#cancer season



Cancer Season Advice

Drink more water!! As well as cleansing and purifying, this will help emotions flow easier and you will feel more stable

Get more sleep! It’s restorative and allows you to connect with the spirit world!

Eat less sugar! You are more prone to emotional eating at this time, but eating extra ice cream won’t make you feel better

Express your feelings!! When something is bothering you, bring it up so it can be resolved! Otherwise, the feelings build up like water behind a dam (and it Will bust through)

Wear moonstone! Moonstone is such a helpful crystal! It soothes stress and promotes inner strength, which we all need this season

Reflect!Look inside yourself and see how far you’ve come. Never forget that your journey is as beautiful and unique as you

Retreat! Gemini season was pretty loud, but now we can have peace and quiet. This is a perfect time for meditation, salt baths, and moongazing

- a cancer moon

Taurus, Capricorn, CANCER, Pisces, LEO, Virgo

Aries: Comes up with various workouts
Taurus: Sleeping through the whole thing
Gemini: Wastes the whole day on social media
Cancer:Bakes all types of sweets that can feed an army
Leo:Taking selfies in their room
Virgo:Cleans the entire house
Libra:Tries all types of outfits
Scorpio:Enjoys being alone
Sagittarius:Going crazy at home and breaks quarantine
Capricorn: Works from home
Aquarius:Researching conspiracy theories
Pisces:Crying and probably drinking

Aries: Everything. Literally everything
Taurus: Your crush
Cancer:How much flak your sign gets
Virgo: Your ships
Libra:Other people
Sagittarius:Also everything
Capricorn: Your WRONG opinions
Pisces: Your problems

Something a Cancer, a Taurus, a Sagittarius, a Leo and an Aries would say.



SUN, MOON, MERCURY & VENUS in CANCER says let’s TALK about the FEELINGS and the DARK side of our RELATIONSHIPS and the way we do MONEY. Let’s not hide them in the SHADOWS. Feeling horrible? Don’t hide it. Feeling lonely? Don’t try to hide it! Feeling upset? Ride it!!!

Truth is ALL our FEELINGS are birthed in the SHADOWS until they are expressed, out in motion. Feelings derive from our shadow, unconscious world. It is the expression, the movement of those instinctual sensations that honors the heart Energy’s need to be in Motion. (E-Motion) Problems develop the moment we begin to hold them in for FEAR of something we have imagined.

You can RUN from whatever, or whomever triggered those FEELINGS but you can’t HIDE from them or from yourself.

Example: a longtime Facebook friend. After writing a review for my book, and I extended the discussion on promoting it with her, She agreed to one of my ideas but choked on the second one. This one turned the light on her SHADOW. I could feel it although we were miles apart. She was uncomfortable with my request for reasons created and held by her SHADOW. But instead of her focusing on the FEELINGS that surfaced from deep within her, instead of expressing how it made her FEEL or what came up for her she flipped the script on me! I could literally see her emotional demons swirling around her vying for her sincere attention. She instead turned it on me and criticized my asking. EMOTIONAL AVOIDANCE - a moon dis-ease many many women suffer from.

So she chose to UNFRIEND me without saying anything to me. Now that is hilariously SHADOWY!! Insincere, shady & femininely treacherous. For You can NOT eliminate the TRIGGER person! I triggered her deep SHADOWY emotions but she had no clue. She only reacted from the very same SHADOW place. She saw it as me and not her. How many of us are guilty of that?


This stellium in CANCER offers us a chance to MATURE EMOTIONALLY. I believe that is what MOTHERHOOD is meant to teach us….for our children pull out and challenge our own emotional inner child and we often times react from our childlike selves. EMOTIONAL E-DISCIPLINE, E-MATURITY, E-WISDOM are fundamental to our WELL BEING!

Be WISE with the FEELINGS!

Try not to Project Instead…REFLECT! We have so much to learn about our FEMININE ESSENCE - we are so far behind, remaining in the Dark. We need to catch up with our MOON selves!! The Cancer Season is here to guide us!!

Mama Surya

YOLA ☀️♋️
The Yoga of Living Astrology

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Cancer Season

Intuition, feelings, containment, awareness, consciousness, feeling, cultivation, expansion, survival, compassion, mercy, motherhood, children, the past, home, grudges, protection, curses, moon magic, haunted, nostalgia, vulnerability, sympathy, sentiment, attachment, manipulation, nurturing, depth, direct community, family.

Trees rich in sap, sycamore, alder, maple, acanthus, waterlily, white roses, bindweed, lotus flower, jasmine, bogbean, dog’s tooth violet, European witch craft, spells, full moon, chamomile, bay leaves, aloe, salt, wintergreen, mirror, lake, pool, container, milk, sailing, ocean, waves, currents, cycles, frogs, snails, and of course the crab.

From what I’ve seen so many assign depth, intuition, and mystery to Scorpio and Pisces, but let us not forget the sign actually associated with the mysterious Moon, the changing tides, and ultimately the depths of the ocean, Cancer.

Cancer can be the mother hen, counselor, protector, healer, one who has a lot of strength in understanding and care. They can be tenacious and tends to stand firm in their values and loyalties. They hold a lot of unseen power in their claws. 

Cosmic Crustacean for Print Social

I was approached by Print Social to be a part of their zodiac collection. I choose to do Cancer and now that it is cancer a funding for this to become a screen printed shirt has begun!

A part of the profits will go to benefit the Baltimore Harm Reduction coalition. Find the link below!



We are in gemini season which means that it will be much more fun, communicative, unpredictable. Venus it is in taurus and mars in aries which means more love and meeting people and at the same time action. Also saturn went retrograde on 4 june.

On June 11th, Venus in Taurus conjunct Uranus in Taurus. When Venus and Uranus are stationed in the same sign, our focus on the mental body. The mental body consists of thoughts, emotions, and sensory input. When these two planets meet in Taurus, we also seek to understand our feelings and our behaviors and why we sometimes act out with a lack of awareness. Moon in scoprio emotions can be stronger and deeper. It is also saturn day.Sun trine Saturn transit brings achievement and recognition for earlier effort. You will focus on achieving your long-term goals.

On June 13th, Mercury, the planet of communication, reenters Gemini and sorts out the final remnants of the retrograde mess. You will be more curious. This makes a great time to have any significant conversations that you’ve been putting off.

On June 14th a Full Moon in Sagittarius.Moon Day. This Full Moon may amplify an area of uncertainty in your life. This isn’t a time to act but a time to reflect. Also avoid the drama. You will craving a little extra fun and play in your life. Sagittarius forever aiming its arrows at the deeper truth of any situation.You may make the whole experience more emotional. This full Moon occurs in a relationship with Neptune called a square. Neptune is the planet of disillusionment, which can bring clarity around a truth, perhaps one associated with a deep sense of disappointment through the revelation of something that was unseen prior to the full Moon. Also deliver a fun social event or party, or even a dose of luck, but be mindful of overindulging or defaulting into escapist tendencies.

On June 21 summer day andthe longest day of the year. It is also Mars DaySun enters cancer. These vibes will bring out your nurturing side, helping you connect with others on an emotional level. The good vibes will continue to flow June 22 when Venus enters social Gemini. If you’re on the hunt for love, you may just find that special someone.

☀️On June 23rd Venus in Gemini will create a more social atmosphere. Also this is Jupiter Day therefore, the atmosphere will be more optimistic, fun, spontaneous and brought good luck. ⚡️Venus trine Pluto - intense relationship, deep conversations, this day may imprinted in memory. Any new romance now would be a whirlwind experience and greatly change your life. An existing relationship can evolve to a more profound or spiritual level. Mars sex Saturn-your patience and ambition mean you can succeed in anything you passionately desire. This is a good chance to make solid progress with a long-term project. In relationships, you will attract loyal people or those looking for someone strong and reliable.

On June 28th : New Moon in Cancer andMars Day. New Moon being square to Jupiter in Aries. Jupiter is all about growth and Aries has a tendency to be rather self-interested. Ask yourself, in what ways are you self-oriented? This lunar event will bring a nurturing energy and asking you to touch base with your emotions and invite in healing. Connecting with your loved ones. ☀️Sun will be conj Moon- you will become more aware of what you need and your inner emotional world will feel illuminated in a way that clarifies feelings and enhances self-realization. Moon trine Saturn- gives the patience and emotional strength to handle sensitive or difficult relationship issues.

✨If you want to know how will this affect your rising sign ->link in bio ->transit planets✨

