

girl if you pull me down by the collar of my shirt, or by my face, just to kiss me? fuckkk you got me in deep and i stg i will marry your ass.

i swear to sappho, i really do be acting like the toughest wlw in my city, then my gf comes into the picture and suddenly cant help but yearn that she runs her fingers through my hair and cuddle



can we talk about women? like all women? black women asian women white women latin women

please add more to my simple list. i must appreaciate all of them <3

Trans women

T RAN SW OM E N !!!!!!

She doesn’t ever have to worry about me leaving, as long as we keep the same energy, I’m staying until the end.

question for trans-men

do you like hearing “you pass really well”, like as a compliment?

I had an interaction a little bit ago with a classmate. He said we attended jr-high together but I had no recollection of us attending together. He told me that he started transitioning the summer before year 1 of secondary school. So i said “wow you pass really well, I had no idea!”

He did not seem very ecstatic. Did I say something wrong?

can we talk about women? like all women? black women asian women white women latin women

please add more to my simple list. i must appreaciate all of them <3

cant wait until the US gets it shit together and deals with this covid thing because i wanna take my baby out on real dates

when my gf gives me clothes shes bought or found, and i put them on, and her eyes light up? thats the shit right there, that makes me happy. her being happy makes me happy.
