#nblw positivity


I used to be afraid of the word bisexual.

I used to let the potential judgement of others dictate my confidence and self-worth. It was mostly the prefix because I didn’t understand what it meant at the time. It felt like a reminder of the fetishization of bisexuality and it put a dirty taste in my mouth. I figured it was better off to stay out of conversations about bisexuality in some communities and to just say bi in others. Bi is fine, but better off for who? I’m not doing it for my own convenience. I’m doing it because I am afraid of others, and that small bit of power that they held over me pissed me off.

I began saying bisexual and bisexuality more often than bi, then I tried to find more reasons to say it. Now, seeing people say bisexual fills me with pride and joy. It is a pride in overcoming a fear and becoming stronger than hatred. It is a joy that I feel the need to pass on. I hope every bisexual person can feel this way about their bisexuality some day, regardless of how similar or different their journey is from mine.

Our bisexuality is an integral part of us that is deserving of our acknowledgment and respect. All of our attractions—same and other gender attractions—are valid and important. They make us who we are.

Your bisexuality is beautiful. Your bisexuality is true. Your bisexuality is wholesome or sensual or sexy or all or none of these. Your bisexuality is yours. Your bisexuality is enough.

To the autistic bisexuals reading this,

You are loved. You are worthy of respect. You are valued. You are deserving of all things good. Our community is glad to have you.

I hope you have a lovely day or evening.

Your partner’s attraction to all genders does not negate their love for you

Your partner’s love for you does not negate their attraction to all genders

Your attraction to all genders does not negate your love for your partner

Your love for your partner does not negate your attraction to all genders

Let Me Join You, Fellow Bisexual {Poem}

Let me join you, for there is no comfort in walking alone.

Far behind is an alley made of stolen stones.

We built this path of our own and refused to pick a side,

But ridicule follows and strips us of our pride.

We are not gay or straight enough for either community.

The home we had has become an oppression pageantry.

Let me join you, for there is no support in fighting alone.

We weep and scream for the sooth to be known.

Call it panphobia but I am not afraid of all things,

Nor of their deception, though it may sting.

For the sake of the activists who paved this road,

We must march on and demand truth be told.

Let me join you, for there is no pressure in resisting alone.

Only in unity is this community able to grow.

Those at Stonewall did not submit to the police,

So we will not yield in the name of silencing peace.

Nor will we make war with those of us led astray,

For this road has too many bricks to all be carried away.

Let me join you, for there is no comfort in walking alone.

These well-traveled bricks will found a home,

So we never need be on our own.

— Riley Idalia Lord

i swear to sappho, i really do be acting like the toughest wlw in my city, then my gf comes into the picture and suddenly cant help but yearn that she runs her fingers through my hair and cuddle

i love asking her questions while she’s riding the strap and then pulling her down onto it while she’s answering so she ends up just a stuttering and moaning mess

if you’re nblw

Here are some reminders-

I love you so, so much!

Your identity and attraction is valid. You are not required to label it in any way if that’s not what you’d like. And if you do use labels, they’re for you to define yourself with- not for other people to critique.

Binary people don’t exclusively love other binary people. There are many wonderful wlnb’s (who also are super valid!) out there, and you all deserve amazing partners that love you for who you are, not despite who you are.

It doesn’t matter how you present- be your radiant nonbinary self in your own unique and brilliant way! Also, if you use she/her pronouns or are female aligned, that doesn’t automatically make you some extension or “downgraded version” of lesbian or sapphic. Being male aligned or using he/him doesn’t make you “basically straight.”

I hope you have a super great day!

manningeli:there are a lot of words out there for nonbinary attraction, and sometimes they can be manningeli:there are a lot of words out there for nonbinary attraction, and sometimes they can be manningeli:there are a lot of words out there for nonbinary attraction, and sometimes they can be manningeli:there are a lot of words out there for nonbinary attraction, and sometimes they can be manningeli:there are a lot of words out there for nonbinary attraction, and sometimes they can be manningeli:there are a lot of words out there for nonbinary attraction, and sometimes they can be manningeli:there are a lot of words out there for nonbinary attraction, and sometimes they can be manningeli:there are a lot of words out there for nonbinary attraction, and sometimes they can be manningeli:there are a lot of words out there for nonbinary attraction, and sometimes they can be manningeli:there are a lot of words out there for nonbinary attraction, and sometimes they can be


there are a lot of words out there for nonbinary attraction, and sometimes they can be overwhelming

you can define your attraction however you want, whether it’s with labels or descriptions!!!

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i want to explore mountains with my girlfriend, have a little risk and maybe a small kiss

i like to sit and ponder about what life is gonna be like once i can finally be with my girlfriend physically. imagining all the cute little dates, conversations we’ll have… it truly makes my day
