#trying new things

I’ll Do What You Like (If You’ll Stay The Night) by Jiksa | E | 2322Another twist of Nic

I’ll Do What You Like (If You’ll Stay The Night) by Jiksa | E | 2322
Another twist of Nick’s wrist and a slight press forwards, and Harry groans out a garbled noise that isn’t “stop,” but probably should be. It’s not too late, Nick thinks. They could still walk away from this.
OR, Nick finally gives it to him.

get down by gravitycentered | E | 3513
Louis says, “Wanna eat you out, yeah?”
Unexpectedly, Harry goes tense. It’s a different sort of tense than the arousal that keeps her body wound tight, more stiff than pliant. She asks, “You want to?”
Confused, Louis pulls back to look at her face. She seems a bit caught out. “Unless you don’t want me to?”
Somehow, no one has ever gone down on Harry. Louis changes that.

the good kind of crying by ymorton | E | 3591
harry’s first time (with fingers, at least) feat. happy sex crying

he had a hurricane tongue by alison | E | 3767
nick rims louis for the first time.

you change, water sea by got2ghost | E | 4603
“Zayn wants me to teach her how to make a girl squirt,” Louis says, like it’s the most casual thing in the world. Liam chokes on the water she’d been swigging from her thermos, which makes Louis throw her head back and laugh. Zayn’s brows pinch together and she pats Liam gently on the shoulder, muttering, ‘you okay babes?’
zayn makes liam squirt for the first time

the wheel breaks the butterfly by embodied | E | 4672
“Out with it, Styles,” Louis groans. Harry’s suddenly regretting this whole thing, and she’s sure she’s beet red now, so she just blurts it out so fast she’s not sure if Louis even understands her right away.
“I’ve never gotten head before.”
AU. harry and louis are roommates. girls’ night ends a little differently than usual.

trusting things beyond mistake by sarcasticfluentry | E | 9816
“Is that even possible?” asks Harry.
All of them stare at him for several seconds, and then Louis says, “What, coming untouched?”
“Christ,” Zayn mutters, throwing his hands up. “This fucking band, I swear.”
…or, Harry wants to see if he can come without touching his cock and ends up getting more than he bargained for.

Lowkey by taecheeks | nr | 12225
Zayn forms her lips into an easy grin to comfort Liam, though her heart thumps heavy in her chest as she pushes Liam’s chin up more, rubbing a thumb against her slick bottom lip. “You want me to show you how to make yourself come, Li?”

Tell Me This Is Paradise by QuickedWeen | E | 19855
Harry Styles has been lucky in love but unlucky in the bedroom with all of her previous boyfriends. When her best friend Niall finds out that she’s never had an orgasm, she knows just what Harry needs: Louis Tomlinson. Niall sets Harry up to get sorted out.

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I should be writing my thesis instead of making robots.. But in my defense I made 90% of this last yI should be writing my thesis instead of making robots.. But in my defense I made 90% of this last y

I should be writing my thesis instead of making robots.. But in my defense I made 90% of this last year - now I only had to make some quick details and such. :) The second image has some sort of pics from the progress, just for fun. The whole thing is a bit portalish.

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This movie was just the best thing ever and I cant’ wait for an occasion to watch it again!

This movie was just the best thing ever and I cant’ wait for an occasion to watch it again!

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This past Tuesday, I got too do, like, play I’ve wanted too try since I, like, saw a demonstration at the, like, play party I went too when I lived in Ann Arbor. I didn’t know their was going too be a demo last night, but I herd people talking about it, like, early on in the evening, and then, when I went upstairs, Buzz asked me, like, whether I wanted to,like, demo bottom. I excitedly said “Yes!” and he told me too go downstairs, like, remove my panties, and get them wet in the sink. Y’know, so they didn’t go up. I scurried downstairs and met two, like, additional (gorgeous, btdubs) ladies who were doing the same thing.

We all went upstairs and sat on the couch while Buzz talked about playing, like, with less danger. The other two girls went first, and the technique he used on them resulted in one getting some very minor burns, which she clearly didn’t mind since she was totes into the play. I was nervous, but he pulled out the 99% alcohol, like, too use on me. He spritzed it on my stomach and then used the lighter and, like, blazed it. (lololol) It, like, was like, a heat blast that, like, lasted a moment and it looked really, like, goddamn cool. My reaction was, like, initially, like, being a bit scared, but then I just started smiling huge and giggling each time. It was, like, ridiculously cool, like, too have a big, like, spot on my body, like, all hot and lit up like that.

Buzz did it, like, several more times on my stomach and tits. Then he did a big streak down my leg, which was even awesomer. Then he got out the violet wand, which was crackling and scary. He lit some streaks on my leg, and then gave the wand too someone else. That guy held it and Buzz sprayed some alcohol, like, near my toes, and slowly held it up too the wand. The alcohol went up and I had to struggle not to kick. They did it again, and when Buzz checked in on me, I said “If you do it again, I might kick you in the face.” He stopped, and we all got, like, applause.

I really enjoyed playing with the alcohol and the lighter, and I, like, most cert want too do it again.

Finished up this girl in watercolors- I went with my friend’s suggestion of using a mint green with

Finished up this girl in watercolors- I went with my friend’s suggestion of using a mint green with bronze accents to finish out her dress, and experimented a bit with the flowers behind her. What do you guys think?

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