
My Vegan Christmas Treat! Added almond extract to the icing - so delicious! I will freeze the rest fMy Vegan Christmas Treat! Added almond extract to the icing - so delicious! I will freeze the rest fMy Vegan Christmas Treat! Added almond extract to the icing - so delicious! I will freeze the rest fMy Vegan Christmas Treat! Added almond extract to the icing - so delicious! I will freeze the rest fMy Vegan Christmas Treat! Added almond extract to the icing - so delicious! I will freeze the rest f

My Vegan Christmas Treat!
Added almond extract to the icing - so delicious! I will freeze the rest for New Years’ Day :)


Nutrition Information (doesn’t include icing)
Serving size: 1 roll Calories: 243 Fat: 9 g Saturated fat: 3 g Carbohydrates: 34 gSugar: 5 g Sodium: 174 mg Fiber: 1.4 g Protein: 4.2 g

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5.29miles to be exact :) haven’t done that in two years. Some parts were power walking at 4mph, other parts were running at 6.6mph. 65 min in total so about a 12.29min/mile (4.88mph) average. Wasn’t planning on going the distance today, but two hotties hopped on either side of my treadmill towards the end and I couldn’t stop myself (literally).

Doesn’t matter where the motivation came from, I’m proud of myself - and still on that runners high 8 hours later :)

My Healthy Root Soup! Ingredients: - 12oz frozen steam bag of broccoli, steamed in micro half way - My Healthy Root Soup! Ingredients: - 12oz frozen steam bag of broccoli, steamed in micro half way - My Healthy Root Soup! Ingredients: - 12oz frozen steam bag of broccoli, steamed in micro half way - My Healthy Root Soup! Ingredients: - 12oz frozen steam bag of broccoli, steamed in micro half way - My Healthy Root Soup! Ingredients: - 12oz frozen steam bag of broccoli, steamed in micro half way -

My Healthy Root Soup!

- 12oz frozen steam bag of broccoli, steamed in micro half way
- ¼ onion, diced
- 1.5 russet potatoes, half inch cubes
- 6 carrots, diced
- 4 celery sticks, diced
- 1 can(15.5oz) red kidney beans
- ¼ tsp cayenne pepper
- oregano to taste
- pepper to taste

- cut up veggies and put in pot with beans
- cover veggies and beans with water
- simmer for 20-30min

Probably could have added the beans in half way because they exploded from the heat. And it was a hugeee portion for one person so I’m currently chilling the soups to store in the fridge. Either way, it was delicious and I didn’t even use any pre-made veggie broth!

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Sandwich with roasted tomato and basil hummus, veggie pepper jack “cheese”, cucumber, anSandwich with roasted tomato and basil hummus, veggie pepper jack “cheese”, cucumber, anSandwich with roasted tomato and basil hummus, veggie pepper jack “cheese”, cucumber, an

Sandwich with roasted tomato and basil hummus, veggie pepper jack “cheese”, cucumber, and avocado.

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I’m back because I strayed from being vegan for a while but since April 1st I’ve been 99% vegan (a cute boy made me a free Nutella milkshake and I had a drunken Mac&cheese binge).

My goals for bringing back this blog are to:
1. Be 100% vegan
2. Be 100% healthy
3. Practice yoga 4-5 times a week
4. Lose 13lbs (within the next year)
5. Share vegan recipes
6. Be inspired by you :)
