#trollhunters tales of arcadia



So this went straight over my head the first time.


So, yeah, they pick Toby, his grandma doesn’t count, very funny.

Claire obviously kissed Jim in the play, as Romeo and Juliet, no less.

But Blinky? 

 It’s not like the list specified that it has to be a human. With such an objection, you’d think Toby would at least ask why it mustto be him. Why are neither of them questioning why Blinky may not be suitable for the job? Are we just expected to ignore that or something?!

I mean, trolls don’t really show affection anyway, some don’t even know what a kiss is, Draal had to ask Jim about it and still found it gross.


But then again Blinky has always been willing to engage in human culture even from the beginning.


He even kinda liked being a human.


And was excited to share the experiences with Arrrgh.


Either way, the thing he took away from that experience was his admiration for the way they love.


He may have even observed at a glance humans expressing it. Maybe even as simple as Jim giving his mother a kiss on the cheek.

So if it’s not common among trollkind then who would even want to engage in that with with him. It seems a bit strange considering he’s a part of a culture that may consider it unacceptable.

And it can’t just be an accident, like he was some young reckless troll teen once. It may not have specified what kind of kiss but it has to be of ‘loves first kiss.’ So it must be of love, something trolls don’t often express, and with a significant other, like a partner. But he’s never mentioned having a past love and since we very first met him, and since when he first claims that he understands the love humans express for each other, he’s only spent so much time with one troll.

It’s just interesting that it seems to be a common understanding or cultural norm for trolls that kissing is either unheard of or unacceptable and gross to them.


Oh except for:



The reason why neither of them questioned him is because they didn’t need to.

Troll Dads Confirmed.

All I can say is:


Thank you! I was thinking the exact same thing!

You think Blinky actually had someone centuries ago that’s just not mentioned? That’s crossed my mind too

I was looking into some legends in places around the world and read this:

Glastonbury was literally mentioned to be where the trolls lived in the year 501 when Jim and the others went back into the past in the “Age of the Amulet book! (Book 4) I love how they did that! I don’t wanna just visit this place for the legend, but I feel like wizards made me so much more interested than before on any of this

Got some HD pics of most of Jim’s clones from trollhunters season 2 episode 7! (You can find these in ‘The Art of Trollhunters’ art book online or in stores)

Orange - Spanish

Black - Grumpy

Brown - Scared

Yellow - Romeo (romantic)

Armoured/dark green - Hunter

Purple - crying/upset

Red - Crispy

I’m kinda hoping they have Jim in the movie have a certain moment where he’s surrounded by some of the most important people to him, whether it’s Claire, Toby, his mother, Blinky, or just everyone and says something like:

“No, stop. I was always told I was chosen for something, but it was always for a different reason. I was told at the start I was chosen because of my humanity, then later I was told I was destined to be a half troll, then I turned back to human. Just…all these different things that were supposed to be permanent that don’t even make me sure of who or what I’m supposed to be”.

I’d love to see that said and his loved ones supporting him and comforting him the best they can. It’d be a very sweet (and by this point for Jim, necessary) scene to watch.

I feel like it’d be interesting to see Jim explain how he felt being a half troll in Rott.

Just how he adjusted, what was going through his mind from the end of Trollhunters to Wizards, it’d be really interesting to get that explanation from Jim himself, the person who went through all of that.

Ok I have a theory I don’t think I mentioned yet.

A lot of people got confused about this once they saw it (the first picture with the monster emoji), but it just keeps hitting me that that means Jim’s beast troll form could very likely return at some point in the movie. Most likely in reason for the final battle.

I think it’d be interesting to bring all of the forms back for the final battle, that’d be so sick!

I was actually theorizing parts of this, or hoping after everything this poor boy has gone through that some of this is how it would go. Jim’s full arc being explored will most likely be an emotional rollercoaster, so everyone buckle your seatbelts!

I’ve been seeing a lot of things people would love to see including the kids back in school for junior year in Rott, and it’s making me feel like I’m the only one that remembers that the school got crushed in Wizards. Like…that’s not gonna take a day to rebuild. Especially with a war coming lol.



Okay but if you’re worried about first impressions, just remember the first thing Jim Lake Jr. did was walk up to his crush in the middle of the day at school and say “goodnight” in Spanish.

And look at where they are now! Sure we may not have the opportunity for life- threatening trauma bonding like them, but there’s hope.

I kill myself sometimes, honestly.

I’d always say this as a joke, so I died seeing this

Did anyone else see the green glow in Claire’s armour in the second shot of the teaser trailer? On the bottom right of her head?

With the same thing happening with Toby in this shot here on the very far right of his armour:

And since Douxie was holding what looks like a mini heart of Avalon:

Is there a chance that something really dangerous could come from using it, which they all know could be dangerous (hence their scared or sad expressions) that they need to use that’ll be playing into a huge part of all this? And they’ll be using the big open space to use it?

Hey guys…

I’ve been seeing a lot of theories that the image in the trailer of the said to be New Jersey trollmarket isn’t the new trollmarket at all, and I didn’t know if I really believed that at first.

But then I looked at it in the trailer again and saw:

- Chinese lanterns scattered around.

- A Chinese dragon close to the middle of the large structure in the middle of the shot.

See them?

I have a strange feeling that some of the beginning of Rott will be Jim living his life out in the sun, showing us what we wanna see, him happy. Then after those 5-10 minutes will mostly be just him suffering through the rest of the film.



Please enjoy this compilation of Jim

Just reblogging this for everyone to enjoy


I’ve seen a lot of discussion about Claire and her shadow magic, and that she only gained magic because of the shadow staff/Morgana. I don’t think that’s true though. I think Claire is an innate sorceress/shadowmancer. Her power might not have awakened yet, but it’s definitely there, sleeping. As proof I offer this bit of foreshadowing from 1x16 Roaming Fees May Apply, when the kiddos are being watched by Angor Rot.

That isn’t just a feeling of being watched Claire is getting, she can FEEL it. She can feel the shadow magic coming from Angor and the staff. She doesn’t know what it is, but something inside her feels it’s call. And Claire is STRONG, personally I think she’s stronger than Morgana. It’s why she becomes so good so fast, without any guidance. It’s why she was able to make that giant portal, make the staff her own, instinctively save Jim in Camelot, save all the escaping trolls, and portal a freaking Titan. The last three with no staff and still no training beyond what little Douxie helped her with. Could you imagine her with the years and training Morgana had? Force to be reckoned with.
