#virgo season


Virgo Season Rituals

*Smudging is a ritual from a closed practice, please research this before buying that shell, feather, and sage bundle from 5below… stay aware!

Alternatives to smudging: smoke cleansing (literally just get incense cones or sticks!), sound cleansing (get a bell or play cleansing frequencies), deep cleaning (vacuum, open the windows, wipe everything down), and your words (declaring your space sacred & protected)!

*Support your local crystal shops, farmers markets (if the season permits), and don’t be afraid to askquestions: such as, where items are sourced!

*Now is the time to for introspection, grounding, cleansing, spending time outdoors, home cooking, self care (beyond that face mask), meditation, decluttering, reorganizing, andgrowth!

Stay well!


[credits: spiritdaughtercollective & pintrest]

YASSS SO TRUE: Leo, Taurus, Aries, Sagittarius

*Checks own sign and crush’s sign* *moves on* : Cancer, Pisces, Libra, Scorpio

This is crap: Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius

I died… again:Gemini
