

A hivemind with DID, but not like, humanity has achieve inter-cerebral communication and everyone maintains independence kinda way; but an alien parasite that is actually a system and has different personality fronts and isn’t always quite sure who’s in control at any given time.

An autistic hivemind, but not in the Im going to create a perfect utopian world kind of way, but in a I will learn everything about pirates and build/restore my own pirate ship and maybe declare war on the entire capitalist shipping industry once I get comfortable with the knowledge I’ve obtained. Also, I will look for sunken/lost treasure in my free time— Alternatively, I am going to gene sequence every beetle species.

An ADHD hivemind that will send 50 people to find one person’s keys and still not be able to find them, because all the people lack object permanence.

Hivemind with OCD; the lights in a small British town flicker one and off 7 times right before 7:00 PM when the hive mind that inhabit makes dinner, and the power stations regularly schedule these surges like tea time during soccer games.

Schizophrenic hivemind with extreme pareidolia often talking to everyday objects as if they are a part of the hivemind as well, and are mildly confused why they can’t hear their thoughts. This actually snaps them out of their episodes, more often then not.

Borderline hivemind who uses her bodies to expel manic and depressive episodes as need be, and can use her body doubles to feel attachment and with whom she can form a cohesion. And can use them to explore more destructive behaviors safely by pooling resources together in a community setting.

So it’s established that in the MCU dreams are other yous in different universes

Imagine someone dreaming about you. Like you’re just chilling eating cereal and they have to watch that

Like imagine how disappointed you’d be

Canon to the Mcu, dreams are your variants doing whatever

So what has my variants been up to (all dreams I can remember)

  1. A furby empire attacked an old house they where touring when they where like six
  2. They where running through a very dark woods with their two best friends
  3. They got outted at school cause a kid found their tumblr
  4. I worked at a pet saloon but only from 6-8 am and my parents had to take me in and it pissed them off
  5. My mom chocked my out with my hoodie
  6. It was a dystopian world and me and a bunch of other kids where camping out high up in a building. I was like a leader
  7. I was at a summer camp where my cabin mate had abusive parents. The cabin was yellow with lots of plants
  8. This is a long one, I was in my dads classroom before school, but it was me and girl and a guy. We convinced the girl to sing over the pa. I went outside to the parking lot and a conventionally attractive blonde opposite sex senior asked me in perverted ways if I was gonna date them next year, in real life I know this person and they would never. Next I was in a classroom and a sayter is roaming about, I lean out the window and ask, are you a sayter, ahh you didn’t call me mortal, you must be a clear sited one, pants appeared on him and he walked over, then my alarm went off
  9. I was stuck in a river for fifteen years, like a soul fish, I come out of said river and bricks and metals from the buildings come around me giving me a body. I head to my dads meat/barbecue plant. A majority of the workers are alseep, they’ve been alseep for fifteen years, not aging, some are fine with kids. We start working on getting the plant back up, I’m a bad thing to the local police force so one day when out and about with extended family we here police cars so they are trying to hide me.
  10. I’m a scientist, maybe not. But I’m part of an important experiment. Like really important. The numbers on the pages keep blurring off
  11. The world is cracking apart like ice age. We are all gonna die. I’m cussing up a storm and still being told to watch my language. My and my family had a falling out but I wanna say good bye. They are in a Greek like pavilion I’m trying to get there but the earth cracks apart. People are cheering every time it happens a bit more and enjoying their last sun set. I notice I have my dads golden watch. I see a kid from my chemistry class and through it at him and tell him to please take it to my dad. He says no he wants to watch the sunset and throughs it back





We all know Furbies lay Orbeez eggs that Worms on a String hatch from, but did you know that when a Furby escapes captivity it will revert back to its feral long worm form in less than a year

I hope this clears things up

What the fresh fuck

Yes! Many people in the furby keeping hobby however are crazy about the feral form because their colors and exotic length.

However, it must be noted that these wild long furbies are endangered, moreso than their domesticated predecessors. And please, don’t do cruel things to your furby in order to force the worm change. It’s a survival strategy that puts a lot of stress on the individual’s body.

You can read more about how metamorphosis works and why you shouldn’t force your beloved pet to conform to an unnatural shape here:


An OC based off the song Kiss me (Kill me)


when an animal makes a noise at me and i say “i know” i really do know. i don’t know what it is i know but I Know. you just don’t get it because you will never understand our bond.



Ireland is the only country in Europe

[ID: A map of Europe edited so only Ireland floats in an expanse of blue, with Turkey and the tip of Africa at the bottom. End ID]


haunted house- a short comic by me

[Image description: a digitally illustrated comic in shades of black and grey with red highlights and lighting where the text is. It features a thin person with chin length, black hair.
Panel 1: Their legs as they walk down a flight of stairs with a wooden banister. Text below the stairs reads “I live in a haunted house.”
2: The person drawn from the chest up in a red circle. They have a book titled “Haunt the House” held up to their face. Above and below the circle are headshot silhouettes of people. Above, the two people’s breath is misting. Below, four people are standing in front of a message on a wall which reads “Come Home”. Text in the circle reads “I’ve never felt cold spots or seen threatening messages”
3: The person sits at a kitchen table. They are visible through the open kitchen doorway, with the staircase to the right. Red light spills out from the doorway. Text in the light reads “But I know someone is watching me.”
4: The person in the shower, pulling the red curtain around them as they peer out. Text on the curtain reads “It can see me in any room.”
5: The person lying on their side in bed, with the blankets off, from a birds eye view. Their digital alarm clock casts a large, red wedge of light. Text in the light reads “It can see me at any time.”
6: The person at their kitchen table, from inside the kitchen. There are two chairs and two mugs of a steaming drink. Their is a small square window directly behind the table which glows red. Text in the window reads “I’m not lonely now that I’m haunted.”
7: A point of view shot from the empty chair at the table, looking out at the person, their drink and the drink in front of the viewer. The person is smiling. Text above them, in a dripping red rectangle, reads “How could I be lonely with you here?”
/end ID]


Voyager S6:E5 “Alice”

supersonicart:Rae Klein’s “Waiting in the Field.”Opening on December 11th, 2021 at The Valley Gallersupersonicart:Rae Klein’s “Waiting in the Field.”Opening on December 11th, 2021 at The Valley Gallersupersonicart:Rae Klein’s “Waiting in the Field.”Opening on December 11th, 2021 at The Valley Gallersupersonicart:Rae Klein’s “Waiting in the Field.”Opening on December 11th, 2021 at The Valley Gallersupersonicart:Rae Klein’s “Waiting in the Field.”Opening on December 11th, 2021 at The Valley Gallersupersonicart:Rae Klein’s “Waiting in the Field.”Opening on December 11th, 2021 at The Valley Gallersupersonicart:Rae Klein’s “Waiting in the Field.”Opening on December 11th, 2021 at The Valley Gallersupersonicart:Rae Klein’s “Waiting in the Field.”Opening on December 11th, 2021 at The Valley Gallersupersonicart:Rae Klein’s “Waiting in the Field.”Opening on December 11th, 2021 at The Valley Galler


Rae Klein’s “Waiting in the Field.”

Opening on December 11th, 2021 at The Valley Gallery in Taos, New Mexico is artist Rae Klein’s solo exhibition, “Waiting in the Field.”

Through painting, Klein explores where the line is when events cross from in to out of one’s control.  Subtle emotions from the realization that one is becoming powerless translate into visual detail.



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Tiktok has surpassed tumblr LMAO

ok tik tok you win this round


details from my favourite mhtober pieces. u can see all of them here
