


(most of) Johnny’s whump from episode 1x07 of Killjoys.
Featuring stupid science and the stabbing.


The Blacklist, 1x01

“Tom, look at me, it’s gonna be ok.”

Stranger Danger“All I’m saying is keeping her here is dangerous.”“How? If she’s a spy, her peo

Stranger Danger

“All I’m saying is keeping her here is dangerous.”

“How? If she’s a spy, her people will disavow ever sending her and if she’s just a common thief, it’s not like she’s going to run to the cops.”

“But she might wish she had before the night’s over with.”

Post link

Amazing art from « Sanctify » webtoon

How do you say when someone falls unconscious and becomes « « soft » » idk the word omg help me!!

EDIT: I found it ! We say someone goes limp !

The moment voices are becoming just echoes right before the person passes out…

One bro carrying the other cause who is injured, and they’re not gay

I always see stuff like that (even when it’s clearly romanticized) like amazing BROmance and I really really like it! It’s so touching!

My Hero Academia should be a CLASSIC for us whump community! There is some amazing scenes

(And beautiful fanarts as you can see!)

Don’t carry me like a princess, carry me like an unconscious injured levi okay?

I recommand reading this webtoon !!! It’s called Selina Moon Bride ! Not only does the art and story line is amzing but there is very good whump !


Part 2 of the arrow removal!!
I really liked @alicewritingstories’sideaof the two Caretakers arguing so here they are
Good thing Whumpee is out of it because dealing with pain plus shouting wouldn’t be a pleasing situation.


There’s something about an injured man sleeping on his side with bandages across his chest…

From the Spanish series Heirs to the Land episode 5, starring our beloved Yon González.



Healing pods and the like are good whump shit and you cannot convince me otherwise.

  1. A character can believably survive more injuries
  2. Carrying a wounded character back to base? Yes please
  3. You can have extra U N C O N S C I O U S N E S S

Finally I can share my ideas about this!

- Whenever Caretaker goes to see Whumpee they always cringe because in the healing lord there are no bandages, no stitches, not even a bandaid. Whumpee looks the same as they did before as they slowly heal.

-Maybe the suspended animation is imperfect so Whumpee needs to be taken out to eat and Caretaker helps them with pod sickness. Coming out of healing pods often results in nausea, headaches, body aches. And all while this is happening Caretaker has to convince Whumpee to eat something.

- Suspended animation also isn’t perfect in that they still dream, very vividly. When Whumpee dreams sometimes there nightmares and when they reach a certain level suspended animation isn’t possible so Whumpee wakes up, stuck in a box and causing old wounds to open up and bleed.
