#whump tropes



I’ve always been a fan of a different kind of aftermath: that aesthetic of the calm right after the storm when that proverbial camera pans over a room that is empty, except for hints of what happened in it only moments before. The blood soaked bandages littering the floor, spatter dotting the tiles, haphazardly discarded gauze, bloody footprints leading out, the energy from the whumpee’s screams still lingering in the air. Wires swinging slightly from where they have just been detached. Just… yes


Okay but

Whumpee getting shoved back against a wall so hard it knocks the air out of them <333333

Whumpee getting shoved against a wall and smacking their head hard and everything goes black for a moment, and then when they come to moments later they’re on the ground, everything is weird and blurry and loud and they’re left clutching their head and curling up and whimpering from the pain and everything else and they don’t even know what’s going at that moment but their hand feels weird and sticky and warm, and they feel sick but they also feel tired, so so tired and they want Caretaker, where the hell is Caretaker, they need help pleaseand hmmgmmfggfmgnfm <3333333333333333333333333333


intimate whumper ideas

  • them hurting whumpee without a hint of mercy, and while they’re still screaming in pain, whumper switching in the blink of an eye to hold them, comfort them, and pet their hair soothingly. this gives whumpee an overwhelming conflict between hating and fearing them and wanting to be held by them and running to them when they’re hurt, great grounds for an unhealthy attachment between whumpee and whumper.
  • whumper drugging whumpee so that they stop struggling and fall asleep, then carefully tucking the two of them under the covers of whumper’s bed and cuddling against them. when whumpee wakes up, still hazy from the drugs, they think that they’re home with caretaker and hold onto whumper fondly, recoiling back in terror when they finally recognize who is really in bed with them.
  • whumper going out during the day and returning with photographs of caretaker taken while stalking them as a “gift” to whumpee. bonus points if whumper says that they’re sure caretaker isn’t coming for them because they’ve been watching them long enough to know- bonus bonus points if they’re lying.
  • after a particularly bloody torture session, whumper carefully bandaging every wound on whumpee, always asking if it’s too tight and if it still hurts. they plant a kiss on top of each injury before covering it, resisting the urge to comment on how beautiful they look injured to give whumpee a false sense of sincerity.
  • a whumper who wakes their whumpee every morning with a kiss, much to whumpee’s disliking- or do they begin to look forward to it in the morning? up to you!
  • whumper giving whumpee household chores or any tasks and rewarding them with temporary fondness and care, but violently punishing them should they mess up at all. when whumper isn’t feeling lovey dovey, they give whumpee a task that they’re set up to fail for an excuse to punish them.
  • whumpee doing something wrong and sobbing, begging whumper not to hurt them again while apologizing over and over again. instead of lashing out, whumper quietly reassures them it’s okay, gently putting arms around them and picking them up. whumpee’s mind is only eased for a moment as they realize they’re being carried to the room they’re tortured in, and then continuing to cry and yell while whumper keeps calm and comforts them.
  • whumper telling whumpee how much they love everything about them with a knife in hand, then tracing their skin with the blade as they talk about how much they love each part of them. bonus points for EYES- them pressing the skin down beneath their eyes with the flat side of the knife or with their fingers, then using the opposite hand to touch their eyes and calmly threaten to pull them out.
  • whumper hums frequently while hurting whumpee, so the sound is associated with pain. late at night, whumper will lean into a half-asleep whumpee’s ear and hum softly, immediately waking them up in fear and keeping them up for hours.
  • torture is VERY exhausting. whumpee almost always falls fast asleep minutes after whumper stops, but whumper likes to see them tired. every time whumpee looks too comfortable, like they might be fast asleep, whumper gently shakes them awake and laughs, teasing them for thinking they were allowed to rest.
  • whumper forcing whumpee to talk about any traumatic life experiences from before they met so that they can insincerely comfort them- and use it against them later on. the comfort makes whumpee want to trust them, but when whumper brings it up later to hurt them, they feel betrayed.
  • whumper constantly making whumpee tell them that they love, trust, and cherish them. for a further idea, it starts off with whumpee refusing to say it and being tortured, then over time they finally swallow their pride and say it to avoid pain. however, over time when they slowly start to break, it becomes less and less of a lie- and having to repeat it constantly is only re-enforcing these feelings.
  • whumper sticking a syringe in whumpee’s neck and making them beg them not to inject the drugs into them. any time whumpee says something even slightly out of line while trying to stop them, the needle is pressed in further, whumper still smiling and giving them their chance. maybe if they’re extra mean, they finally decide it’s enough and tell whumpee they did good and that they were convinced, and right as they begin to pull the needle out, suddenly injecting the drug- because whumpee can never win.
  • the whumpee and whumper sleeping in the same bed, realistically whumpee wouldn’t be able to sleep but bear with me. they wake up panting for breath in tears from a nightmare about the torture they endured, and whumper holds them and comforts them knowing fully well they were the one in those nightmares and they’re making whumpee feel worse.

I don’t even care if I already reblogged this


This or That, Gothic Edition, Part 2

The first one was super popular, so I made another :)

buried alive or bleeding out // vampire hunter or witch hunter // tragic past or tragic ending // doppelganger or misunderstood monster // vampire or werewolf // boarding school or orphanage // ghost ship or haunted train // blood bath or descent into madness // decaying ruins or abandoned mansion // mysterious widow or strange orphan // lost in the woods or pursued by an assassin // hypothermia or starvation // inherited curse or deal with the devil // return from the dead or supernatural sleep // mad scientist or creepy housekeeper // full moon or moonless night // thick fog or heavy rain // physical torture or unexplained illness // hypnosis or sleepwalking // ghostly laughter or mysterious crying // crows or bats


buried alive or bleeding out//vampire hunter or witch hunter // tragic past or tragic ending // doppelganger or misunderstood monster //vampire or werewolf // boarding school or orphanage // ghost ship or haunted train // blood bath or descent into madness // decaying ruins or abandoned mansion // mysterious widow or strange orphan // lost in the woods or pursued by an assassin //hypothermia or starvation // inherited curse or deal with the devil // return from the dead or supernatural sleep //mad scientist or creepy housekeeper // full moon or moonless night // thick fog or heavy rain// physical torture or unexplained illness // hypnosis or sleepwalking // ghostly laughter or mysterious crying // crows or bats

Tagging anyone who wants to do this (that means you, yes you!)


Whump Tropes: Against the Wall.

  • Whumper slowly moving up to Whumpee, eyes burning, as Whumper scrambles backward. The moment of panic when their back hits a wall.
  • Whumper gripping Whumpee by the collar and slamming them against the wall.
  • Whumpee pinned, front pressed against the wall, one arm twisted behind their back, the other splayed against the wall for balance.
  • Whumpee with both hands flat on the wall, using it for support as a whip cracks down on their bare skin, leaving welts and cuts.
  • Whumpee stumbling forward, one hand on the wall to keep them from falling as theirs legs shake and buckle.
  • Drywall cracking against their back as Whumper shoves them against the wall.
  • Whumpee, exhausted and bleeding, sitting against the wall. That moment when they squeeze their eyes shut and let their head fall back against it while they clutch their wound.
  • Whumpee’s skull cracking against a brick wall. Bonus points if they feel a warm trickle of blood down their neck a few moments later.
  • Whumpee clumsily sprinting down a pitch black hallway, constantly running into walls. Breaths echoing as they desperately search for an exit before Whumper notices they’re gone.
  • Whumpee literally glued to the wall (by hair, one hand, their back, etc) and left there knowing the only way to get down is to rip their on skin off / hair out. How long do they wait before biting the bullet so they can sleep? So they can eat?
  • Whumpee’s legs buckling under them. Trying to get as small as they can by sliding down the wall as Whumper advances. Trying to melt into it an disappear as their breaths become more and more frantic.
  • Whumpee chained to the wall with manacles set in the stone. Not budging an inch.
  • Claustrophobic Whumpee desperately pressing themselves into the walls as the room seems to get smaller and smaller, suffocating and crushing them.
  • Whumpee completely trapped, the wall on one side, Whumper’s body pressed close against theirs on the other. No space to breathe. Every inch of skin smothered.
  • Whumpee pinned to the wall by a hand on their throat.
  • Whumpee rhythmically hitting their forehead against the wall, desperately trying to manage their pain.
  • When a Whumpee is hit HARD. They stumble back, legs barely able to keep up, until they crack against the wall and crumple to the ground.
  • Whumpee sitting with their ear pressed to the wall, trying to hear what Whumper is doing in the other room. Knowing what will happen if they get caught.


I really need a fic with a miserable ill, feverish character waking up in the middle of the night to cough and sneeze, and they’re running a pretty high temperature and everything feels terrible, and also they can’t hear or see the caretaking character anywhere.

Later the caretaker comes back in from getting more firewood / water / medicine / handkerchiefs or such, it took them a bit longer than they expected. And they find the sick character, who seemed to sleep ok when they left, has now become a shivering, snuffling and not a little teary pile of clingy misery who believed themself abandoned and is now in very much need for comforting.


Hey guys can we get a non-human/hybrid whumpee who is literally the sweetest person you’ll ever meet about to be killed in front of their team because they’re seen as dangerous?


Okay but

Whumpee getting shoved back against a wall so hard it knocks the air out of them <333333

Whumpee getting shoved against a wall and smacking their head hard and everything goes black for a moment, and then when they come to moments later they’re on the ground, everything is weird and blurry and loud and they’re left clutching their head and curling up and whimpering from the pain and everything else and they don’t even know what’s going at that moment but their hand feels weird and sticky and warm, and they feel sick but they also feel tired, so so tired and they want Caretaker, where the hell is Caretaker, they need help pleaseand hmmgmmfggfmgnfm <3333333333333333333333333333



Healing pods and the like are good whump shit and you cannot convince me otherwise.

  1. A character can believably survive more injuries
  2. Carrying a wounded character back to base? Yes please
  3. You can have extra U N C O N S C I O U S N E S S

Finally I can share my ideas about this!

- Whenever Caretaker goes to see Whumpee they always cringe because in the healing lord there are no bandages, no stitches, not even a bandaid. Whumpee looks the same as they did before as they slowly heal.

-Maybe the suspended animation is imperfect so Whumpee needs to be taken out to eat and Caretaker helps them with pod sickness. Coming out of healing pods often results in nausea, headaches, body aches. And all while this is happening Caretaker has to convince Whumpee to eat something.

- Suspended animation also isn’t perfect in that they still dream, very vividly. When Whumpee dreams sometimes there nightmares and when they reach a certain level suspended animation isn’t possible so Whumpee wakes up, stuck in a box and causing old wounds to open up and bleed.


A little fanart of @callaeidae3 caretaker merfolk and human whumpee~
I hope we’ll get to see more of them !


There’s a celebration waiting for Whumpee’s return after a long hard battle. 

But everyone’s cheering slowly falls into silence when they arrive beaten and unconscious in caretaker’s arms. 

God I love it when the character’s lock eyes right before one is hurt.

standing on the battle field and looking over at their partner. maybe they smile at them before being hit. maybe they give them a blank stare before crumpling, almost like they knew it was going to happen.


the whumper comes for A and drags them from the room.
A telling B over and over again that it’s going to be alright before giving them one last look before the door closes


maybe they were having an argument and one confesses an attraction, romantic or platonic, and then BOOM

arrow to the side.

bullet to the shoulder.

poison takes affect.

all of it is great

Prompt #26

It was a beautiful day for painting. the sun shown through the windows with warmth and outside the world seemed silent but for the occasional bird.
Inside the room with filled with pictures and sketches that covered the walls and floor. pieces that the creator viewed as masterpieces.

“hold still” the whumper sighed with a shake of his head “or we’ll never be finished”

The whumpee sat in the middle of the room and glared defiantly. Ropes bound his legs to the stool he was sitting on, his arms tied behind him and also to the stool. keeping him sitting almost perfectly still.


I’m curious about cannibalism so let me throw out a scenario and you peeps tell me if eating humans crosses a line.

A sits quietly at the table as the whumper lights the candle sticks. soft classical music plays and somehow adds to the tense feeling in A’s body.
“where is B?” A finally got the courage to ask, voice trembling.
The whumper grinned at A from his seat “why sweet little A, B is already here”
A froze as their brain slowly tried to process what had been said. But as the whumper lifted the lid off the silver plater it all clicked into place and A threw up over the side of their chair.

God I so lied when I promised to start posting again. a million things happen after I posted that, like moving out of my parents house and all the things that come with that. One thing led to another and somehow I ended up not even opening Tumblr at all.

so much for promises.

but speaking of such things allow me to provide some scenarios


  • The caretaker realizing that they have to break a promise to the whumpee in order to save them or for the greater good. The hurt fill the whumpee’s face as they realize what’s happening and that the trust is broken.
  • The whumpee waiting and waiting for the caregiver to come back, because they promised they would and they wouldn’t break a promise, would they?
  • The whumpee struggling to stay awake as the pain overtakes them as the whumper pats their cheek “I’ll be back in the morning, I promise”
  • the whumpee promised the caregiver they’d stay strong, that they’d stay alive and come back, but it looks like they’re gonna have to break that promise

    Promises man, I tell ya
    there’s a beauty in making them
    and breaking them


a collection of whumpy tropes

Agony Beam: The fantastical ability (in whatever form) that causes extreme pain to whoever it hits.

Corporal Punishment: Inflicting physical pain as punishment for one’s misbehavior.

Denied Food as Punishment: Denying food as punishment.

Electric Torture: Torture done by zapping or electrifying the victim — bloodless, but effective.

Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique: The hero needs information, and fast—thus, they immediately decide to torture their captive.

No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Someone overpowers another with little effort and in a very painful, bloody manner.

Playing with Syringes: Unethical and possibly incredibly painful experimentation with the goal of creating something.

Stock Punishment: A device that holds someone immobile so that others can assault them with foodstuffs.

Tar and Feathers: Either as a comedic prank or a serious form of punishment, someone is covered in hot tar and feathers for humiliation.

A Taste of the Lash: Someone is flogged with a whip or cane.

Water Torture: Such as simulated drowning, ie “waterboarding”.

What a Drag: Torture/attack/punishment by dragging someone across the ground.

Achey Scars: Scars that continue to hurt in the long term.

Condemned Contestant: A prisoner(s), instead of going to prison or being executed, are instead forced to do some kind of contest as punishment.

Enslaved Elves: A once-powerful race is forced into slavery.

Forced into Evil: Someone is forced to commit villainous acts against their will.

Forced Prize Fight: People are forced into some kind of brawl/fight with a prize.

Gladiator Games: Someone (usually a slave, though sometimes a volunteer) must fight in spectated battles against other combatants for entertainment.

Human Pet: Treating people like domesticated animals is even more dehumanizing than regular slavery.

Incapable of Disobeying: A character is enslaved in such a way that they cannot disobey their master no matter how much they may want to.

Lost Him in a Card Game: Gambling for people.

Restraining Bolt: Physical object or seal stuck on a character that forces them to comply to certain demands.

Slave Brand: A mark on a person to show that they’re a slave.

Slave Collar: A collar worn by a slave to show that they are such.

Superhuman Trafficking: Superhuman or non-human people are hunted and traded for the exploitation of their special powers.

Sympathetic Sentient Weapon: A sentient weapon unhappy with its role.

Don’t You Dare Pity Me!: Too proud to accept sympathy or help.

Drowning My Sorrows: Deals with sorrow by getting drunk.

Desperately Craves Affection: Excessive desire to be loved.

Wake-Up Call: A character gets put through some event that forces them to grow or otherwise get their act together.

Wounded Hero, Weaker Helper: A character is injured and must be healed by a weaker or more inexperienced character.

Now, Let Me Carry You: A situation where a character who is known for supporting and helping another is suddenly in need of support, only for the person they supported to come through for them.

Once Done, Never Forgotten: A character has done something in the past that no one will forget — or let them forget.

And I Must Scream: When a character is forever stuck somewhere, probably unable to talk, move, or even die.

Sadistic Choice: Forcing a person to choose between two terrible options.

Sleep Deprivation Punishment: Not allowing a person to sleep.

To the Pain: Telling a future victim exactly what is going to happen to them in slow, painful detail.

Exalted Torturer: When the person doing the torture is also the hero.

Loves the Sound of Screaming: Someone finds joy in the loud, loud misery of others.

Locked in the Dungeon: Someone is locked in a dungeon to be tortured or punished.

Defeat Means Menial Labor: A defeated villain is punished with menial labor, often in their (no longer) own place.

Televised Torture: The torture is being broadcast, either for the villain’s personal entertainment or for public consumption.

Too Broken to Break: There’s no torture that can affect him/her, the damage was done way time before.

Torture Chamber Episode: An episode in which one or more characters are tortured for the entire duration.

Torture First, Ask Questions Later: Someone gets so caught up in torturing someone (or has even already killed them) that they forget to ask questions.

Bandage Wince: when the action is over and wounds must be treated, the person will wince the instant a bandage or cotton swab soaked in antiseptic touches their skin.

all courtesy of tvtropes.com

Trope: when A is taken in by B, after being found hurt and unconscious

I open my eyes to the feel of something cold pressed against my chest. All I see is a blur of color, and all I can feel is pain. Pain in my side, my legs, the muscles of my arms, the sharp throb in my head.

Consciousness, it seems, is cruel—and I want to go back to sleep. But I can’t. Something feels wrong.

Then slowly, as I blink a few times, I see the metallic object take form into the metal shape of a stethoscope. They don’t press too hard against my chest.

Confused, I watch as the hand moves from one side of my chest to the other. They try to go lower, and I move my hand to stop them.

“You’re awake.” The voice comes from somewhere above me. Faintly, I recognize it. My pulse picks up.

I try and roll off the surface underneath me when their hand catches my shoulder, firmly rolling me back. At the touch, a soft whimper slipped through my lips— I bite down hard to silence the sound, but I know it’s already too late.

“Don’t move,” they say. Their words sound clipped—almost irritated. But the tone is gentle.

How… how could they find me? I shouldn’t be here. I had no memory of how I arrived.

good guy, or the bad guy?


villain-adjacent tropes i like 

  • Tragic Villain – completely aware of their evil but takes little to no pleasure from it and could very well resent the evil they are committing
  • Noble Demon – a character who will proudly declare themselves evil, but still finds themselves doing good once in a while
  • Reluctant Monster — The Reluctant Monster usually has no idea that they’re a monster at all. They are often a member of a species that traditionally does nasty things to people, but that is not in their own personal nature 
  • Broken Ace – A character who is handsome, popular, and mature, but it’s a front he’s viciously maintaining to mask the fact that his self-loathing has reached the level of dangerous unbalance
  • Affably Evil – A villain who is actually amiable and nice in spite of their intentions
  • Dark Is Not Evil – A character who looks sinister but is actually good.
  • Defeat as Backstory: A character suffered a defeat sometime before the main events of the story.
  • Sympathetic Murder Backstory: A character once killed someone, but for sympathetic reasons—still, they carry guilt over it.
  • Start of Darkness: A prequel about how the villain came to be who they are.
  • Being Tortured Makes You Evil: Tortured into evilness. A character who undergoes prolonged torture gives up on their ideals and morality and joins Team Evil.
  • Face of an Angel, Mind of a Demon: A character is adorable on the outside, but evil on the inside.
  • Face–Monster Turn: Being forced to turn evil by factors beyond one’s own free will.
  • Forced into Evil: A character does evil deeds because someone or something else is giving them no other choice.
  • Tragic Monster: A character is transformed into a dangerous monster and is miserable because of it.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: A villain or jerk was a lot nicer when they were younger, but something happened that caused them to grow up to be the bad person they are today.
  • Villainous Breakdown: The villain reacts to defeat by having a psychotic meltdown.
  • Never Be Hurt Again: fairly common stock motivation, in which characters who have been abused, betrayed, mistreated or otherwise persecuted in the past are acting to make sure that this sort of thing never happens to them again
  • Driven to Villainy:  A broken shell of a human being, warped by events around them, and forced into villainy by forces outside their control. 
  • Fallen Hero: used to be a hero
  • Jerk-to-Nice-Guy Plot: A plot where a character starts off as a Jerkass, but events change him into a Nice Guy.
  • Misery Builds Character: Having a character go through absolute hell as a way to strengthen them.
  • Once Done, Never Forgotten: A character has done something in the past that no one will forget — or let them forget.
  • Forgiven, but Not Forgotten: just because people forgive doesn’t necessarily mean they will move on. They may hear that they are trying to change their ways, but is still not good enough to make them completely happy again. 
  • Reformed, but Rejected: desire of the character to leave his evil ways in the past is completely genuine — but the hero still refuses to be “fooled.” All he wants is a chance at a normal honest life. It’s getting people to give him that chance that presents a problem.
  • Reformed, but Not Tamed: Now genuinely on the side of good, but they retain characteristics or methods that they used when they were evil.

all found on tvtropes.com


Whumpees with telepathic powers

- when they cant keep their mental walls up and everything comes rushing in and its too loud

- their powers are blocked and they feel naked and vulnerable without them

- a connection with somebody causes them to feel all the pain they feel as if it were their own

- overtaxing themselves and ending up with headsplitting migranes and physical weakness

- being forced to use their powers agaimst their will, searing pain in their mind as its drawn out, maybe hurting a friend against their will

- sometimes becoming practically catatonic because how can they focus on their body when theres just so much inside their heads

-friends and family cutting off contact when they find out about whumpee’s powers bc thhey think they’re a freak and don’t want them to get into their head

-or how about a telepathic villain who tears apart the minds of whumpees by getting inside their head and posioning all their good memories so all that’s left of whumpee is a shell

-someone finding out their partner is cheating on them by reading their mind and accidentally using their powers to make the cheater go insane because they feel so betrayed and can’t control the fact that they’re basically forcing their own emotions into their head. Cue telepathic whumpee being absolutely horrified by what they’ve done and trying to fix it but cheater just screams at them to get away and cheater stumbles off the balcony they’re on which results in their death. Whumpee is staring in shock, horror, and disgust. Whumpee doing everything in their power to not use telepathy but by them not using their power it keeps building up inside them to the point that every time they touch someone they basically get bombarded by all their thoughts. Whumpee isolating themselves and gov somehow finds out about them and takes them away. Cue torture! Angst! Electrocution! Experimentation! Dehumanizations! Cue them befriending one of the people who work there! Then more angst and pain and suffering! Escape! Happy ending! But considering the fact all you writers love pain probably not! (Idk this one kinda takes ok off and developed into a tiny story, I’m really sorry whoops, but feel free to use)

-telepathic whumpee who goes insane themselves because they keep hurting the people they love or push them away

-telepathic whumpee verbally responding to someone else’s thoughts without realizing until they see the expression of confusion on the other person’s face and whumpee kinda has an “Oh shit”moment

@whvmp ty for the prompt!


See also: Miscommunication and Misconceptions.

“Sleep well,” they say - and they mean sweet dreams but you hear threats of nightmares.

“Go away,” they snarl - and they mean ‘leave me alone’ but you hear ‘never come near me again’.

“Sorry isn’t going to fix this!” they shout - and they’re angry and weary but you’re shivering and contrite.

“Well, what do we have here?” they muse - and they are curious but you are terrified.

“We’re not friends,” they mutter - and they speak lies but you hear truth.

Stay,” they order - and you hear the threat they didn’t voice or intend.

“Stop,” they sigh - and they are tired but so are you.



blood in whump>>>

  1. blood seeping through bandages
  2. blood trickling out of someone’s mouth
  3. coughing up blood after chest trauma
  4. bloody nosesssss
  5. split lips after being punched
  6. a pool of blood slowly spreading under someone’s body
  7. blood glistening on the blade of a knife
  8. blood from a forehead cut
  9. blood slipping through someone’s fingers as they desperately try to put pressure on a wound