#tv tropes


Hey everyone! I’m here to say I like MASH’s freeze-frame endings, which began very early on in the series’s run. Many cantankerous fans in the past—if forums are anything to go by—have found them too corny for a show that contained healthy amounts of pathos. True, the freeze-frame is an old sitcom trick, used in some of the more tiresome shows out there (“Hogan’s Heroes” is one that did it before MASH came along). However, in the case of a series whose episodes are all neat little pieces of cinema, the freeze frame functions beautifully—as does the slideshow of the episode’s other notable moments, shown with the closing credits. For me, seeing this is like watching stills from a good movie, and it’s not hard to imagine that this is what MASH’s creators had in mind.

In short, the device is yet another example of MASH’s ability to have it both ways: punchy and corny like a sitcom, elegant and reverent like a film. The final moment of each episode is almost always comic, but even when it isn’t the technique can be employed well. For instance, here’s the freeze-frame at the end of “The Interview.” Truffaut might have liked it.


TVTropes review on The Museum Of Anything Goes

“The Museum of Anything Goes is a very surreal game from 1995 made by Wayzata Technology.

Perhaps best characterized as an Environmental Narrative Game minus the narrative, the game presents the player with the eponymous museum, where they can enter the various paintings strewn about and come across quirky FMV clips and interactive segments. The FMV clips were primarily filmed around the Chicago area.”


Tropes Included:

How TV Tropes Changed The Word “Trope”

Got five minutes for a fun little brain twister?

This is the story of how we’ve all been misusing the word “trope” thanks to TV Tropes, and how that’s completely fine.

(With digressions into Alanis Morissette and “literally.”)




the best trope in media is: “characters turn on the lights, see the monster, and immediately turn the lights back off”


 ‎Prince Josua ‘Lackhand’ of Erkynland in TvTropesfrom Tad William’s “Memory, Sorrow and Thorn”BEWAR ‎Prince Josua ‘Lackhand’ of Erkynland in TvTropesfrom Tad William’s “Memory, Sorrow and Thorn”BEWAR ‎Prince Josua ‘Lackhand’ of Erkynland in TvTropesfrom Tad William’s “Memory, Sorrow and Thorn”BEWAR ‎Prince Josua ‘Lackhand’ of Erkynland in TvTropesfrom Tad William’s “Memory, Sorrow and Thorn”BEWAR ‎Prince Josua ‘Lackhand’ of Erkynland in TvTropesfrom Tad William’s “Memory, Sorrow and Thorn”BEWAR ‎Prince Josua ‘Lackhand’ of Erkynland in TvTropesfrom Tad William’s “Memory, Sorrow and Thorn”BEWAR ‎Prince Josua ‘Lackhand’ of Erkynland in TvTropesfrom Tad William’s “Memory, Sorrow and Thorn”BEWAR ‎Prince Josua ‘Lackhand’ of Erkynland in TvTropesfrom Tad William’s “Memory, Sorrow and Thorn”BEWAR ‎Prince Josua ‘Lackhand’ of Erkynland in TvTropesfrom Tad William’s “Memory, Sorrow and Thorn”BEWAR ‎Prince Josua ‘Lackhand’ of Erkynland in TvTropesfrom Tad William’s “Memory, Sorrow and Thorn”BEWAR

‎Prince Josua ‘Lackhand’ of Erkynland in TvTropes

from Tad William’s “Memory, Sorrow and Thorn”


  • All Your Base Are Belong to Us: Due to his bother Elias calling onto otherworldly forces Josua finally loses his battle for his stronghold Naglimund. Him and a crowd of few can flee while the ‘monsters’ kill everyone else inside, earning Josua the mock “Prince of Rubble” by one of the Norns.
  • Handicapped Badass: Having only one hand does not stop him from riding into battle with his army or from fighting and killing a couple of otherworldly Norn-warriors when they attack Naglimund. He even killed the Thrithing-man Utvart in a sword-fight, although Josua was smaller, older, starved and severely beaten up the day before.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: Turns out he isn’t King Prester John’s son; he’s Camaris’.
  • Bond One-Liner: Has one after - against all odds - killing Utvart of the Thrithing-men, who kept mocking Josua throughout the fight by calling him a 'small man’ that talks too much.
    ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Josua: “Tall man, it is you who talks too much.”
  • The Wise Prince / Badass Bookworm: He’d far rather be studying than leading, and is among the most learned of all the noblemen in the story. In the end, he gives up his crown and joins the League of the Scroll.
  • The Chains of Commanding: He hates the burden of leadership and would much rather be studying old books.
  • Modest Royalty: He never dresses in the pomp fitting his station and indeed has to be cajoled into even wearing his crown.
  • OOC Is Serious Business: When his small party of survivors just barely manages to escape the doom of Naglimund, he beholds the burning stronghold from a hill, raising a hand and exclaiming that he will take the crown from his brother Elias - though against all false allegations he was never interested in power and later only understands it as a means to end the threat posed by Elias’.
    ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Josua: “Now you are king no longer! I will take the crown from you. I will take it, I swear!”
  • Cain and Abel: He plays The Wise Prince to his brother Elias’ Hot-Blooded nature, and pays for it by getting picked for a blood sacrifice to the Storm King.
  • Slap-Slap-Kiss: Josua and his lady Vorzheva have several moments like this.

Used material: “Camaris” is the Artwork Design by Alex Chen, “Cain and Abel” a medieval painting by Orazio Riminaldi. The others come from Pinterest, but give no credit and some of them got lost to me while browsing for pics. If you know any of these pics and have details for the credits, please let me know! Pinterest-sources so far: 1,2,3,4,5

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“The Punisher” takes a timely tour through masculinity tropes

Spoilers for Season 1 of Netflix’s “The Punisher.” The first time we see Frank Castle in episode 1, he’s split in two: the happy family man, teaching his son to play the guitar, and the lonely, taciturn recluse of Daredevil. These two sides make routine appearances throughout the 13-episode first season of The Punisher. Castle himself changes in minute but profound ways as he interacts with a…

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simply cannot ever resist what i call the little mermaid or the tin man or the pinnochio plot, the one about a character who is either inhuman or human but outside in some way, constantly searching for whatever it is that they consider to be the quintessential proofof humanity, preoccupied by it so deeply that they fail to realize the proof is in the act and fact of the search itself



you know what’s a trope that never gets tired is when theyre bouncing around in the plot and suddenly an important name crops up- it’sblorbo bleebus.and some dude is like who the hell is blorbo bleebus. and we immediately cut to our new friend blorbo bleebus pulling the most absolutely buckwild shit you’ve ever seen

enhanced edition of this trope is when they cut to blorbo bleebus doing something entirely contradictory to how they were just introduced, like “i know a professional, someone discreet who can handle things quietly” cut to blorbo bleebus in the wildest fucking bar brawl you’ve ever seen, screaming their own name and stopping to down shots while still holding some dude in a headlock


i am very much in love with seeing broken or lonely characters experience love for the first time. any type of love.

I love when a character is the in-control, put-together Adult™ in any given room, but when you step back & look at their own life it quickly becomes clear they are, in fact, a walking disaster about 2 mental breakdowns away from chucking a molotov cocktail into a dumpster, pointing at it, and saying “me,” before just laying down in the middle of the road.

*realizing the appeal of a certain trope lies entirely in your own trauma*



a small list of forehead kisses i need to see more of

  • forehead kisses to ensure everything will be okay
  • pulling away from a kiss, placing your lips on your lover’s forehead
  • forehead kisses that simply say “i’m here for you” because nothing i say will mend your pain
  • a forehead kiss as we hug: you pulling me closer and me nuzzling my head into the crook of your neck
  • male characters being kissed on the forehead
  • an exchange of forehead kisses. you kiss me on the forehead. i kiss you on the forehead. repeat. our friends and family think we’re disgusting but we don’t care
  • trailing kisses from your lover’s forehead to their lips (or vice versa)
  • forehead kisses without reason. we don’t need reasons. kiss the forehead
  • a quick kiss on the forehead when tending to your lover’s wounds, grateful they’re home safe and back in your arms
  • it’s too early in the relationship for good night kisses, but forehead kisses is a good substitute
  • a forehead kiss that reads “i love you, but you know damn well [insert character flaw]”
  • having to stand on your tippy toes to reach your lover’s forehead
  • a kiss goodbye on the forehead, you’re unrequitedly in love with me and i’m telling you to let me go
  • kissing your friend’s forehead because platonic affection <3
  • supposedly we hate each other, but when i show up at your door looking for comfort, you extend your arm and offer me a hug. as i wrap my arms around you, my tears soaking your shirt, you can’t quite help but to lay a kiss on my head
  • silent forehead kisses because we’ve had a pretty bad argument, and neither of us are currently in the right mindset to talk it out, but i want you to know that i love you, and we’re going to get through this
  • kissing your lover goodbye on the forehead instead of the lips, because the only thing that’s going to keep me from missing you to death until we (hopefully) reunite again is the thought of finally collecting that kiss we didn’t share from you (and if we kiss each other goodbye, it feels like the end of something)




i dunno fma fandom i haven’t been around in a while but i still see random “roy should have stayed blind” takes and i wonder if anyone can read

ed, breaking the 4th wall: actually kids this is wrong because this entire series is about atoning for your mistakes and living with the consequences of your mistakes but truth taking the colonel’s eyesight was completely unfounded and out of left field because the colonel did not choose to make this mistake and was instead forced, which therefore nullifies the narrative of this story we have been telling for 100 chapters. which is why the colonel got his eyesight back

I think most people’s issue with Roy getting his eyesight back is not that they hate him and think he deserves to be blinded but because he got it back using the souls of a people whose genocide he took part in. They think it should be Ishvalan people, and not Dr. Marcoh, who decides whether Roy working to rebuild Ishval makes him worthy of their people’s souls. Does that really justify the demands of taking responsibility for your own mistakes? Like yes, Truth’s punishment was unjust, but does that mean Roy is entitled to Ishvalan souls?

#I think he should stay blind because I respect that argument about sacrifices in the first post #it’s good and valid  #but consider: a) sometimes you’re just the victim and it’s sucks and you live and do cool shit anyway #b) I’m very blind and I wanna write about mustang being entirely blind but compensating with learning to sense stuff via weird alchemy sense #eg the dragon pulse #and ALSO the inherent sexiness of for the rest of his life hawkeye just telling him where to shoot - distance and idk radians #and he just snaps his fingers and there’s fire there bc he trusts her skill and judgement absolutely #like CMON #THAT’S THE GOOD SHIT AND YOU KNOW IT (viatanoraqui)

Me:I don’t really have a favourite trope tbh

*A gang has a bunch of adults and one younger member that the gang are protective of and are basically their parents*

Also Me:

There’s a new comic at the website!Undead Lincoln, as we all know, is a Troper. In life, he loved li

There’s a new comic at the website!

Undead Lincoln, as we all know, is a Troper. In life, he loved literature and poetry (kinda!) so of course he grabbed on to TV Tropes like an over-educated lamprey. He’s referring to the Mighty Whitey trope, which is…very common in pretty much everything.

But! I wonder sometimes what it’s like from the point of view of those Mighty Whitey is there to “help.” Because, hey, if you knowthere’s a white Chosen One coming along to do the heavy lifting anyhow…

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These quotes from the “distressed dude” trope over at www.tvtropes.org are the best thing I read today:

  • Both of the guys on Supernatural have been tied/chained up so often that sooner or later you start to think someone on the writing team has a fetish.
  • If you’re a male on Merlin, chances are you needed to be rescued at some point.
  • InDoctor Who, the Doctor gets tied up all the freaking time.
  • Criminal Minds. Poor Spencer Reid.
  • Face got captured more than anyone else on The A-Team. Bad guys loved to tie him up.
  • NCIS has a designated “damsel” named Tony DiNozzo
  • Smallville had this in its early years to the point of being female Fanservice. Ads for the premiere showed Clark tied to a cross with his shirt ripped off and a big “S” painted on his chest in what seemed to be blood
  • The boys of Stargate SG-1 invoke this trope fairly often. Daniel winds up kidnapped disproportionately often in the first season or two. He’s also the Woobie, so…
  • James T. Kirk not only gets manacled but stripped to the waist and rubbed down with oil. Several times. Fanservice, anyone?
  • The X-Files: Fox Mulder ends up in this role a lot, though this was more due to his inability to think before charging in than a need to show off Scully’s competency. Scully’s awesomeness was kind of self-evident.