#wlw positivity



All religious wlw are real wlw. They are good people, they are not betraying their religious community or the wlw community by practicing their faith. They are wonderful and loved by God and by the wlw community. 


it’s important to foster the idea that it’s okay for a bi or lesbian woman to shift between identities while they are questioning or if they start questioning down the line.

i’ve known many lesbians and bi women who have stayed in their prior identity because they 1. feared backlash; 2. felt like they were “betraying” that identity’s community if they changed their identifier; and 3. felt like the strong activism they did while in that community would somehow mean less if they came to realize they were a sister-identity.

to all of those i have to say:

1. you will always have those who will love and support your journey. find people who nurture your self-growth, and cut out those who would hold you back or see you stay stagnant.

2. your journey betrays no one; who you are
betrays no one. being true to yourself means that you are doing right by you and not betraying yourself, and that’s the only person who matters in this—you.

3. every word and action you speak or do matters. realizing a label no longer pertains to you doesn’t lessen the significance of the time you spent nurturing your identity within it. you did well with that community; you’ll do well in the new community; and you’ll do well in our shared community. you bring a unique and compassionate perspective that will help so many others.

so, be kind. speaking specifically as a lesbian: lesbians, support lesbians who come to find out they’re bi. be compassionate. be proud. be encouraging. they aren’t leaving us. they never left. they’re been with us this whole time. they’ve being true to themselves and their journey, and they will always be our sisters.

the words we use can empower and uplift us, but the community they’re built on is what sustains us, helps us grow, and helps us care for our own and our histories we share.

cute things my girlfriend does:

(part two)

1. she’ll blush at really small things like when i hold her, call her petnames or give her love letters

2. she gets flustered everytime i call her cute or adorable even tho she tries to play it cool

3. she’ll play with her hair and mess around with it and it’s really adorable

4. she takes really good care of her little sister and will tuck her in and stuff and it makes me want to cry like ahhhhhhh that’s so pure

moral of the story: my girlfriend is super precious and adorable

carving pumpkins, hayrides, and stomping on crunchy leaves would be so much better if you did it with your girlfriend

i want to explore mountains with my girlfriend, have a little risk and maybe a small kiss

i like to sit and ponder about what life is gonna be like once i can finally be with my girlfriend physically. imagining all the cute little dates, conversations we’ll have… it truly makes my day
