#witch art


Hello everyone! I’m back!

Here’s an Artsy witch for witchtober that I’ve made a few weeks ago and a small explanation of where I’ve been.

I abandoned both of my art accounts here and on Instagram for almost a year. And the reason for that is pretty simple - my daytime job. I’m a medical doctor, and since August of last year, I’ve been working as a therapist in the outpatient department of a hospital in a town near the city, where I live. When the second wave of a pandemic hit my country last autumn, my administration sent me to work as a physician with COVID-patients. And it was very stressful work that consumed all of my time, energy, and inner resources and left me burned out to the point where I lost my empathy and motivation to do anything, felt desperate, irritated and tired all the time. All of this left no room for art and social media. In October of this year, this nightmare ended for me (except for the burned-out part, I’m still dealing with that in therapy), and now I’m slowly returning back to making art. Huge thank you to everyone who kept this blog running - liked and shared my art, asked questions, messaged me. I’m going to post a few pieces I’ve made during this time, so stick around if you’re interested!

If you enjoy my work and have a will and opportunity to support me, here’re a few ways you can do it:

Visit my Printshop // follow me on Insta // buy me a coffee

I painted this picture as a gift for my friendI painted this picture as a gift for my friend

I painted this picture as a gift for my friend

Post link
kindratia: Witches of Emberfel #1-  Ambrozia and Mr. FluffypantsThis is the start of another series-


Witches of Emberfel #1-  Ambrozia and Mr. Fluffypants

This is the start of another series- witches and their familiars! This might become a DA RPG one day, or even just an art book- hence the name and the stats I’ll be providing. Regardless, you will be able to make her name, story and world whatever you wish it to be if she becomes yours

Witch Type: Deep Necromancer
Familiar: Velociraptor
Primal Forces: Life, Time
Crystals: Amber, opalized fossils
Artifact- Enchanted Amber Goggles; granting her the ability to see into the distant past

This character is up for adoption :D Please check it out, I need money,


Another one posted first on my artblog, but just as relevant here.

Post link

 A quiet and peaceful surrender to things happening out of our control.

XII - The Hanged Man. 

One of the pieces I made for the Mystica Tarot deck for Braiiinz publishing. 

I feel so related to this tarot card right now…

Another quick drawing that started as a sketch, but I can’t help myself in giving more and more details. This little baby is one of the Black Magic tier rewards at my Patreon. ^-^ Using as a model the gorgeous @djerq I have some new surprises prepared for all my Patrons, as this has being so difficult and crazy times for all, I hope that what I have in mind can cheers them up a bit.

Please stay safe and take all the precautions!


/ wip / witch of the woods

(idk if many here know but I’m an artist :) ) my latest wip

another harvest-y witch, this time… garlic witch!

no, they won’t vanquish vampires for you (unless they’re hoarding unethical amounts of wealth) but yes, they will make bread
