#venus signs



Venus in the:

1ST:walking into a pole while looking at them, play wrestling to full on WWE matches

2ND: crypto bf/gf & astrology/bookstagram bf/gf and monthly spa trips. Movie and dinner…at home. “Is that my shirt??”

3RD:staying on the phone till 10AM, “oh fuck”. Golden retrievers with unlimited messaging & data

4TH: initials in the bio and buying rings for Valentine’s Day. Family friends with benefits…shared recipes.

5TH:proposal pranks in restaurants. One is the Parent at times. Leashed backpacks and weird inside jokes…finishing each other’s sentences

6TH:Hubby/Wifey activity under bf/gf status…Type to wash your dishes if they see them in a sink. Melania slapping Trump’s hand away

7TH:(almost) codependent old married couple that is the equivalent of Nabokov & his letters to Vera

8TH:Mr. & Mrs. Smith with tantric sex and old money & private IG accts

9TH:Chris McCandless adventures and flirtatious best friends that like each other’s company more. Think favorite person at a function

10TH:mentor relationship; one has the connections, other has the image. Christian and Christine Grey with coordinating outfits

11TH:friendzone vibe but Venus is painting House person and likes to be alone with House. Phoebe Buffay(House) in a relationship with Steven Hyde(Venus). House is Venus’ diary. Cyberstalking and unique slides in the DMs

12TH:Ariel but Ariel is stalking Eric and Eric is distracted by a butterfly (think “is this a ___?” meme) and likes Ariel but he gets distracted. Ariel is staring at him and he’s just. Distracted. “WHERE ARE YOU??” texts from Venus unanswered cause House is asleep. Ursula is Ariel’s “””dArK siDe”””

Astrology of attraction: ✨

Love; a concept, a feeling, an energy. Regardless of your own subjective definition, Love is considered to be a universal language that many yearn to speak eloquently.

-Rupi Kaur let me stop being messy

Anyway,,, for many, Love evolves from the origin of attraction.

(^^just in case you forgot lmaoo^^)

Now when we look at the concept of attraction through the lens of astrology, what exactly should we take into consideration?

The Descendant: Your descendant symbolises what you innately desire when it comes to relationships, what provides balance. If your curious as to see what you or your crush’s type might be, look here.

Venus: What does one crave in a romantic context? Look to your Venus to understand what you desire out of a romantic relationship. If you are attracted to those who identify as women, your Venus will aid you in understanding what your type might be.

Mars: What does one crave in a physical context? If you are attracted to those who identify as men, look here to understand what your type might be.

The 5th house: The house of dating, flings, flirtation and yet also children ,,,,, moving swiftly along, if you want to understand your dating style, and how one might approach the foreign concept of flirting, look here.

So this leads me to introducing a series I’ll be starting which consists of four posts, in which I will discuss the aforementioned points, specifically focusing on attraction, types and relationships.

The Astrology of Attraction”

I hope you guys like it ;):)

And I want to thank the kind anonymous messenger who gave me the idea :):) message me if you want me to tag you or something.

P.S: I was a bit specific with the genders when talking about Venus and Mars, but if you or your loved one doesn’t identify as either, fear not!!! The stars don’t discriminate, and neither do I!! So feel free to look at both planets :):):)

Venus in the houses:

Venus in the first house:

Coming off as charming and kind is very important to those with this placement.

This can lead to “people pleasing” tendencies.

Physically attractive and alluring aura. People just can’t seem to get enough of you.

Strong appreciation for art. Most could excel in a profession revolving around this field.

Venus in the second house:

Love language is probably physical touch lmaoo. Y’all just love being all “touchy-feely”.

Tbh, when it comes to love languages y’all might be bilingual, because those with this placement love to give and receive gifts as well.

Loyalty and security are very important to those with this placement. The thought of having a partner that can’t provide a sense of stability is less than appealing.

Beautiful voices, please consider making an asmr channel .

Venus in the third house:

✍️You have a way with words. Very persuasive and probably skilled at the art of flirting.

✍️Attracted to intelligent individuals. You need someone that stimulates you mentally, and challenges you.

✍️ You love a good debate, and you’re an excellent mediator as well.

✍️Great at giving out compliments and hyping up your loved ones.

Venus in the fourth house:

Parent may be very charming and beautiful. Those with this placement may have been spoiled and overprotected by their family.

Protective and nurturing in love.

Probably very good interior designers. You have an eye for home decor. Your childhood home may have been aesthetically pleasing.

Having harmonious domestic relationships is very important to you. You may look to your parents for marital advice as well.

Venus in the fifth house:

The “courting” stage of a relationship is very important to you. You put a lot of time and effort into vying for the attention and adoration of the one you have set your sights on.

Charming and flirtatious individuals. Definitely the type to show off in front of their crush.

Want to feel admired and respected in their relationships. !!!!Love compliments!!!!

Possessive and territorial.

Venus in the sixth house:

Most likely to get into a relationship with someone they have met through work.

Love language might be acts of service, you want to feel useful.

Perfectionists and detail oriented.

Expect a lot out of their partner, may come off as high maintenance in a relationship.

Venus in the seventh house:

Finding your perfect partner is a huge priority.

You take your relationships very seriously, and you hold yourself and your partner to very high standards.

Because you love, love and you have a preconceived notion about what love should be, you tend to be very domineering over your partner, in efforts to ensure they stick to your “script”.

Also another placement which leads individuals to be very charming and persuasive.

Venus in the eighth house:

You aren’t interested in causal flings and undefined relationships. You require a devoted partner, as commitment and loyalty are very important to you.

Very good at reading people, you can detect when people are being disingenuous, and are attracted to people who exude an air of authenticity.

When you do love someone, you love EVERY aspect of their being. You find the beauty in their “flaws”.

Due to the fact that you love so hard, you come across as possessive and jealous.

Venus in the ninth house:

‍Most likely to meet partners when pursuing higher education.

‍Most likely you fall in love with people who have a completely different cultural background in comparison to them.

‍Those with this placement require an adventurous partner they can travel the world with.

‍Very open minded individuals, who understand the true value of knowledge.

Venus in the tenth house:

Attracted to ambitious and mature individuals.

It is likely that those with this placement will fall in love with someone older than them.

You might come across as cold and aloof, but yet there is an intrigue about you that causes many to admire you.

In love with the concept of being in a “power-couple” relationship.

Venus in the eleventh house:

Dream about the “friends to lovers” type of romance.

It is likely that you will meet your partner through friends or in a group setting.

Attracted to friendly, social individuals, who have strong values and play an active role in their community.

Probably have close-knit and harmonious platonic relationships.

Venus in the twelfth house:

The type to admire the ones they are attracted to from afar. This can be a problem as you might only fall in love with the “idea” of a person.

Attracted to those who have a strong sense of individuality and a unique style.

Come across as very mysterious and that’s what attracts others to you.

You have the heart of a poet, and your emotions run deep. However, you may have trouble expressing how you feel.

understanding their love language—zodiac signs—

aries: difficult yet natural and out of their control, when they feel love they try their best to keep their cool but you’ll oftentimes see them burst out the most random and aggressive things ever, because it’s overwhelming to hold it all in; they do those cute little things and expect you to fall head-over-heels for them

taurus: they’ll make an impression—put themselves in favourable situations that make them look good, show signs of generosity and friendliness and even show off some of their looks and skills—in order to get you to notice them; will try to act “not that interested” but low-key will have a jealousy outburst if someone else comes close to you

gemini: blabbering about the most little and weird things ever just so that they can hear your voice and be sure that they’ve got your attention on them; they make themselves remarkable through words more than actions—not that they won’t physically show interest, it’s just that they have a way of using words that’s super charming—

cancer: when attracted, they will pay extra attention to you, observe how you interact with others, how you talk under pressure or how you smile when you are happy (stalker-ish??) and will use these small observations as ways to compliment you in the most unique ways possible; just like taurus, they will try their best to come across as interesting, almost as if they are the spotlight; usually shy and distant, will let you approach them patiently, nurturing

leo: even though it’s hard to picture them as being sublte, especially because they are very expressive human beings, they do have some sort of finesse and are some of the smoothest people when sliding into your dms; they’ll somehow always be around you, possibly competing with you (can come off as arrogant if you, yourself, have a competitive nature) but overall, they’ll be sweet and transparent

libra: flirtatious by nature it’s quite hard to know for real if they have genuine feelings for you but if they dress extra fancy around you, giggle at most of your jokes and make an effort to basically force themselves into appearing uninterested and independent, they probably have the hots for you

scorpio: they stare and they stare hard, shamelessly and non-stop; they will devour your presence with their eyes and will observe how you react under their tension, they will note down your habits, your conversations with other people and how you walk, smile and look around you; basically stalkers; when approaching you they will use that stalking and come up with conversations based on mutual interests to see how much passion hides withing you but also to figure your mind out

sagittarius: they’ll be loud show-offs and will most likely use their friends as support to convince you that they are super cool and fun; will have mood swings but that’s because your presence in their lives makes them nervous; they have incredible charm and will 100% use it to lure you in especially when giving compliments or dropping flirtatious hints—can be touchy af AND CHEESY—

capricorn: they will try their best to initiate conversation with you; they’ll show interest and support in your own beliefs, goals and dreams and will want to lend you a helping hand if they can; not good at expressing how they feel but they will always be there for you if you’re in a bad place (will hug you)

aquarius: they’ll basically ignore you, not even look in your eyes and probably give you the impression that they hate you; in reality they are silently observing you and will strike random conversations about things that remind them of you (send you memes, songs etc); they will appear as they are friend zoning you but that’s actually how they show love

pisces: they will go out of their way to spend time with you and get to know the real you; will put a lot of effort in getting you to understand how much you mean to them; will text you a lot and ask how was your day

-zodiac females-

Aries: She bent over her lap to brush off the invisible dust on her black, stiletto heels, with a sigh. “You don’t look very excited, don’t you?”, I say with a chuckle. She rolled her eyes, getting up from the couch and struggled to walk towards the door, mumbling curses underneath her breath. “Let’s just go already. If we leave sooner, we’ll get the hell out of there so much faster”, she turned to look at me with visible annoyance in her big, bright eyes. I loved how every time she was forced to do something she clearly didn’t enjoy, she would have these flames in her pupils, setting everything around her on fire. Bet she wanted that to happen. “Nah. I’m not going. I was thinking of driving towards the riverside and have a picnic there”, I say as I get up to walk out of the house. She furrowed and followed me outside, arms crossed over her chest. “What did you just say? You’re going to have a picnic in the middle of nowhere, at midnight, instead of going to the annual dance party?” I nodded, waitng to see what her next reaction would be. She seemed hestant at first but in a few seconds, she threw away her heels and, barefoot, ran towards my car, screaming “Sign me up, bitch!”

Taurus: “Don’t be cliché”, she giggled as I wiped away the ice cream which stained her upper lip. I smiled and shrugged, observing how her cheeks would flush red as her gaze left mine. “I’m just trying to be nice”, I say and she rolled her eyes with a scoff. “Then be nice in a more un cliché way, dummy!” I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned back on the wood bench. “Oh, and how would that look like?”, I ask and watch as she grins proudly. Next thing I know, her entire ice cream smashes against my cheek, right before she gets up from the bench and starts running around the park, screaming and laughing until tears roll down from her big, beautiful eyes. Once I was finally able to catch her, she blushed and hid her face in the material of my blouse. “I have to admit, that was certainly unexpected, miss anti cliché”, I laughed as she slowly kicked my chest with her small, fragile fist. “You should learn some skills from me, mister romance”. Accepting her challenge, we spent the rest of the afternoon creating popcorn jewellery and dancing with the pigeons. That kind of ridiculous stuff you only do with those you love dearly.

Gemini: I approached the crowd of people gathered in a wide circle, around a small source of attention, covered in bright, vibrant clothes. Cutting through the loud laughs, I could hear a soft sound of what seemed to be an ukulele, played awkwardly by the person in the midde of the sea of people. That’s when I saw her. She was dressed in baggy, colorful clothes which were brushing the school floor and she was singing some awfully bad lyrics about protecting the environment, in order to live happy, colorful and healthy lives. Sometimes she would stop, annoyed and scream “Oh shut up, Addie, you’re such a bitch, of course you don’t want to protect the environment”. Everyone was laughing so hard and her confident smile slowly started to turn upside down. I had to do something about this, so I jumped next to her and placed a hot pink, cowboy hat on the top of my head as she almost dropped the ukulele, shocked. “What are you doing?”, she whispered on an aggressive tone. “Helping you. I want to protect the environment, unlike Addie”, I give the croud a wide smile before shouting some more awful lyrics. “But-but why?” “Because I love you, stupid”. She couldn’t help but blush and smile, shyly. I guess she loved me too.

Cancer: “My horoscope is terrible. Again”, she scoffed and let herself fall back on to the bed. I giggled and went to sit next to her, watching as she would bite her nails, bored. Every evening we would meet up at each other’s place and hang out for hours, doing nothing at all. That’s what friends do. “What does it make it so terrible?”, I asked, wanting to make conversation, not that I particularly cared or knew a lot about astrology. “It said that my romantic interest won’t confess. Anytime soon, actually. And I just hope and hope and hope. Every single day”, she turned to look at me and as soon as her eyes met mine, I saw how her pupils were dilating. A wave of adrenaline washed over my whole body, disappointment, frustration and even a little bit of jealousy and protectiveness piling over my trembling heart. Her romantic interest. I choked and pretended to laugh, just to hide away my shock. “Hah, what a loser. Someone better punch him to wake the hell out of him. So stupid”, I struggled to not blabber too much and was surprised when she got up to come closer to my body. “Hmm, not a bad idea”. After that, her fist hit my cheek with such a power it almost knocked me out of reality. “You really are a loser. And I am too, for loving you”

Leo: She was moving her head slowly, in the rythm of the song playing at the radio, humming slowly underneath her breath. The window was slightly cracked and the wind was blowing her hair out of her angelic face, reavealing some of the most beautiful features I have ever seen in my entire life. It was distracting to drive with her next to me, especially since she was this beautiful. “You know, most people aren’t this carefree when they find themselves in a police car, just after they were caught doing something illegal”, I say and she started to laugh almost immediately. “Most people are no fun. And clearly not me”, she brushed her hair with her slender fingers, turning her head towards me, with confidence. “Plus, I did nothing bad. It wasn’t me who stole those jewellery”, she added calmly. “We’ll see about that”, I mumble and she chuckles. “You haven’t really changed since middle school. Still the small control freak, hestiant and always looking forward to only do what’s fair and good”. I rolled my eyes annoyed. “Well, you haven’t quite changed either. Still the same crazy tornade with two functional legs”, she laughed extremely loud and this time, I didn’t hesitate to join her. It was nice to see her again, despite of the circumstances.

Virgo: She pushed the curtains of the dressing room open, to reveal her silhouette which was adorned with the most breathtakingly beautiful black dress I have ever seen. She leaned towards her friend to whisper something in her ear and then chuckled, turning her head in my direction. Once she noticed I was sitting there with my arms crossed over my chest, leaning against the wall, her smile dropped and mine grew wider. “Huh, bad boy is shopping for prom clothes with his girlfriend?”, she said on an ironic tone and I gave myself the permission to giggle. “Actually, your friend told me you would be here and I, the fashion master of the school, decided to join you two and give you a helping hand”. She rolled her eyes and took a step back, into the cabin of the dressing room. “I don’t need your help. I mean, have you seen your clothes? Awful, lol” she closed the curtains again, visibly mad. I just laughed and thought she is adorable.

Libra: “No, no, no”, she was whispering underneath her breath while swiping left on Tinder. I scratched my nose, trying to see who she was swiping right but it was quite hard because her fingers were moving extremely fast on the screen. “I’ll never understand why you are using this app”, I said and she giggled. “Because I’m TOO single. I want some spice in my life”. “And Tinder is the way to do that? They’re literally strangers to you”, I say on an aggressive tone but I don’t think she noticed that because she was still smiling. “Would rather make out with a stranger than with my ex”, she showed me her middle finger and continued to swipe. “Auch”, I roll my eyes, frustrated because I still liked her. A lot.

Scorpio: It was a friday night when we first met and now it’s a friday night when we lose ourselves into the essence of adventure. She climbed the stairs towards the roof of the building we got into after tricking the guards and giggled mischievously while sitting down on the cold, hard pavement. “We really did this, didn’t we?” I smiled back at her with enthusiasm. “Break into an exclusive building full of snobs after not paying for our taxi ride? I think we did, yeah”. She smirked and pulled me closer to her body, pointing the stars with her index finger. “I know it was reckless but…” she started but her smile suddenly vanished and now she only seemed to be vulnerable. I intertwined my fingers with hers, encouraging her to talk further. “But for the first time in my life I had enough courage to follow the map of my desires. I followed the stars. I trusted it would be fine”, she sighed before pushing herself away from me. Concerned, I tried to approach her but she held her hands up as a sign of warning to not make any more steps towards her. “And that’s why I can’t afford to stay close to you anymore. Because you are the only one who has the power to make me vulnerable. The only one I have true feelings for and I am not down to suffer because of love. Love isn’t for me. It never was.”

Sagittarius: She threw the ball far away, watching how her dog was running to desperately catch it. “Nice throw”, I say while taking off the collar around my dog’s neck. She smiled sweetly and turned to analyse my foreign presence. “I used to play baseball with the boys when I was younger”, she shrugged. A chuckle left my throat as I watched how both of our dogs started to run together around the park. “So you’re a sports girl, huh?” I looked in her big, beautiful eyes. She was stunning. But she was a stranger. Yet, there was something so warm and welcoming about her. “Not to brag but let’s say that if you would challenge me to play any kind of sport, I would beat the hell out of you, stranger”, we laughed together and never in my life I wanted to lose at a sport more than now.

Capricorn: The shop was quiet and empty. Her arms were crossed over the desk, the classic green uniform of the cashier hanging loose on her shoulders. “Ok so I have an idea”, she mumbled, writing something down on her notebook. “Yeah, me too. You quit this job and search for another one”, I roll my eyes in sync with her. “It’s not that simple. Where would I go after that? What kind of job would hire me as a part time worker and also pay me enough money so I can still go to college?” A sigh left my lips in frustration. She was right about that. “So, what was the idea?”, she clapped her hands excitedly. “I take a second job at the theatre”. The world stopped for a slight second but then I got up from my chair and started shaking my head, completely disagreeing with her idea. “It’s going to be too much. No. You’re coming with me and that’s final”. She rose her eyebrow, confused. I started to explain how my family had a successful business and that they’re hiring new people. I work there too. She said she can’t accept this but at my insistations, she finally asked “Why do you want to help me so badly?” “You don’t even know how much you mean to me.”

Aquarius: I watched her as she was brushing her soft hair, with such gentle moves you could swear she was dancing in the rythm of the storm outside the window. She looked calm this time. Like nothing could bother her because she was surrounded by peace and beauty. At least until something DID actually bother her. On the nightstand next to her, her phone started to ring. She immediately threw away the brush and picked up the phone, whispering something into it that I couldn’t possibly understand. She looked angry, however. “Who was that?”, I asked as her eyes lifted to meet mine. “No one”, she answered confidently. I lifted a brow and she sighed, unlocking her phone to show me the screen. In big, black,bold letters there was written “No one” under a telephone number that I couldn’t recognise. I was shocked. “Then how did you added me to your contact list?”, I couldn’t help my curiosity. “None of your business”. And literally, she added me under that name. After that, we found ourselves laughing so hard on the hardwood floor until God knows when. She’s a genius and that’s when I realised how much I could possibly love her.

Pisces: “Get out of my way”, she yelled with her small fists clenched. I shook my head and tried to touch her arm but she screamed again and took a step back, falling on the bed with hot tears running down her cheeks. It broke my heart to see her like this. But it was all my fault. I carefully sat down next to her and, to my astonishment, she gave me the permission to touch her shoulder, in a comforting manner. “Please, listen to me”, I whispered, feeling how tears are starting to sting my eyes as well. “I’m done listening to you”, her beautiful eyes met mine, red because of how much she has been crying. I could see her suffering crystal clear. I’m such an idiot. “I love you so much and I always will but this time is different. This time, despite my feelings for you, I will leave and I will be happy. Without you. I am capable of moving forward. Alone. I am strong, ok? Regardless of what you think of me”, she suddenly cupped my face with her small hands and gave me a long, passionate kiss before getting up and running out the door. That’s the last time I saw her and I think about that moment every single day of my life. I hope she does too, because I can’t forget her.

Qualities the signs desire from their partners (THEIR TYPE):

•ARIES: They love a good warrior prince/princess and, as weird as it may sound, they won’t be with you unless you prove them that you can handle a little bit of anger hotness. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they will want to fight you, but they’re clearly down for some fiery discussions that will reveal your level of patience, independence and intelligence. They want a full package, not less and from their point of view, a strong partner should want that too so girls, guys, keep your standards high and make them clear with an Aries because it’s a HUGE turn-on for them to know that you hold a power of your own.


•TAURUS: If persistence was labeled as a fetish, these guys would have it all the way. For them, a persistent person is viewed as loyal and stubborn, with their feet on the ground and eyes on the prize. They, as people, are this way and when they are hunting down partners, they will be searching for the person that embodies what they want to be or what they already are. They want to receive what they are giving because there’s never a worse thing than wearing your heart on your sleeve for someone who couldn’t care less.


•GEMINI: You probably guessed it by now but these people are drawn to intellect and personality more than anything else. They are drawn in by interesting people who are honest and original and aren’t afraid to be different. They think that the more damaged you are, the more interesting you are and their HUGE curious minds aren’t afraid to dive into your mystery. Geminis want people who can stand out from the crowd without doing anything at all, they are strong belivers that “it’s all in the eyes, baby”.


•CANCER: What would be better than finding a person with a pure heart, a person that you know they love you with all their being? That’s right, nothing is better than finding that one person who gets you, who loves you and never ever gets bored of your mood swigs, your ups and your downs. Cancers want these kind of people in their lives more than anything in the world. Even if they might not show it, or if they deny their strong desire for true and deep love, trust me, all they need is to feel like somebody cares about them. Like one person in a million actually puts them first, above anything else. They find that precious so, if you find yourself falling for a Cancer, don’t hide away your feelings for them. Make it clear. Tell them how much they mean to you.


•LEO: Diamonds, money, clothes. Save them for someone else. These people aren’t interested in your material things as they know they’re just a matter of time until they’re gone. It’s true, they love a beautiful and meaningful gift but what truly lures them in is power. The kind of power that shows through your confidence, words, actions, dreams and opinions. They are looking for a person who’s driven by a passion so crazy that it may seem as if nothing can stop then from chasing what they want to achieve. And trust me, they wouldn’t mind if their love and attention would be a goal on this person’s list hehe.


•VIRGO: It’s all fun and games until you bump into these people. Virgos are strong and intimidating people, who know they’re worth and aren’t afraid of adding tax. Still, behind their cold front and extremely high standards, there lies a powerful need for commitment. That’s why they often put their loved ones through tests and mind tricks. They want to know your limits, they want to see if you’re still there for them tomorrow. Just like Aries, they want to know the value of their loved one. They want to see how you go through the hard times because sometimes, this reveals how true the love between two individuals is.


•LIBRA: It is often said that these people are ALWAYS in love with someone or something. They’re labeled as the Venus of the Zodiac. And it’s not really a lie, after all. But, as much as they love life and what it has to offer, they still have hidden desires and hopes from their partners, such as the power of understanding one another and ability to not judge someone. Them, as people, are quite sensitive and they KNOW they make a lot of mistakes on a daily basis. People judge them more often than you may think and they know it. They want to connect with someone on a deeper and more meaningful level than just physical love or superficial, mundane love. They thrive for a divine mental connection. After all, they’re air signs for a reason.


•SCORPIO: I’m just going to be straight forward when it comes to this specific zodiac sign. They want someone crazy. Someone driven by passion. Someone who can lose their mind with when they come in contact. Brutal love that somehow might seem damaging to the world but, behind closed doors, it’s the antidote they need in order to heal. They want someone who doesn’t care about the opinion of others. Someone with back bone and a lot of mystery. Someone who opens up to them and them only. They want loyalty, power, and a love so pure and true that’s never going to run cold. Ever.


•SAGITTARIUS: Being something they can’t forget is your best solution. Now, you may wonder: Okay but how do I do this? Simple. Be yourself. These are people who value honesty and truth (it’s a fire thing) and whatever is strictly original and honest is going to bloom a feeling of respect inside them. You don’t have to match with their quircky interests and nor do you have to share the exact same mentality as them, as long as you embrace your true self and love yourself first above anything else, they’re going to appreciate and love you just like they love themsleves. Your vibes influence their vibes so pay attention to what you’re putting out there, my friend.


•CAPRICORN: If you’re a rebel without a cause I would suggest you work on that hot temper of yours and lower your ego at least a little bit because Capricorns are born to lead, control and command. This doesn’t mean, however, that you have to transform yourself into their puppy or servant. It just means that they are searching for someone who respects and accepts their way of being, which sometimes might be a little too stubborn. They want to be with someone strong that is going to be on their side, whether they agree with them or not. Supporting them and being there for them even through their hardest times is the type of relation they value the most.


•AQUARIUS: Honestly, you can be whatever you want to be as long as you respect them and show them that you care about their beliefs and opinions. They love well-educated people because they give off a superior and intelectually mature vibe which is DEFINITELY their cup of tea. Put away any fake remark and show them that you’re strong enough to handle the truth. Aquarius people are very confident whether they know it or not and they easily fall for people who are able to show off their passion towards the world, without any trace of regret. Being raw and real while still keeping a balance between arrogance and honesty, love and hate, is what they are searching for as they are tired of fake people and fake relationships. Do this and there’s a chance you’ll make them fall in love and TRUST ME, an Aquarius in love is everything you’ve ever wished for. I promise.


•PISCES: They daydream about the day they’ll live a real-life fantasy along with the love of their life, fighting against anything that tries to tear them apart. And even though they are perfectly aware of the fact that fantasy remains fantasy, they still need a partner that allows them to dream and who even dreams with them. They need someone who can be soft enough to love them and yet strong enough to bring them back to reality whenever it’s the case. Being open-minded and caring, generous and a peace maker is going to get you on their good list, for sure.


I’m not really sure if this EXACTLY what you’re looking for in a partner and that’s why I would suggest you to check your Venus sign as well as your Mars as they might influence this specific branch of astrology. THANK U ❤️

•Why you should TOTALLY date the signs

Aries: They are the definition of adventure, passion and intellectual stimulation. Their humor has the power to light up any bad day. Never boring & always full of energy. Willing to get out the best in you.


Taurus: They will teach you the benefits of slow reveal and do that old fashioned thing of getting to know each other first before ripping clothes off. Gentle & thoughtful. Won’t let anyone judge you.


Gemini: Their imagination is fascinating, just like their overall personality. They are such good partners that time spent with them flies by without even realising. Spontaneous, adaptable & talentated conversationalists.


Cancer: They’ll actually listen and give a f*ck about everything you’re saying. Cancer brings a sense of connectedness to the dating table. Sentimental & deeply connected to their family & friends. Great at making you feel cared of.


Leo: This sign will remind you off a sense of occasion – how much fun it is to dress up and choose the perfect accessory to compliment the perfect outfit. They also have really big hearts of gold & are a great shoulder to cry on. Fabulously nice.


Virgo: They usually have a mindful aura. They can help you live a healthier life and also keep you inspired with their knowledge. Five star time managers Virgo will also teach you how to seamlessly fit a lot more into an average day without stress overload. Sort of mysterious.


Libra: They are carefree, fun people that just simply LIVE for a little romance. Cliche-ic or not, they will give you the exact amount of attention you need, without asking for anything in return. Their love can make them become completely selfless. Dreamy & peace makers.


Scorpio: They represent temptation in flesh and bones. Firey personality, they will make you pray for their presence in your life. Extremely passionate & possesive. The thrill is always there.


Sagittarius: They are the kind of people who aren’t afraid of showing affection in most weird ways possible. Blame it on their spontaneous character or on their free spirit. Open minded geniuses & super sweet when in love.


Capricorn: They’ll motivate and life you up. They typically reprezent the perfect partner as they will constantly try to inspire you and help you reach your goals. Relaxing presence & generous.


Aquarius: They are the eye-opener you’ve probably searched for for so long! They’ll challenge you to examine yourself, they’ll teach you how to love yourself and everyone around you. Great listeners & encouraging. Sometimes can be selfless.


Pisces: They can easily help you out by sharing their funky viewpoint upon life. They’ll talk about anything and everything and will always protect you, under any circumstances. Sensitive but not a fool. That one person who will never laugh at you if you cry at movies.

Capricorn Venus

Can fall in love with anyone but will not commit if it doesn’t make financial sense.

Gemini Venus

Tries to be consistent but can’t help but be easily bored by the monotony of relationships. 

Libra Venus

Wants Love to be like a fairytale but forgets all fairy tales don’t have happy endings

.4 ✨

~mars/lilith-pluto aspects, and maybe even scorpio moons/moon in 8th house might have a sex addiction.

~venus/moon-neptune, and moon/venus in 12th might be great at art or just really enjoy it in general

~pisces/neptune in 7th house attracts broken lovers while these on the 11th house attracts broken friends

~aquarius sun men either have small penises or big ones no in between while their opposite sign most of the time have big dicks

~they say an empty house means that area isn’t significant in your life but that seems to be the exact opposite? like i have an empty 7th house but i love relationships and have them a lot lol

~aquarius/uranus in 4th might prefer to hangout with friends than family

~aquarius/uranus in 5th might do unusual and/or even illegal things for fun lol

~taurus in 3rd house might be slower learners than others, but have nice writing

~leo in 8th are territorial of their lovers

~virgo in 5th might ignore red flags when they like someone or only focus on the good traits of their crushes

~also virgo and gemini in 5th might be the types to have a new crush every week lol

~venus/uranus aspect or uranus in 7th house might be in a poly or open relationship

☺️~mars in taurus girls might prefer a traditionally masculine boyfriend

~sun-saturn aspects can be shy and/or reserved

~i feel like moon, mercury, your 2nd/5th house ruler aspecting uranus might make you like adult animations like american dad, rick and morty, etc

~sagittarius are the “least” fire sign. like ik a few that are more chill/laid back and aren’t really athletic. they still aren’t afraid to curse you out doe lmao

~earth sign girls are usually like unique from style to personality

~speaking of earth sign girls, taurus girls are either really basic or weird in a good way lol.

~dating your 4th house sign can be like a nurturing love. they encourage you to do certain things, want the best for you, they feel like they have to protect you, etc. it’s just a warm relationship.

~but dating your 10th house sign can make you feel somehow inferior(sometimes)

~scorpio, capricorn, and maybe even gemini placements like people they can’t easily read/keeps them guessing

~cancer/moon, scorpio/pluto, and even virgo/mercury on the 7th house can have partners or be partners that share everything with their partners like passwords, keys, etc due to possessiveness.

~libra placements worry a lot, and can nitpick.

‍♀️~gemini placements love makeup(wearing it or doing it or both lmao)

~aries placements esp suns are definitely the “baby” of the zodiac. something doesn’t go their way and they start lashing out and being rude. can be selfish too

~but then again since they’re the “babies” they can be warm and sweet

‍♀️~taurus, and libra mars/mars-venus are more likely to do yoga

~adults/ppl of authority like saturn in 4th ppl lol

‍~teachers obviously have a soft spot for venus in 9th/sag ppl

~taurus placements are NOT lazy! lol they only do things if they’re interested/motivated, doesn’t necessarily mean their lazy bruh

‍♀️~i notice one twin can act like their actual sign and the other one like their opposite sign

remember you are amazing, and don’t take any of these too seriously. i love you all so much♡︎

Astro Notes 6

do NOT copy, can post wherever just make sure to give my acc credit.

whateverelement your moon sign is in, you may have a “thing” for ppl with their sun in that element for example:i have a thing and attract many air sign men bc my moon is in gemini. my ex had a capricorn moon and he seems to have a thing for earth sign women.

capricorn men are really arrogant and can be narcissists, eww

saturn in 4th house may avoid going to their hometown/where they came from bc it brings up bad memories or they see ppl that gave them trauma. can also be indicated by lilith in 4th, and certain aspects to the 4th ruler

fire signs in the 8th house may move on fast after a breakup, maybe even too fast‍

•whileearth signs in the 8th house may take too long to move on

water signs in the 8th house can become depressed, moody, and maybe obsessive when going through a breakup

air signs in the 8th house may just chill when going through a break up, and accept things for the way they are. but may also try to find out and think abt what went wrong. all these 8th house breakup observations came from @moonianbbyg astro notes post, check it out :)

saturn in 6th house ppl are usually skinny (saturn=restrict, 6th=rules stomach)

cancer, and maybe moon in 9th house may have in laws that’ll want you to engage in family events/holidays, and may be warm but may also have an overbearing in law or just toxic & obsessive in laws in general

sag & aqua in 10th house may not do well with authority/may rebel against authority figures

•mars in 9th may have thought of fucking a teacher/professor(hopefully y’all don’t act on this), and/or may like schoolgirl/teacher role plays, probably wants to do it AT school‍.

ruler of 11th house in 10th house may get a career through connections to ppl, or may start a business with a friend

ruler of 2nd house in 8th may like to wear black, and eyeliner. may be attracted to the goth, grunge aesthetic and may be attracted to ppl that dress like that. i have this, although i don’t rlly dress like it that much, i do love when men paint their nails black, wear red/black clothes, and are introverted

•also2nd house ruler in other houses definitely indicate your type based off of looks. for example:in 7th house may usually attract or be attracted to someone that’s conventionally attractive, dresses up to date, basic, and maybe even popular

3rd house ruler in 1st have no problem speaking up and speaking their mind.

all air risings are charming in their own ways and unintentionally flirty. sometimes we can be giggly and laugh at someones jokes then everyone thinks we’re attracted to them/flirting, maybe we just find you genuinely funny.

•ik it’s leo’s that are associated with this but capricorns should be too. sometimes we get mad when we don’t get our way lmaoo, we can be bratz.

•speaking of leo’s, i’ve noticed a lot of them have scorpio children/a scorpio child? y’all really be getting busy on valentine’s day, huh? maybe that’s just me lol

taurus mars hate getting tested for strep throat or anything that deals with the throat, since it’s our sensitive area

virgo women are the fakest out of all the earth signs based on my personal experience

sagittarius women love to watch netflix/streaming services and lay in bed. probably prefer it over hanging out with friends, at least some days

•novemberscorpios are more possessive, but october ones are just straight childish sometimes.

leo men are the type of boys at schools to bully and annoy girls they like‍♀️

gemini risings have the most misconceptions abt them, no matter if their mc is in aqua or pisces. ppl just assume stuff and/or rumors are spreaded, ppl should just talk to us instead of assuming

cap mercury are some of if not, THE best song writers (taylor swift, shakira, and so many other celebs have this)

•the vibe between gemini and sag moons are ✨✨. one of them can be like “yo ik it’s 3am but wanna go drive to a mcdonald’s and chill in a parking lot” and the other one is always down no matter what

•alsosag women usually absolutely want kids or absolutely DON’T. same goes for gemini women or they may just want 2 at most.

moon in 9th house in synastry/composite indicates maturing the other person or each other. you expand each other’s POV, and get them to try new things. it’s an underrated placement imo. trying new foods from other cultures and traveling together, so cute, and very interesting and sweet.

cap risings, cap placements in general, and virgo rising in 2nd/cap decan definitely have some of the best hair

•allfire signs are definitely the friends to hype you up “gurl you’re so pretty” “yesss bitchhh” “okay i see you”

•a lot of gemini personal placements have very nice and beautiful eyelashes. same can be said abt capricorn, regardless of gender lmao.

mars in 12th house ppl hate doctors offices and hospitals/going to one. they’d rather get better at home.

capricornsand scorpios usually have long, and deep convos together. very interesting relationship these two signs have, and yeah they are similar(i’ve seen many posts that say that and it’s truee)

•a lot of earth moons need to work on being less ignorant and closed minded. y’all don’t try new things then feel a way when y’all get called boring “don’t knock it til you try it”

•a lot of scorpio guys are naturally funny and entertaining

•gem moons always try to think of the best thing to tell you when you’re in a bad mood, bc we can imagine what we would want to be told in your position. copes with humor/jokes around a lot, but it would be nice to be told words of encouragement every now and then :,). we low key love paragraphs lol.

•somesag placement girls be like “i can save/change him ”. , gurl if you don’t just walk away

earth moons rarely use heart emojis

taurus mercurys are usually closed minded and have to have the last word in an argument. if someone has a different opinion, they get all stubborn and stuff ESP if they are a cancer moon.

cancer mars men can actually be abusive/hurt women and may even be misogynistic smh

moon in 9th ppl like to party, and may even drink alcohol or do drugs to cope with pain. but this placement is also wise and observant. they know how to read ppl lol but they are NOT afraid to let their opinion be put out there. they can be no filtered fr

mature virgo moon women always care abt others, helps those in need, AND can give actually really good advice on breakups, relationships, fake friends, and moving on, bc they can also be logical if that makes sense.

•a lot of pisces suns are firstborns, and so are a lot of virgo placements

•ifyour moon and asc are in the same sign, chances are your style really does reflect off of your personality. for ex:both of mine are in gemini, i’ve had so many different hair colors and that would show that im open minded, outgoing and adaptable, which is what i’ve been described as by peers :)

aquariuses need to learn the difference between being confident and just plain arrogant not all but a good amount

i was on twitter and i seen a tweet from shawtyastrology(shoutout to them)abt howjupiter in houses can indicate your fave subjects in school or what classes you might take. so i wanna use some more examples:in 6th, health. in 8th, psychology/human behavior. in 9th, geography. in 10th, finances. in 11th, math or science or technology classes, in 5th art class, 4th culinary class/lunch(doesnt rlly count but lmao) etc.

•somevenus in 5th house ppl might actually do long distance relationships. also sometimes y’all say “i love you” too soon, when in reality you’re just infatuated. also will be loving caregivers/parents.

•if your big 3 is in a scorpio degree(8, 20), you may attract obsessive ppl and a lot of ppl may be jealous of you.

gemini/aqua in 2nd may be experimental with diets

•unless there’s a positive moon-mercury aspect to save it in synastry/composite, if your moon is negative to any of the personal planets you may not feel comfortable expressing yourself to them and may not rlly have an connection on an emotional level. if there’s no negative aspects at all from/to the moon, that’s also a good sign lol.

•if you and your besties have a positive mercury-mars aspect in composite or synastry, then y’all would be the ones that gossiped and walked in gym class lmaoo. conversations come easy in this relationship, and this is your friend that’s always straight up/real with you.

mars-uranus/neptune aspects in the natal chart can indicate being a social drinker and/or experimenting with drugs at some point.

•venus in 9th and maybe11thindicates having no type/having a wide dating range

taurus in mars sends off a licentious vibe, due to just being sensual, romantic individuals

•just like their opposite moon sign, taurus moons be dishonest

, , . .

Aries Venus:

•falls in love fast, but also falls out of love fast

•probably believes in love at first sight

•they are most likely a fan of surprises. needs someone that always has something up their sleeve

•fierce, will go after what they want

•inpatient in love, and may move too fast

•moves on fast

•full of passion

•may prefer the chase than an actual relationship

•may wear red a lot, something bold and eye catching. may like lace, or sportswear. this placement makes me think of red stilettos

•will NOT let anyone disrespect the ones they love, they’ll call you out and won’t think twice when they feel like your hurting their crushes/loved ones feelings

•turn offs is someone that moves slow, has too high expectations, won’t be able to be fun all the time, and someone that never takes any risks

•you’ll have a better chance with these individuals if you’re confident

•most compatible zodiac signs out of each element: fire:leo earth:virgo water:scorpio air:gemini

Taurus Venus:


•loves to touch. tickling, hugging, cuddling, kissing, etc

•likes to take things slow, can’t be with someone that’s inpatient

•traditional/old school love. may buy you flowers, chocolate, etc

•also may prefer traditional gender roles. my ex had this and he always insisted on paying for my food when we went out

•selfish in love, wants your attention and can be possessive

•may like fancy dates like going to italian restaurants, drinking wine together, cooking together, etc

•doesn’t have time for silly games, and realistic

•dresses comfortably, unless it’s a special occasion. may like to wear sweatpants a lot lol. hoodies/sweaters. may like to dress with clothes that deal with nature like shorts with flower designs on it

•will open up to you if you make them comfortable, it might take some time

•will make sure you’re secure and protected

•loyal, and easily jealous

•they will leave a situation if they think the person will waste their time, won’t settle down, is all over the place, isn’t romantic, and is always rushing you

•probably a huge fan of nature, cottagecore, etc

•most compatible zodiac signs out of each element: fire:sagittarius earth:capricorn air:libra water:cancer

Gemini Venus:

‍♀️•will flirt with you all the time, even after your official

•hard to pin down in the first place tho

‍♀️•lives in the now, and may not plan out their future

•not the most trustworthy, but is fun and full of light heartedness

‍♀️•not afraid to make first moves, and charm their way into your pants

•loves having conversations, may make small talk often

‍♀️•probably sapiosexuals, finds intelligence mesmerizing

•runs away from true intimacy

‍♀️•playful, and can’t be with someone that doesn’t have the same sense of humor

•style isn’t expected, is colorful, and usually feminine. may love to have purses as well

‍♀️•most compatible zodiac signs out of each element: fire:sagittarius, maybe aries earth:virgo air:aquarius water:pisces

Cancer Venus:

•needs a lover and comfort space in one.

•hoodies/sweaters, feminine clothing, clothes with sayings on it or flowers, and softer colors are what you probably wear or are attracted to

•some of the sweetest, and sensitive ppl around. can be loving, and values love in all formsd(platonic, familial, romantically)

•emotionally intelligent, knows what to do to make others feel better and always thinks of others

•serious when it comes to love. doesn’t want someone that sucks around all the time, wants commitment

•the small things matter to these ppl, so try to remember!

•can be a bit intense

•may have a hard time leaving something toxic, but i hope yk you deserve the world

•moody asf doe lmao

•likes luxuries, and looking beautiful

•most compatible zodiac signs out of each element: fire:leo water:pisces air:libra earth:capricorn

Leo Venus:

•will show you off no doubt, and always talk highly of you

•warm, and fun to be around. will always try to make sure you have a good time when with each other

•jealous, don’t be giving attention to these other hoes

•may like to wear or may be attracted to colors like red, gold, and purple. may dress edgy and they shine✨

•overprotective, and will stand up for you

•has a love for fashion

•knows their worth, and radiates confidence

•overdramatic little hoes lol, won’t care to argue with you in public if you push them

•will shower you in affection and wants to be showered in appreciation and compliments in return

•most compatible zodiac signs out of each element: fire:aries earth:capricorn air:libra water:cancer

Virgo Venus:

•makes sure things go okay for ppl they care abt(alarm clocks are on, that the clothes they need for the week are clean, etc)

•has a genuine heart, and cares abt others but may not be good at showing it

•some may say your standards are too high, but you just know your worth‍♀️

•but you may have a habit of nitpicking and need to learn to embrace flaws, nobody is perfect and flaws can be beautiful.


•may be a grudge holder

•dresses “clean” if that makes sense. well put, a fan of pastels and neutral colors.

•hates/not rlly a fan of PDA

•shy, and does like lovey dicey shit, just likes it in private. but yeah usually shy, it’s kinda cute

•freaky deaky in private lmao

•chill individuals

•enters love with caution

•small things also matter to these folks, so pay attention. they will remember the small details abt you too. observant, and good listeners

•most compatible zodiac signs out of each element: fire:sagittarius earth:capricorn air:aquarius water:scorpio

Libra Venus:

•can have hoe tendencies ngl (which is actually good bc do you, just don’t break any hearts in the process please and be safe)

•charming asf, don’t ever be scared to go after a crush cause whew‍

•dresses up to date/trendy style, simply glamorous, and can easily pull off dresses. feminine and fancy clothes may be your thing. the best venus for style tbh, y’all make sure everything is done from head to toe✨‍♀️

•also has high standards, and can be nitpicky, they just know what they want

•loves romance. rose petals on beds or baths, wine tasting, picnics, etc

•just like their opposite sign aries, they can lose interest and move on fast

•loves to flirt, and may also be a fan of the chase lol

•tactful, and fair.

•logical, and rational. i feel like many lawyers have this

•but they are intune with their feminine side

•i feel like these ppl prefer to go out and eat than cook tbh

•good at cooking usually tho

•can be nonchalant, and over rationalize things if that makes sense

•most compatible zodiac signs out of each element:fire:sagittarius earth:capricorn air:gemini water:scorpio

Scorpio Venus:

•vengeful, don’t even think abt cheating on these ppl you will get fucked over

•will stick with you to the end, ride or dies

•attracted to toxicity and usually finds a way to mess up a relationship(unless their mature)

•takes them awhile to trust others

•usually reserved

•oversensitive asf, like you gotta avoid making certain jokes around these ppl. some of y’all are the type to playfully insult someone but can’t take it when they do it back. can’t take what you dish out lol

•vv sexual and sensual, damn chill out you horny dolphin lmao.

•jealous asf omg, they want ALL of your attention when your around. possessive

•may have a tendency to lie, but hate liars(kinda hypocritical)

•lowkey bubbly, and fun. can be sweet

•loves black, and red clothing. clothing that’s mysterious and sexy

•can do things based off of emotion then regret it, mainly off of anger

•insecure, and just needs to know that you’ll always be there

•loves to stare at crushes lmaoo

•stop stalking them on social media tho

•sweet but rarely/only when they finally let you in

•most compatible zodiac signs out of each element:fire:aries earth:this one is hard, it depends on the moon tbh air:libra water:cancer

Sagittarius Venus:

•wants someone who isn’t clingy, but who isn’t distant either

•attracted to/attracts foreigners, and may adore other cultures/countries

•may getting luck through love/romance

•loves to travel far

•not rlly the jealous type, and may even try a poly or a threesome lol

•will post you on their socials

•may be flighty/flaky, and play games

•frat boy energy

•may confuse infatuation for love

•turn offs are someone that’s clingy, oversensitive, boring/never spontaneous, someone that wants commitment first not later.

•may love to tell stories

•introduces you to new things, perhaps from different countries/cultures

•spirit is fun, energized, friendly, curious, and free

•experimental in relationships, may date different races, genders, etc just for the experience

•someone that’s adventurous, talkative, chill, not possessive/jealous, and fun are what you like

•wants to explore the world with lover, and/or bsfs

•hugs, you love to receive and probably give them

•will try to be loyal when they feel comfortable around you, and like they’ll never be bored of you

~will make an effort to hangout with you

~may dress up in clothes that are exotic, may dress hippie like or be attracted to those styles

•probably loves to skate

•laidback, a little bit too much lol

•most compatible zodiac signs out of each element:fire:aries earth:virgo air:libra water:pisces

Capricorn Venus:

•We love with our all, and 100%. you’re either in 100% or out.

•We do NOT like our time wasted, esp when we could’ve gave it to someone else.

•We fall slowly but hard‍

•We’re very romantic, and some of us(including myself) like very cheesy romantic things(low key). going on dates to nice restaurants, baths together, etc. we can indeed be romantic lol.

•We just like to hide our romantic and cheesy side and come off as detached bc we don’t wanna give 100% to someone that will only give 50%.

•We also almost always have the best intent and would never hurt our lovers on purpose. your mood is our mood.

•We’re not picky bc we’re ℎℎ (even tho we kinda are). we’re picky bc we wanna love without getting hurt in the process, and don’t want to waste our time bc time isn’t something you can get back and we hate fails lol.

•May dress casual, fancy, and/or classy. may wear/love to wear neutral colors in general, black, grey, brown, etc or green

•When it comes to makeup, may do just the natural look, or a few things like mascara, lipstick, and that’s it.

•May like elegant beauty/aesthetic, 60s vibe. fashion from different decades in general. may like academia aesthetic

•clingy, insecure, fast moving, childish, and someone that doesn’t have their shit together is not our cup of tea

~attracts older ppl, if not then attracts ppl that may look older or have a mature mindset

~also attracts/is attracted to possessive, and mysterious ppl

~traditional, may not mind traditional gender roles and values marriage

~thoughtful, always thinking of partner and discusses decisions with partner

~needs reassurance(suprise!). we have doubts and sometimes feel like our partner may not care abt us or that we aren’t good enough so yes reassurance is nice

~stubborn, even in love. also skeptical of romance

~not afraid of love, more afraid of heartbreak, esp since we take longer than others to move on

~thinks about future with partner/crush, and daydreams abt it. picky with friends also

•level headed, and hates stupidity/ignorance

•will say i love you when 100% sure, which will take quite awhile.

•doesn’t lose interest easily unless you rlly piss us off or we find better

•most compatible zodiac signs out of each element:fire:leo earth:taurus air:libra water:cancer

Aquarius Venus:

•like sag venus, experimental and open minded. will probably try a threesome, dating other genders, races, etc lol

•assholes ngl, usually unintentionally but still lmao

•may go against authority, and independent

•most likely doesn’t want to meet your(their significant others) parents/family lmao and i feel them on that tbh or may not want to spend much time with them

•dresses unusual. may wear weird color combos, mismatched things like shoes, hippy vibes. and probably dresses from other decades too or wants to.

•music are the loves of their life, and interested in photos?

•minds their business, and doesn’t rlly want to be the center of attention

•crushes are sudden and random lol. may crush on their friends also

•doesn’t get jealous like that

•flirty, and probably fuckboys/girls. some of y’all are also too friendly with y’all exes.

•hates clingyness, and over emotionalness/sensitivity

•will most likely bring a friend on dates, esp the first one

•most compatible zodiac signs out of each element:fire:leo earth:virgo air:gemini water:pisces

Pisces Venus:

•has a soft spot for animals, and connects/attaches to them

•may wear rose tinted glasses and ignore red flags/gives ppl the benefit if the doubt too often

•likes dresses that flow in the air. cute patterns, like hearts or cheetah prints may catch your attention. may like to wear colors like blue, green, maybe even lavender.

•starry eyed/fanciful, and romantic

•has a love for art, and music


•may get disappointed easily, bc you make up ideas of a person in your head that they most likely can’t live up to

•loves poems, and may like to make some of their own

•turn offs are someone that’s distant, rude, always on the go/too hyper, mean, and not romantic/dreamy

•emotion absorber

•empathetic, and selfless. cares abt others

•like virgo, wants someone that’ll help them with stuff. remind them to do their hw, put a blanket over them when they fall asleep, stuff like that

•most compatible zodiac signs out of each element:fire:sagittarius earth:between capricorn and taurus air:gemini water:cancer

traits may be affected by other planets and aspects as well. bye now✌

Also check out my masterlist :)

gemini/aquarius rising, and/or second house most likely has/likes many aesthetics.

i see many air men/earth women, and fire men/water women couples (sometimes the gender is switched, but i see it more common this way).

gemini/mercury in 2nd house may be attracted to intelligence or may be sapiosexuals.

taurus moons are one the hardest placements for self improvement. they don’t like change, and they’re stubborn asf, and sometimes can be closed minded, so it may take them longer. same can go for any personal taurus placement tbh, but esp the moon and esp if there’s no sag/aqua or 9th/11th house energy in the chart

cancer/moon in 3rd house, mercury in cancer maybe, moon-3rd house ruler and moon-mercury aspects indicate expressing yourself/crying at school(i literally do every year).

3rd house=driving style. mars aspecting 3h ruler, 3h ruler in aries, or 3rd house in aries means you may get angry easily on the road/have road rage easier than others.

fire sign in 3rd:fast drivers, thinks they can do no wrong on the road/arrogant drivers, gets angry/impatient easily w/other drivers.

earth sign in 3rd:careful, and aware when on the road. easygoing drivers, drives at a good pace, uses common sense. may get anxious when driving(mainly virgo).

air sign in 3rd:gets easily distracted when driving/may text, may daydream/zone out when driving, may get stressed when driving(mainly gemini).

water sign in 3rd:may also daydream when driving. driving may relax these individuals or just bring up some type of emotion. thinks of others on the road, not just themselves.

a lot of tauruses are snitches

your12th house sign you may dislike that sign at first, but love that sign later

whatever house you have astellium in, you may take a liking to that sign/favor that sign. for ex:9th house may favor sagittarius, 2nd taurus, 12th pisces, etc

water signs are more likely to break up with someone over the littlest thing/over something stupid. gotta walk on eggshells around these folks smh. y’all gotta learn how to communicate and be strong through thick & thin

aries/mars in 8th like horror movies, and may even like watching uncensored videos of ppl dying. (dude i was talking to had this, and tried showing me a video of someone being stabbed). they may also have a violent, bloody death, and/or their life may be short. also a lot of these ppl have veiny dicks and may be curved.

Lilith in leo/5th may love or don’t mind being called promiscuous, a maneater, heartbreaker, etc bc we love the attention. we love validation from all genders, no matter what our sexual orientation is/what gender we’re attracted to. compliments are our energy sources lol. confidence is seen here. bad bitch energy in general.

Cancer in 3rd have soft, warm, and tender hands, and can have fat/chubby hands lol, as a result we give amazing handjobs

alsocancer in 3rd may make jokes/like jokes that talk abt our trauma or we relate to emotionally. same goes for moon in gemini, and in sag, and moon-mercury/jupiter aspects.

moon in first definitely indicate big boobies. also jupiter in 4th probably does too.

moon-uranus indicates taking your phone everywhere, not wanting to be far from it, and yeah having an attachment to it.

5h ruler positively aspecting the moon can indicate a liking to bake. a negative aspect may hate it. look at your 5h ruler to see what hobbies you may have, and what you may be like flirting wise or when it comes to dating/in the beginning of a relationship, esp if yours lacks planets.

the opposite sign of your 4th house sign may be how you view your mom for some reason lol. i have leo in 4th, but i see my mom with aquarius traits(distant, on her phone a lot, independent, intelligent, funny, hardworking, etc).

alsoyour moon sign is a good indicator of how you may view your mom(this is why you and your siblings have different relationships with her/view her differently). if your moon sign is one of her dominants y’all may be really close or you may even be her favorite child.

4th house sign indicates how you may design your house/room. ex:pisces in 4th ppl may have/want tapestries, and paintings in their house.

mercury in 8th house ppl are powerful. we know how to get under your skin, we know how to seduce you, we know how to fuck with your mind, we just know. a lot of us are into psychology, are observant, and just intelligent in general.

saturn is what you’re good at, or you become good at it. ex:4th comforting ppl/being there for others, 2nd dressing up or cooking maybe, 7th having long term relationships/dating, etc.

jupiter/sagittarius=many/a lot of/quantity. for example:6th house, many pets, 11th many friends, 7th many hoes/exes, etc.

if you have the 6th house stellium in synastry with one of your parents, or if their malefic planet is in your 6th house they may be very controlling, and that parent likely affected your pov on everyday things, positive or negative.

alsoyour parents saturn in your 5th house indicates that parent being strict over 5th house themes. for example:may not let you have sleepovers often or at all, may not let you date until you get out of their house, may not let you eat snacks/“unhealthy foods” ever, may make you come home right after school, etc. i have this with my dad, and i’m glad to say i live with my mother

actually wherever your parents saturn is, is where they come at your neck at. for example:6th house, nags you to death to do chores, 11th may force you to make friends when you don’t want to or may nag at you for being on the internet too much lol.

ifyour moon is in one of your parents 4th house, you could be their favorite child, or very close to them, and remind them of themselves when they were growing up✨

5th house stellium in child-parent synastry chart can indicate hanging out and having fun with that parent. can be besties with that parent.

a lot of pisces have BIG heads lmao.

underdeveloped virgo women can be really toxic and the type to say backhanded compliments or just point out all the bad stuff abt someone smh. the type to insult you all the time and label it as a joke. can apply to the men too.

capricorn women are short more often than not. also a lot usually have/need glasses.

people with mercury-mars vocab is half of cursing lmao(atleast for me personally)

mercury-uranus aspects are the type of ppl to make the most random/animal/cartoon character noises out of nowhere or just speak gibberish just because lmao.

mercury aspects indicates how you talk, 2nd or 3rd house(idk which one but yeah maybe both lmao) indicates the sound of your voice(high, raspy, low, weird, etc)

i feel like saturn in 12th/saturn-neptune individuals may be scared of hospitals or the doctors office.

pluto in 4th people will not tell you about their childhood/upbringing, esp if it was bad. hard to know individuals. these people also love to squeeze and touch boobies like there stress balls lmfao.

always check what decan your rising goes into. whatever planet it goes into, you need to read that sign that rules it when looking at rising posts. you may even look like that sign. this guy i was talking to had a virgo rising but in saturn decan. the capricorn rising readings definitely applied to him more, esp when it came to looks.

capricorn venuses may stay in toxic relationships. mainly if it’s been long. we don’t like our time wasted and we want to see things through. we try to think positive. ending things hurts us deeply, and it does take us a bit to move on, esp if we really cared abt you. but we always learn our lesson, and get someone better afterwards and not repeat the same mistakes. we’re very loyal and try to make things work. we stick through thick and thin, and know how to be by your side and there for you. honestly one of our best traits.

virgo moons like to help people in need. caring, and definitely not selfish. workaholics omg lol. y’all get a high from working. feels incomplete when unemployed.

leo’s are hands down one of the warmest sign, definitely the warmest out of the fire signs, even tho all of y’all are sweet. most of y’all are just really have a good heart. some of the men be hoes tho lol. if underdeveloped, can be a narcissist and mean.

virgo in 5h, and virgo venus may have a thing for people that will take care of them like dry them off with a towel when they get out the shower, make sure they eat a good amount, etc. can also apply to mars in 12th/pisces or mars-neptune.

7th house ruler can indicate your love language(and your 5th house sign to a lesser extent). Ex:my 7th house ruler is in 6th house therefore my love language is quality time, ruler in 3rd house may be words of affirmation, etc

gemini placements, esp moon live off of snacks. can go the whole day just eating snacks and not actual meals lol.

gemini moons have a way with words. we can be really convincing, but our words can also be really warm and caring. we’re some of the best paragraph, and love letter writers. we say our words with soul.

as a gemini moon, i feel like a lot of ppl aren’t there for us. they think we don’t have emotions bc we joke around a lot, but that’s just our way of hiding and coping with our emotions. please check up on your gemini moon friends every once in awhile. we’d appreciate it.

also gemini moons are reflective. if you’re being an asshole we’ll be one back, if you’re being affectionate we will be towards you too, etc. if you feel there’s something off, then check yourself first or just ask us in general.

last gemini moon note. we love our friends. we value friendship as much as romance. if you backstab us, you’ll pay..

venus in capricorn LOVE styles from different decades. i feel like this can apply to venus in aquarius too. my friend has a cap venus in 11th house and the way she dresses reminds me of the 70s and 80s, and it’s so fucking dope.

also capricorn in venus are the type to just wear mascara and lipstick and be on their way. this is how it is for me. also still on the topic of looks from decades the 1950s-60s look was one of the best hands down

the moon can indicate your favorite color, and probably the 4th, 5th and/or 11th houses too. my fave color is red, my moon is in the 1st house which is ruled by aries which is associated with the color red, also my moon has a scorpio degree. my best friend is a sag moon, her favor color is purple. my other bestie has her 4th house in gemini, and her favorite color is yellow.

scorpio venus men hate when their girlfriends have boy best friends and/or talk to boys a bit. don’t even think abt telling them something that you and that friend talked abt bc then the scorpio venus man will start saying things like “oh y’all would be so cute together” . they like what’s theirs. they don’t want to share and want all your attention(even when they don’t give you all of theirs).

virgo risings in the saturn decan have very nice hair usually. can be mistaken for a capricorn rising easily.

capricorn moons seem to hate facetime lol.

you may actually NOT get along that well with people that have the same moon sign as you. too much alike or just really can connect bc there’s not any differences.

venus in 2nd house are very touchy. the type of ppl to think “breaks” in a relationship are stupid. envious when they’re in love. may be the type to “buy” your love or try to lmaoo. likes to genuinely give gifts tho.

havingall air in your big 3 can make you an airhead fr lmao, esp if libra is present(i’m looking at you miss addison rae).

moon-neptune peeps more than likely like music that is emotional or just chill music that like you can get high to lmao.i think of sweater weather when it comes to this placement, and gasoline by halsey. music that just makes you think.

all the gingers i’ve met have ariesin their personal planets or just a prominent aries in their chart.


The Venus Signs & The 5 Love Languages ❤️

Okayyy so you guys know I love getting responses from people who actually have these placements ! So I asked my followers on IG to comment their venus sign & their #1 love language. So this is gonna be the results . For those people that couldn’t choose just one, their not included in the overall sum but I did make a note for them ! (I hope you understand what I’m saying)

Aries Venus : 7 people participated !

words of affirmation : 2/7

quality time : 0/7

receiving gifts : 1/7

acts of service : 2/7

physical touch : 2/7

*one person said both physical touch & words of affirmation

Taurus Venus : 3 people participated !

words of affirmation : 0/3

quality time : 1/3

receiving gifts : 0/3

acts of service : 0/3

physical touch : 2/3

*one person said both quality time & physical touch

Gemini Venus : 5 people participated !

words of affirmation : 1/5

quality time : 2/5

receiving gifts : 0/5

acts of service : 1/5

physical touch : 1/5

Cancer Venus : 4 people participated !

words of affirmation : 2/4

quality time : 0/4

receiving gifts : 0/4

acts of service : ¼

physical touch : ¼

Leo Venus : 4 people participated !

words of affirmation : 2/4 (my own vote is included in this)

quality time : ¼ (this is definitely a STRONG runner up for me)

receiving gifts : ¼

acts of service : 0/4

physical touch : 0/4

*one person said both gifts & physical touch

Virgo Venus : 4 people participated !

words of affirmation : 0/4

quality time : 2/4

receiving gifts : 0/4

acts of service : 2/4

physical touch : 0/4

*one person said both physical touch & acts of service

*another person said they like to give acts of service the most but they like to receive quality time the most

Libra Venus : no one with a libra venus participated unfortunately, it’s not my fault !!

Scorpio Venus : 7 people participated !

words of affirmation : 1/7

quality time : 0/7

receiving gifts : 0/7

acts of service : 0/7

physical touch : 6/7

*no i’m so fucking weak . why did someone say “any type of sacrifice” as an 8th house venus, same

Sagittarius Venus : 3 people participated !

words of affirmation : 0/3

quality time : 2/3

receiving gifts : 1/3

acts of service : 0/3

physical touch : 0/3

Capricorn Venus : only 2 people participated !

words of affirmation : ½

quality time : ½

receiving gifts : 0/2

acts of service : 0/2

physical touch : 0/2

Aquarius Venus :

*only two people participated & they both said words of affirmation !

*another person said quality TALK + banter

Pisces Venus : 6 people participated !

words of affirmation : 1/6

quality time : 2/6

receiving gifts : 0/6

acts of service : 2/6

physical touch : 1/6

*one person said both physical touch and quality time

*another person said they can’t choose between words of affirmation or physical touch

Venus & Mars combinations Natal Chart

Venus in Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

&Mars in Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

earth + water

Venus in Earth, Mars in Water (Romantic Earth, Watery Desires):You want stability and reliability in your relationships, but you also require emotional bonding and intimacy. Your partner is of immense importance to you, and you are helpful and kind to him or her. You are affectionate and sensual rather than wildly passionate. On the one hand, you can be dreamy and devoted, and other times you can be somewhat aloof and cool. You are at your best when you are encouraged by your partners——you need a lot of positive feedback——as well as when you know they trust and respect you. You are loyal to a partner who has won your heart. You go about getting what you want in life in an indirect manner, and you value all that is unspoken but known in bed. You are very private when it comes to matters of the heart, and you want, more than almost anything, to always know where you stand with a partner. You are drawn to partners who are simple, practical, and down-to-earth. Flashier types are not your cup of tea. You are at your best in a committed or at least long-term and secure partnership. You have an intense fear of rejection and humiliation when you are in a relationship, although it is unlikely you will reveal this part of your personality right away (if ever!). It takes you quite a bit of time to trust someone. You are a caring, giving, and warm partner and lover, although it can take time for you to open up to love and to feel free enough to express your warmth. Your partners find you somewhat hard to reach, but essentially quite committed and protective. In love, security is important to you, and a tender touch is always appreciated. You want to count on your lover, and you also want to feel that her or she is yours. A loyal and warm partner is much more appealing to you than a flashy, outgoing one whom you may not trust.

Astrology Questions Pt2

these following questions are for capricorn venus

  1. is the lack of showing affection a stereotype in your opinion, or is it actually true? what are your opinions on it?
  2. do you consider yourself to be a romantic person?
  3. how long does it take you to realize you truly love someone?
  4. how do you feel towards people who are very affectionate and outgoing?
  5. how do you feel towards big romantic gestures?

This particular post was requested by Blusshyy. so I hope you enjoy it.

Akashi Seijuro is one of the antagonists turned ally in Kuroko no Basket. He is athletic, good looking, comes from wealth, intelligence, well bred, well spoken, well-connected: as if Fujimaki-sensei ran out of adjectives to bestow upon him. Of all the impossible standards that the Generations of Miracle portray, Akashi is supposed to be the pinnacle of the impossible. This entire character creates a very rigid set of perfection which is frustrating and could be boring but it is borderline complex and quite disturbing when you dig deep. So let’s discuss the how Seijuro Akashi and his “anxiety of Leadership and Desire”


In my post  Kuroko no Basket Headcanon : GoM (+others) Horoscopes and Planetary Positions (Sun and Moon Sign) I have mentioned that Akashi is a Uttar Ashada Sun or the Constellation of the Undefeated (eng: Zeta Sagittarii), and His Aries Moon falls on Varani constellation or The Constellation of the Bearer (Eng: 35 Arietis). This is a very conflicting Sun and Moon position. Sun in astrology is the significater of father, soul, personality, body and authority. Sun is how people receive you in first appearance. The moon is one’s mind, emotions, mother, possibility of nourishment, psyche, friendship skills. So here is the conflicting part: Both his sun and moon signs are in fire signs: Sagittarius and Aries, but they are conflicting in nature: he has both Super Masculine and Super Feminine energy, volatile and non-submissive ones that clash with each other. 

Let’s talk his Sun sign now: Uttara Ashada is the last sun ruled sign, and it is considered the maturation point of Solar energy in Vedic Astrology. As it also placed in the Sagittarius sign, whose ruler is Jupiter, the eldest planet the maturation factor is even more powerful. Jupiter is the expanding benefic planet that never ends up giving: whether it is wealth, wisdom, capacities or kindness. This energy is greatly reflected in the Uttara Ashada, the Sun-ruled constellation. They fill they are obligated to give something extraordinary to the world, and they will do it by the means of authority and leadership. There is no harshness about this energy, but a keen superiority complex may plague them over time.

“Some are born leaders, some become leaders and others have leadership thrust upon them”: Sun males and concept of leadership

Uttara Ashada’s sense of “burdened with glorious purpose” is reflected on Akashi’s personality and behaviour with the others. Sun is a commanding force in the celestial cabinet, so it’s dominance gives great leadership skills in the person. In KnB there are three Sun ruled people: Hyuuga Junpei, who is a Taurus Moon belonging to Krittika Constellation which signifies the young rising sun, Aomine Daiki who is Virgo Sun belonging to Uttara Phalguni which  signifies the youthful midday sun and finally Akashi, the Uttar Ashada native signifying the old setting sun. Throughout the storyline we see three types of struggles for leadership.

 Hyuuga, who is a Krittika Moon and Mrigshira Sun (Sun and Mars) influenced, has to struggle and establish his leadership all in the course of the story. He has been questioned, he suffers internally, faces conflict between self doubt and romantic desire for Riko, annoyance and fear of extinction: overall his self critical nature and downright Martian stubbornness has been a dominant feature of his character. The Constellation Krittika is the first Sun ruled constellation and it is the Sanskrit origin for the word “Critical”, and it’s symbol is also a blade. Although they possess the quality of being number 1 and bearing responsibility, their self-critical attitude and pickiness sometimes alienate them from their peers. Hyuuga slowly gets grip on his leadership position by using his critical sense of self on his development and his Martian energy for taking the team forward. He also projects this enthusiasm, hard-core positivism and critical nature on his team. He is called the “mental core” of Seirin, and it is a very rejuvenating narrative to see on screen.  


Aomine, who is the Uttara Phalguni Sun and Magha moon (Sun and South Node) had all the typical alpha male qualities of a Sun. In this Youthful Sun constellation, sun is very erotically active, and possessing the natural energy of the Fifth house Leo (the house of creation, sexuality, children), the Uttara Phalguni retains the same energy in Virgo, which is Aomine’s Sun sign. Here Aomine becomes alpha male in a very crude sense: he is lurking with big-bosomed women’s magazines, openly claiming his sexuality, and secretly he is giving major envy to all those boys around him with his basketball skills. Sun shines on everyone and thus this energic display was not targeted on anyone in particular: However, His moon sign is a South Node ruled Sign which brings a twist in his narrative. As South Node symbolises detachment, boredom and renunciation, Aomine becomes tired of the things he was good at. He stops projecting his positiveness on other people, he stops practicing and even becomes hostile with his only best friend. Aomine’s depression is similar to Kagami’s experience in middle school, and coincidentally both are Magha moon natives. There experiences is not only to be blamed on them only; as they both come from Japanese society where homogeneity and community is everything: anyone who aspires to be better than the rest would be punished with isolation and exile. Sun people are not really bothered to be alone, but it the South node with brings in a melancholy note to their isolation.


Let’s discuss Akashi now. What makes Akashi so different than the other two sun natives and why we don’t see him struggle like Hyuuga and Aomine? The first answer would be “age of the sun”. Children struggle to establish themselves in the world of adults, Young people are resentful of the past traditions and intend to break them, while mature old people are very cavalier about the people around them with a general calmness which automatically earns them respect (in general). Akashi’s easy grace and complete lack of outer anxiety made him see as the leader material by both Teiko and Rakuzan authority. This easy grace is hard earned. As Sun is the significator of Father and Authority. sometimes Sun dominant males have a strong rivalry with the father. In the Sky, there can be one Sun, thus the conflict of father and son is inevitable. In his earlier days Akashi struggled under the controlling restriction of his father; the hardships that were put on him made everything occurring in the outside world easy.

 I haven’t mentioned anyone’s ascendant yet, but in this case I will. Akashi is a Libra ascendant and having Sagittarius Sun in third house (connections, speech, friends)/ Libra ascendants hold the original energy of seventh house (house of other people, marriage, partnerships) and they always perceive a good public image and pleasing others as intrinsic to their own self. This is probably the reason Akashi took all hostility from his father lying down, in order to please him and keep the image of a model son and heir of the Akashi conglomerate. The Third house sun made sure his speech is dignified, refined and classy and made him “leader” amongst his peers. This came with a graceful manner (from Venus ruled Libra ascendant) and effortless older-than-age maturity (Sagittarius sun)


Mind and a violent Desire for self assertion: Moon and Venus

Akashi’s moon sign is Aries, which is seventh from his libra ascendant. Aries is the original energy of first house: self, soul, individuality and freedom. Aries’ nature is to assert oneself and express individuality, but since it is in the seventh house, the house of other people, it is not comfortable here. Akashi is a Seventh house moon, which is naturally a happy place for moon, since moon is considered a social and soft planet. However it is the constellation of the moon which should be taken into consideration. Akashi’s’ moon sits in the Varani constellation or the constellation of the Bearer, which is the first Venus ruled constellation. This is the Second constellation in the celestial cabinet and the birthplace of Venus, the refined feminine energy and thus it is aptly symbolised with a Vagina. Venus is a planet associated with beauty, desire, refinement, luxury, sexuality, and this Particular constellation is the internal, rather embryonic state of Venusian energy. Venus is an enemy of moon despite being two complementary feminine energies: moon is all accepting, accommodating, maternal, emotional and friendly while Venus is creative, refined, discriminatory and sexual. As moon is also the mother, Akashi’s mother can be seen from this sign. It was hinted in several places that Akashi’s mother was a model wife, who was nourishing, submissive and downright maternal and Akashi was very attached to her. However it is seen that he lost his mother quite early due to an illness. The death of the mother can also be seen from the deity of Bharani: the God of Death, where things end.

Bharani is one of the most violent energies that can exist amongst constellation. It is not necessarily violent towards others, but it can be quite destructive towards the native. Since its symbol is a Vagina, it’s nature is quite internalized. It struggles to express its’ desires and functions by internalizing the pains and desires of one’s owns.  This process of negative internalisation started with the demise of his mother. Akashi’s mother’s death put an end to his emotional discharge in the domestic plane and since the constellation is placed at the seventh house it also begins to internalize the desires and expectations of others: the pressure of his father to be best at everything, the expectation of captainship in Teiko basketball team when Nijimura quitted etc. He becomes a creature of other’s expectation by continuing to internalize others’ assumptions about him. 


However this nature is very ill-suited for Aries (his seventh house zodiac) since it doesn’t quite understand putting others before oneself. Thus it responds quite egotistically when confronted. Akashi has been challenged twice in his middle school year: first by Murasakibara and second by Haizaki. Murasakibara and Haizaki both refused Akashi’s leadership, and this became a threat to the self-image Akashi created through his internalization. This time his mind, (the Aries Moon) responded quite egotistically and diminished every opponent who dared to challenge him. This attitude “My orders are absolute” is quite Ariesian and he continued impose this ego onto others, destroying them in the process. 

The Multiple personality that Akashi developed over the course of time: the normal “Akashi” and egotistic “Bokushi” could be the result of this internalization. Akashi is Solar and Jovian in nature: he is a graceful, unquestionable popular leader that everyone, even people who are older than him, reveres. Bokushi is Lunar and Venusian, the complete opposites of his usual self. Venus is known to be discriminatory, it demands refinement and perfection, and Moon is mind and emotions. Bokushi is absolutely ruthless about playing standards and winning. His saying “winning is everything, the victors writes history, the losers are wiped from it” screams Aries energy, where his Venusian moon is placed. What is Bokushi, but the warped version of his suppressed emotional self that never got to heal after his mother’s death! The constant tug-of-war of living upto other’s expectation and violent desire for self assertion is what molds Akashi’s character throughout the series and it is depicted with deceiving simplicity by Fujimaki sensei.


:@sidd-hit-my-butt-ham@yanderebakugo@kurokonbscenarios@kurokonobasket@kurokonoboisket@art-zites@idinaxye@sp-chernobyl@strawbe3ryshortcake@reservethemoon@rilnen@a-shy-potato@thirsthourdemon@animebxxch@edagawasatoru@akawaiishi-blog@reinyrei@chloe-noir@theswahn@ahobaka-trash@jeilliane@trashtoria @scarlettedwardsposts@quirkydarling@ghostieswaifu@levihan-freaks@hope-im-spirited-away@yves0809@marshiro1101 @bubziles @heartfullofknb@kit-kat57@akichan-th@somerandompinkgirl@blusshyy​​

separated into categories:
you will have a total of 3 groups.
each category has a different set of 12 groups.

like if you got at least one of your favourite groups.
reblog & tag your sign and the groups you liked that you got.

Sun Sign answer; the group which best describes you.
Moon Sign answer; the group which music you relate to.
Venus Sign answer: the group which you love.

- BTS (sun)
- GOT7 (moon)
- PENTAGON (venus)

- TEEN TOP (sun)
- NU’EST (moon)
- Super Junior (venus)

- SHINee (sun)
- 2PM (moon)
- UNIQ (venus)

- NCT 127 (sun)
- 2AM (moon)
- CNBLUE (venus)

- BLOCK B (sun)
- MADTOWN (moon)
- VIXX (venus)

- BEAST (sun)
- FT ISLAND (moon)
- DBSK/TVXQ (venus)

- NCT Dream (sun)
- ASTRO (moon)
- BTOB (venus)

- UKISS (sun)
- DAY6 (moon)
- INFINITE (venus)

- BIG BANG (sun)
- MONSTA X (moon)
- iKON (venus)

- NCT U (sun)
- UP10TION (moon)
- Boyfriend (venus)

- B1A4 (sun)
- B.A.P (moon)
- Seventeen (venus)

- MBALQ (sun)
- Winner (moon)
- EXO (venus)

I’m sorry if this is a little confusing~



ᴠᴇɴᴜꜱ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ 1ꜱᴛ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ:

  • can also apply this to venus in aries.
  • during a time where you’re changing your appearance and sense of style.
  • in an early childhood environment or somewhere that played a role in who you are now. Somewhere that helped shape you.
  • moments of self-development in your life.
  • someone standing out in the crowd.
  • during changes of your physical body.
  • Being somewhere you have never been before.
  • In a moment where you’re being a leader and/or taking a risk. It can be anything that’s out of your comfort zone, doesn’t have to be something crazy.
  • through your own efforts where you take more initiative with your love life.
  • in a public interaction where someone approaches you.
  • The moment where you feel: “Wow, you excite me.”

ᴠᴇɴᴜꜱ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ 2ɴᴅ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ:

  • can also apply this to venus in taurus.
  • when you’re feeling more confident in life.
  • moments where you are really displaying your true values through your words and actions.
  • when you’re out somewhere very aesthetically pleasing, a place with good food and good drinks haha like a nice restaurant.
  • in a get together.
  • when you’re out shopping.
  • someone who is very naturally beautiful catching your eye.
  • in a very relaxed setting where there isn’t much going on in your life or overwhelming your thoughts.
  • The moment where you feel: “You bring me peace of mind and security.”

ᴠᴇɴᴜꜱ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ 3ʀᴅ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ:

  • can also apply this to venus in gemini.
  • someone from your neighborhood.
  • a friend of your siblings.
  • someone you saw in school all the time.
  • while you’re studying, reading, writing or creating art.
  • while you’re in the car.
  • through a social media post.
  • on a road trip.
  • traveling to another state.
  • visiting another community or neighborhood.
  • The moment where you feel: “Wow, I want to do everything with you. I want to explore and talk and have fun with you by my side.”

ᴠᴇɴᴜꜱ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ 4ᴛʜ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ:

  • can also apply this to venus in cancer.
  • Through family members.
  • a childhood sweetheart.
  • someone being at your family reunion.
  • in your hometown.
  • going back to visit a place you frequented a lot in your childhood.
  • your parents telling you about someone.
  • someone who you’ve always known and felt comfortable with and decided to pursue them romantically.
  • a time where you’re feeling super relaxed and comfy, whether it be at home or you went to visit someone.
  • The moment where you feel: “You make me feel safe and secure, where my vulnerability does not feel like a weakness and cant be used against me.”

ᴠᴇɴᴜꜱ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ 5ᴛʜ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ:

  • can also apply this to venus in leo.
  • You could figure out they’re the one after a date.
  • During an activity where you’re just having fun or nurturing your hobbies/creativity.
  • During a moment where you’re higher off the ground, like in a tall building or standing over a balcony or even at an amusement park on a ride.
  • on vacation or at a relaxing/entertaining event (the movies, sports event, etc).
  • while you’re dating or talking to someone, someone else could really catch your eye.
  • during a lavish event or moment.
  • the moment you’re doing something where the spotlight is on you. Again, doesn’t have to be anything crazy like doing karaoke or something haha.
  • The moment where you feel: “I want the whole world to know about you and how happy you make me.”

ᴠᴇɴᴜꜱ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ 6ᴛʜ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ:

  • can also apply this to venus in virgo.
  • at work.
  • during your daily routine, where you’re just minding your business. ex: someone coming up to you in a coffee shop.
  • someone stopping to help you, even through the smallest interaction, like “oh, here I got it” energy.
  • this gives me the moment where you drop your books and they help you pick them up energy lmfaooo.
  • at the gym.
  • walking your dog or an interaction with your pet in general.
  • a moment in life where this is a shift in your diet and relationship with your body and health.
  • through a roommate.
  • The moment where you feel: “You make my life easier and wonderful and now I can’t imagine it without you.”

ᴠᴇɴᴜꜱ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ 7ᴛʜ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ:

  • can also apply this to venus in libra.
  • through conducting business.
  • at a wedding or at a time where you are thinking about the concept of marriage.
  • from your inner circle of close family or friends.
  • moment where you stopped looking for love or someone to complete you and it seemed to just fall in your lap.
  • a time in your life where you have heavily invested in your image (aka making sure your hair and nails are done, buying jewelry, stylish clothing etc).
  • someone with good manners and very charming catching your eye.
  • a moment that can feel very fairy tale like. when you tell the story of how you guys met there is a cheesy but romantic and sweet component. “yeah we were outside and the sun was setting or yeah I got home and there were roses at my door step” lmfaoo something like that, you get what I’m saying.
  • The moment where you feel: “You are exactly everything I have been searching for. You are everything I have ever wanted.”

ᴠᴇɴᴜꜱ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ 8ᴛʜ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ:

  • can also apply this to venus in scorpio.
  • In the moments where you’re being more reclusive in life.
  • during or after a drastic shift or change in your life, could possibly be a death but anything that you would call transformative.
  • during a change in your financial situation.
  • during an intense moment, where you’re being super honest with someone.
  • during a change in your family structure.
  • when you’re starting to get more serious about what you will and will not allow in your personal relationships.
  • meeting someone who seems very intelligent, mysterious (or just quiet) and smart with their money.
  • The moment where you feel: “I trust you to show you all the sides of me, even the ones I’ve kept in the shadows.”

ᴠᴇɴᴜꜱ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ 9ᴛʜ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ:

  • can also apply this to venus in sagittarius.
  • while you’re pursuing higher education.
  • participating in a religious or spirituality ceremony.
  • visiting someone out of the country or visiting another country in general.
  • during a time in life where you’re rethinking your life philosophies and perspectives on your spirituality and religion.
  • during a big move.
  • in a church or temple.
  • while you were making big decisions in regards to the next step in your life.
  • running into someone that made you question who you are and what you believe in.
  • someone who challenged you.
  • through your sister-in law or brother-in law.
  • The moment where you feel: “I want to grow with you and see the whole world with you by my side.”

ᴠᴇɴᴜꜱ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ 10ᴛʜ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ:

  • can also apply this to venus in capricorn.
  • at the height of your career.
  • in a work setting or through your co-workers.
  • someone reaching out to you because of your image or what they have heard about you.
  • when you’re making a name for yourself.
  • the presence of an age gap.
  • your father or an authority figure could introduce you to someone.
  • meeting someone older than you, a leader, or someone who is very responsible.
  • after accomplishing one of your major goals in life (I finally got this job, I finally graduated or I finally bought this car energy etc etc).
  • The moment where you feel: “You inspire me to want to do the best but for myself, not the world.”

ᴠᴇɴᴜꜱ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ 11ᴛʜ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ:

  • can also apply this to venus in aquarius.
  • on social media or a dating app.
  • through your friend group or they could have been your friend first.
  • through a networking event or moment.
  • when you’re taking steps towards following your dreams.
  • during a fascinating conversation with someone.
  • a time where you’re planning or organizing something.
  • when you’re participating in a community event or even at a protest haha.
  • The moment where you feel: “You are my best-friend and lover and everything all at once.”

ᴠᴇɴᴜꜱ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ 12ᴛʜ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ:

  • can also apply this to venus in pisces.
  • you could dream about them first.
  • during a trip abroad.
  • conducting business in a foreign land.
  • a spiritual retreat or some kind of activity like that in general.
  • A moment where you have surrendered to the pressures of love, in a “whatever happens, happens” mentality.
  • while participating in a charity or doing charity work, a time where you are dedicated to helping and healing others.
  • a time where you are keeping your love life extremely private and secret from even your closest family or friends.
  • The moment where you feel: “I want to adore you. I love the way you look at me.”

♡➸➸➸♡➸➸➸♡➸➸➸♡➸➸➸♡ *These were my thoughts and observations based on the rulership book and real life interactions and experience. Please do not re-post on any other forms of social media.* ♡➸➸➸♡➸➸➸♡➸➸➸♡




*do not plagiarize my writing under any circumstances.*

Venus Sickness is a possible side effect of plants used to produce oxygen on planet Venus in an episode of cowboy bebop. Some people who came into touch with the spores became blind. They’d drift down gently, and you’d have no clue if they’d hurt you or not. This small scene beautifully captures Venus’ dark side. Nothing in life is free, and beauty is no exception.

Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system. You might not think of hell when you think of love, balance, and beauty, but I believe this shows that wherever Venus is in our chart, we must learn not to settle. We must realize that delivering justice without being assertive is ineffective. Many things in love are worth fighting for. Where Venus is in our charts is where we must make sure we have a backbone and stand in our truth when it comes to our values.❤️‍

Venus in Aries and/or the first house:It’s occasionally amusing to watch others attempt to label you or demand an explanation for your conduct because they are too terrified to live out their wildest ambitions the way you do. However, as you age and gain greater control of your strength and confidence, others will eventually recognize that you do not adhere to anyone’s rules. And if anything, you create them just to break them all over again. When it comes to your appearance, style and relationships, you should never settle. What good is love if there is no fascinating and exciting sense of urgency? After all, it should be something that revitalizes you. That has the potential to ignite your passion and push you to new heights. When it’s your time to shine or you want to wear something you’re a little self-conscious about, this means not asking for permission or waiting for approval. Keep your head held high and do what you want with your appearance since, in most circumstances, you’ll be the trend setter anyway. Don’t waste time waiting for others when you already know what you want to accomplish. When it comes to partnerships, you need someone who will strongly love themselves so they don’t project their fears onto you. This is especially important because all eyes are on you anytime you walk into a room and having an insecure partner will hold you back. When it comes to your personality, health, appearance, individuality, and self-awareness, don’t compromise your values. You always make a strong impact no matter where you go, therefore you can’t let weak people try to sabotage you or dim your light. You have no reason to feel guilty about treating yourself first. People will naturally flock toward you, hoping to catch a glimpse of your beauty or simply to be in your presence, but no matter how loving you are, not everyone will be worth your time. Determine how to filter out those who are only there for superficial reasons. ❤️‍⚔️❤️‍

Venus in Taurus and/or the second house:When it comes to your self-care, how you advocate for yourself, your resources, self-worth, and how you make money, you can’t afford to settle. If you’ve already explained how you want to be loved and they haven’t been able to meet your needs, don’t allow yourself to lower your standards in the hopes of keeping someone. You need someone who will share your passion for the finer things in life. When it comes to defending your security, stability, and comfort, especially in your relationship, don’t be afraid to be assertive. Don’t believe anybody who tells you that stability cannot be soft. What could be more wonderful than being with someone who makes you feel at ease, where there are no games and you both understand how to fulfill one other and what each must contribute to the table? You need someone who will share your excitement in all the beautiful moments of life and everything in between, as well as your exploration of sensual desires. When people try to rush you or pressure you into doing things you don’t want to do, stand your ground. You, more than anyone, understand that we all have a lot more control over our lives than we believe. Prior to trusting anything else, ensure that your feet are firmly planted on the ground and that you trust yourself. That is the first step toward success, whether in the workplace, relationships, or on a new journey. You are not required to provide an explanation or justification for the things you cherish and cultivate. You are allowed to stand up fiercely for anything you love. There’s a lot of emphasis on making your physical world as beautiful as possible, and you can’t let someone shame you for demanding the recognition you deserve. Preserve your loyalty since it should only be given to those who truly deserve it and who reciprocate the energy you give them. You need someone who actually values your perspective and is prepared to set aside their concerns about what other people think; otherwise, it’s difficult to see how they’ll keep you around for long. While making connections, your values should be non-negotiable because the things someone cherishes in life reveal their true character. ❤️‍⚔️❤️‍

Venus in Gemini and/or the third house:When it comes to your conscious mind, communication, near environment, short travels, how you learn, self-expression, neighbors, and relationship with your siblings, you cannot settle. It would help if you did not allow others to make you feel terrible about your appreciation for the simple things in life; you are free to see beauty in everything around you. You have a natural talent for it. Don’t let somebody make you feel wrong about your vivid imagination and creativity simply because they are too dull to think beyond the box. Don’t let people make you feel like a fool just because you’re living in your truth and they’re too scared to genuinely live in theirs and be who they really want to be. When it comes to your relationships, don’t let anyone tell you that you’re too much to keep up with; on the contrary, you deserve someone who is equally as adventurous and intelligent as you are so that you can both stay stimulated. I know people may easily rely on you as a peacemaker; after all, you can be pretty charming, but when it comes time to stand up for yourself and speak your truth, do so without hesitation and with confidence. When people want to limit you and push you to stay where you are, you know it’s time to go. The worst thing you could ever do is allow people to have you questioning that brilliant mind of yours because of their projections. It’s your life, and you have the right to make it as fulfilling as possible in a way that caters to you. I understand you want to find beauty wherever you go and in your immediate environment, but you must also recognize that you are the beauty itself and it’s been an irreplaceable part of other peoples memories with you. Therefore, why would you want to avoid all the words, ideas, poetry, symphonies, and stories whirling around in your head? Don’t worry about whether or not other people understand it. Just share it. The people who are the right match for you will know precisely what you mean.❤️‍⚔️❤️‍

Venus in Cancer and/or the fourth house: When it comes to your roots, home, family, traditions, and values, you can’t afford to settle. The moon’s influence brings out your intuitive side regarding how you love and show how much you care about others, especially your friends and family. You have a natural ability to look after others, and when you’re in love, you can find yourself thinking about doing just that. However, it would be ideal to be assertive about your obligations and highlight what you genuinely value. Don’t allow people to ruin your plans because you care about them. You can see when something wrong is coming from a mile away, don’t allow love to become something that requires you to sacrifice yourself or have to alter yourself to someone that is exhausting to be. Don’t let people say that you’re too emotional when in reality, what they lack is emotional intelligence. Of course, having a beautiful and harmonious workplace and home is also very beneficial to your mental and physical health, and you’ll go to great lengths to achieve it. Remember, you must become accustomed to the sensation of being in love with someone who adores you, does not make you doubt your values, and does not make you feel as if they are about to pull the rug out from under you at any moment. Having the power to manage your own emotions and understand the feelings of people around you is fantastic. Still, it’s even better when you have boundaries in place to make sure you have healthy relationships. You, more than anyone, understand that love isn’t as cut and dried as it’s made to be. Allow yourself to let go of your preconceived notions of who you should be and allow others to see you for who you are. Accept vulnerability wholeheartedly.  What makes you vulnerable is what makes you lovely and you can still do so while also making it clear how you expect to be treated. It is unpleasant, but it is necessary. All of the things that others consider to be weak are precisely what make you courageous. ❤️‍⚔️❤️‍

Venus in Leo and/or the fifth house: You should never put your creativity, personal self-expression, sources of devotion (whether they are children, pets, or partners), vacations, hobbies, or abilities on the backburner. All of these things are worthy of your love, attention, and time. You’re naturally gifted, so you may feel like what you are doing is not much at times, but you’re the star of the show. Your degree of dedication and passion is unmistakable; without question, you leave an unforgettable mark on everyone you meet. Indeed, those around you might not have the same love language as you, but it’s your sign to leave when your efforts are not appreciated.  You must not put your happiness in jeopardy. It’s lovely to be with someone who makes you laugh, but you must make sure they can understand, nurture, and love you for who you are, especially in the moments when you’re not feeling your best. You can easily create an environment of joy and constant amusement, and when your loved ones are in distress, you can show up and comfort them, diverting their attention away from their pain. However, you should communicate your needs as well, as they are equally important, and you do not always have to be the go-to person to cheer people up in the moments they are feeling down. Do not be prideful or fearful of asserting what you need, since this will allow you to know who is truly there through thick and thin. To be honest, you are the epitome of beauty and brains. Because the sun’s influence compels you to channel your leadership abilities, willpower, creativity, spirit, purpose, and identity, you must be assertive when it comes to what you truly want to accomplish in life. Don’t apologize for the way you fiercely love and lead in life. However, it would be best if you gained the awareness necessary to discern when you’re genuinely leading with your ego or when others are making you fall victim to their envious projections. ❤️‍⚔️❤️‍

Venus in Virgo and/ or the sixth house:I understand how difficult it may be to be on the receiving end of someone’s appreciation. To not be the only one that is constantly doing it all for the ones you love. It may be an odd sensation, but you must remind yourself that you are thoroughly deserving of love and that becoming preoccupied with little details that your brain convinces you must be checked off is not the ultimate aim. You must not settle when it comes to your routine, health, everyday activities, and commitments. This means that if someone enters your life, they should simplify your life and daily routine, not complicate it. It’s precisely because of your meticulous attention to detail that you are such a great lover and friend. Be assertive when it comes to your love language. There is nothing wrong with desiring to be treated similarly to how you treat others; do not allow yourself to feel guilty or undeserving of it. Others see how attractive, intelligent, and considerate you are. Don’t let yourself be the one person that does not. You can appreciate what you have while simultaneously being more vocal about your needs. Do not allow yourself to suffer in silence. Success and satisfaction in your everyday routine and love frequently go hand in hand in your life. You put a high value on your accomplishments while remaining humble about them as well. You’re labeled as devoted, perfectionist, and service-oriented. However, believe it or not, there is nothing wrong with expressing your feelings and concerns in a vulnerable manner. It doesn’t make you weak, just human. You are a highly action-oriented person who does not simply say what you mean. You prove it. At times, you will go to great lengths to ensure that everyone is happy. Whatever comes your way, you always seem to be able to fine-tune it as you work your way through all the nooks and crannies, looking for methods to minimize any flaws. It’s okay not to have all the answers or to be the one who fixes everything. Acceptance of the chaos in the midst of it all is, after all, what life is about. There will always be details we wish to change or improve when we zoom in on them but remember to keep the big picture in mind. That is how the best relationships and memories are made, not despite all the mistakes but because of them. You need to be more assertive when it comes to appreciating yourself. You don’t need to find reasons to be good to yourself or treat yourself kindly only when rewarding yourself for an accomplishment. You must love yourself just because you are here, and that is enough. ❤️‍⚔️❤️‍

Venus in Libra and/or the seventh house: Being in love with love itself. You must not settle when it comes to your partnerships, relationships, marriage, concern for others, negotiations, and peers. When it comes to these partnerships in life, you must have strong enough boundaries to determine where you begin and they end. In the house of projections, other individuals can copy your behavior and serve as a mirror for you, or you can take on theirs subconsciously, revealing aspects of themselves they would rather not see. It might be challenging to establish boundaries with someone we care about, but you must be vocal about your own needs and desires. You thrive on the commitment, the love, and the beauty of it all, but there is only so much you can give others when they are causing you harm. You don’t have to keep giving people the benefit of the doubt if they’re showing you who they are through their actions over and over again.  You can indeed be the ultimate delegate, able to read other people’s demeanors, preferences, and dislikes with a keen and analytical eye and showing up when they need you the most. When you couple up, a significant shift occurs, and their lives appear to blend with yours—however, it is critical to maintaining control over your own life. Independence is essential to relationships. Healthy, thriving relationships enable both parties to develop a bond that allows them to grow together and independently as individuals. Maintaining your sense of freedom is critical while also feeling dependent on one another. Let me tell you now, you don’t need to get lost in the other person looking for yourself. On your own, you are already whole and complete. Once you recognized and truly embraced your power, you could move mountains. Be bold when expressing your uniqueness. You don’t have to ask for permission. ❤️‍⚔️❤️‍

Venus in Scorpio and/or the eighth house: When you talk about love, it’s natural for people to nod their heads and say they understand. Still, you know deep down that they’re not even close to articulating or comprehending the waves of emotions running through your body, the depths of the oceans within you. You, more than anyone, understand how the lines between love and hatred blur, as they do not exist on a separate axis. You press your body against your lover as if you could discover a way to become one. You must hold your ground regarding money, trauma, resentments, baggage, s*x, spirituality, and your beliefs about death, birth, and transformation. You don’t have to put a label on everything in life. If anything, you’ve never been interested in doing so. You must develop an ability to trust your body. Never abandon your body or your instincts. When your heart beats faster, your stomach tightens, and your heart drops. Those things show you how much your body cares for you and protects you when your brain is fogged by infatuation and illusion.  It can be easy for manipulative people with malicious intent to gaslight you into believing that you’re just being paranoid.  However, we are both aware that this is not true. When Venus is in this placement, she can leave a legacy of luxury earned after a great deal of effort. You can find beauty in hitting rock bottom because you know that only greatness awaits as you rise from the ashes and reincarnate as someone new on many occasions. Become new over and over again as many times as you need to. Don’t let people guilt you just because you’re outgrowing them, and they’re staying the same. Like they say, “anything that isn’t growing is dead.” Do not settle for individuals who refuse or cannot provide you with a sense of security from the start. You have the right to draw attention to yourself. There is no requirement that someone be there to introduce you or vouch for you. Prove yourself on your own. Do not let anyone have such complete influence over you that they can drive you insane. Additionally, this placement might elicit extreme reactions from others, such as an overwhelming desire to touch or possess you. This may surprise or startle you, so never feel guilty for telling someone to back up when they’re in your personal space. ❤️‍⚔️❤️‍

Venus in Sagittarius and/or the ninth house: You can go beyond boundaries that others would never even consider. Where others perceive and experience restraint, you recognize the possibility of transcending limits and reclaiming your independence. You’re on the hunt for knowledge, love, adventure, and everything in between. The world is far too large for you to resist exploring and experiencing pleasure; in fact, doing so would be a disservice to you and it. Be assertive regarding your philosophies, religion, higher education, ethics, and travel plans. Do not allow anyone to force you to fit into a box or live by a strict code if that is not how you truly function. If anything, things that work for you do so not because you are lucky (although you are), but because you maintain a certain level of calmness in the face of unpredictability and change. You trust the universe and make your own decisions because you understand better than anyone that society will make them for you if you do not. You can discover love abroad and even be in long-distance relationships. You value philosophical connections and seek wisdom in your lover. You’re looking for someone who can expose you to new ideas and facets of life, something much more than what your hometown offers. It is critical for you that this individual shares your ideals and lives according to their values. The more you travel and discover the world, the more you learn about yourself and the person you truly desire to be. However, it can be a paradox because the more you learn, the more you realize how little you know, and there is an insatiable desire to appreciate life. To savor and feel every moment. Every kiss, every debate, every meal, and every laugh. The way you speak is passionate and enticing. You can preach to a crowd without feeling pressured or overwhelming them; when you speak, people want to listen, their eyes looking away for a second in shyness under your direct and powerful gaze. However, there are occasions when being firm about your intentions and decisions is necessary. They do not have to be understood by everyone, but your loved ones should respect them. Believe in who and what you are, and the universe will unexpectedly assist you. Never alter your behavior to gain acceptance from others, since what and who is meant for you will undoubtedly cross your path. ❤️‍⚔️❤️‍

Venus in Capricorn and/or the tenth house: Constantly finding yourself in the center of attention, even when you’re not searching for it. Having to cope with other people’s projections on a regular basis when it’s their fault they formed this image of who you are in their heads rather than getting to know you. When you’re in a relationship, you can become a victim of nosy and prying people. Your attractiveness is refined and exquisite, and people are unable to take their gaze away from you. This placement exudes ageless beauty, as you could be dropped off in any decade and still fit in and shine. It’s aggravating to feel like a late bloomer in love and then have to deal with frequent criticism on top of that. You must be assertive when it comes to your public reputation, status, ambition, career, and obligations. You possess an endearing personality and attractive characteristics that benefit future employment and a solid reputation. You can quickly earn admiration, act as an inspiration to others, or be considered a leader. However, you are not required to accept what you are not comfortable with in order to preserve a positive image or a brave face. Allow yourself to burn it all down when it is no longer useful to you or when others are attempting to exploit you. If they’re already watching, might as well put on a good show for them. You are not required to feel guilty for prioritizing yourself and refusing to give in to momentary happiness when you are aware that something more stable is available. You deserve someone who is equally committed and invested as you are. You are not obligated to remain in situations you do not fully enjoy or feel guilty for establishing boundaries and refusing to settle in relationships. Why are people so critical about this placement? If anything, they love you with every fiber of their being and are eager to devote their lives to you if they believe you are the one. This is a love that is yearning but not entitled, a love that is intensely gazed upon, a love that lasts a lifetime. ❤️‍⚔️❤️‍

Venus in Aquarius and/or the eleventh house: Be assertive regarding your hopes, wishes, community, goals, ideals, and friend groups. You emphasize mental stimulation and connection, rarely revealing your true self to unintelligent people who are uninterested in learning about all of your unique facets. You tend to be years ahead of others in terms of style and relationships, liking things long before they become popular, as others attempt to conceal the fact that you did it first. You can be an expert at mobilizing people and bringing them together for a noble cause if you can hold space in ways that others simply cannot. The people you attract may be pretty unique, unconventional, or possess some distinctive physical characteristics or personality traits that lure you to them. You understand that labeling every aspect of love in life is pointless. You cannot tell the difference between a lover and a friend because you, more than anyone else, understand the existence of platonic soulmates. Do not let anyone shame you for your passions or for your unconventional approach to love and life. Do you believe you are as cold as people claim, or do you simply not have time for the bs? When you’re around people, you can effortlessly improve their lives by sharing knowledge, resources and learning all the little facts about them that they believe are forgettable. However,  you always remember. Do not let anyone make you feel bad about wanting to establish the foundations of your relationships from the very start. You are deserving of friendship, respect, and patience. You infuse any space you occupy with sudden and unexpected change and transformation. Friendship and romantic relationship breakups affect you more than others believe. Even if you move on on the surface, it’s upsetting because when you care about someone, you’re prepared to go to great lengths for them, and betrayal feels catastrophic. Generally, however, your friends and companions will be supportive and always have your back because you are unlike anybody they have ever met. However, do not be afraid to use discernment when dealing with someone who claims to be invading your space out of concern when, in fact, they are attempting to lead you astray. As you mature, you learn through experience that some individuals are trustworthy and others are not. Do not feel guilty about restricting access to yourself when others become excessively entitled. ❤️‍⚔️❤️‍

Venus in Pisces and/or the twelfth house: You are the embodiment of love. Your style of loving, nurturing, and caring for people transcends earthly limitations. In your relationship with your unconscious mind, traumas, anxieties, emotional responses, automatic responses and attitudes, self-deception, and karmic patterns and concerns must be assertive. Never accept less, and the first red flag is when you find yourself gradually lowering your expectations in an effort to keep someone. Do not let anyone tell you that you are too much to love when they are so accustomed to putting in the bare minimum that your effort puts them to shame. You may initially be reluctant when it comes to love, but a part of you constantly seeks intimacy and vulnerability, so you don’t simply fall in love; you sink and sink until it consumes you. When it is supportive and has boundaries, it has the potential to transform lives. However, chaos, misunderstanding, and heartache ensue when it is not. You’re so loyal to the people you care about that you’re willing to make any sacrifice for them. When someone takes advantage of you, and you remove them from your life, they can rapidly become obsessive and entitled, and they will find ways to track you down. This placement can easily attract stalkers or people who have been crushing on you that you are unaware of, so do not hesitate if your instinct is telling you something is wrong or making you feel uneasy. You can be a quiet person who yearns for silence. You cannot feel guilty when you need alone time to rest, meditate, or simply recharge your energy. It is beneficial to you. You have more control than you believe, and labeling yourself a victim is a disservice when you are sometimes the only thing preventing you from creating a life worth living. You are protected in various ways, whether spiritual or by individuals who feel an overwhelming need to protect and care for you. They may appear at the most unexpected but much-needed moments. However, keep in mind that they are there to assist you, not to save you, as you are entirely capable of protecting yourself. Never downplay your intuition. It can be confusing when you can’t put your emotions or what you’re feeling into words. The good thing is that you don’t have to. ❤️‍⚔️❤️‍

VENUS IN CANCERThese people come into life fundamentally insecure. Their inner emotional reality is VENUS IN CANCERThese people come into life fundamentally insecure. Their inner emotional reality is VENUS IN CANCERThese people come into life fundamentally insecure. Their inner emotional reality is VENUS IN CANCERThese people come into life fundamentally insecure. Their inner emotional reality is VENUS IN CANCERThese people come into life fundamentally insecure. Their inner emotional reality is VENUS IN CANCERThese people come into life fundamentally insecure. Their inner emotional reality is


  • These people come into life fundamentally insecure. Their inner emotional reality is like a tornado of different emotional states that seem to come and go on their own terms. They can feel stable and secure in one moment, and highly insecure in the next.
  • Their basic needs are motivated by the desire to feel secure, to feel safe and stabilized. However, even when they are given love and nurturing, it’s never quite enough.
  • Each mood swing defines their reality at the moment it’s happening.
  • There is a fundamental desire to be taken care of, to be nurtured by someone whom they can trust.
  • It’s possible that is originated from some cataclysmic emotional event in which their ability to feel inwardly secure has been serverely compromised.
  • Cancer Venus has an inherent emotional expectation projected on relationships that others should somehow know just what the Venus needs without them actually verbalizing their needs. It’s a deep, silent expectation.
  • When unmet, these expectations can produce emotional behaviors that shock even the person with Venus in Cancer themselves. Behaviors that go from a deep, crushing silence to extreme displays of anger are common. These reactions are usually disproportionate to the event or circumstance that triggered them.
  • Cancer Venus relates to people on an emotional basis. They can naturally feel someone else’s emotional state, and the needs that such state produce, even when the other person isn’t verbalizing or actively projecting their emotions. They have an inherent ability to be compassionate.
  • When someone is going through emotional distress, Venus in Cancer naturally responds with real emotional caring, wisdom, support, nurturing, and love. They encourage others to let out their emotions.
  • The very essence of a Cancer Venus’ touch is warm, consuming, and reassuring; which reflects their own need to be reassured through touching and holding. They stablish trust through physical touch.
  • However, these people also have an inherent fear of being too vulnerable. Even verbalizing what they need or feel can be too exposing for them. In fact, when others ask how they’re doing, the answe is usually “I’m fine” even when they’re obviously not. It’s an instinctual response to their distrust of most people.
  • For those who are close and with whom there is trust, the best way to get a Cancer Venus to open up is through touch, combined with soft, soothing words.
  • Sexually, they need very strong touch, holding and kissing in order to feel sexually secure and trusting. Unless they feel emotionally safe, they’ll feel sexually insecure.

Post link


⛓: I will not be giving specific word counts as I thinkforcing the outcome of anything is very unhealthy and can demage the reading! However I will be giving three possibilities which are short, average and detailed! And remember to not be scared to message me and ask for anything! I will welcome you with open arms!

s stands for short, a stands for average, d stands for detailed

i don’t take requests for anything that involves sexual questions about a person that won’t consent to me picking up on their energy. also no questions about health or immoral things! payment is done before the service.


: please remember that i am not amazing at this

birth chart analysis short being your big three, average your big six, detailed is everything i find important, trying to include everything ;; s5$a10$d25$

careerin this i will simply analyse your birth chart to be able to answer a question you s5$a10$d15$

love i will answer any love question you have by analysing your chart (and the one of your crush) s5$a15$d25$

healingguiding you in how to heal and from what, but you would need to provide information for this s5$a10$d25$

dream analysis

This actually depends on the length of your dream! I don’t mind what it is about as long as you keep respectful.

short5$ , average 10$ , detailed 18$ , extra long35$


loveany question as long as there is no third party involved. s5$a15$d30$

spiritsthese can involve questions about ones that are not your guide s10$a17$d25$

careerany question. s12$a20$d35$

custom question you can ask anything, but if it makes me uncomfortable i will decline. s5$a20$d28$


petss 5$ a 10$ d 15$

passed one s 5$ a 15$ d 25$

guidess 5$ a 10$ d 25$

your God! i don’t care which religion, just tell me your beliefs and what you think is a good additional information. s5$a10$d25$

your future selfs 5$ a 10$ d 20$

future spouse s 5$ a 10$ d 20$


past life we will discuss which topics of your past life you want to touch on! <3 s 10$ a 20$ d 35$

celebrity crush yess!! you can ask whatever! If they would like you! compatibility! yall in a relationship! but please be respectful towards them s 10$ a 20$ d 35$

you in x verse just ur life in whatever fictional universe s 15$ a 25$ d 45$

compatibilitywith ur crush!! Idc who it is, I’ll answer for u s 10$ a 20$ d 35$

shiftingyou can just go and ask whatever s 5$ a 15$ d 18$

Who am I for you?

Astrological tips how to find out what anyone thinks about you.

When a person doesn’t trust you or consider as a stranger he/she is not interested about the rising sign is shown. In some cases, even people who hang out together might use their ascendants because they don’t feel being compatible with each other. This is an uncontrolled reaction that’s why no one can fake it, moreover, not everyone even know about astrology so they won’t realise how obvious they are.

When a person likes you as a personality he/she feels compatible with the Sun sign is shown. There’s a big percentage that people consider you as a friend because they’re comfortable enough around you to activate Sun.

The closest you can get to anyone is the Moon sign. If you ever seen a person showing it then note he/she opened its soul in front of you. It also indicates the fact that you became a part of person’s heart and will forever remain there literally you’ll be never forgotten by him/her. However, remember, the Moon is extremely rarely shown so don’t expect the person would act this way all the time, if you’ve seen it once then be 100% sure you are important in its life.

❣Probably the most useful information from this post lol. When anyone is interested in you romantically the Venus sign is shown. If you’re curious whether the person likes you or not look at the Venus sign and see if he/she uses it in front of you.

And the least greatest information is when a person is annoyed with you the Mars sign is shown.

Note: when somebody has too many placements in the same sign this is much more complicated. For example, a person has Sun and Venus in Aries so how would you see whether she/he considers you as a friend or it’s something more than that? For beginners this will be hard but the only way is to analyze the difference between those two planets. For example, the Sun is in 11 while the Venus in 12: if the person considers you as a friend he/she will be very talkative, active and so on. When you’re considered as a romantic object then the person will be more private and closed. In cases, when those placements are identical then the person itself can’t feel the difference. For example, Sun in 11 and Venus in the same house means the person might consider all friends as potential partners.


aries: venus vs. mars


  • aries venus is more romantic. they aren’t quite as “all guns blazing” as their martian siblings, and while they enjoy the chase of a new romance, they want to be swept off their feet from time to time too. they aren’t the most sentimental lover, but they are passionate, lively and romantic
  • they are less confident than aries mars. venus in aries isn’t a shy, docile placement; they are bold, adventurous and sometimes even pushy. that being said, they don’t quite possess the same brash, larger-than-life bravado that aries mars does. they are just a little softer around the edges
  • they are more easily bored. aries mars is a little more driven and determined, while aries venus, although they do like to chase and be chased, wants results at some point. they can’t, and won’t, chase a dream forever


  • aries mars is more dominant. while both placements can captivate and conquer the room, aries mars is just that little bit more commanding. mars being domicile in aries makes them incredibly powerful, and you can feel the energy radiating off of them when you meet one
  • they are less patient. they are cardinal, and really embody the martian spirit, which is drive. they have a certain spark that allows them to start new projects, dream up big ideas, and enter new chapters of life swiftly and easily. their lesson really lies in learning to restrain themselves, and practicing patience
  • aries mars is more controlling. both signs enjoy games, but mars in aries likes to win. they like to be the master, not the puppet, and can easily get frustrated and confused when they meet their match, resulting in power struggles


  • both placements are playful. I’ve said it before, but aries is something of a hunter. they enjoy both the hunt and being the hunted, as a change of pace is fun for them. this love of games and challenges takes many forms, but you’ll almost always see it shine through if you observe an aries venus or mars
  • they can both be impulsive. this trait is often especially apparent with aries mars, as you’ll see it show up in more areas of day-to-day life, while with aries venus, it often appears in relationships more than anything else. because their biggest strengths lie in starting things, they can sometimes struggle to see things through to the end, because when times get tough, they can easily jump ship and move onto the next big thing
  • both placements are powerful. they are easy to spot in a group, because they are incredibly animated, strong and daring. they have this bright, slightly abrasive vibe that is almost addictive to be around, and they radiate energy. their fighting spirits really shine through too, making it easy to discover them during hard times
  • they both love hard. they are strong, happy-go-lucky and passionate, and this is especially true when it comes to love and relationships. they fall in love incredibly quickly, and deeply too; they aren’t shallow, despite how they can seem at times. their love is pure, honest, and straightforward, just like they are





thank you for tagging me @cherubimbo ily pick you up for our date at 7 ♡

describe your signs/placements with whatever pictures you already have in your camera roll

leo stellium

libra moon

scorpio rising

cancer mercury

venus square ascendant

air grand trine

saturn opposition ascendant

sun sextile moon

tagging@cancerfairy@waytoobright@rue-and-the-moon@cheriiangel (i have no idea if you have already done this so feel free to ignore if you have or aren’t comfortable doing it heh love you )

describe your signs/placements with whatever picture you have in your camera roll:

thanks for tagging me bestie @enamouredfae<3

cancer stellium:

taurus moon:

mercury sextile venus/venus in the 7th:

aqua rising:

gemini mercury:

neptune conj ascendant:

mars conj jupiter:

lol this was fun but i’m tagging @eternalpisces@womanofsubstances@saintzjenx@notelise@mind-collapse

Pisces sun

Gemini moon

Pisces Mercury

Aries Venus

Venus Sextile Neptune

Scorpio Mars

Libra rising

Thank you for tagging me @cancerfairy!

Tagging:@spiicykaay@the-falling-star@floatin-through-the-stars@angelvibezluv@jahlovelykiss@evilesqe@kyrze@satsuworld@womanofsubstances@astrologyninaa@saintzjenx@treacherous-venus@abby-cry-baby@plutosdate@thereminlover + anyone else!

Describe your placements w pics of your camera roll

Scorpio sun

Cap rising

Cap moon (we go through a lot babes, it’ll get better)

Scorpio stellium

Scorpio mars

Scorpio venus

Venus conjunct Mars

Scorpio jupiter

Scorpio mercury

10th house stellium

Y’all can judge me, I’m a person who takes constructive criticism✋

Thanks for tagging me @eternalpisces ! I’ll tag: @d4rkpluto@princess-of-water-lilies@k-rising@kazalyhpuppy@im-ethereal@mellifluous-cosmos +anyone who wants to join in!

Aquarius stellium

Aquarius sun

Leo moon

Pisces rising

Pisces Venus

Mercury sextile Venus

Pluto 10th house conjunct mc

Venus square Pluto

Saturn square venus

Aquarius mercury 12th house

Aries venus: Uninhibition. Moments and emotions which feel ablaze. 
Taurus venus:Intemperance. Moments and emotions which feel sempiternal.
Gemini venus: Renaissance. Moments and emotions which feel exalting.
Cancer venus:  Warmth. Moments and emotions which feel completing.
Leo venus: Glory. Moments and emotions which feel unsurpassable. 
Virgo venus: Heed. Moments and emotions which feel assuaging. 
Libra venus:  ElevationMoments and emotions which feel dazzling.
Scorpio venus: Plunging. Moments and emotions which feel divulging.
Sagittarius venus: Salvation. Moments and emotions which feel true.
Capricorn venus: Reverence. Moments and emotions which feel fortifying.
Aquarius venus:Transcendence. Moments and emotions which feel esoteric.
Pisces venus:Dissolvement. Moments and emotions which feel conjuring. 
