#writers on instagram

tkwrtnewsfeed: Newsfeed #121 June 21, 2020 (21 Narië)FATHER’S DAY EXCLUSIVE: EXTENDED VERSIONFirst t


Newsfeed #121 June 21, 2020 (21 Narië)


First things First: I’m officially returning to work on June 26. That means frequent excerpts to come for “The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy”. After a brief hiatus, it is good to get back to work again.

Now it is Father’s Day once again. It is hard to believe my own father has been gone for almost two years now. I was lucky that he lived long enough to see the original version of The Saga of Thranduil. I remember on our last day together, I read some of it to him because they said though he was in a coma, he could still hear. After four hours with, I was about to leave when he seemed to wake up and turn to me and ask me as he always would, “Where are you going?” I said, “I’m going home.” He said ‘ok’ and that was his last words to the world. He would die two days later.

Now, book business. After we nearly destroyed WordPress the last time we had a download available, we have decided to have more than one place for people to go. Besides being available here, the PDF can be downloaded here as well:

Facebook: If you are a member of TKWRT Group, you can get it on the group page.

Google Drive


Happy Father’s Day!

We’re back. Enjoy the book.

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¿De dónde sacar tiempo para leer?

Muchos consejos, encuestas y más en Instagram: writtips.

No dudéis en escribirme si tenéis alguna duda o queréis hablar sobre literatura ;)

Newsfeed #121 June 21, 2020 (21 Narië)FATHER’S DAY EXCLUSIVE: EXTENDED VERSIONFirst things First: I&

Newsfeed #121 June 21, 2020 (21 Narië)


First things First: I’m officially returning to work on June 26. That means frequent excerpts to come for “The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy”. After a brief hiatus, it is good to get back to work again.

Now it is Father’s Day once again. It is hard to believe my own father has been gone for almost two years now. I was lucky that he lived long enough to see the original version of The Saga of Thranduil. I remember on our last day together, I read some of it to him because they said though he was in a coma, he could still hear. After four hours with, I was about to leave when he seemed to wake up and turn to me and ask me as he always would, “Where are you going?” I said, “I’m going home.” He said ‘ok’ and that was his last words to the world. He would die two days later.

Now, book business. After we nearly destroyed WordPress the last time we had a download available, we have decided to have more than one place for people to go. Besides being available here, the PDF can be downloaded here as well:

Facebook: If you are a member of TKWRT Group, you can get it on the group page.

Google Drive


Happy Father’s Day!

Post link
Newsfeed #117 October 29, 2019 (29 Narquelië)IT HAS FINALLY ARRIVED: THE HOUSE OF DURIN by DEBORAH M

Newsfeed #117 October 29, 2019 (29 Narquelië)


If you were wondering where I was, I was preparing for the “sister” series of “The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy”. We’ve been working hard for the past 6 weeks to get it ready to go on this day.


(Due to time zone differences, you may want to check periodically throughout the day to see if has gone up).

Post link


The different types of reading:

Reading like a reader: You’re letting the story take you a sweep you away without worrying much about anything. You might have opinions–likes and dislikes. But for the most part, you’re just seeing where the story takes you.

Reading like a writer: You’re gutting each sentence, picking it apart and studying it. You look at what the writer does wrong and what they’ve done right and use both to help you improve. You’re actively trying to find flaws and strengths to avoid or borrow in your own writing.

When to read like a reader:

  • When you want to relax and enjoy a story.
  • When you’re reading with intent to give feedback to other readers. This means reviews for sites like Goodreads or Amazon. 

When to read like a writer:

  • When you’re looking to up your writing skills.
  • When you’re beta reading, critiquing, or giving feedback to the writer directly.

A lot of writers find it nearly impossible to read like a reader anymore, which isn’t a bad thing. You can still 100% relax into a story and enjoy it once you’ve built up that reading like a writer muscle. It does take more work than just reading, so if you’re just starting out you may find it hard at first. 

If you do read like a writer, you can of course still review a novel. However, you can’t expect all your critiques to fit into a review. Reading like a writer is very tailored frame of opinion in most cases, as it partly relates to your own writing style. A review is not the place to compare your writings. It’s a place for other readers to find out if they should give this book a chance. Complimenting/complaining about sentence structure is nitpicky and going to go over most readers heads–just say it wasn’t/was well written. 

Like most things, reading like a writer vs reader is a wide spectrum. Plenty of readers that are not in fact writers read like a writer–especially voracious readers because they have a whole career of reading behind them. They’ve learned how to weed out bad books.

Throughout the course of a book you can do both in varying degrees, but at times it can be good to consciously flex those muscles. Strain and relax them. Become a better writer without even writing ❤
