#virgo mars



Aries: Lets get right to it, sultry, seductive, straight forward, spontaneous.

Taurus: good food, gentle music, Nice aromas, sensual, a classic seduction.

Gemini: love letters, Humour, Conversation, stimulated intellect.

Cancer: To show vulnerability and sensitivity in Conversation, good food, emotional connection, gentleness.

Leo: Theatrics, burlesque, performances, loyalty, affection.

Virgo: Cleanliness, subtle seduction, intellect, nothing spontaneous. 

Libra: Charm, Literature, Gentle conversation, good manners.

Scorpio: dark, erotic conversation, secrets, nothing superficial, games of power and control. 

Capricorn: Straight forward, discretion, sensuality, be classy. 

Sagittarius: Have fun, travel, variety, Freedom, humour. 

Aquarius: intellectual conversation, be fun, detachment, speak on the phone/computer, use of technology.

Pisces: Imagination, intricate fantasy, escapism, compassion.

- This would work in combination with your Venus sign also. 

ah yes. Mars in the signs. Mars =motivation, energy, aggression, passion. Mars is what drives you, what fuels you. If you go against it, it’s like shutting off your fuel, you’ll feel sluggish, heavy, dispassionate, weak. Used negatively and you’ll feel rage, aggression, in a fighting spirit. Used positively, you’ll fuel others, you will glow, you feel free and can fight off negative energies being thrown at you.

aries mars: you are focused on your rights and your needs. you go after what you deserve because you know you give so much. you are most honest with yourself. you naturally ruffle feathers because u know how selfish people can be and you just don’t tolerate that.

taurus mars: you. defend. your. fuckin. self. because who the eff will. you are the protector of personal opinions. yours or others. you have an opinion and you don’t let others change your mind unless you decide to choose it. you know what you want and you expect others to know too. you are fueled by being in a safe open environment.

gemini mars: you are driven by communication. people with lack of communication will DRAIN YOU. your thoughts drive you, motivate you. THOUGHTS motivate you. you need that pep talk in the morning. you need that motivational speech on youtube to get you on a positive path because someone somewhere will try to suck you out of your positivity by speaking negatives.

cancer mars: love and vulnerability. you can’t stand people who cannot show their vulnerable side because it tenses you. in fact a lot of cancer mars will have a hard time because they see how much the world is beating everyone up and they have no choice but to protect themselves from people who declare that they will not be vulnerable. you are driven by the emotional connection of others

leo mars: when you are able to express and people focus on that, you are at your best. being you and aligning yourself with who you are is what fuels you. you love helping others but if it doesn’t align to how you want others to see you, than you’d rather just practice self care. You need people to see your efforts and the way you express love, friendships, etc etc. not being able to be seen for your value drains youuuu.

virgo mars: you are driven to be the best at what you do. you can’t stand being second place, but it drives you. imperfection drives you to keep going. imperfection fuels you to get up and do better. you expect others to do that, you drive people to be better. you know how to make people lives better because thats what motivates you. you want to make people lives better.

libra mars: if it isn’t fair then why should i care? thats literally your mars libra motto. you love so deeply and you give so deeply of your time and energy that if people do not see this oh man, you might as well be a mars aries. you need THE SAME ENERGY you give to others or else you will not waste your energy on others…. and THAT energy you would have given to people will be all for you. and man, it’s a sad day for someone who ONCE had the love of a mars libra. LOLOLOLOL sucks for you bro. <3

scorpio mars: literally know how to love someone soul crushingly much(your soul) you actually raise people up from grounds with your love. you know what it’s like hitting the ground because you’ve been there done that so many times. in a positve energy, you are fueled by healing others and showing people their own innate strengths. in a negative energy, you can destroy someone even prolly using black magic just to give that revenge some spice. you go through your reckless phase just as much as you go through your healing from ashes phase.

sagittarius mars : if it aint the truth get out my face. thats your motto. okay sometimes you understand that there are different truths but there has to be passion in their voice, there has to be like some kind of personal passion to it. you want to explore every inch of the world(inner or outer or both) so that you can uncover for yourself your own truths. you are motivated by learning something new, you are fueled by exploring. Mars Sagittarius is laid back unless provoked by confusing statements and the unknown.

capricorn mars : you are a warrior tbh you are fueled by a deep desire to survive. you don’t fight unless you have to because your motivation is just to survive. and in this world it’s who has enough money to survive. the negative side to mars capricorn is that they can get too caught up and will leave others in the dust. the positive side to mars capricorn is that they know exactly what to do to help others because they have been on different paths enough to know which works and which wont.when a mars capricorn give you advice, you better listen. they ARE NOT playing.

aquarius mars: they will choose independence of expression rather than just pure space in a relationship. aquarius is fueled by self expression and being able to love what they love and want what they want without judgement. and they also give this same non judgement to others because they know how hard the world can beat at people just trying to be themselves. When in a relationship, they are full of passion and love, they want communication, they want to understand their partner and what makes them tick. Communication really drives them and motivates them. It makes them feel like every thing will be okay. They have a drive to belong somewhere while still being their truest self.

pisces mars: What motivates them can ebb and flow. one minute it does nothing for them and the next minute it’s every thing to do. not like some maniac, but they are constantly evolving like a mars virgo expect pisces does it in a more INNER SELF kinda thing. They are fueled by compassion and giving people what they want. When a pisces feels like they can’t offer love and support.. they can feel lost and empty. don’t ever guilt trip a pisces mars, they will wallow in their inability to make u happy. SERIOUSLY DONT. they will get lost and it will be hard to pull pisces out of IT are you willing to dive thousands below just to pull them back up? no. because you can’t cuz you suck.

Birth Chart Calculator

Don’t follow me yet on Twitter and Insta? Let’s fix that! Plenty more Virgo memes and fun on both of these!!! Thank you for supporting and sharing this blog, especially during my long break over the summer, I love you!!! ♥️♥️♥️❤️❤️❤️❤️

more random observations

hey, it’s me :-) I haven’t had time to make the detailed posts I want to, so here are some things I’ve been noticing in my studies lately

  • sun in the 7th house/sun opposite ascendant is a dangerous placement for someone to have, as you might risk becoming overly dependent on your relationship status/your partner and co-dependent dynamics. you discover yourself through relationships, but always remember that the knowledge remains even when your partner is gone and you’ll always have yourself.
  • neptune in the 8th people have no boundaries. point blank. it might even be something you’re not aware of, but people can easily take advantage of your energy and suck the life out of you. please analyze your relationship dynamics more closely.
  • sun conjunct north node people usually have a big ego since they know they’re on this planet for a reason, there’s no “oh why was I born” shit. the danger is leaning completely into the sign they’re in and ignoring your south node completely. balance is power.
  • being a capricorn moon, i have a famous love for my fellow saturn-ruled aquarius moons, but the closer i get the more i see how different we are. repressing my feelings is a conscious thing for me; i know i’m an emotional wreck but people do not, and i’m always mistaken for a stone-cold bitch (not something I try to change though). aquarius moons, though… you guys project such a friendly/open (not exactly warm or intimate) exterior and people often mistake you as more emotional than you really are. you try to rationalize emotions rather than feel them, as inwardly, unlike me, you’re pretty detached and cool.
  • moon-pluto (conj/square/opposite) aspects please seek therapy to help you deal with all of that, i’m begging you. living is better than just surviving.
  • moon conjunct/trine mars have a terrible time saying sorry because they always feel right about whatever they do, good or bad. they might know they’re on the wrong, but they somehow rationalize their actions and align it with their emotions.
  • moon opposite chiron is a bottomless pit of need. there’s an empty feeling you don’t think will ever be filled. that’s because your emotional wounds/traumas are extremely slow to heal and you can’t ignore it, so you end up focusing on it the wrong way. make that extra effort to be vulnerable, please, it’ll all work out.
  • ascendant conj lilith/lilith in the 1st people are extremely self-conscious; you might be obsessed w your looks or attitude. this aspect gives you a magnetic energy which attracts all kinds of people, some who are bad for you. don’t run away from this or your sexuality; it’s a part of you. just be careful.
  • having a conversation with a scorpio mercury is like “wait… i just vented for 2h and learned nothing about them”. you’re not the person who interrupts your friends just to say “i know, because when that happened to ME,” and we love it, but we also want to know how you feel.
  • i love the ability people with mercury in the 7th have to always stay detached in relationships and think them through (or at least you think you can).
  • virgo venuses/venus in the 6th, there’s nothing wrong with you. you deserve just as every bit of happiness and kindness as everyone else. you don’t have to be lesser than your partner or to have them just tolerating you. i know me saying this won’t mean shit but you need someone who will tell you this while looking into your eyes, and if you don’t: fuck them.
  • wherever your sun is placed is where you are most likely to seek affirmation of your own personality/feel most like yourself: sun in 11th might only feel seen when they’re being seen by their friends: in the 7th that might only happen with their partner; in the 4th, they might only feel real at home; in the 10th when at work or being seen by the public, etc.
  • libras will always have that ultimate need for peace/no conflict even if it’s a single placement, it’s always there. the problem is that they put themselves in situations there’ll be inevitable disagreements and so they’ll be the ones to smooth things over and look like the peacekeepers/manipulators. i have a libra friend with an aries moon so she’ll always need a little conflict to feel safe, but whenever we call her out for it she’s like “me?? but i would never do that, i just want us all to get along!” and it just makes her look bad.
  • scorpio venuses are so secretive even about their crushes and likes, i mean… they love talking about sex/kinks in general terms, but when you ask their own experiences it’s literally crickets. i understand there’s a lot of trauma in that area, but you guys won’t heal until you let others in.
  • virgo mars are unbelievably controlling, to a level that shocked even me, a virgo sun. you guys need to let some things go, please, there’s no way you can control everything happening around you or be prepared for everything.

VIRGO: You’ve Manifested This New Beginning! - Spiritual Reading June 2022

#virgo moon    #virgo rising    #virgo venus    #virgo mercury    #virgo mars    #virgo stellium    #virgo tarot    #tarot virgo    #virgo horoscope    #virgo tarot reading    #virgo love    #virgo forecast    #virgo astrology    #astrology    #zodiac    #free tarot    #daily tarot    #tarotscope    #horoscope    #lovescope    #taurus    #gemini    #cancer    #scorpio    #sagittarius    

VIRGO: This Connection Is Over! - Love Reading MAY 2022

#virgo moon    #virgo rising    #virgo mars    #virgo mercury    #virgo stellium    #virgo venus    #virgo tarot    #daily tarot    #virgo tarot reading    #virgo love    #virgo love reading    #virgo forecast    #tarotscope    #horoscope    #lovescope    #astrology    #zodiac    #taurus    #gemini    #cancer    #scorpio    #sagittarius    #capricorn    #aquarius    #pisces    

VIRGO: You Are Finding What’s Important! - Spiritual Messages MAY 2022

#virgo moon    #virgo rising    #virgo mercury    #virgo mars    #virgo venus    #virgo stellium    #virgo love    #daily tarot    #tarotscope    #horoscope    #lovescope    #astrology    #zodiac    #taurus    #gemini    #cancer    #scorpio    #sagittarius    #capricorn    #aquarius    #pisces    #virgo 2022    #virgo may 2022    

Virgo Mars

Teeters between outrageous nit picking and laser sharp analysis 

most compatible mars signs for: taurus venus

  1. virgo:this mars sign can provide a lot of stability and security due to their love for routine. they are also committed and like to settle down, which is a huge thing for a taurus venus. both signs are happy to do small, thoughtful things for one another and help the other when they need something.
  2. capricorn:in this relationship, the capricorn mars is able to help the taurus venus reach their goals and be successful. there’s no unnecessary drama or complication, and both partners feel free to express themselves naturally. this can end up being very long-term due to the commitment of both parties.
  3. taurus:this is a slow burn affair, where both individuals take their time to build the attraction and intimacy they desire. both understand the other’s need for stability in their love life and keep a level head. they can admire the other’s ability to persist and be patient, especially when it comes to love.
  4. cancer:on a physical level, this can be an affectionate and loving pair, as both signs are very tactile and need physical intimacy with their partner. they are also supportive in their own ways. if one of the parties is going through something, the other helps them through it. this is a very safe and comfortable relationship.
  5. libra:both of these signs are ruled by venus and are highly romantic. the libra mars enjoys courting the taurus venus and making them feel attractive and wanted. their graceful and loving attitude is appreciated as well. both signs can learn from each other and grow as a couple.


Virgo mars people are some of the freakiest nastiest people in the bedroom. Sometimes they’re so blatant about their kinks in public mind you. It depend on their big six if they’re more secretive or public about their freak nasty side but wheew if you want some consensual bedroom fun hit up a virgo mars person

I can’t say i’m private about my kinks but I cant say i’m public with it either. I keep the kinks I feel are more meant for just me to myself but despite that, the ones I do not feel ‘ashamed’ about I don’t mind telling someone if they ask, or if the topic is bought up.

this is coming from a virgo sun/mercury & mars

     ㅤㅤ╰┈─➤ ❝Astronotes❞

- The Synastry chart between two people is the impact they put on each other, and the composite is the result of the impact.

- The best emotional understanding is between the same moon sign or someone with person a’s sun as their moon. 

- Venus 1H usually gets who/what they want, are really eye catching and people tend to fall for Venus 1h.

- whatever sign your moon is in, people tends to have the traits of the sign be more intense weather they like it or not. (ex: cancer moon acts more like a cancer than a cancer sun would) 

- Sagittarius tends to be really lucky , especially placements like Sagittarius Jupiter.

- Water Venuses are huge hopeless romantics, Scorpio Venus may be a more weaker representation of hopeless romantics and more of intimate romance. 

- Gemini, Aquarius, Virgo and Capricorn Mercuries tend to use body language while talking, especially during debates. 

- Moon square or opposition mercury aspects emotions are like a seesaw, their mind is telling them one thing and their mercury is saying another. These people tend to like poetry, storytelling and may like English. They may be idealistic. 

- Mars in Virgo are reeally good when it comes to sexuality, and sexual intercourse, it’s like they’ve learned straight from a book and studied how to be good in bed for years. 

- Fire moons tend to conceal their emotions from others and are more likely to have god complexes. 

- Air moons usually lack empathy, also tend to have god complexes and rationalize their emotions.

- Earth moons tend to be more anxious then others, repress their feelings, and have trouble opening up to people.

- Water moons tend to over absorb others emotions, usually really sensitive to criticism, and might have victim complexes

Libra Sun, Libra Moon, Scorpio Rising, Libra Mercury, Scorpio Venus, and Virgo Mars aesthetic moodbo

Libra Sun, Libra Moon, Scorpio Rising, Libra Mercury, Scorpio Venus, and Virgo Mars aesthetic moodboard for @peterpans-shadow

Post link

Astro notes. Virgo version.

Virgo Moon and Mars people like fixing things. Like they can repair anything at home! Actually, it is so Virgo thing. Especially for Virgo Mars because people with this placement like not only fixing things but also fixing people!

Sometimes it is difficult for Virgo Mercury people to turn their thoughts into words. They think a lot about what they want to say. Sometimes they are more listeners than speakers.

Virgo Ascendant people have small facial features and very often diamond-shaped faces. You can recognize Virgo Risings by their shy and even awkward smile and humble first impression.

Virgo Suns are very health-conscious. A lot of them follow their health routine to feel good on daily basis. They chose their food carefully and always try to look healthy.

Virgo Moons are soooooo caring! Maybe they can’t show it in a considered by society way but they care so much for their loved ones! They show it through actions and help. Like you can mention your problem and if they can, they will resolve it for you silently.

A lot of people with Virgo MC become doctors or healers in some way. They know a lot of stuff and they always know how to help you. They are good at planning their career path and they adore helping others with that.

Virgo Venus people are so picky in love. However, once they choose someone, they are so loyal, helpful, and caring! One of the most loyal and reliable Venuses tbh
