#witcher art


A fairy tale of the Witcher and the Prince!

No, there is no story here, only my drawings, sorry to disappoint you. :,)

So I draw our favorite assholes again, and this time in the aesthetics of East Asia. I’ve always wanted to draw something with such elements, but also in a fairy-tale atmosphere. If you are interested in how this illustration was created step by step, you can see it under the cut!

It all started with finding the right reference to the pose. Under this link, you can see the illustration I was inspired by, unfortunately I was not able to find its original source, so please forgive me for the link to pinterest. If you have information about the author of the illustrations, I will be happy if you share this information as I would like to include it here.

basic sketch
detail sketch

I’m obviously not as talented as the author of the original, but I had a lot of fun sketching and adding more elements to the composition.

It turned out that flowers caused a lot of problems, because I wanted a certain symbolism, but unfortunately I don’t know anything about flowers. Kiyan’s flowers were initially supposed to be moon flowers, but it turned out that I cannot express their beauty in the drawing and I also found a new reference to other flowers, so modifying them several times resulted in a kind of hybrid of both.

With flowers for Adrien, I just went to ask someone smarter than me. And so @gavilansblogand@akilah12902gave me the idea to use hibiscus and after our brainstorming it turned out to be the perfect flower for Adrien. And luckily, I was even able to draw it!


Lineart is always tricky to me and always changes the look of the original sketch a bit. The drawing loses its delicacy, the lines sit quite heavy in the drawing, and it always makes me a bit sad. This is obviously a necessary step in coloring, but the realization that the lineart is of lower quality than the original sketch is always frustrating to me.

color & gray background

Coloring is the coolest part as long as you know what colors you want to use. For clothes, I knew - for some reason, right from the start, my default color palette for Kiyan was blue/navy blue and silver, and for Adrien it was black, gold and red. The flowers just had to match this aesthetic. But the background… the background was the problem. Initially, I tried to make it quite bright and neutral, because it seemed to me that this drawing already has so many details, I should not disturb it with an overly expressive background. But the bright background came out flat and boring.

So again I asked people smarter than me who advised me to use a darker green background. And this is how we got the end result.

Thank you for your attention and I hope you have enjoyed the whole process!



Yennefer from Corvo Bianco

My favorite season (summer) is ending. I wanted to catch that beatiful golden hour’s light in my next fanart. I can imagine how by the end of a day Gerald and Yen are drinking vine and enjoying each other’s company. I love this pieceful ending of this great game.

Who did you end up with in Corvo Bianco?

shuravf: You flee my dream come the morningYour scent - berries tart, lilac sweetTo dream of raven l


You flee my dream come the morning
Your scent - berries tart, lilac sweet
To dream of raven locks en twisted, stormy
Of violet eyes, glistening as you weep.

Ok, it´s the version of the books, but I like the song anyways ^^

Post link
calyxestra: Witcher 2 hairstyles! Trivia: the low half ponytail (hairstyle at start of main game in


Witcher 2 hairstyles! Trivia: the low half ponytail (hairstyle at start of main game in Witcher 3) is called a Squirrel’s tail, and the undercut + ponytail (prologue hairstyle in Witcher 3) is called a Cintrian pendulum.

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I’m obsessed with The Witcher!! I have no idea what to do with my self now that I have no more episodes to watch.

I think Geralt would have let Ciri put flowers in his hair

Modern Lambert
I coloured an old sketch of mine as practice
And yes, as soon as something is supposed to visually read as “modern” I tend to give people a face full of metal (even though I have very few piercings myself XD). I just enjoy drawing them a lot.

Thank you @skaldingrayne for spinning a story idea in the Continent Cakeshop Server and thus making me go, oh yesss, I have this thing I still wanna colour!

Post Shibari - Process Gif

Uncropped/uncensored as always on my P*treon

Post Shibari - Finished!

Uncropped/uncen image on my P*treon





I never posted this here… Shame on me really, since cyberpunk (as a genre) is my fav thing and robots/cyborgs are bae!

Was absolutely floored by these phenomenal pieces and started writing, then Cylin jumped in and bunch of the @continentcakeshop peeps and then ✨magic✨ happened (and now there’s even MORE amazing art on the way too!):

Parhelia Rewired

Rating: Mature
Fandom: The Witcher
Relationships: Eskel/Geralt/Lambert
Tags: Cyberpunk Dystopia AU

READ IT on AO3 Now ->

“Almost in position. How’s everything looking on your end, Scorpion?”

“Five by five from here,” rumbled Eskel’s voice in Lambert’s earpiece as he crept along the darkened corridor, sword at the ready for any unexpected surprises.

“Don’t forget it’s the second hall on the right, not the first,” came Geralt’s deep monotone.

Lambert blew a raspberry into his mic, “This ain’t my first fucking rodeo, Roach. Tell me something actually useful - like how you’ve got our exit plan secured already.”

“Your exit is clear. Still don’t know why you got to pick the call signs.”

Was it just him or did Geralt sound fucking petulant? Lambert grinned as he glanced around the corner to find the hallway empty as expected. Priceless.

“Scout gets to pick the call signs. Paperweight shuts his cakehole, Roach,” he chirped back over the line.

“I don’t understand what you see in that show,” Geralt grumbled. “I should block it from all your access points.”

“Gotta respect the classics, dontcha? Well, present company excluded of course. Yet again you’re the exception to the rule. Wouldn’t even be on this mission if it wasn’t for your broke ass. You’re just lucky you didn’t scratch my bike or I’d sell you component by component to the scrappers to put it back to rights.”

Not that he ever would, not really. Not after what Geralt and Eskel went through getting him out of that place; the price they’d all paid, the shit they had been through together since.

But Geralt didn’t need to know that. The so-called White Wolf had a big enough ego as it was.

Mybike,” Geralt growled through the line.

“I’m sorry - and just whobuilt the damn thing? Not even getting a cut of this job either with all of it going to pay your repair tab. Y’know, I could be the one sitting at home in my PJs, minding the screens and eating ice cream out of the carton. But no - you had to go fuck up that milk run and get your servos blown to itty bitty bits. ”

“Didn’t fuck up. I - ”

“Would you two zuiger-brains shut the fuck up? I’ve got movement down here,” Eskel cut in, a sort of fond annoyance in his voice Lambert was well used to by now.

“Roach?” Lambert said, suddenly all business. “Give me good news please.”

“Stand by,” Geralt replied. “Pulling up the feed now.”

Lambert chewed his lip, hoping this plan wasn’t about to go tits up like the last one.


Oooooo I love cyberpunk AU’s. Will read this one for sure. And the art is

@cylin-aka-ankamo​ is just so damn talented, isn’t she? i am in awe of her brain. when i saw this piece it was like a whole world just snapped into place and i had to write it down…

Here, take all my love: *yeets container full of hearts at you*

Post Shibari - Line art
Cleaning up the line art was a lot of fun for this one

Uncropped/uncen pic over at my P*treon

The Prince - Process gif
A loooong gif for a loooong process

Post Shibari - Sketch
So,@rawrkinjd suggested shibari over at my P*treon
I am taking a bit of a different spin on it (which you cannot see yet), and I really hope I’m not totally off the mark here.

The Prince - Finished!
Posted this totally unironically on the 25th of December on my P*treon. It still tickles me, that I gave a fully finished prince to my patrons that day!
The p*rn was less well scheduled …but still nice!

pepsiprophecy:*chanting* bi geralt bi geralt bi geraltpepsiprophecy:*chanting* bi geralt bi geralt bi geraltpepsiprophecy:*chanting* bi geralt bi geralt bi geraltpepsiprophecy:*chanting* bi geralt bi geralt bi geralt


*chanting* bi geralt bi geralt bi geralt

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Hehe photo redraws with my bois!!!!

I’ve been so totally obsessed with bright colours and textures recently-

Absolutely abusing the art filter settings. I feel like the before and after are what photographers feel…

Geralt of Rivia pre-witcher 3

Been playing the first witcher game and it’s so good! (despite me being absolutely frustrated with the mechanics at first). How the Witcher 3 doesnt have the hairstyle from the first 2 games boggles my mind :(

And do come check out my Instagram @mayasooong!


Ciri (to Geralt) : “You never gave me piggyback rides at Kaer Morhen. Vesemir was the only one willing.”

Ciri was sitting on the bearskin with Coën, tucked away in the far corner of the hall, and both were busy playing a hand-slapping game…. (Vesemir) fell silent and looked at Ciri, who with a joyful glee, acknowledged she had the upper hand in the game. Triss spied a small smile on Coën’s face and was sure he had allowed her to win - Andrzej Sapkowski (1994), Blood of Elves

I honestly adore the parts where young Ciri were training, playing or interecting with the witchers in Kaer Morhen. It is so adorablee

Decide to color in this sketch

Seems like my style has changed over a few months

I’ve been thinking about this for quite some time but now I’ve decided to open commissions!

If you’re interested, please feel free to message me here or on my Instagram ✨

Somethings to consider:

- commission drawings are for personal use only, not commercial

- I may need references when commissioning. All of which will be kept in private.

Shares, comments and saves on this post are very much appreciated!! ♥️
