
Before physical therapy, then before work… I’ll have your May The Fourth (Be With You)

Before physical therapy, then before work… I’ll have your May The Fourth (Be With You) weather forecast at 4, 5, 6, 10 & 11pm!
#California #Chico #Redding #RedBluff #NorCal #sun #warmth #heat #MayThe4th #MayThe4thBeWithYou #StarWars #StarWarsDay #Wednesday #weather (at Chico, California)

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I don’t know where you and I will be five years from now. We could be in a tiny apartment, making coffee at 2 a.m. and watching those campy horror movies that I only watch to make you smile. You laugh at another comment I make about the fake blood; I rest my head on your shoulder. The world is calm. 

Or maybe we’re cities apart, separated by more than the miles. We are now strangers who know everything about the other; we vowed to never utter the other’s name again because it hurts too much. I can’t drink coffee without thinking about you, and you haven’t played that stupid video game in months because you keep thinking about all the jokes I made while I watched.

I don’t know where the world will take us, or if we’ll get to go there together. I do know this, though—right now, in this moment, your laugh is my favorite sound and I will do everything to hear it as much as I can; I know that no matter what happens, even if this only ends in heartache, I am so happy to have met you. So I am going to enjoy the right now, and do everything I can to give us as many tomorrows as possible. 

please, stay as long as you’d like by (DS)

it’s ok to feel sadness, anger and unhappiness. i know a lot of people make it seem as though optimism and positivity are the only ways to get through life but that’s not true. you can’t always feel happy. sadness is normal. anger is normal. your emotions are valid. you do not have to supress your emotions so you can be positive. let out your emotions. feel your feelings. although it is important to grow from your emotions, that doesn’t mean you must be positive all the time. it’s unrealistic.

i hope you find love, happiness and or everything you’ve ever dreamed of. i hope you know you are so loved. i hope you know how much you matter. i hope you never give up on your dream. i hope that you live to see another day. i hope you know you’re worth more than the ignorant opinions of others. i hope you know that you are not alone, and that i will always be here for you.


If you’re not feeling great, make a hot beverage. You don’t have to like the taste, just hold it in your hands. Feel the warmth. 

Know that things may be rough, but in this moment you are okay. You are surrounded by warmth. You are loved.


one day you’ll lie on some soft grass on a flowery hill and feel the sun on your face and feel happy that everything in your life has lead you up to this moment of pure joy and warmth.

Moving gracefully with purpose, with etheric wings heading for a new world. Kluisbos, Kluisbergen, E

Moving gracefully with purpose, with etheric wings heading for a new world.
Kluisbos, Kluisbergen, East Flanders, Belgium 2018
by Jolien Cornelis

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beside her

As i lay in bed beside my person. my very own soulmate. she sleeps blissfully with a soft and cute snore while i lie awake next to her. she has her hand reached back to touch me while she lays in her comfy position. little bits of contact are always held wether it’s just a hand or our legs touching or full on grasping each other in our arms. simple touches that connect us furthermore in a physical realm. gentle finger tips that caress my soft skin, the same that pull me close in more sensual manners. innocent touches and intimate grasps. i crave her warmth like a moth to a light. she is the soft fire inside a rustic cabin. it feels cozy and safe. the type of place you could enjoy forever. the home i’ve found within a person. my soulmate.

What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness. -John Steinbeck
#solstice #winter #woodstove #fire #minnesota #mood #theartofslowliving #stellaandpoppy #midwinter #warmth #woodfire (at Stella + Poppy)

#solstice    #woodfire    #theartofslowliving    #woodstove    #stellaandpoppy    #warmth    #winter    #midwinter    #minnesota    