

Thank you guys n gals for following my blog. Rest assured I’m scouring the internet for the Olympic weightlifting and Crossfit women we admire and love. Beauty and muscular perfection all wrapped up in one!

Thank you all. Lift some barbells and kettlebells today and celebrate!

It’s crazy how hard it seems to be. To find women lifters lifting real weights. Not so much Olympic Weightlifting ladies but every other weightlifting aspect, bodybuilding, fitness, physique. They only like to post up pics and videos of their posing and light stretching.


But I’m trying to find yall some exquisite female lifters lifting real weights!

Four months ago vs. today! When I don’t think I’m making progress…this is why I t

Four months ago vs. today! When I don’t think I’m making progress…this is why I take pics! #hettingthere #37 #word #blackwomendoworkout #fitness #cardio #weights #yoga #encouraged

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