#sick and tired


obsessed with this meme @autistic-daisy-johnson made as i embark on the most recent medical mystery tour


jfc i ended up with my cat at the emergency vet on the other side of the county until 5 am last night & thank god she’s okay & that’s what matters but i slept like 90 min total as a result & also the five million blood tests i got done at the doctor’s on monday are coming in & the results are like “bestie……. something is Going On in there & it’s not good” & i’m nevertheless sucking it up at work until 8 pm tonight thots & prayers pls


The desperate desire to create vs the oh so constant sleepiness plaguing my every action


half girl half asleep


i’m not “lazy” i’m just a fragile victorian maiden. i can only handle 1-2 mildly taxing activities a day before i have to put myself down for a nap until dinner

men are like what do you mean you know a lot about this subject cause you are actually majoring in it you should listen to me, a twink who has watched a 7 minute youtube video about this and has the audacity to educate you <3

Life has a funny way of throwing you off track and keeping you on your toes. On our way home from the hospital my mother and I got rear ended by a truck. My glasses fell off my head from the impact and flew into the back seat. I had to hold the phone so close to my face to dial 911 because I couldn’t see. As if today already didn’t suck enough having my mom’s pet scan for cancer god just wanted to add this to the plate. My mother and I were both shaking, our bodies are in pain. The car was drivable so we drove to the hospital. We sat there for hours, thank you covid. The waiting room was full to the max, people were sleeping on the floor. We gave up and left. Lessons learned today- life challenges us at all times, I have to let go of things I can’t control, it’s better to roll with the punches. Keeping fingers crossed that my moms scans come back clean. Hoping for a better tomorrow.

As I sit across my mothers room as she is being injected with radiation before her pet scan a whole lot of emotions run through my mind. She has fought off breast cancer 3 years ago, had cancer moles removed, had a hysterectomy to assure ovarian cancer would not happen, had cancerous polyps removed during a colonoscopy. She looks scared, tells the nurse all about her grandchildren (my kids) and how proud she is of them. That’s the first time I witnessed her telling a complete stranger how much they make her happy and proud. My mother is a tough woman at times even seems cold but in that moment she is as just a proud grandmother with a will to live to watch them grow up. They just took her away for the pet scan and right when she was out of sight my mask filled up with tears. I held it in all morning, I made small talk about after Christmas sales, how much the gas prices went up I wanted to talk about anything besides what was happening today. Today we will know if there’s any cancerous masses anywhere in her body. Waiting is the worst part. First you wait for the appointment, then you want in the waiting room, then you wait for results, then you wait for treatment, wait to see if it worked. Cancer is one big waiting game. Cancer doesn’t discriminate, could care less if you smoke, drink, do drugs, if you are a good person or an ass. Cancer is determined and sneaky but good luck trying to take on my mom. I pray the scans are clear, for cancer’s sake.



just saw someone use the term “anti-johnnys” about people who don’t support johnny depp, and I feel like that sums up how weird people are about this case online. this isn’t fandom discourse or football teams, it’s a case about domestic violence involving real people. what’s wrong with you
