#new years resolution

You know life is pretty good when your New Year’s resolution is to finish Sims CC. Update 2/17  I go

You know life is pretty good when your New Year’s resolution is to finish Sims CC.

Update 2/17  I got distracted… But the year has just begun, there’s plenty of time to keep this resolution. :p

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Eat better.

No, I don’t mean just eat better foods. After all, disinformation aside, at this point I feel reasonably confident that “eat food. not too much. mostly plants” works just fine for my body type, metabolism, and tax bracket. Granted, I don’t always take that advice. But I mean eat in better ways. Don’t choke down breakfast; chew, savor, appreciate, think of the all the days I woke up sad and punished my system with a Bustelo-only diet.

And on the flip side of this, no more gorging - whether stoned, in a hurry, or having just come off cardio. No matter what basal command urges an ever-ramped chew/swallow/repeat, slow down. Create a reasonable portion. Dip over the boundary of that portion only when appropriate, not just when available. Quit eating with a scarcity mentality.

Binge good TV, use bad TV as emotional caulking

I was piercingly depressed this week and I watched the 2nd half of THE LEFTOVERS first season, which for all its shaky starts turns out to be the truly bleakest and most perfectly depressing show on the current roster. This is good TV. HOMELAND, for all its stupidity, can be binged in two days for an experience akin to classic 24 with better casting and half the episodes. 

Bad TV is used to muffle the buzz of boredom when nothing more healthy will do. It is a way of sitting in one place, alone, dislocated. When you must exist in empty space. But it should seal narrow cracks, not shingle your roof.

Stop softpedaling language

Professional interactions in publishing (and I’m sure it’s not alone) so often subsists on a mat of insincerity and complicity in that insincerity. We say that sounds great but we mean that sounds like words. We say we’ll do it but we mean we’ll do it when you prompt us the 2nd time. We say it’ll be good when we mean we have no fucking clue how it’ll be. We say we’re excited when we mean we don’t want to say we feel nothing. We say she’s nice when we mean she’s boring. We say that’s unfortunate when what we mean is that we’re happy they’re failing. We say all good when we mean some good. We say we really enjoyed it when we mean that we burst into fractured sobs upon turning the final page because somewhere in this mound of edited text was a sharp edge that rent a hole in our heart’s exoskeleton and we don’t like that such a thing can happen because it hurts and pain is bad. 

Stop being so negative to seem cool

Negativity and irony in media and publishing is easy and comforting. By saying something is terrible or the worst thing ever or the worst or pretentious or flawed or just awful or stupid or that it’s your most hated example of another thing you don’t like, you’re very quickly and efficiently saying I’m Not Like That. Compulsive othering is a human feature but it’s not a good thing. Especially when it’s used to silence benign positivity; “I was happy because of this thing, it made me feel good” “you must be naive and stupid and if you really think that you’re not one of the cool kids” it’s fucking sickening and it drives so many ad-revenue engines and while I recognize nobody can always exist in a perfectly warm bath of good vibes about any and all things unless that person is literally a god, it is tiresome and boring to read and listen to people who can never be expressly and messily vulnerable about the many things that make them feel comforted and beautiful and perfect in the moment and strip away every ounce of self-consciousness like a cleansing fire, because they are afraid of sounding happy. Criticism and lazy outrage are not easy unless that’s all you do. A heart that beats with emotional flab is not one I wish to sync with.

Defend Kid Rock

Kid Rock writes great songs, he’s very talented, he gives a lot to charity, he likes a lot of the same music as me, and I’ve been listening to him for years. He has a new album out. I’m gonna probably like it just fine and continue to argue that anyone who doesn’t listen to him because a mean kid in fifth grade used to yell the lyrics to Bawitaba during recess (or equivalent) is being needlessly self-limiting.

Be skeptical and call out when appropriate the people who use texts to validate their opinions poorly

Smart people have nuanced ideas of how “the world works” and “how humans think” and yet I see some cling to the idea that one book like sof (or similar) has unlocked the secret molecule of Truth about all humans and therefore they can make sweeping statements on how neuroscience works is gonna be getting a frowny face from yours truly. I’m drawn to these people, but I prefer smart people who remember they’re tiny and stupid and insignificant sometimes.

Visit every NYC bookstore new and used

Every Barnes and Noble, every tiny stack of used books on the streetcorner table or in the cramped floor-through apartment, every place that sells books in every corner of this ridiculous city. Staten Island, Gravesend, Bronx, I’m coming, I swear.

Panic better

Every time I panic now I set my phone timer for 45 minutes, to trick my brain (panic part) using another more powerful part of my brain (procrastinating part). I can panic in 45 minutes. It’s working.

Read white guy novels with healthy and skeptical abandon

I like Knausgaard, Richard Ford, John Updike, and DFW. Don’t need to defend that because nobody is threatening this. Nothing wrong with enjoying books by or about members of your tribe - just as long as you don’t get hung up on it. (This includes books only set in the last decade.) There’s a lot of good- and bad-natured criticism of white dudes who write books, and none of it should stop you from reading their books if you want to. Just read non-white non-guy books with abandon too. This is part of the “like what you like” thing. 

Re-embrace uncertainty

I have a Career now, but I still don’t know how my 401k works, the difference between “then/than” every time, or when my parents will die. I have a new nephew but I don’t know what his life is gonna be like (though it’ll be filled with love and good food because my sister’s a bomb-ass cook and nurturer). But in order to not get riveted by the Now and spiral into a pit of depression, I must remember that I cannot understand the ramifications of every single action I do or do not take. Sometimes shit is just going to happen and no amount of control-freakiness can change that, so I might as well quit worrying so much.

Trust the right doctors

Before I switched jobs I got a physical where the doctor found a suspicious mole. I then visited a dermatologist (my first - I don’t have the world’s best skin but it’s always been a'ight) and got a biopsy that said nothing cancerous but the doctor still urged that I should get the whole thing removed.

Then I got a new job and switched insurance and suddenly I had to start the process again - find a new dermatologist and find a surgeon that wouldn’t ask for two week’s pay up front. Months went by. And every month, that first dermatologist emailed and called to check if I’d gotten the mole removed. Without any possibility of financial compensation, she urged me over and over to address the mole, get it cut off, do it quickly, wherever, whatever it took. I resented this. Not everyone is a rich doctor, right? Not everyone can afford to get surgery for a benign cluster of cells at any point in the pay month.

So I finally slipped in an appointment with a new doctor before Christmas, who biopsied the rest of the mole to be absolutely sure what the follow-up treatment would be. Turns out I have a stage zero melanoma. Which is exactly as unconcerning as skin cancer can possibly be - you basically just get it snipped off and that’s it - but I wouldn’t have known if it wasn’t for the first doctor, who gave so much of a shit that she hectored me like a good doctor should. When I emailed to thank her, she just said “I just wish we had national health care. I’m glad you did this.”

Find good doctors, stick by them, keep yourself alive.

Say I was wrong

Admitting you fucked up when you fucked up will make your life a lot easier. Just don’t admit it all the time and for no good reason.

Don’t smoke things you find on the street, it never ends well

Street weed gave me a headache and street Newports gave me the hangover equivalent of Ragnarok so, yeah.

Read more poetry

The more good and blood-drawing poetry I read the cleaner and stronger I get. It’s expensive to buy. It’s worth it.

And finally…

Read what scares you and makes you angry

Patricia Lockwood scares me. She’s so good and writes such terrifying things. Kiese Laymon scares me. He describes anger and paralysis and fear and systemic injustice so perfectly and so VITALLY. People who are either so talented or are so good at describing terrifying realities or fictions that they make you question the entire cocoon of ways you make yourself Feel Okay are the people you should read. People who disagree with you and who say things that offend you and frustrate you are always hard to read and you can burn yourself out but if you approach them out of a sincere desire to understand who they are, why they do and say what they do and say, and what big tectonic forces and filters have shaped their perceptions to make them so different from yours, are the people who will save a significant part of the intelligent person’s life, every time.

Happy new year!

New Year’s Resolutions Vocab

새해 | new year

결심 | resolution

목표 | goal (you’ll hear both 새해결심 and 새해목표)

제 새해 결심은 (매일 한국말 연습하는)것이에요 | my new years resolution is (to practice Korean every day)

살 빼기 | lose weight

(운동)시작하기 | start (exercising)

더 많이 운동하기 | exercise more

더 열심히 공부하기 | study more/harder

금연하기 | quit smoking

금주하기 | quit drinking

(술/탄산 음료/탄수화물) 줄이기 | cut back on (alcohol/soda/carbs)

더 열심히 일하기 | work harder

더 나은(엄마/아빠/누나/아들/의사/학생)되기 | be a better (mom/dad/sister/son/doctor/student)

새로운 취미 갖기 | get a new hobby

물 더 마시기 | drink more water

더 건강한 음식 먹기 | eat healthier

매일 쓰기 | write every day

책 더 읽기 | read more books

해야할 일 미루지 않기 | stop procrastinating

절약하기 | save money

정리 잘하기 | be more organized/tidy

외국어 배우기 | learn a foreign language

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

새해 복 많이 받으세요! 쌤들은 2019년에 어떤 목표를 가지고 있나요? 댓글 남겨주세요!

*~기 is a verb conjugated into like a “list form” in these examples. Swap 기 for 다 to get their dictionary form

Whole30 Day 15 Video Update

Whole30 Day 31… This morning I woke up and had a single salted caramel chocolate with my breaWhole30 Day 31… This morning I woke up and had a single salted caramel chocolate with my brea

Whole30 Day 31…
This morning I woke up and had a single salted caramel chocolate with my breakfast. It was amazing… And surprisingly, all I needed (when it came to sugar). I don’t plan on ordering myself a pizza tonight, I plan on having some grilled chicken, potatoes and veggies. For lunch I don’t plan on having a huge sandwich, I’m going to have home made chicken soup with home made bone broth… What’s AMAZING about Whole30, is that when you’re done, your cravings for junk are pretty much gone. Most of the beginning of my Whole30 I was so excited for it to be over so I could have some Thai food, wine and pizza… But I’m actually not CRAVING it. Don’t get me wrong, those will be meals I will be having in the future, but I’m not in any rush to get there…

But here’s the stuff you are REALLY interested in, my Before/After stats…
January 3rd 2017 - 250lbs with a 41 inches waist.
February 3rd, 2017 - 234.4lbs with a 38 inch waist.

My only form of working out during this Whole30 was walking, I walked a mile to and from work every day.
I definitely would recommend Whole30 to anyone looking to change the way they relate with food and to jumpstart a healthy lifestyle.

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#working    #walking    #working out    #weight loss    #whole30 recipes    #whole 30    #wholefoods    #progress    #before after    #beforeandafter    #motivated    #motivation    #new years resolution    #fat burning foods    #beautiful    #vegetables    #cleaneating    #confident    #clothing    #healthy living    #healthy    #health    #seattle    


It’s Catie and I’m back with another video!

If you want to know how to speak about New Year’s Resolutions in Korean or see my progress, watch my video

Follow along with the script below and see if you can understand what I am saying!

Don’t be afraid to leave a comment, in Korean or English!


1. 독서 Reading

2. 이루다 Achieve / Accomplish

3. 새해 New Year

4. 결심 Resolution

5. 일단 First,

6. 건강하다 Healthy

7. 헬스장 Gym

8. 운동하다 Workout

9. 요리하다 Cook

10. 급 Level

11. 열심히 Work hard to

12. 마지막 Last,

13. 책 Book

14. 읽다 Read

15. 행사 Event / Promotion

16. 등록하다 Register for

17. 구매하다 Purchase


1. 위해 in order to

2. 하려고하다 planning to~ / intend to~

3. 때마다 When(ever) I do (verb)~


하이 아엠파인 땡큐 엔유 케이티 입니다

여러분은 새해에 이루고 싶은 새해 결심 있으세요 ?

일단 저는 더 건강해지기 위해 헬스장에서 운동하고 집에서 건강한 음식을 요리할거에요

다음으로는 한국어 6급을 따기 위해 한국어 공부를 열심히 할거에요

마지막으로는 책을 더 많이 읽고 싶어요

헬스장에 새해 행사가로 이미 등록 했고요

음식은 에어프라이기 구매했어요

한국어 공부할려고 한국어 학교를 찾고있어요

책은 항상 지하철 탈때마다 가지고 다니며 읽을거에요!!

우리 모두 2020 년에도 건강하고 행복하게 화이팅해요 !

May 2017 be full of nuggets.

May 2017 be full of nuggets.

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Enjoy the little (and big) things in life.

Enjoy the little (and big) things in life.

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This one’s easy.

This one’s easy.

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Welcome, one and all… Debonnairebillionaire.tumblr.com: Allergic to Average

Welcome, one and all…

Debonnairebillionaire.tumblr.comAllergic to Average

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#key to success    #success    #dreams    #hustle    #no days off    #ambition    #determination    #hard work    #fitblr    #fitspo    #fitness    #business    #wealth    #luxury    #new years resolution    #new years resolutions    #destiny    #achievement    #debonnaire billionaire    
2016I hated the term “Fuck 2016″. I was so miserable and in denial, I became a bit of a dick about i2016I hated the term “Fuck 2016″. I was so miserable and in denial, I became a bit of a dick about i2016I hated the term “Fuck 2016″. I was so miserable and in denial, I became a bit of a dick about i2016I hated the term “Fuck 2016″. I was so miserable and in denial, I became a bit of a dick about i


I hated the term “Fuck 2016″. I was so miserable and in denial, I became a bit of a dick about it. I didn’t want to admit there was nothing better to say at times. Ya know? 

Sometimes you can’t rationalize what’s happened. You can’t give meaning to a death or a loss. It doesn’t changed the facts. You just have to mourn and let others do the same.

On Tuesday Carrie died.  My office was empty. I don’t think I spoke to a single person until I left for the day and chatted with the guy at the front desk and it kinda finally hit me.  This comic is sloppy, but I hope the gist is clear. Give yourself time to mourn, talk to people, let them do the same. Please.

I wish you all peace, love and many victories in 2017. To a happier new year!

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new years resolution

Let’s go somewhere. Anywhere. Everywhere.

Let’s jump in a car with no destination in mind. Singing at the top of our lungs. Smiling. Laughing.

Let’s buy a plane ticket on the next available flight out. Who knows what adventures await us.

Let’s travel the world. And find ourselves.

Let’s live life now. Not later.

Just you and me.

2015, let’s do this.


10 Books That Will Help You Create Better HabitsLooking to improve your life in the new year? This c

10 Books That Will Help You Create Better Habits

Looking to improve your life in the new year? This could mean setting better boundaries with people, motivating yourself to reach a new fitness goal or starting that creative endeavor you’ve been thinking about. One of the best ways to make sure you do any of it is by creating healthy routines for yourself.

“Being intentional about your daily routine is your opportunity to proactively decide how to leverage your habits to help you become healthier and happier while achieving your goals,” Matt East, a productivity coach based in Indianapolis, told HuffPost.

Most resolutions fail ― especially wellness-related ones ― but establishing a solid daily routine can help you avoid that pitfall. That could look like going to bed and waking up at the same time each day, putting a self-care activity on your calendar each week, or meal prepping, among many other things. The point is to figure out what fits into your life while still prompting you to make a change.

“Most people build their routines around their work,” East said. “However, beyond work, being intentional with your routine can help you excel in any area of your life, including reaching your peak level of health and fitness, getting out of debt and creating financial abundance in your life, dedicating more time to your meditative and spiritual practice, and nurturing key relationships and friendships.”

So how exactly do you figure out a good routine for you? These book recommendations from experts can help you get started.

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Need help choosing a New Year’s resolution for 2016? Pick one of our Bystander Resolution&rsqu

Need help choosing a New Year’s resolution for 2016? Pick one of our Bystander Resolution’s from this list. Happy New Year!

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New Years Resolution for 2015.

ActuallyFINISH Skyrim’s main story.

[507]  しんねんのほうふ  |  shinnen no houfu  |  new year’s resolution

[507]  しんねんのほうふ  |  shinnen no houfu  |  new year’s resolution

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Ry’s New Year’s resolution: be more charitable! She set off on a mission with her mom, collecting va

Ry’s New Year’s resolution: be more charitable! She set off on a mission with her mom, collecting various Barbie items to donate to a local charity. Read the full story here: http://bit.ly/1tP1Vtv

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What’s yours?

What’s yours?

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I’m gonna try to do a sketch daily this year, following the prompts on the subreddit here! :D My 201

I’m gonna try to do a sketch daily this year, following the prompts on the subreddit here! :D 

My 2017 goals are to move in with my partner and try to get better at art! And also kick my health problem’s butt, stay positive, and drink more tea. I hope everyone has had a pleasant start to the new year! 

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Ya know what I need right about now

An oversized wine glass ‘cause this year’s been absolute shit and at this rate next year’s gonna be worse

Page of Wands

A bit of exciting news, an inspiring idea, or the opportunity for adventure can change things up quite a bit today. If you haven’t already, it’s a great day to set your intentions and resolutions for 2018!

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