#wlw textpost



Imagine gently holding a person’s face, tilting their face to look at you, and running your thumb over their bottom lip

i love asking her questions while she’s riding the strap and then pulling her down onto it while she’s answering so she ends up just a stuttering and moaning mess

can we talk about women? like all women? black women asian women white women latin women

please add more to my simple list. i must appreaciate all of them <3

when my gf gives me clothes shes bought or found, and i put them on, and her eyes light up? thats the shit right there, that makes me happy. her being happy makes me happy.

i took her to a field for a picnic. we cuddled,,, held hands,,, and talked…. i also kisses her forehead fdhgdgjdhjfj also my dog loves her and she was sooooo precious with him

imagine kissing your girlfriend outside of a haunted house attraction. the lights dazzling their face, the screams of horrified people in the distance

going through a haunted house with your girlfriend and they get scared so you hold their hand and swear to protect them

carving pumpkins, hayrides, and stomping on crunchy leaves would be so much better if you did it with your girlfriend

i want to explore mountains with my girlfriend, have a little risk and maybe a small kiss

i like to sit and ponder about what life is gonna be like once i can finally be with my girlfriend physically. imagining all the cute little dates, conversations we’ll have… it truly makes my day
