#wife blog


Life has a funny way of throwing you off track and keeping you on your toes. On our way home from the hospital my mother and I got rear ended by a truck. My glasses fell off my head from the impact and flew into the back seat. I had to hold the phone so close to my face to dial 911 because I couldn’t see. As if today already didn’t suck enough having my mom’s pet scan for cancer god just wanted to add this to the plate. My mother and I were both shaking, our bodies are in pain. The car was drivable so we drove to the hospital. We sat there for hours, thank you covid. The waiting room was full to the max, people were sleeping on the floor. We gave up and left. Lessons learned today- life challenges us at all times, I have to let go of things I can’t control, it’s better to roll with the punches. Keeping fingers crossed that my moms scans come back clean. Hoping for a better tomorrow.


Enjoying the calm before the storm tomorrow. I expect there to be lots of screaming, box throwing and floor covered in wrapping paper!

As I sit here in the morning of Christmas Eve, tired from wrapping and making sure I’m not forgetting somethings I reflect on my childhood and how growing up it was such a magical time. As I got older the magic faded until I had kids. Having them brings me right back to that little girl that believed and wrote letters to Santa. Going to sleep on Christmas Eve with butterflies in my tummy forcing myself to fall asleep just so he comes. My parents would get one big gift that I really wanted and a few small ones. I didn’t grow up with a whole living room floor covered with presents like my husband. I never felt like I was missing out on anything because that’s all I knew, I also knew that my parents loved to travel and would take me along. I got to experience different cultures from a young age and those memories can’t be wrapped under the tree. As kids get older my husband and I think we will do the same. Making memories with our kids as a family even if it’s just getting dinner at a restaurant will go a long way. I hope everyone out there has a wonderful Christmas Eve, don’t forget to leave your cookies and milk out for Santa. The money spent, the hours of wrapping will all be worth it when you see that sparkle in their eye!

no filter

I decided that for 2022 I will try to write something at least 2-3 times a week. My memory is not the greatest and I know there’s so many good moments I just let go by so this is my way to document my life. If you are new here, I’m Kate. I am a working mom, a wife to my high school sweetheart, PTO president, small business owner ( well trying to start it now). I love creating just about anything. My favorite is when I see my ideas which at first seemed crazy come to life. I am from a small country called Latvia and both my parents and I moved to US when I was just 11. I went to the same school as a little foreign girl that I am now PTO president at. My best quality would have to be my work ethic, i apply myself fully to any project I work on. I hate being late so if you are the one that always shows up late to events we can’t be friends. I like to cook thank you to tik tok i’m getting kinda good at it. I love the smell of clean laundry and the feel of clean sheets. I like to give meaningful gifts. I love to travel, covid has made it hard. Community events melt my heart. I have my opinions on politics but will hear anyone out, we don’t have to agree that is ok. I respect the flag, the military and anyone in uniform that’s how I was raised. I cry when I hear certain songs and my eyes fill up with tears each year my kids blow out candles on their cake. I struggle with mental health and I’m hoping that by keeping this blog going it will help me work though some things. This blog is for me to hopefully make me a better person, mother and wife. I need to start looking at the positives in my life instead of stressing about what might happen, what won’t work out. I hate carrying around so much stress, it’s making me not be fun to be around. So join me on this journey if you wish. This is going to be my honest corner of the internet. No filters, no staged pictures just real life stuff. I will share the blessings along with the struggles because no one is perfect. 

Look what came in the mail yesterday. What do you all think?

Look what came in the mail yesterday. What do you all think?

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What would YOU do if this was in front of you?

What would YOU do if this was in front of you?

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