#100 days of productivity


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the sun is out in december and i love it

my desk is nicer to study at when it’s bright ✨

this week was the ½ weeks of mock gcse exams

- so far, i’ve had 7 exams this week and have 7 next week too

- there’s definitely been some stress going into some but as you as i had prepared, i felt fine

good luck to anyone else doing there mocks now or in january

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used my personal planner to write down my long revision task list ☺️ this planner is very functional and designed to be very nice

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i’m trying to be healthier this week as i got into bad habits for my meals - the snack here is some fruit bread with butter and apricot jam uwu

Day 4 / 365 days of productivity and language learning. ☕ 20. Nov. 2017 I had trouble with my internDay 4 / 365 days of productivity and language learning. ☕ 20. Nov. 2017 I had trouble with my internDay 4 / 365 days of productivity and language learning. ☕ 20. Nov. 2017 I had trouble with my internDay 4 / 365 days of productivity and language learning. ☕ 20. Nov. 2017 I had trouble with my intern

Day 4 / 365 days of productivity and language learning. ☕

20. Nov. 2017

I had trouble with my internet the past days and don’t know which productivity day I have now… so I’m using a date on my post from now on haha.
I’m not the best Studyblr or Langblr so far.^^
This is a Bujo entry I made yesterday. It’s a to do list for this week. Like studying Korean, making a Tumblr post, new vocabs, meditation and stuff like that.
Sorry for the chaos but… you know… I’m a chaotic person. ^^
I hope everyone is having a productive day while studying or language learning or whatever. :)

Post link

Me: Okay, today I will get shit done. I will study at least 2 hours after work.

Brain: Or you could just take a nap.

Me: What? No. Yesterday you told me you are motivated and we will do this today.

Brain: Just think about it. You worked 9 hours and now you want to study? That seems stupid to me. Think about pizza, watching a movie, eating chocolate and taking a nap.

Me: Why are you like this to me??

Brain: Nap… What? Nap. What? Nap! I can’t hear you. TAKE A NAP!



Me: You make me angry.

Brain: You know what would help you to relax? A nap.

Me every single day.

New review up on bookstagram <3

Sneak Peek: Reading The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo felt like reading a giant love letter written by someone who’s been bottling up all their love their entire life finally letting it all out. I felt the same sort of comfort and relief you feel after you have a good long cry. There are just so many things that I loved about this book I don’t even know where to start.


10-11/07/20 | 89/100 Days of Productivity

21/06/2020 | 69/100 Days of Productivity

✨ My friend bought me 銀河鉄道の夜, also known as Night on the Galactic Railroad and I tried to translate the beginning. (I had to look up lots of words and ended up using Google translate…( ・ั﹏・ั) anyway it was nice trying to read an actual japanese text instead of, you know, a workbook one. (≧▽≦)

I translated (1) sentence of 双子の星

I also practiced a bit Kanji & vocab

ca. 47 minutes Japanese

○625 words to know in your target language○

English → Japanese → German

the original list was done by @thelanguagelearningguide. I only added German and my target language. I’ll be regularly updating the list until it features all 625 words of the original post. And I might be adding additional vocab if I see it fit.

Animal: dog, cat, fish, bird, cow, pig, mouse, horse, wing, animal

dog - 犬 ❴いぬ❵ - Hund

cat - 猫 ❴ねこ❵ - Katze

fish - 魚 ❴さかな❵ - Fisch

bird - 鳥 ❴とり❵  - Vogel

cow - 牛 ❴うし❵  - Kuh

pig - 豚 ❴ぶた❵  - Schwein

mouse - 鼠 ❴ねず❵ - Maus

horse - 馬 ❴うま❵ - Pferd

wing - 羽 ❴はね❵ - Flügel

animal - 動物 ❴どうぶつ❵ - Tier


Transportation: train, plane, car, truck, bicycle, bus, boat, ship, tire, gasoline, engine, (train) ticket, transportation

train - 列車 ❴れっしゃ❵ - Zug

plane - 飛行機 ❴ひこうき❵ - Flugzeug

car - 車   ❴くるま❵  - Auto

truck - トラック       - LKW*

bicycle - 自転車 ❴じてんしゃ❵ - Fahrrad

bus - バス   - Bus

boat   - ボート        - Boot

ship - 船  ❴ふね❵    - Schiff

engine - 機関車 ❴きかんしゃ❵ - Lok*

gasoline - ガソリン      - Benzin

tire - タイヤ         - Reifen

(train) ticket - 乗車券 ❴じょうしゃけん❵ - (Zug) Ticket

transportation - 輸送 ❴ゆそう❵ - Transport

* LKW = Lastwagen

* Lok = Lokomotive


Location: city, house, apartment, street/road, airport, train station, bridge, hotel, restaurant, farm, court, school, office, room, town, university, club, bar, park, camp, store/shop, theater, library, hospital, church, market, country (USA, France, etc.), building, ground, space (outer space), bank, location

city    - 都市 ❴とし❵ - Stadt

house   - 家 ❴いえ❵ - Haus

apartment - アパート  - Wohnung

street/road - 道 ❴みち❵ - Straße, Weg

farm    - 農場 ❴のうじょう❵ - Bauernhof

court    - 裁判所 ❴さいばんじょ❵ -Gericht

school   - 学校  ❴がっこ❵  - Schule

office   - オフイス - Büro

room    - 部屋 ❴へや❵  - Zimmer

town - 町 ❴まち❵  - Stadt

university - 大学 ❴だいがく❵ - Universität

bar    - バー - Bar

park - 公園 ❴こうえん❵ - Park

camp - キャンプ     - Lager

store - 店  ❴みせ❵ - Laden

theatre - 劇場 ❴げきじょう❵ - Theater

library - 図書館 ❴としょかん❵ - Bücherei

hospital - 病院  ❴びょういん❵ -


church - 教会 ❴きょうかい❵ - Kirche

market - 市場 ❴いちば❵  - Markt

country - 国  ❴くに❵ - Land

ground - 地  ❴ち❵    - Boden

space - 宇宙空間 ❴うちゅうくうかん❵ - Weltall

bank - 銀行 ❴ぎんこう❵ - Bank

location - 場所 ❴ばしょ❵  - Ort


Clothing: hat, dress, suit, skirt, shirt, T-shirt, pants, shoes, pocket, coat, stain, clothing

hat - 帽子 ❴ぼうし❵ - Mütze

dress - ドレス    - Kleid

suit - スーツ    - Anzug

skirt - スカート   - Rock

pants - ズボン    - Hose

shoes - 靴  ❴くつ❵  - Schuhe

pocket - ポケツト   - Tasche

coat - コート   - Mantel

stain - 染み ❴しみ❵ - Fleck

clothing - 衣服 ❴いふく❵ - Kleidung


Color: red, green, blue, yellow, brown, pink, orange, black, white, gray, color

red - 赤 ❴あか❵  - Rot

green - 緑 ❴みどり❵  - Grün

blue - 青 ❴あお❵  - Blau

yellow - 黄色 ❴きいろ❵  - Gelb

brown - 茶色 ❴ちゃいろ❵ - Braun

pink - ピンク       - Pink

orange - おランジ色  - Orange

black - 黒 ❴くろ❵     - Schwarz

white - 白 ❴しろ❵     - Weiß

gray - 灰色 ❴はいいろ❵  - Grau

color - 色  ❴いろ❵    - Farbe


Job: Teacher, student, lawyer, doctor, waiter, secretary, priest, police, army, soldier, artist, author, manager, reporter, actor, job

teacher - 先生 ❴せんせい❵  - Lehrer

student - 学生 ❴がくせい❵  - Schüler

lawyer - 弁護士 ❴べんごし❵ - Anwalt

doctor - 医者  ❴いしゃ❵  - Arzt

waiter - ウエーター    - Kellner

secretary - 秘書 ❴ひしょ❵ - Sekretär

priest - 司祭  ❴しさい❵ - Priester

police - 警察  ❴けいさつ❵ - Polizei

army - 軍隊  ❴ぐんたい❵ - Armee

soldier - 兵士  ❴へいし❵  - Soldat

artist - 芸術家 ❴げいじゅつか❵ - Künstler

author - 著者  ❴ちょしゃ❵   - Autor

manager - 経営者 ❴けいえいしゃ❵ - Manager

reporter - 記者 ❴きしゃ❵ - Reporter

actor - 俳優 ❴はいゆう❵  - Schauspieler

job - 職 ❴しょく❵  - Beruf


Society: religion, heaven, hell, death, medicine, money, dollar, bill, marriage, wedding, team, race (ethnicity), sex (the act), sex (gender), murder, prison, technology, energy, war, peace, attack, election, magazine, newspaper, poison, gun, sport, race (sport), exercise, ball, game, prize, contract, drug, sign, science, God

religion - 宗教 [しゅうきょう] - Religion

heaven - 天国 [てんごく]   - Himmel

hell - 地獄 [しごく]     - Hölle

death - 死   [し]     - Tod

money - お金 [おかんえ]   - Geld

dollar - ドル/ダラー     - Dollar

marriage - 結婚式 [けっこんしき] - Hochzeit

team - チーム        - Team

sex - セツケス         - Sex

sex (gender) - 性別 [せいべつ] - Geschlecht

murder - 殺人 [さつじん]  - Mord

prison - 刑務所 [けいむしょ] - Gefängnis

technology - 技術 [ぎじゅつ] - Technologie

energy - エネルギー  - Energie

war - 戦争 [せんそう]  - Krieg

attack - 攻撃 [こうげき]  - Angriff

election - 選挙 [せんきょ]  - Wahl

poison - 毒 [どく]  - Gift

gun - ピストル       - Pistole

sport - スポーツ       - Sport

race (sport) - レース       - Rennen

exercise  - 練習 [れんしゅう] - Übung

ball     - ボール       - Ball

game - ゲーム       - Spiel

prize - 賞(金) - Preis

contract - 契約 [けいやく]   - Vertrag
