#astrology stereotypes


What you see isn’t what you get:


•You see: Brashness, Egocentrism, Aggresion

•They feel: Pressured, Unequipped, In need of encouragement


•You see: Possessiveness, Materialism, Greed

•They feel: Safety fears, on quicksand, self conscious


•You see: Lies, Contradiction, Inconsistency

•They feel: Split memories, Rapidly changing needs, Uncertainity


•You see: Moods, volatility, hyper sensitivity

•They feel: Abandoned, rejected, responsible for you


•You see: Egocentrism, drama, crises

•They feel: Raw, heartbroken, scathingly self contemptuous


•You see: Containment, coldiness, pedantic

•They feel: Out of control, anxious, embarrassed


•You see: Temper, flirtation, fakery

•They feel: ill defined, overly dependant, paranoid


•You see: Manipulation, moods, grandiosity

•They feel: Damaged, wasted, controlled by unseen forces


•You see: Critique, Temper, Abruptness

•They feel: Homeless, flawed, uncharted


•You see: Forbidding, remote, rejecting

•They feel: ill fated, disliked, panic stricken


•You see: Distance, arrogance, recluse

•They feel: Isolated, hyper sensitive, destitute


•You see: Moodiness, Lies, Vagueness

•They feel: Undefined, unheared, chaotic

//Stop judging a book by it’s cover. Everyone has fears and frustrations. Be nice. Make people feel like people. Bring back humanity in this cruel world.//

Zodiac signs as QUOTES:

ARIES: “Throw me to the wolves and I’ll come back leading the pack”

TAURUS: “They laugh at my dreams, I laugh at their bank account”

GEMINI: “I told him to take care of his eyes because they are the only balls he has”

CANCER: “It is both a blessing and a curse to feel everything so very deeply”

LEO: “To become a queen you have to give up playing the princess”

VIRGO: “Being positive in a negative situation is not naive. It’s leadership.”

LIBRA: “Your life becomes a masterpiece when you learn to master peace.”

SCORPIO: “A single lie discovered is enough to create doubt in every truth expressed”

SAGITTARIUS: “If we were meant to stay in one place, we would have roots instead of feet”

CAPRICORN: “Don’t underestimate the seductive power of a decent vocabulary”

AQUARIUS: “Study me as much as you like; You will never know me, for I differ a hundred ways from what you see me to be”

PISCES: “Your dream doesn’t have an expiration date. Take a deep breath and try again.”

I can’t really get over the Gemini one lol
