#leo season


♌ Leo Season Guide ♌

Leo season is the time to let your inner light shine! With the heavy emotions from Cancer season finally fading away, we can find ourselves feeling free at last. It’s time to be yourself, to the fullest extent. Allow yourself to let loose, at least until Virgo season!

You may be feeling more brave, strong, and excitable. This is good! Use these feelings to do something you’ve always wanted to do, so that you’re in a better place a year from now.

To Do:

✨ take a vacation

✨ make new friends

✨ go hiking

✨ dance!

✨ allow yourself to take up space

✨ be loud, be seen

✨ reevaluate yourself - make sure your actions lead you closer to your purpose

✨ take singing lessons, dancing lessons, ANY lessons

✨ laugh your heart out to your favorite comedy

✨ tell someone how you really feel, whether it’s good or bad

Leo rules the heart, spine, and upper back. Don’t forget to stretch, and practice good posture. Your body will thank you.

Hope you all find this useful. Love and light always.


August 11 – August 18


  • Commanding
  • Heroic
  • Creative


  • Dictatorial
  • Selfish
  • Insensitive


The Leo III period takes Leadership as its central image. This period can be likened to a time in the prime of one’s life when the right combination of experience, enthusiasm, energy, and knowledge can make one a strong candidate for positions of responsibility. Perhaps for the first time, taking over the reins of a business, club, or family and leading it to new heights can seem natural and appropriate. Such a leadership role may be a proving ground for assuming even greater roles of this sort later in life–for example, when a manager becomes a partner or owner, or a parent becomes a patriarch or matriarch. 

The days that comprise Leo III picture the adult validating his/her skills and experience, learning when to rely on conventional wisdom and when to take risks, and discovering the most effective way to galvanize a team and lead it effectively, inspirationally, and tirelessly.

Leo III’s often assume a commanding role in their family and social or work group. They have highly developed instincts to lead, but not necessarily to dominate or to rule; it is simply that action comes naturally to these dynamic individuals. They are also good planners, well capable of organizing an effective plan of attack and seeing it through. Building an effective team is essential to their continued success, and learning to delegate authority is key to stopping them from shouldering unrealistic burdens alone, which can result in burnout or breakdown.

People born during this week have a heroic view of themselves. Aggressive, Leo III’s know what they want and how to get it. They may lack consideration for the wishes of others, arousing antagonism and getting them in trouble, particularly since they are not, in fact, insensitive to what others are feeling but may choose to ignore what they know and follow their own desires. By occasionally riding roughshod over the emotions of those in their lives, they arouse resentment, fear and anger. But they may also inspire tremendous loyalty, respect and love in others, so much so that their acquaintances and friends often overlook the more selfish elements of their character.

Individuals born during this week have an overwhelming faith in their own abilities. In extreme cases they see themselves as infallible, and seek to project a godlike demeanor. Obvious problems may result from this egotistical stance, not the least of these being the loss of faith that can be engendered in their children, mates and co-workers when they get tripped up. The fall from grace that inevitably follows may result in deep disillusionment; this can impair the relationship permanently, but it can also lead to a more realistic view of their personality.

Careerwise, Leo III’s specialize in breathing new life into an ailing business or social or family group. Their prodigious energy and single-mindedness may be just what is needed to get things back on track. These folks must see their endeavors bear fruit. Watching their restructuring and its implementation bloom is enormously satisfying to them; conversely, seeing their efforts fail is usually intolerable. Because they are not easily approached on an emotional level, striving shoulder to shoulder with them in such endeavors may be an effective means of getting close to them. Such working relationships may create deep ties of mutual feeling, which sometimes last a lifetime.

If they are to ground their self-image and bring themselves into closer everyday contact with others, it may be important for them to share quite menial tasks. In particular, they will earn greater respect from family members if they shoulder ordinary, everyday responsibilities at home on a daily basis. A refusal or inability to “lower” themselves to this human level may result in tensions, frustrations and arguments. More balanced ones will avoid such needless difficulties by getting their chores done quickly and efficiently, with little fuss, thus freeing themselves up for what they view as more important endeavors.

Their creativity often runs high. Although they are capable of selfishness and narrowness in their personal dealings, in their careers their imagination, philosophical perspective, and wide range of expression often result in artistic, financial and social creations of a very high order. Many of their friends, acquaintances and co-workers, in fact, are not really so much enamored of the person themselves as they are drawn to the aura surrounding them and the work they produce.

Other strong personalities inevitably clash with these folks, and relationships with them are likely to be stormy affairs unless the other party is willing to compromise or back down. But the more clever, and devious, of their partners and mates know exactly how to soothe this savage lion or lioness. These people are not unaware of their charisma, and consequently come to value the constant love and appreciation of that very special person. In fact, they may not actually be at all aggressive toward those they love. As long as they are honored and respected, they will be generous and kind, even to a fault: they will often refuse to see anything wrong in the behavior of a favored family member, a trait that can make them quite unrealistic. Having a thoroughly spoiled mate or child is their trademark. In love, they are subject to sudden, explosive, violent and passionate displays of emotion. Their feelings are capable of smoldering under the surface for a long period only to break out unexpectedly and volcanically.

Those involved in love affairs with those born during the Week of Leadership may appreciate their searing intensity and almost total involvement, but at the same time may have difficulty with their often overbearing, combative and unforgiving attitudes. In personal relationships, although faithful up to a point, they are not particularly long-suffering, and will not hesitate to break things off if they are wounded or see little hope for the future. Coming to feel that they apply a double standard to their relationships, their partners, angry and disgusted, may rudely drop them, which can amaze the more unaware of them since they imagine things are going well. Indeed, such persons may show little interest in seeing things from the other person’s point of view.

 The Secret Language of Relationships: Your Complete Personology Guide to Any Relationship with Anyone, Gary Goldschneider and Joost Elffers

Feel free to ask me about Leo III’s compatibility with other signs!

July 26 – August 2


  • Truth-loving
  • Loyal
  • Passionate


  • Frustrated
  • Demanding
  • Egotistical


The Leo I period takes Authority as its central image. This period can be likened to the beginning of the mature adult life as an individual turns thirty. Confidence can run high at this point if the doubts and uncertainty of the first Saturn return (age twenty-eight or twenty-nine) have been resolved. Beginning the process of establishing oneself as an authority in a given field can be a focus at this time and an absorbing task. Some must assume the role of authority to their growing children, while others may look to an older, more experienced person who can serve as a teacher, a guide who can initiate them into broader understanding of the world. Other Leo I’s may strengthen their sense of confidence through what they learn from books, religious or spiritual teachings, philosophy, etc.

Among the most powerfully authoritative of the year, Leo I’s are intense, hard-driving, individuals dedicated primarily to their own personal activities, growth and development. Asserting themselves and being taken seriously is what appeals to them. Also, much of their energy is channeled inward rather than outward, toward developing their own strengths and abilities. Yet they do not view themselves as the be-all and end-all either– far from it. They believe in ultimate higher authorities, which they worship and serve: usually the abstract truths and principles embodied in the practice of their principal endeavor, whether it lies in the arts, business, sports or philosophy. Although they have their heroes, it is usually these principles rather than to people that they accord the highest value.

Many Leo I’s can be highly competitive, and geared to coming out on top. Others don’t really care that much for worldly success, being more interested in bettering their own personal best. It may be difficult for Leo I’s to work for a boss, especially one they do not respect. Yet when they runt heir own company or business, they also encounter problems, since their capacity to dominate is often greater than their capacity to lead. They may work most easily with people who have been drawn to them as admirers, students or disciples; then the relationship is clear from the start. Another solution can be working on their own, perhaps as freelancers. Leo I’s can best become team players with co-workers and associates when it is clear that they are all working together for a common, usually higher cause.

Leo I’s are highly physical individuals, magnetically drawn to exciting and confrontational experiences. Those born in this week need to prove themselves repeatedly, whether in the sports arena, the wild world of nature, the jungle of corporate finance or the intimacy of the bedroom. So intense is this area of their personality that intimates and enemies alike may feel a bit ignored, for much of their striving is impersonal in nature, and basically an expression of the Leo I will to overcome. Even in more mundane, everyday activities, mates and loves periodically feel the Leo I’s detachment.

Being involved with such individuals is rarely an easy task. Their standards are extremely high, and they too often want others to show a similar intensity and devotion. In the end, however, they usually do expect more of themselves than of others, and do show an understanding of their colleagues’ and intimates’ limitations. Realistic Leo I’s will not have disproportionately high expectations of co-workers and mates but will only expect the best of which they are capable. This in itself can be a heavy enough load for them to bear. 

Leo I’s can make loyal and faithful friends. It is usually only from such intimates that a Leo I can accept advice, particularly of a personal nature. Leo I’s will not usually accept help from a colleague, professional counselor, or stranger. Perhaps once in a lifetime, however, those born in the Week of Authority may put themselves in the hands of another person to whom they ascribe almost godlike status, often a kind of teacher or guru. Such trust is not given easily, and should it fail, tremendous disillusionment will surely follow.

Most of those born in the Week of Authority would do well to work on their treatment of their fellow human beings, particularly in the areas of kindness, patience and understanding. Those involved with these tough customers must themselves be prepared to show these three traits in abundance. When the high expectations of Leo I’s are not met, they can become unusually frustrated and bitter. Also, they do not react well to negativity, nagging and constant criticism. Those who live and work most successfully with Leo I’s, then, are those whose attitudes are open, determined and optimistic.

Family life works out well for some Leo I’s; for others it is a great mistake. Rarely, however, does a Leo I deeply need it. Should they choose to be parents, they will have a lot to give; they have much to teach, are protective and inspire confidence. But their children and mates must quickly come to appreciate their need for their own space, and for time away from home. Trying to get the undivided attention of a Leo I can be a frustrating experience. Too often their idea of caring and attention may be limited to intense encounters, rather than steady displays of understanding and sympathy.

As lovers, Leo I’s are usually passionate rather than sensuous. They may also exhibit a certain detachment, or a preoccupation elsewhere. Predictable and routine circumstances often dull sexual gratification for those born in this week. More often than not, their most pleasurable sexual experiences come not with their mates or partners, but in casual, chance encounters, or in clandestine affairs of longer standing. Successful spouses of Leo I’s know how to keep the romantic flame alive through a combination of variety, skill and imagination.

Leo I’s must learn to relax and have fun or risk burnout. Those who can seduce them away from their work and their intense preoccupations will play important roles in their lives. Casual friends who can do this often experience the best that those born in this week have to offer.

The Secret Language of Relationships: Your Complete Personology Guide to Any Relationship with Anyone, Gary Goldschneider and Joost Elffers

Feel free to ask me about Leo I’s compatibility with other signs!

Birthday Celebrations ♌️

Hey beautiful souls just want you all to know it’s my birthday weekend, so I’ve taken it off from work but also readings. So please don’t think I’m ignoring you if you’ve not replied.

Yesterday was my birthday and I went with my sister and best friend to try the Sensory Deprivation Floatation Tank. I freaking loved it and would go every week if it wasn’t so expensive lol. I highly recommend if you’ve not been. If you want to feel truely out of your body and fully connected with your soul being this is for you! ✨

This was my tank, felt like climbing into my alien pod ship ready to set out back into the universe

I like to set goals on my birthday to work on for that year and this year I defo want to get out to do/see more in the world. Try new things and get out of my comfort zone a bit. Don’t get me wrong I loooooove my comfort zone. But I’m a life path 5 and I’m not living like it. I need to explore and be more adventurous, I’m ready to let go of fear… loosen my grip finger by finger, il get there!! ☺️

Reading for people teaches me so much, I see how we are not that different from each other. I see the same shift happening in me also happening in a lot of you. This is a very special time to be alive to be here on Earth and be these physical beings we are. Sometimes we just need to remember that alone. #gratitude

Sending love and light energy to all that took the time to read this, I hope you have a magical day xx ‍♀️✨♥️

Aquarius, Capricorn, Virgo, Pisces, Scorpio

Aries, LIBRA, Capricorn, Cancer, Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus

Since it’s my birthday month I wanted to do something special for you all as well.✨

I made a page to showcase all my exclusive, unseen work. It will have a little bit of everything from my personal life to my creative content. Hope you guys like it, link below



As it is Leo season now, I might as well share a picture I’m very proud of❤️

Webethriving this month

Have fun fellow leo’s, it’s our season♌️

when the sun passes through leo, it returns home.

it enjoys being in an environment where mi amour brings fresh orange juice without the pips because they respect leo’s wishes. anddddd it’s not too big of an ask.

pillows are pumped and preened into perfection. there’s lots of mirrors, too. big enough to squeeze a few more people into this collage for memories, and to catch allllllll of this skin.

the people who are considered privileged enough to own a key to this kingdom, keep coming back because they recognise that they’re getting to be around someone who pretty much is the same ball of fun behind closed doors.

and it’s nothing to complain about at all.

but more so, admire.

all the sun wants to do is emanate rays of creativity, confidence, determination and warmth.

and leo never really liked the cold.

so, it must be written in the stars, or something.
