#mommy blogs


Anyone else just want to quit their job and just drive? Maybe to Canada? Or better yet Mexico? I need the sun and sand on my toes.

As I sit here in the morning of Christmas Eve, tired from wrapping and making sure I’m not forgetting somethings I reflect on my childhood and how growing up it was such a magical time. As I got older the magic faded until I had kids. Having them brings me right back to that little girl that believed and wrote letters to Santa. Going to sleep on Christmas Eve with butterflies in my tummy forcing myself to fall asleep just so he comes. My parents would get one big gift that I really wanted and a few small ones. I didn’t grow up with a whole living room floor covered with presents like my husband. I never felt like I was missing out on anything because that’s all I knew, I also knew that my parents loved to travel and would take me along. I got to experience different cultures from a young age and those memories can’t be wrapped under the tree. As kids get older my husband and I think we will do the same. Making memories with our kids as a family even if it’s just getting dinner at a restaurant will go a long way. I hope everyone out there has a wonderful Christmas Eve, don’t forget to leave your cookies and milk out for Santa. The money spent, the hours of wrapping will all be worth it when you see that sparkle in their eye!

Corona virus has been the topic of every conversation around the globe. The virus does not discriminate, it’s a world traveler, it’s a deadly weapon since it  lingers with no symptoms. If anything, it should slow us down and look around at all the things that we take for granted daily. It should make us appreciate all the “family time” that we didn’t even know that we missed. It should have us turn off the TV and put down the phones and just BE. Be with the ones that matter most. This is the time to be inspired and maybe take a break from a job that you resent and have a re-charge or a re-set. It does not matter if you are white, black, Asian, Mexican, Italian, Russian- we are all people and we all want to live to see tomorrow. Please stay safe, please stay at home, hold and love one another because tomorrow is not promised. 
