#zodiac quotes


Aries: the spontaneous friend who texts you at 2am because they need your opinion on something completely irrelevant, that person in your life who everyone is attracted to, the classmate who could intimidate anyone (including the teacher), the definition of ADHD, the lover who will kiss you 2.0 seconds after a HUGE argument, the bold and brave friend who always takes the lead when it comes to doing stupid things, always tired tho

Taurus: the fancy friend who is always up to date with all the gossip, the person on the street who is either dressed like they’re going camping or to the runway, there’s no in between, the shy but cute flirt (who thinks they can’t flirt but who secretly invented flirting), the friend who loves singing in any situation (good or bad - catch them having a blast at a funeral or sth lmao), that person who always eats out at fancy restaurants but somehow never pays for anything because people simply love them, they might appear materialistic but they secretly only value relationships with other people, from family to friends and lovers

Gemini: that friend who thinks that they are a genius but really can’t do much without the help of someone else, the person you meet at an art gallery/museum and starts talking to you about random things and somehow you end up being their new friend, the one who never shuts up (they either mumble or literally talk out loud about anything), the person everyone gossips about, the person who gossips about everyone, always posting on Instagram stories, easily bored, tries to encourage everyone out of kindness but people read it as “being fake”, has anxiety, the cheeky fun and quite childish friend who challenges your mind, aesthetics are on point

Cancer: the friend everyone goes to for advice, the most sexually aware people I have ever met, sensual and beautiful people who could make anyone fall for them, the colleague who leaves all the work for last minute and then stresses about it, moody, not even near as sensitive as everyone is trying to portray them, the mysterious artist you see at the metro station, the family member who has a significant other but still accidentally flirts with the waiter at the restaurant, probably some of the strongest people you will ever meet, great at whatever it is they are passionate about, always wearing comfy but cute clothing

Leo: the stubborn friend who asks the group for advice but listens to no one, just to come back after a few days and say “you were right about it guys”, the people who will hold back their tears even in front of their loved ones because they don’t want them to worry about anything, if you are their friend you are also their partner in crime, spontaneous, the unique person who gets all the attention, sensible people will label them as selfish but the truth is they are the most selfless people I have ever met, ambitious and determined, the person with the  strongest goals and values, the protective lover who gets jealous easily but doesn’t want to admit it, sometimes their attention span is non-existent lol

Virgo: that person in your life who gets bored very easily and always needs stimulation in all areas of their life, the bossy friend who will try to monitor everyone’s actions and plans but hates when someone forces them to do something, that elegant person you’ve been staring at for the past hour, either super clean or super messy, probably knows how to cook really good meals, the lover who has super high-standards but somehow always accepts the bare minimum from the person they are in love with because they are afraid to lose them, they have a heart of gold but their guard is always up, the colleague who is either the best at their job/the worst (works for students too) 

Libra: the friend who values and NEEDS their alone time even though they might seem to always be out and about, the person with the most unexpected and intriguing hobbies and interests, the friendly person who will listen to anything you have to say even though they secretly dislike you, the lover who is committed but whose romantic past intimidates and worries their partner (because they’ve been with quite SOME people, and are probably still in contact with them, even though they are just friends/ acquaintances), definitely has a past lover who changed their life and gave them trust issues, the friend who most likely has a “flip the coin” app on their phone for moments when a decision needs to be made, always beautiful 

Scorpio: the people who brag about being mysterious, even though everyone knows the tea about them and their life, the person with the nice body (regardless of it’s size) who can build up sexual tension in any situation and with anyone, witty and quick action takers, struggles with their confidence (especially in their youth years), the friend who hates to look and feel vulnerable, they look their best when they wear darker colours, the lover who will manipulate you into doing things their way, if they have a secret and they want to keep it, be sure that they’ll take it to the grave, the people who should really be careful when it comes to addiction and processing + working out their feelings, because they can really fall down dark and deep loopholes

Sagittarius: the brutally honest friend who would much rather break your heart with the truth than bother with making up lies, fake scenarios or sugarcoated stories just to please you, the lover who won’t settle down unless they actually feel like they want to take you with them on all of their adventures, intense feelings and mood swings (occasionally), will immediately sense it if you are fake/masking your true self and will trash the hell out of it, they value open, weird people who are not afraid to look like idiots from time to time, they easily make friends because they are very confident and self-aware, interested in true crime, the paranormal or spiritual stuff (or all of them lmao don’t underestimate them), very, very, extremely, impressively smart 

Capricorn: the friend who likes to pretend they have their sh*t together but is actually crumbling inside, emotional baddie, that one person everyone had a crush on at some point, they post intellectual memes about philosophy that the “regular mortals simply don’t get”, Draco Malfoy vibes, the friend who likes to appear rational and use logic in every situation but is secretly obsessed with tarot tik toks, loves solitude, dancing and sleeping naked in their house while listening to their favorite tunes but despises the feeling of loneliness, will choose money over love even though it would hurt them - love won’t pay their bills, workaholic who will probably open up a business if they don’t have one already (they tend to accustom themselves with working and making money from a young age) 

Aquarius: the friend who thinks they can hide their feelings but who has the most obvious facial expressions and energy shifts EVER (still, they are not good at speaking about how they feel), the hopeless romantic who, sadly,  always gets screwed over, the person who broke more hearts than any other sign but who is completely oblivious to this fact, treats people with kindness (yes, this is a Harry Styles reference), they have very distinct personalities - you just simply know when they walk into a room, glam and extravagant a bit “out there” fashion choices or life choices (or both lol), the person Karens are declaring war against, the lover who is most likely to experience “blind love” or fictional relationships, misunderstood, optimistic despite their idea that they are “depressive and negative”, balls of sunshine and joy who only want to make others smile, they can easily get you addicted to their presence and therefore are the people who have caused major changes in the life of those they have connected with (either good or bad) 

Pisces: the cheesy sensitive lover that will only do what their partner says, only values the opinions of those who they consider as close as family, most of them (not all of them) experienced a thirst for rebellion and troublemaking in their childhood/teenage years, the friend who will help you bloom, the person who catches the eye of everyone and, speaking of eyes, they are know to have the most beautiful, shiny eyes in the entire zodiac (especially Pisces Rising people), has an addiction or an attachment issue 100%, everyone wants to be their friend or lover because their sweetness is beyond unmeasurable, cringe machines, everything pastel and expensive is their aesthetic

Learn to be feisty like an Aries

Learn to be elegant like a Taurus

Learn to be creative like a Gemini

Learn to care like a Cancer

Learn to be confident like a Leo

Learn to nurture like a Virgo

Learn to embrace imperfections like a Libra

Learn to maintain your mystery like a Scorpio

Learn to be free like a Sagittarius

Learn to be disciplined like a Capricorn

Learn to dream like an Aquarius

Learn to swim gracefully through life like a Pisces

Aries -They kind of suck at lying, not because they aren’t capable of telling a lie but because they are way too impatient to keep it going and keep it hidden. They just want to live their life and that’s pretty obvious about them and also, if they do try to lie is probably because they want to see someone’s reaction to it. Other than that, they’re quite brutally honest. 

 Taurus - While not huge liars, Taurus people are stubborn as hell, meaning that they will lie if they have to keep their dignity standing. They have a nice perspective of themselves and tend to overreact when something happens to them, so don’t be surprised if you find out that their little dream adventure they told you about wasn’t so dreamy after all. They also tend to lie about their feelings for certain people as they like to be liked, and can totally dislike you but still tell you that “you mean a lot to them…haha” :| 

 Gemini- Geminis tend to sugar coat things a lot. They are private, unlike what they project themselves as (which is primarily noisy, talkative and down for fun) and they usually hide these private things away from people, and only serve, for the purpose of the story, the fun part, the nice part, or the ugly, in case they want to throw sh*t at someone and get themselves under the spotlight. They have a wild imagination and they like to use it, in order to grab people’s attention. If you’re thinking about the possibility of having been lied to by a Gemini, stop. You definitely have been their victim one way or another. 

 Cancer - They’re not the type to directly lie to you, but more so to avoid telling the truth. It’s probably because they don’t want to hurt you, or because they don’t like to get themselves involved in drama/fights so, if you don’t find out yourself the fact that they have lied to you, they won’t bring it up in any way. And if you do find out somehow about their lies, they’ll desperately try to shove in your face the fact that they have lied to you in order to “protect you”.

 Leo - Attention loving, our beautiful Leos will lie if it means that they’ll get themselves an amazed audience. They like to exaggerate stories that have indeed happened to them, just so that they can get a lot more claps from people around them. Other than that I have never caught any Leo with lies that aren’t meant to put them under the spotlight when it comes to storytelling. I guess it’s because they like their image to be squeaky clean. 

 Virgo - For the most part, Virgos don’t like to get themselves tangled up in a web of lies. They get tired by drama so they’ll keep themselves away from that type of scenery, especially because once you lie, you have to keep up with that lie, and it’s just too much useless work for them. Usually when a Virgo lies, it’s effortless and their capacity of lying can be scary good, but it’s usually short lived, as the lies that they say come out in the light pretty fast. It’s like a curse. They just can’t lie for too much time. 

 Libra - It’s hilarious how this sign is represented by the scales, which translates as being the symbol for justice, in any way, shape or form. Why is it hilarious? Because they’re f*cking liars. It’s true, they don’t like hurting people with the truth, because they know that they are secretly battling with an unbalanced personality within themselves. And how do you protect people from finding out the truth other than lying? They are so good at telling lies, it’s almost unbelievable. There’s no remorse on their face as they look in your eyes and lie, as to them it is the right thing to do. They’d rather give you a few more moments of happiness before you find out the harsh truth about themselves.

 Scorpio - They are very analytical people and know how to observe from afar, which makes them masterful liars. Chief of mischief, Scorpio will lie once they have observed a situation extremely well. You think there’s no such thing as getting away with it? Well, it is for Scorpio, and that is due to their suspicious nature and overthinking habits. They put themselves in the shoes of the person they are lying to and see exactly how and when that person might get suspicious of them. And so they cover up any tracks and go on about their lives. Scary.

 Sagittarius - Just like Aries, Sagittarius love living their lives to the fullest. No attachments, grudges, responsibilities. They don’t see a point in lying when they are the way they are. Their decisions are theirs only and if you like them, okay, if you don’t then it’s your problem. That’s why they are not liars for the most part. Of course, they can lie about little things or about their true feelings, as they are afraid of commitment. 

 Capricorn - Capricorns have been through all sorts of stuff. They’ve felt hurt, happy, cherished, trashed, loved, hated etc. They know how it is to be lied to and, because they have such a strong and educated personality they won’t lie to other people. Instead, they’ll be blunt and honest about the situation. If they hurt you, they’ll do what they can to comfort you afterwards and if they can’t, then they’ll let it go. They’re a very mature sign that doesn’t get itself involved in sh*t. 

 Aquarius - Being an air sign, their ability to lie is limitless. They know the theory, they’ve done it several times, yet it’s up to them if they feel like lying to you or not. If they want to crown themselves kings and queens of a “fun time” they will coat their stories with little white lies, if they just feel like it’s worth lying straight up in your face, they will do it and if they truly care for you and don’t want to hurt you, they might lie to protect you. But for the most part it’s not worth it to them. They get tired easily of having to project a different image of themselves, so they’ll just avoid lying. Especially if they love you, they won’t be capable of doing so. It’s just if they 1028281% love you

 Pisces - They are sensitive people who can be easily hurt or who can easily hurt others, even without wanting to do so. They will try to lie but I don’t think that anyone could possibly fall for those lies ever. If you fall for a Pisces lie then, I’m sorry boo but you ain’t got much brain up there. They are incapable of lying.

Zodiac signs as QUOTES:

ARIES: “Throw me to the wolves and I’ll come back leading the pack”

TAURUS: “They laugh at my dreams, I laugh at their bank account”

GEMINI: “I told him to take care of his eyes because they are the only balls he has”

CANCER: “It is both a blessing and a curse to feel everything so very deeply”

LEO: “To become a queen you have to give up playing the princess”

VIRGO: “Being positive in a negative situation is not naive. It’s leadership.”

LIBRA: “Your life becomes a masterpiece when you learn to master peace.”

SCORPIO: “A single lie discovered is enough to create doubt in every truth expressed”

SAGITTARIUS: “If we were meant to stay in one place, we would have roots instead of feet”

CAPRICORN: “Don’t underestimate the seductive power of a decent vocabulary”

AQUARIUS: “Study me as much as you like; You will never know me, for I differ a hundred ways from what you see me to be”

PISCES: “Your dream doesn’t have an expiration date. Take a deep breath and try again.”

I can’t really get over the Gemini one lol
