#trans woman


Hey guys, I hope you’re all ok. I’ve just been having a wonderful morning and I hope you like these photos, take care, luv Jess

I’ve had a lovely morning trying on some pretty outfits, and I’m thinking of wearing this when I go back to work. What do you all think?

I absolutely adore wearing John Charles Wedding outfits. They are so feminine ♥️

Ok, this is a GORGEOUS Condici wedding outfit that makes me feel like a princess

And last pretty outfit is a Zeila wedding outfit. I hope you like them all


To Cis People Dating Trans People: Body Parts

If you’re new to dating/having sex with trans people, it’s incredibly important to be respectful when referring to trans people’s bodies as, for a lot of trans people, their bodies will be a huge area of dysphoria. Here are some tips.

  • Not everyone gets dysphoria about everything, all the time: in particular, if someone tells you they’re trans it doesn’t necessarily mean they are striving to have bottom surgery (genital surgery) and to assume so can be very upsetting because there are a number of complex reasons why someone might not get/might not want to get bottom surgery. Genitals aren’t the base reason we are trans.
  • When talking about a trans person’s body, don’t use “female” and “male” to refer to their sexual organs. It works when labelling plants, but for people it’s best to steer clear of these.
  • Terms like “afab”/“amab”/“ftm”/“mtf” can be upsetting to a lot of trans people. So always find out what someone prefer to use for themselves and if you’re unsure - consider if you even need to mention it??
  • Let your partner take the lead at conversation when it comes to body parts. As trans people we are all too used to being made to feel like freak shows or research projects. If you let your partner know they can trust you and be open with you, if they want to have sex with you they will let you know what you can/can’t touch and the preferred terms they use for body parts.
  • Don’t be surprised if a trans person finds it a turn-on for you to use gender-affirming language in regards to sex. We are not fetishing being trans. This is especially relevant to trans people who do not pass as often people think this is the case. In reality, often the comfort of knowing someone respects us is the turn on. And consider that even cis guys will get turned on by someone talking about their hard cock, that if you use that language for a trans person it’s reasonable to expect the same response if that’s how they identify their genitalia.

Anonymously Tell me what time it is where you are, and what you are thinking about?

For me it’s 7:16am, and I can’t wait for Friday as work is so boring right now. I’m at a wedding this weekend and I’m wondering what I should wear.

I’d love it if you could send me some suggestions as well!

Our friend Niara - a trans woman of color imprisoned in Pennsylvania - is desperately in need of money. She is receiving little support from the outside, and is struggling with constant harassment from male inmates inside.

Prison is hell. Please send her money:

1. Go to https://jpay.com/.
2. Type state and inmate ID: Pennsylvania, KU1265
3. Click the name of the prisoner: Herman Burton
4. Register an account
5. Send money, stamps, digital mail, etc

And support mail:

Herman Burton #KU1265
10745 Route 18
Albion, PA 16475-0002

[address the envelope to Herman Burton, but the letter to NiaraorPeaches]

Venus Lux

Venus Lux

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Some random fmab headcanon edits of the ladies I made for fun! All are 300x300!they/them Lesbian SheSome random fmab headcanon edits of the ladies I made for fun! All are 300x300!they/them Lesbian SheSome random fmab headcanon edits of the ladies I made for fun! All are 300x300!they/them Lesbian SheSome random fmab headcanon edits of the ladies I made for fun! All are 300x300!they/them Lesbian SheSome random fmab headcanon edits of the ladies I made for fun! All are 300x300!they/them Lesbian SheSome random fmab headcanon edits of the ladies I made for fun! All are 300x300!they/them Lesbian SheSome random fmab headcanon edits of the ladies I made for fun! All are 300x300!they/them Lesbian SheSome random fmab headcanon edits of the ladies I made for fun! All are 300x300!they/them Lesbian SheSome random fmab headcanon edits of the ladies I made for fun! All are 300x300!they/them Lesbian She

Some random fmab headcanon edits of the ladies I made for fun! All are 300x300!

they/them Lesbian Sheska|Butch Lesbian Trans woman Ross |Trans girl Winry

Bi Trans woman Lust |Demiromantic Riza |Asexual NB Lesbian Sheska

Trans woman Riza |Autistic Trans Winry|Aro Trans Butch Lesbian Ross

Truscum/Transmed | TERF | MAP | DDLG/kink | Pro-shippers don’t touch this post, it’s not for you and you’ll be blocked if I catch you in the notes.

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