#wynonna earp


Genuine Question….

Does anyone else feel like Dom has lost some of her previous confidence since getting back from her travels in Brazil?

Like I know she suffers with anxiety, but it just seems to be hitting her harder since the 5 month travelling break.

Shes seemed really nervous and more lost for words at the recent cons and interviews. Ive just wanted to give her a big hug and tell her all is ok.

Anyone else noticed something like this?

…and now, i take a full on picnic hamper!!! Screw you popcorn that costs £595 a tub! (Disclaimer…I may have added a few ££’s to that figure )

Ive come to realise that time spent as a writer is mostly 90% daydreaming/thinking about what you want your characters to say/do…5% finding time to jot those thoughts down…4% cursing because you cant remember those awesome ideas you had and totally didnt jot down….and 1% actually writing your story.

So like…thinking about your story totally counts as time spent being productive on that story yeah? Yeah???


Wayhaught slow burn fanfic recommendations wanted

Can anyone recommend a well written slow burn wayhaught fanfic to read on AO3? I’ve read “From Afar” and “Lone Wolf”, both of which are excellent, but after something new now

There was a part of the panel at Earpapalooza, where Kat says she and Dom now know what each others “comfortable” boundries are when doing intimate scenes.

So like….i wonder at what point one of them was like “whoaaaa ok, thats a bit too gay for me thanks!”

And what had the other done to make them say it?!?

Is it just me who thinks Nicole looks seriously hot when shocked?? Think I have a Haught addiction!

Having just watched Dom and Kat interact for over an hour on Tea & Biscuits, its fairly easy to see that both are VERY straight! Sorry shippers, but they are just really good actreses!

Wynonna Earp Season 3 - a fans review

‪*Warning* - some no doubt unpopular opinions ahead. Here is a thread of some of my thoughts on this season of my fav show Wynonna Earp‬

1. Post-Pregnancy Wynonna: Love love love the emotional range that MelanieScrofano has been showcasing this season. Our girl on top can act!!! You go girl!!

‪2. Domestic Wayhaught: I won’t lie, I’ve been left a little disheartened by my fav two gay characters interactions this season. Not because of the fact there’s been less heat, or that there’s been less intimate sexy time shown. I actually think that is a good depiction of how a relationship develops over time. I personally have been with my wife 7 yrs now, and confirm the lust and heat of new relationship sex does eventually calm down into a more relaxed and loving state. Its nice. And its normal! No, the thing thats bugged me this season is that there seems to be a general feeling of “distance” between Wayhaught, for which I am going to place blame on Waverly for. She’s appeared to be more aloof, less thoughtful, and less considerate towards Nicole in general. Whether this is intentional by the writers or not, I don’t know. But if it is intentional, I hope the reasoning behind it comes to light eventually.‬

3. ‍♂️ Doc: Another aspect of this season i have LOVED! The character development that has been invested into Doc has been phenominal & provided some of the best moments this season in‪ my humble opinion. That scene between Tim Rozon & MelanieScrofano when she first discovered he’d become a vampire, was pure tv gold, and both the writers and the actors deserve emmy’s for the gravity and emotion portrayed so beautifully in that moment ‬

‪4. Jeremy & Robin: Yes! Yes yes yes! Finally, a cute & adorable male gay couple on tv. Varun Saranga & Justin Kelly have played this fledgling romance perfectly, & kudos to the show writers 4 telling this particular story with such diversity & warmth. We, the gays, thank you!‬

‪5. Now for the probable unpopular opinion - Bulshar just does not cut it as a “big bad” for me. Well, not so far anyway. I have yet to feel any gravity of presence from this supposed “baddest demon of them all”. I feel like Bobo has more severity and magnitude of doom about him ‬‪than Bulshar has so far created. It may be due to the lack of screen time that this seasons big evil has so far been give, or the ambiguity of his intentions and ultimate goal. I understand that his goal has been purposly been left up in the air so far, with the characters ‬themselves struggling to ascertain what Bulshar intends to actually do when he gains access to the garden of eden. But I still feel a little more interaction and screen time for this seasons big bad could have been called for, just to instill a greater sense of impending doom in ‪the fans of the show. I hope that the final two episodes really help to slot the wicked and malevolent intentions of #Bulshar into place, as I really do think he has the potential to be the shows most fearsome character to date.‬

‪And lastly…6. Dani Kind…. Yes!!! Oh hell yes!! Mercedes is such a great female character and I love that Emily and the writers decided to being her back into our Earper lives. DANI FUCKING KIND…you absolute legend! ‬

whenever i think about the time i met the wynonna earp cast at a con i think about how melanie swore, apologized, and then told me she doesn’t know how to talk to kids. i was 15. 

(which. yes. a child. but did she think idk what fuck means)

dom also complimented my glasses which was nice

i just want to thank tumblr personally because it’s the only place where i can unleash my gayness and be gayer, even the gayest with no restrictions
