breath or told him that it was too much.

After all you agreed to help him.

And even you know that deep down you actually don’t want him to stop.

He was done.

You finally got to rest after hours of Lilia railing you through the sheets.

Lilia looked at your shaking form. He smiled softly and kissed your forehead.

“I’m so sorry darling. Pardon if I was too rough. When I’m in heat I tend to be… A bit animalistic I believe we can say? Fufufu. Would you wish for me to run you a bath? You must feel sticky and dirty” Lilia said as he caressed your cheek.

“Y-yes p-please” you said in a soar voice.

“Oh my! Hold on, let me bring your some water to clear up your throat” Lilia said as he got up and put on some robes before leaving the room.

A few minutes later he came back with a glass of water and some cookies.

You looked at him a bit scared until he chuckled.

“Don’t worry, I didn’t make the cookies… Honestly I’m still a bit offended you all don’t like my masterpiece of a cooking” Lilia said as he handed you the glass of water.

You took a sip and giggled at him.

“Don’t worry Lilia, I’m sure you will get better at cooking later in the future” you said.

Lilia chuckled and lifted you up from the bed and carried you in bridal style.

“Now then, let’s get you all cleaned up, then we will eat. I bet you must be hungry” Lilia said.

“Well you’re not wrong. But I hope you are going to order food and not cook it yourself ” You said.






“You where thinking of cooking huh?” You asked him.

“… maybe-”

“Also… you have a daddy kink?”

“Ssshhh! Don’t tell the kids”

“Silver, Malleus, and Sebek ain’t kids anymore weirdo”

“Hey! They are to me! And I’m not only talking about them but also our future kids! And plus, I believe you also have a daddy kink. You wouldn’t stop calling me daddy~”

“We do not talk about that-”

Bonus :


“What are you talking about? Heard what?” Silver asked confused.

“Ah, I believe you didn’t hear it Silver? How lucky, I wish to be you” Malleus said as he took a sip of his tea.

“Lucky for what?” Silver asked even more confused.


“Indeed… I’m traumatized to say the least” Malleus said looking wide at the table, having flash-backs of the previous night.

“…. Why did I even ask” Silver said embarrassed.

“Now, now, boys. Don’t be too dramatic, it’s common to make love with your partner. It’s a way of showing them the love you have for them” Lilia said crossing his arms.

“Yeah, well next time do it somewhere far away from here… in an Island and then come back once your done” Silver said and left.

killercola: consider: them


consider: them

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credit to @/thelifeyoustole on twitter





i’m reading a very manly 1950s account of a hunt for el dorado but i’m thirty pages in and the narrator has already described his traveling companion as “handsome” 4 times, “extremely handsome” twice, “exceedingly handsome” once, his voice as “quietly husky” and “a husky whisper,” his fingers as long and deft, his body as “tall and cat-like,” and his eyes as some variation of ice-blue at least three times.

just men being dudes. dudes being pals. it’s great. this is great.

“Ever since he had aimed that gun at my throat, I had liked him immensely. And now I liked him even better.”

oh my god

“I awoke when a beam of light fell across my eyes. Jorge had come into my room carrying a lighted candle.

‘I’m going with you,’ he said quietly.

‘I can’t pay you.’

He smiled. ‘I thought I was a partner?’”


according to apparently every adaptation of a search of el dorado, i think we can conclude that maybe the real el dorado was the homosexuality we found along the way


Destiel AU where celebrity Castiel Novak accidentally comes out as bisexual in a fan Q&A by not realizing the implications of an answer he said just for fun; and only noticed when an article stating he came out has been published. It is clear to him he has two options: apologize in a five post Twitter thread and coming out as straight or ask his former costar, openly gay actor Dean Winchester, to be his fake boyfriend.



Chiron: A lot of famous people were actually demigods. Amelia Earhart, George Washington, Harry Houdini…

New Camper: Is there anyone current that I would know?

Chiron: Have you ever seen a True Crime Documentary on the kidnapping of Percy Jackson?

New Camper: Wait… are you talking about the kid who blew up the Gateway Arch????

Chiron, wiping away a single tear: We’re so proud.

New Camper at their first campfire:


spoilers for Luka’s sequel without any context described with a meme I found off Facebook

This is cracking me up so much

geekandmisandry:watchthelightfade:chunkpump:gaypriori: I lost it at “2 bread” 1 gallon of regulageekandmisandry:watchthelightfade:chunkpump:gaypriori: I lost it at “2 bread” 1 gallon of regulageekandmisandry:watchthelightfade:chunkpump:gaypriori: I lost it at “2 bread” 1 gallon of regulageekandmisandry:watchthelightfade:chunkpump:gaypriori: I lost it at “2 bread” 1 gallon of regulageekandmisandry:watchthelightfade:chunkpump:gaypriori: I lost it at “2 bread” 1 gallon of regula





I lost it at “2 bread”

1 gallon of regular chocolate

18 minutes of flour

5 plates of salt

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