
True. #writerslife #writersofinstagram #writersofig #writerscommunity #writersblock #writing #amwrit

True. #writerslife #writersofinstagram #writersofig #writerscommunity #writersblock #writing #amwriting #author #booklover #bibliophile #bookaddict #booknerd

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Good morning! It’s April 15th, which means we’re almost halfway through Camp NaNoWriMo!

Good morning!
It’s April 15th, which means we’re almost halfway through Camp NaNoWriMo!
This weekend I finished the second story I was working on (The Oracle and the Old Guard) which fills the bird notebook from front to back.
I did not write on Sunday or Monday, which felt refreshing and frustrating at the same time, since my goal for the month was to write every day. After finishing The Oracle and the Old Guard, I thought I would know what to work on, but I didn’t, so I couldn’t bring myself to work on anything.
Yesterday I started to write again in a new notebook (A balloon view of London) which I bought at @foxbookshop when I was in Philadelphia in November. I’m excited to get another idea down!
How are your goals coming this month?
#campnano2020 #campnanowrimo #campnanowrimo2020 #campnano #writingcommunity #writing #amwriting #amwritingscifi #amwritingspecfiction #amwritingfantasy #writersofinsta #writersofinstagram #writersofig

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It’s the fifth day of #campnanowrimo and I just finished my first writing session for the day&

It’s the fifth day of #campnanowrimo and I just finished my first writing session for the day…and this notebook.
I filled just over half from September 2019 throughthe first week if March 2020,and the rest of it since March 18th. It didn’t feel like I was writing that much, but apparently I have been fairly writing productive during the past few weeks!
Since I finished the little idea I was purging from my head by writing it down (typically a very effective method for me to never think about a story again), I’m now moving on to a new notebook and another idea!
The next idea is vague (like the previous one) but involves a mountain temple, an oracle, an outcast, and bargaining with a god. At least, that’s what I think it involves now. Well see how it shakes out in the writing.
How are your goals coming?
#amwriting #amwritingfantasy #writersofinsta #writing
#writer #writersofig #writersofinstagram
#writerscommunity #wip #notebooklover #campnano2020 #campnanowrimo2020

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Settling in for lunch on this cloudy Sunday with pasta and homemade (roomie-made) #focaccia . . Earl

Settling in for lunch on this cloudy Sunday with pasta and homemade (roomie-made) #focaccia .
Earlier today I finished reading #lastbastion by #rachelaaron and #travisbach, so I’ve got to find another ebook to read while I eat. It’s too dangerous to read a paperback or write while eating, especially pasta with a red sauce and bread that is literally covered with oil.
This coming week marks the start of April, and I’m deciding whether to participate in #campnanowrimo. A new week at home means finding new ways to stay productive–and not go stir crazy–which means going on a walk at least once a day, and balancing everything I should be doing during this strange time.
What are your plans for the coming week?
#writingcommunity #writersofinsta #writersofig #writersofinstagram #amwriting #amreading #reading

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So excited to be back at #15minutefictionfriday this year! Thanks @the_novel_idealist for a beautifu

So excited to be back at #15minutefictionfriday this year! Thanks @the_novel_idealist for a beautiful prompt today!
#flashfiction #writingcommunity #writingprompt #writingprompts #writing #amwriting #amwritingscifi #amwritingfiction #scifi #writersofig #writersofinstagram #writersofinsta #100wordstory #100wordfiction #writingchallenge #flashfictionfriday #authorsofig #authorsofinstagram

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Everyone at the murder mystery party finds me suspicious for some reason…? #murderonthemenu #writers

Everyone at the murder mystery party finds me suspicious for some reason…? #murderonthemenu #writersofinstagram #longliveevil

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Something a bit different from my usual output. Today I published a short story based on Doctor Who

Something a bit different from my usual output. Today I published a short story based on Doctor Who to the BBC’s Mixital site.
I fancied writing something different from my typical transgressive stories, and I’ve never tried my hand at writing for the revived series Doctors. I wrote a few classic Doctor Who stories when I was a teenager, with one of my ambitions being to write an official Doctor Who novel. That novel remains partially written, but fully planned, waiting patiently for me to return to it. Who knows, maybe I will.
#dominiclyne #domlyne #doctorwho #doctorwhofanfiction #fanfiction #shortstory #skeletonsinspace #twelfthdoctor #claraoswald #bbc #mixital #tvshow #scifi #sciencefiction #shortadventure #tardis #timelord #fan #geek #ukauthor #writersofinstagram #authorsofinstagram #author

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Workspace. . #dominiclyne #domlyne #author #artist #transgressive #transgressivefiction #art #fictio

#dominiclyne #domlyne #author #artist #transgressive #transgressivefiction #art #fiction #writer #writing #fountainpens #lamy #notebooks #planning #workspace #busy #messydesk #ukauthor #writersofinstagram #schizophrenia #schizophrenic
Official website: www.dominiclyne.com

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I rarely talk in depth about the reality of my world.

What those in control of my care refer to as my main delusion, is for me my reality.

Watch the full video on my YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/c/domlyne

One of my desires and ambition as a teacher and a writer, is that if Jesus comes in 5, 10 or 10,000

One of my desires and ambition as a teacher and a writer, is that if Jesus comes in 5, 10 or 10,000 years time, I will still be relevant to every generation and in every profession; they will find meaning for living, inspiration for success, and true enlightenment through my works.

And that all those who come after me, my children included, will rejoice that I was here, that I lived to the fullest, and that I left my soul behind to teach them after that my body could no longer bear the intensity of the light my soul emitted.

And when they consider my life, they will discover I am a Christian, a son of God.

- Paul Bamikole

#writersofinstagram #writerscommunity #writer #author #paulbamikolequotes #education #inspiration #enlightenment

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Help celebrate the release of REMNANTS OF BLOOD by @hfcunningham.author and win the book! Link in bi

Help celebrate the release of REMNANTS OF BLOOD by @hfcunningham.author and win the book! Link in bio.
About the book:
Author: H. F. Cunningham
Pub. Date: September 14, 2021
Publisher: H. F. Cunningham
Formats: Paperback, eBook
Pages: 482
Find it: Goodreads, Amazon, Kindle, B&N, Kobo, TBD, Bookshop.org

The Fair Folk are the stuff of myth. Stories of monsters and old magicks. But all myths carry a grain of truth. That truth is that remnants of this ancient power live on in the blood of their descendants.

When Tannin’s grandfather dies, he leaves her with a mountain of trouble. Between cryptic journals that warn of unknown foes lying in wait and a crippling debt owed to a cruel and formidable local Laird, Tannin is thrown into a cut-throat world where she is perilously out of her depth.

But her problems have only just begun. Secrets lurk in Tannin’s bloodstream – secrets not even she is aware of. And they want out.

A scheming princess with the offer of an alliance. A secret society with murderous intentions. A dark past that refuses to stay buried. Tannin’s life will never be the same.

#RemnantsOfBlood #hfcunningham #rockstarbooktours #giveaway #darkfantasy #youngadult #youngadultfantasy #yadarkfantasy #nafantasy #nafantasybooks #newadultbooks #queerfantasy #queerya #lgbtya #lesfic #lgbtbooks #lgbtfantasy #writersofinstagram #fantasybooks2021 #readfantasy #fantasybookstagram #lgbt #scottishmyths #bookstagram #booknerd #bookaddict #bibliophile #booksofinstagram #igreads


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Hello! In this FREE Notion template for writers that I made, you can:

Manage your novels:

Have an overview of each novel:

Create your characters:

Build your world:

And then you ask…

Why should I use Notion?

Well, first of all, it is 100% FREE!

Plus, with my template, you have everything you need to start developing and writing your novel.

Also, Notion is totally customizable, which means that you are free to make the changes you need to adapt the template more to your liking.

TEMPLATE HERE! (Don’t worry, this link is safe and will direct you to Notion.) To get the template, just click in “Duplicate”:

right corner above

I hope this was useful! Please consider checking out my blog and maybe subscribing to my newsletter!<3


Hello! In this FREE Notion template for writers that I made, you can:

Manage your novels:

Have an overview of each novel:

Create your characters:

Build your world:

And then you ask…

Why should I use Notion?

Well, first of all, it is 100% FREE!

Plus, with my template, you have everything you need to start developing and writing your novel.

Also, Notion is totally customizable, which means that you are free to make the changes you need to adapt the template more to your liking.

TEMPLATE HERE! (Don’t worry, this link is safe and will direct you to Notion.) To get the template, just click in “Duplicate”:

right corner above

I hope this was useful! Please consider checking out my blog and maybe subscribing to my newsletter!<3


Well, many of us are students, right? But we’re writers, too - doesn’t matter if we have a book published or not. If you’re here, you have an idea, and you love writing, then you’re a writer <3 and… a student.

I am, too! And I know it is difficult sometimes because you REALLY want to write that novel, but you want to graduate! Yeah, same.

So here are a few tips that might help you with that!

Disclaimer: this is about my personal experience, and just because it works for me doesn’t mean it will work for you. :)


  • Schedule all of your assignments!!!

“Omg, so obvious…” yes (and no). I often forget to write them down in a calendar. I have all the due dates written in a sheet, but not scheduled, which makes it hard to manage my time.

Scheduling will help you to have an easy overview of everything you have to do for school/college.

  • Revise everyday

I’m sorry! But I find this SO important because this way you’re always up-to-date with your studies. It won’t be so hard when you have an exam or quiz approaching, AND it won’t take as much time as it would if you’re 100% lost.

  • Prompts, prompts, prompts

Is it overwhelming to keep working on your novel after a long day? Okay, don’t worry, I got you. Search for a nice prompt and write about it. It doesn’t have to be a long story (sometimes less than 1k can work just fine!)

Why do this? So that you keep writing every day.

  • Track your time

I knowww this is super boring for some of you, but please, this is life-changing!

I’ve been tracking my activities for more than a year now, and it really helps me to know how long I take to do a certain thing, and how much time I’ve spent on it (in a month, week, etc.)

I recommend an APP called TOGGL TRACK, and recently I’ve discovered ACTIE, which is almost the same, but it is more for you to work on your goals.

  • Set goals

Don’t write down “finish a 60K word novel”!!! Such a hugeee mistake. I did that and guess what?! I started losing motivation because the goal was TOO BIG and was taking ages to achieve.

Instead, set goals & routines like these (for example):

- Write 500 words everyday of [novel name];

- Work for 40 minutes on [novel name];

- Finish writing [number] chapters of [novel name];

- Reach 5K words;

- Write [character]’s biography / backstory;

- etc.

I hope you found this helpful! If you have more tips, feel free to add them here.

Also, if you’re interested, check out my blog on WordPress, where I publish my poems and soon will bring more content, such as some tips, resources (pdf sheets, for example), and some other nice things!


  1. E.A. Deverell - FREE worksheets (characters, world building, narrator, etc.) and paid courses;
  2. Hiveword - Helps to research any topic to write about (has other resources, too);
  3. BetaBooks - Share your draft with your beta reader (can be more than one), and see where they stopped reading, their comments, etc.;
  4. Charlotte Dillon - Research links;
  5. Writing realistic injuries - The title is pretty self-explanatory: while writing about an injury, take a look at this useful website;
  6. One Stop for Writers - You guys… this website has literally everythingwe need: a) Description thesaurus collection, b) Character builder, c) Story maps, d) Scene maps & timelines, e) World building surveys, f) Worksheets, f) Tutorials, and much more! Although it has a paid plan ($90/year | $50/6 months | $9/month), you can still get a 2-week FREE trial;
  7. One Stop for Writers Roadmap - It has many tips for you, divided into three different topics: a) How to plan a story, b) How to write a story, c) How to revise a story. The best thing about this? It’s FREE!
  8. Story Structure Database - The Story Structure Database is an archive of books and movies, recording all their major plot points;
  9. National Centre for Writing - FREE worksheets and writing courses. Has also paid courses;
  10. Penguin Random House - Has some writing contests and great opportunities;
  11. Crime Reads - Get inspired before writing a crime scene;
  12. The Creative Academy for Writers - “Writers helping writers along every step of the path to publication.” It’s FREE and has ZOOM writing rooms;
  13. Reedsy- “A trusted place to learn how to successfully publish your book” It has many tips, and tools (generators), contests, prompts lists, etc. FREE;
  14. QueryTracker - Find agents for your books (personally, I’ve never used this before, but I thought I should feature it here);
  15. Pacemaker - Track your goals (example: Write 50K words - then, everytime you write, you track the number of the words, and it will make a graphic for you with your progress). It’s FREE but has a paid plan;
  16. Save the Cat! - The blog of the most known storytelling method. You can find posts, sheets, a software (student discount - 70%), and other things;

I hope this is helpful for you!

(Also,check my blog if you want to!)
