#witchcraft resources


For any witch who doesn’t know, these signs DO invite the fae, especially when you set things around them like this person set a coin on the sign: 

I won’t reiterate my entire fae post, but generally it is a poor idea to make deals with the fae. So unless you specialize in working with them and know EXACTLY what you’re doing, please watch out for these!! Especially in thew spring, these little garden décor things are rampant! 

If you want to make a little fae garden without actually attracting anything, do not:

  • accept or leave out food or drinks for them
  • make a faery ring
  • write letters to them
  • verbally invite them, even as a joke
  • insult them in some way 
  • give them your personal information like your name (see my fae post)

Here’s another tumblr user who has an amazing post about the fae and is a well educated fae witch - https://phae-undergrove.tumblr.com/post/676918896423550976/faeries

Fae post https://punkylilwitch.tumblr.com/post/639458230632923136/fae-and-fairies

You can look in thrift stores for old objects that seem powerful, sometimes they have candles too! Not only is it environmentally friendly compared to buying all new stuff, but you can also utilize the old magic to make something new and possibly connect with something new!
Recycling is very good, it’s a nice way of giving back to nature!

A couple things to keep in mind:

  • Absolutely keep in mind the auras/general vibes of each item you want to get and take home
  • Cleanse things when you get home, even if you like the aura; just keep in mind you want to keep that part as you’re cleansing and your intentions should be set properly 



I get a lot of messages asking for links and information that is actually very readily available online! Here are a few websites that will likely be able to answer most of your basic witchy questions!

⛥ - A favorite site of mine



The Way of The Witch



Pagan’s Path

Cyber Witchcraft

Wicca Net

Everything Under The Moon

The Witch’s Corner

Moon Muses

Wiccan Spells

Witches of The Craft

I also have quite a few masterposts:

Ways To Use Crystals

Plant and Herb Properties by Name

FAQ #1

FAQ #2

Ways To Banish Negative Energies and Entities

Different Types of Water and their Magickal Uses

Crystals/Stones and their Physical and Mental Properties

If none of those websites can help you out there are a TON more that I didn’t have the time to mention. If you have a general question you can always Google search it and an answer should come up!

