#abuse tw




One way in which people enjoy manifesting their hatred of women in fun, new ways, is to develop this kind of Law & Order-brain that is always willing to be believe in an unexpected third act twist. What if, what if, the very wealthy man’s much younger wife, the one with the bruises and the corroboration was actually lying all along and what if she was abusing him?What if my belief that women are collectively a bunch of lying whores who ruin lives for fun was a stunning new insight? What if I just like, forgot, that women are an oppressed class and men are their oppressors?

Okay, people keep saying stuff in the tags about thinking Amber Heard is a bad person but….and please, for fuck’s sake, stop it! This woman is a stranger to all of us and a barely B-list celebrity, I know literally nothing about her character or even her personality. Literally every piece of evidence any of you have of her moral faults is information put in front of the world by her abusive and socially powerful ex-husband as part of his harassment campaign against her. I chose to look up nothing about her and to ignore anything I learn about her because it feels like doing otherwise is to participate in this man’s on-going abuse of the woman he’s terrorizing to punish her for leaving him.


Whenever we bring up bisexual peoples high rates of abuse, sexual assault,poor mental health, etc theres always people ready to say things like, ‘you’re just making it a competition now’, ‘this would be the same for other lgbt groups if they were also in these circumstances’, ‘bisexuals are just trying to victimise themselves’. theres a knee jerk reaction to minimise the problem or to explain it all away, any reason we’re struggling or facing problems is never due to the stigma of bisexuality, always something else or it gets dismissed as bisexuals wanting attention again .

Discussions of these stats in the lgbt community tend to place the blame on factors outside of the community for example bisexual peoples high rates of abuse is always explained as a result of our proximity to cishets, any other lgbt person would be treated badly if they were dating cishets (there is no doubt that this is the case, for example it can be seen in stats from the same survey cited by bisexuals about our own abuse that lesbians face a significant amount of abuse from men). But this totally disregards abuse in same gender relationships. and 1. that doesnt negate the fact that bisexual people still have alarmingly high rates of abuse 2. theres evidence to suggest that bisexuals are also more likely to face abuse in same gender relationships. which suggests that bisexuality is actually a factor in why bisexuals face such high rates of abuse.

The impulse to deny any intracommunity problems on one hand comes from the need to protect the community from cisheterosexist society, and thats a valid concern. But this can also mask an indifference to solving bigotry in the community. When we consider how many studies cite rejection from both cishet and lgbt communities as a reason why bisexuals tend to struggle so much, I don’t think its fair to say this is a small problem.

I have a lot of followers on this account and I need to vent my emotions somewhere so like hey y'all

I haven’t been super active in a long time bc of life, which is how it goes sometimes yk. But for the past several years, life for me has been dealing with abusers and facing trauma on top of trauma. My biggest abuser has been my mother, and mother’s day was yesterday, which is why I’m thinking and feeling so much about this.

She victimized me for years. My entire high school career was ruined because I was too busy being her emotional dumping ground and protector, as well as her punching bag. There were days when I had to miss school to make sure she didn’t hurt herself or to make sure my brother didn’t kill her. And she often tossed my needs to the side, as I would ask for things I needed and wouldn’t receive them for months on end, if at all. She put off making important appointments and phone calls for me. And then she vilified me for not being able to take care of myself properly due to my mental illnesses.

She was constantly belittling me for the negative effects my mental illnesses had on my life, even though she had a lot of the same illnesses and saw a therapist. We did therapy together and she never wanted to work through anything. She only admitted to having done something wrong when we were in therapy. She didn’t talk about her emotions or about boundaries, she just did the bare minimum to get us through the appointment.

I didn’t even know how bad it really was until I reconnected with a childhood friend and got to know their best friend (who would become my now girlfriend of almost 8 months) after all of my other friends had virtually disappeared from my life because I was so draining to be around anymore because I was a wreck at all times. Until then I didn’t know how wrong my mom was and how unnatural and toxic our relationship had become. What my friend and girlfriend got me to see was that my mom and I were entirely codependent, and I was trapped in a cycle of abuse, and I needed to get out. Especially because mere weeks after my girlfriend and I got together, my parents started planning to move six hours away from home. I didn’t finally realize that I didn’t have to go with them until a week before the move, and up to that point, every day I woke up thinking that soon i was going to be torn from everything and everyone in my life that mattered, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. And I knew that if I had to go through with that, I wasn’t going to survive. Either I was going to wind up dying or completely self destructing.

Leaving my mom’s home was a fucking FEAT. But my loved ones gave me the means and the courage to do it. She made me help her move, and then brought me back to where I’d be living. I stayed at her new house for a little over two weeks, and she let me bring one of my close friends (in fact, OFFERED to let me bring said friend, it was her idea, and then she treated me like a nuisance later bc my friend came along w us). She treated me like garbage every day. She was always putting me down and being passive aggressive and getting an attitude with me, for no reason. She started pointless and petty arguments in front of my friend and verbally abused me the whole way through with zero fucking remorse. The day before she took me back, she got into two fights with me, the first one in a goddamn IHOP bc she said I “might as well be an atheist” simply because I’m not a Christian and I told her that it hurt my feelings to hear her say that because she knew I had a religion, and she lost her MIND, because how DARE I tell her she did something wrong? And the second was me crying to her and begging her to stop bullying me all the time and to just be my mom, which she didn’t listen to at all and instead screamed at me for an hour or so about how rotten I was for wanting to leave

This was at the end of November and the beginning of December. She left me in the town I live on December 4th. Since then, she has started COUNTLESS disputes with me over social media for no reason. She has threatened me and blackmailed me, saying she’d come get me, which she can do because she convinced me to let her get legal guardianship over my person when I turned 18, telling me it was “in my best interest” and “for my health and well being”. She has stolen money from me and conned me out of money when she has more than she needs and I’m living off of social security. She has publicly abused me on my Facebook page for my friends and other loved ones to see, talking to those who came to my defense like they were less than human to her, throwing slurs at my queer friends. Talking to me like I was garbage while people watched and then praising herself for being so good to me. This has further hindered my quality of life as well as my education.

She bounces between that sort of behavior and telling me about her art projects and how much she misses me. The past few days she’s been nice, when last weekend, she was a terror. This past Friday my therapist told me I don’t have to make any decisions yet about whether I should - or even want to - have my mom in my life. But today she finally sent me a friend request on Facebook again, after not having me on social media for awhile because of the aforementioned arguing. So before I accepted it I told her that my boundary is that she can’t start fights with me over the shit I post because I will post what I want on my Facebook and none of it is ever meant to have a go at her. She simply said “understood love you” and that was that.

Then I was scrolling through her Facebook a little bit ago, and she had shared something. It was a shoddy list of the defining characteristics of a narcissist. And she captioned it with something that alluded to me being a narcissist and not even realizing it, without using my name (but of course she misgendered me on purpose). And that just fucking BITES. More than I can even say.

She’s mean to me so often. She’s so abysmally nasty to me. She treats me like dirt and I’m still so nice to her all the time and she still acts like I’m the bad guy. Like I’m not her fucking KID. Like she didn’t and doesn’t hold a position of power over me. Like it’s even possible for her to be victimized by me. And then she tells me that I play the victim so much that I can’t see the error of my ways ?!?!!?!??

When she was still arguing with my Facebook friends some months ago, she posted something in a comment thread while responding to my girlfriend’s dad (who was standing up for me). She told him that I was going to tell him to lay off of her because, ever since my dad passed, I would “do anything” to keep her in my life. So she admitted that she knows she holds power over me emotionally and that she can and will use that to her advantage any and every time she feels she needs to. Publicly.

And now she’s still acting like I’m a narcissist and a manipulator ???

Tl;dr moms ain’t shit


People always ask if your trauma changed you but I was young, I don’t know who I was before my trauma. I don’t know who I would’ve been without it and I never will know.


⚠ Trigger warning: This episode covers topics about domestic violence and my personal experience with abuse. You don’t want to miss this seasons finale. Talking about traumas is difficult but necessary in the healing process. Hopefully my personal experiences will help someone who may be going through something similar.

I found out my ex listens to my podcast so it made recording this episode very difficult and I had been putting it off for so long..








idk i wish we like… took a moment to just be sad about how a book series a lot of us really really loved turned out to have been written by an awful person?

like yes it has problematic themes but i wish we would stop pretending it always sucked and everyone who liked it was a dumb idiot. yes it’s not Literature ™, it’s a children series, ok nu. but it was a really good children’s series and there were reasons everyone loved it.

a lot of us have lost an important part of our childhood because it’s tainted now and like. maybe we could or should just be sad about that and recognize we lost something.

also if people could stop yelling about how we’re stupid idiots with no taste because we liked children’s books when we were eight years old that would, like, be cool too

like if you were a kid who was abused or different or lonely the idea of being whisked away to a magical world was immensely compelling. the idea of having friends and finding out you were special and there was a reason you were being mistreated was immensely compelling.

on top of that the worldbuilding is genuinely immersive. it really felt to me like there was a world beyond the main characters and that’s something i rarely find in other books.

and yeah as an adult i can look at the goblins and rita skeeter and see how it’s all problematic but as a kid it all truly flew over my head. the goblins didn’t give me internalized antisemitism cause i did not realize they were pulling from jewish stereotypes. rita skeeter did not make me transphobic cause i straight up did not notice the parts about her physical body being “manly” until people pointed that out two years ago.

yeah as an adult i can read it and see a whole boatload of problematic stuff but it wasn’t actually always obvious and like. it could have gone differently. if jkr was a different person she could have apologized for all of this. or explained she hadn’t known better but now she does and that she’s sorry to the communities she hurt. there was a moment when i thought that was possible. now it’s obvious that it’s not, and i think i’m allowed to mourn that.

and i’m allowed to mourn that something that was incredibly important to me as a child and that i really loved is now irrevocably tainted. we all are. we don’t have to pretend it retroactively sucked and that we were all idiots for being nine-year-olds who wanted to escape our lives and found a means to do it vicariously. fuck, it’s sad enough that nine-year-olds wanted to escape their lives. but anyways we weren’t idiots, the books were good for their time and what they were. we genuinely lost something of value and it’s okay to mourn that.

Also, I get very tired of hearing “read any other book” - many potter fans were, and are, voracious readers. We have read and enjoyed other books; many of the books we read as children were marketed as “if you like Harry Potter…” at the time. Feeling grief over the betrayal of one author does not mean that you don’t enjoy, or care deeply about, other books.

if you’re invested enough in a book series that you feel the need to mourn when you find out the author’s a bigot, your life went wrong somewhere.

you mean the part where i was literal six-year-old? no you’re right i should have just skipped right to adulthood

I mean, as noted in the posts above, for a lot of people who escaped into Harry Potter and other books so hard as children, their lives DID go very wrong somewhere.

When the books were coming out, I knew more than one person who were suicidal teenagers who didn’t kill themselves because “but then I won’t find out how the books end”.

So, you know, maybe don’t be a shithead about people having feelings about something that was important to them.

And what’s more, a lot of the kids I grew up with who escaped the hardest? Turned out to be queer. In one way or another. When we grew up, that feeling of being an outsider that made us long so deeply to leave for Hogwarts eventually made sense! This was before she said anything about Dumbledore but we knew the story resonated with us. And when I was in high school and she said Dumbledore was gay? We whispered that rumor excitedly at lunch. We didn’t know about the discourse over what constitutes good gay rep. We just knew that we weren’t supposed to know about People Like That™️ and so we were very happy to find out. I legitimately can’t remember another canon gay character in the media I had access to at the time.

And I know trans people who took Dumbledore’s line “It matters not what someone is born but what they grow to be” and RAN WITH IT. A line from Harry Potter encouraged their transition. So yes, the fact that the women who wrote it wouldn’t have encouraged them the same way is a huge blow. We’re not stupid for grasping on to anything we could construe as support. And we’re not stupid for being hurt when that support gets retroactively revoked.


Hi, due to Coronavirus I suddenly lost my job and it’s very difficult to find a new one now. I’m queer, asexual and nonbinary and have a violently homophobic and transphobic family. I need money for rent and food, if anyone has any means to help me my paypal is [email protected] thank you


As a verdict is possibly hours away, a sense of dread has been building in my stomach for what it will mean for Amber’s future, as well as all victims of intimate partner violence (IPV), particularly as women’s basic rights continue to be under attack in the United States. Like many people who are following the case, I have personal experiences with abuse. Much of my research focuses on IPV, specifically, the disparities in resources and services that are available for survivors to leave their abusers, such as economic, social, geographical barriers. It’s a topic which is deeply tied to my own personal experiences and academic career.

I initially was ambivalent to Amber Heard. Before I began to research the case, I was firmly in the “they both suck” camp, having only briefly glanced through articles. I started to pay more attention to the media coverage over the past six weeks and was really staggered by how Heard was being portrayed as a lying, crazy, gold-digging woman through narratives that were not only going unchallenged, but were heavily perpetuated in the public discourse. Even worse, that the abuse she experienced had been capitalized on by “true crime” junkies and mocked in TikTok videos and Youtube compilations. So I began watching the trial live and found that there was far more evidence and far more substantial evidence which shows that JD was the perpetrator of abuse within their relationship.

The evidence collected through JD’s personal texts and emails show an early pattern of abuse. He exerted control over the clothes Amber woreandwould become angry when she didn’t dress “conservatively”. He would consistently accuse her of having affairs with acquaintances,friends, and various co-stars, even with an openly gay director, Clive Barker.He didn’t like that she was ambitious and would scorn her when she took opportunities to advance her career. He would constantly refer to her with misogynistic language. He also referred to Amber, an openly bisexual woman, as a lesbian camp counsellor”. He messaged other men to discuss killing her through drowning and burning her, and then raping her burnt corpse to prove that she was truly dead. This all occurred while they were still dating. She was in her early 20s and he was in 50s. All of these coercive, paranoid, jealous, controlling behaviours are deeply and unequivocally abusive.

None of this includes the evidence which shows physical and sexual abuse. There are audio tapes in which he admits to headbutting her, so hard that she was concerned her nose was broken. In another recording, they discuss how her family and friends have seen her bruises, broken blood vessels, and bald spots from her hair being torn out of her scalp. In another one, she screams “stop hitting me!” Another shows him stating “I will smack the ugly c**t before I let her in.” A video shows him aggressively breaking and smashing furniture near her. One interaction reveals that Stephen Deuters, his assistant, begged her to come back to him after her assaulted her on a plane in front of his bodyguards, pleading to her that JD was remorseful for his actions. Heard also has stated he sexuallyassaultedhermultiple times. Remember, he previously discussed violently raping her in those infamous messages to Paul Bettany.

As for witnesses, several testified to seeing bruises on her numerous times, including JD’s witnesses, such as their marriage counsellor. A makeup artist, Melanie Inglessis, testified to coveringswelling on her lip and two black eyes. Raquel Pennington saw several injuries, including bloodied bald spots on her head, a swollen nose, and cut lip. She expressed fear JD would eventually kill Amber if she didn’t leave. Josh Drew also testified to seeing her with injuries, including black eyes, a swollen cheek, and a busted lip. iO Tillet Wright (who Depp misgenders throughout his testimony) recalled hearing JD assault Amber and scream “oh, you think I hit you? You think I fucking hit you? What if I peel your fucking hair back. iO then called 911. This was the incident which led Heard to file for a divorce and a restraining order, two days afterwards. It is worth noting that Pennington, Drew, and Wright all corroborated this incident in their depositions, as did iO’s 2016 essay.

Is she guilty of fighting back? Absolutely. Shenever liedabout doing so, even dating back to her 2016 deposition. However, fighting back against a man who has beaten you, sexually assaulted you, controlled your career, finances, and who you can associate with does not equate to being an abuser. It’s simply surviving. And yes, I’ve heard those audio tapes, the in which she’s expresses her incredulity at him for stating their fights were fair when she feared he would kill her.

His case has relied upon deeply misogynistic narratives to discredit both her claims and her character. She was after his money all along, even though she refused the 30 million dollar fortune she was legally entitled to, as there was no prenup. She painted on bruises, even though a makeup artist testified to covering up her swollen lip and two black eyes. She cut off his finger, even though multiple texts and even an audio recording showcase him admitting to doing it in the midst of a bender. She didn’t donate her money, even though she and the organization created a 10 year plan for her to make yearly payments (in my personal opinion, what she does with her money either way is nobody’s fucking business). Also worth noting, an ACLU representative testified to her being ahead of schedule until Depp began suing her. She made up a hoax, because she documented her abuse - as we advise all people who are in abusive situations to do. She’s a liar, because women are inherently deceitful liars.

None of the evidence that JD’s attorneys presented has proven that she defamed him through her op-ed piece. That’s likely because their goal was never to prove that her article - which never explicitly references him or their relationship - impacted his career. Those who watched the trial will know, Tracy Jacobs, his agent of 30 years stated that it was his drug and alcohol abuse, anger issues, chronic lateness (7 or 8 hours late to set each day), and unprofessionalism that led to his career decline. Film crews grew tired of working around these problems, and eventually, so did Hollywood. Tina Newman, a Disney Corporate Representative who worked on POTC stated no one knew of Amber’s op-ed until Depp sued her. 

The trial was always meant to humiliate, shame, and terrorize her. We are witnessing in a powerful man terrorize his ex-wife through the legal system, all while the world makes TikToks of her sexual assault testimony. JD has a documentedhistoryofviolence and is due for another court date after assaulting a crew member of the set of City of Lies. To quote his own words, “If I’m angry and I’ve got to lash out or hit somebody, I’m going to do it and I don’t care what the repercussions are. Anger doesn’t pay rent, it’s gotta go. It’s gotta be evicted.”

I don’t know whether Amber Heard will win her case. We’re witnessing a radical right-wing political swing to control and criminalize women’s bodies with Roe v. Wade under attack right now. To be blunt, I have very little faith in the justice system and that a jury - in Virginia of all places - will rule in favour of an abused woman over her charismatic, powerful ex-husband. However, I think it’s important to remember that Amber did everything right, that is, everything we tell women to do. She documented her abuse, left her abusive partner, and was granted a restraining order - and she’s continuing to be punished for doing so. If Amber, a privileged white woman with access to economic resources, is still struggling to escape her abuser, how can we expect women without those privileges to?


The “abuse has no gender” “men can be victims too” crowd now that Kevin Spacey’s been charged with sexually assaulting three men


i don’t EVER want to hear “ughh why do people care about this celebrity drama they’re both bad it’s not that deep” again. if you cant see the sweeping ramifications of this you’re blind or dumb or both



you can have pictures but it’s not enough you can have corroborating witnesses but it isn’t enough you can have texts where he fantasizes about murdering and raping you but it isn’t enough you can have him admitting he was controlling and angry and violent but it isn’t enough. this is going to get people killed

mind you, she didn’t even need to prove he hit her: only that her statement did not defame him. every single person came on record either saying they didn’t know for sure or that he was quickly running out of options in hollywood due to being increasingly difficult and unpleasant to work with. and now she has to pay him money that she never had after being forced to publicly talk about how he knelt on her back and told her nobody else would ever love her.








i’m proud of all of u out there who were raised in abusive and manipulative households who didn’t realize they were displaying the same red flags as the people who raised them because they don’t know anything beyond it and who are actively trying to be better. the people who don’t know how to love people properly because the “love” they got growing up came with passive aggressive, guilt-tripping strings attached. the ones who feel guilt deep in their heart for the things they never meant to do to others, but didn’t even realize they were doing. it’s an uphill battle to recover from being a victim of abuse, especially seeing those traits that you despise so much in yourself, and try to be the best person you can be. i’m proud of all of u who are trying and i know u are capable of being the person you want to be


The fact Heard is openly a bi woman, whose bisexuality was also used as part of many smear campaigns against her when she spoke out against domestic abuse and was vilified, threatened, violated by her cishet ex-partner thru through multiple lawsuits in order to make her relive said abuse and then silence her, and people are celebrating that at the beginning of Pride month. Like.


if you truly believe that any legal systems is skewed in favor of abuse victims you need to be taken out back and shot no joke none of the women in my life who have experienced sexual violence ever went to court over it. not a single one. because the whole process is so traumatizing in itself. an abuser winning his case after dragging his victim through a humiliating public trial only for the hashtag #mentoo to trend on twitter is PURE mockery i hope the milani cosmetics person dies i hope the duolingo social media manager dies i hope the tik tok app dies and i especially hope johnny depp dies.


you people are actually sick in the head if you don’t see that this entire trial was a form of revenge and a pr move on depp’s part to globally humiliate his wife with bogus allegations and by forcing her to testify in a televised trial (which depp requested) about her sexual assault. 

the man has harassed this woman through the courts for 4 years, and caused her financial difficulties by causing her to spend up to 6 million in legal fees, as well as smearing her reputation so she can hardly ever work again.

that he is demanding money that he knows his ex-wife doesn’t have, is, in fact further financial abuse from a man who would get angry at her for working and who often made her swear to not take movies or meetings while they were together. 


in 10 years, people are gonna look back at this depp-heard trial, realize how awful the misogyny surrounding it was, and say, “we behaved horribly.” yeah, leave me and others out of that ‘we’, because a bunch of us have been warning about how awful the disinformation is and how harmful it is for survivors to see. but ofc, any reasonable takes are drowned out by ridiculous things like a viral tweet of amber blowing her nose which has been framed as her ‘snorting coke in court’. you people have been behaving like demons and i can’t wait for your asses to realize how stupid some of you acted. 


Whether or not you care abt the heard/depp trial, the fact that the jurors weren’t isolated and so saw the thousands of memes and tiktoks abt the trial and then found in favor of depp will lead directly to abusers threatening their victims with legal action should they speak up. Death to celebrity culture.


you can have pictures but it’s not enough you can have corroborating witnesses but it isn’t enough you can have texts where he fantasizes about murdering and raping you but it isn’t enough you can have him admitting he was controlling and angry and violent but it isn’t enough. this is going to get people killed


btw “believe all women but her” is so fucking dangerous. that her could be you someday!


why is it so difficult for women to understand that the public and legal treatment of amber heard has direct, palpable, and dangerous consequences for women EVERYWHERE. like what is so hard to get about that!!! “i don’t care about a rich white woman’s problems.” okay. okay but just one question. just a really quick one. what, pray tell, do you think that means for YOU


anyways. anyone who contributed in the harassment and hate towards amber heard, including everyone online, everyone at the courthouse and in the courtroom, you have all contributed to the abuse and harassment of a victim of domestic abuse in front of the entire world and i hope you all rot in hell for it!

also fuck that entire jury for (partially) unanimously siding with an abuser in a libel trial of all things, NOT a criminal trial lmao, i hope you all also burn in hell. that woman got up there and told you about her abuse, had witnesses to it IN PERSON, was sexually/emotionally/financially/verbally abused by that sick freak and you all still claimed she defamed him with a fucking sentence that didn’t name him.

fuck this entire world you all hate women so much lmao! any johnny depp fans feel free to unfollow me the fuck now! 


so now women legally cannot even mention having been victims of domestic violence or sexual assault without it being defamation. I hope y’all demons fucking die in the most painful way imaginable.


ive been noticing for a while now how every time maia smiles she always ducks her head as if to hide it, and also how she usually catches herself doing it and ends up always raising her head right afterwards, as if making it a point to challenge herself for not allowing her smile to be seen

and projection ahead but i feel like thats a huge abuse survivor mood, especially when ur in a romantic abusive relationship, like… there’s this whole thing where being happy or excited about things you like is dangerous, because it’s almost guaranteed to get u backlash. because abusers will take that as u flirting, or complain that ur too excited about something and are not paying attention to them, or just immediately try to undermine ur positive feelings and convince u that ur being stupid for being happy, etc…

even if u dont directly make the association that u being happy = them fighting you, in some level u do make it and u learn to tone down ur happiness, not let it be too bright so it isn’t seen as a threat. and that keeps u safe. and we know maia’s been in an abusive relationship with jordan so im very sure that that’s where this comes from

also, the way that she seems to catch herself doing it and then purposefully look up as she smiles/laughs tells me that, at some point, in her journey through healing from that, it became important to her to fight it. that even if she can’t stop subconsciously looking down, she’s going to make an effort to look up. it seems very deliberate, purposeful, to me

and then i started thinking about how raphael rarely smiles, and when he does, he’s usually away from the clan’s space, and how living with camille, especially as someone who’s connected to magnus and also very loyal to the vampires, not to mention rosa, raphael also had to learn to be very careful about hiding his positive feelings because they could very easily be turned into weaknesses. and as a vampire having to deal with shadowhunters (plus just stereotypes/expectations of vampires being all stoic and all that crap) it was extra important that he kept himself stoic and poised and hid what he felt as well

and just as a whole having lived in the clan under camille for fuck knows how many years had to teach him to hide and dissimulate his affections and desires and just happiness in general

and the parallels between the two are certainly making me Have Thoughts and Feel Things

Elim Garak understands something really upsetting and bad happening, but when you look back on it, even if it was straight up abuse, going “oh, that wasn’t too bad” and underplaying it. It might not make sense, but it’s a common reaction to trauma or abuse to underplay it and try to convince yourself or others that it wasn’t too bad, or that you’re overreacting by calling it abuse, even if there’s evidence to the contrary. It can take a while to admit to yourself that this thing that happened was really bad and maybe even damaging to you, and it can be really hard to do that. Remember to take care of yourself and reach out to safe people who care about you if you need help working through this. He believes in you.


The truth is a General They has always wanted to undo the metoo movement but none of the celebrities getting accused were likable enough or had enough of a established fanbase for it to stick and now they not only have that but also the nostalgia associated with that man


J*hnny d*pp has earned $116 million since amber heard first came out about him abusing her. He continued to be in h*rry p*tter, murder on the orient express, pirates and several other movies. The idea that his career was ruined by her allegations are a joke, never mind that benign article where she didn’t even name him, considering he earned $116 million after


“You know how many men are starting to sarcastically call their wives/girlfriends ‘Amber’ or ‘Miss Heard’ when they are upset or angry?

I keep getting messages and comments from women saying this is happening to them in arguments with spouse or exes.

The damage is done.

This case and the societal response to it, the global bullying, mocking and hatred towards Amber is destroying VAWG, feminism & any progress we’ve made breaking down stigma of domestic/sexual abuse - either that - or we had never made any progress at all & we were in an echo chamber.

Last week was the first time a woman commented to tell me that her ex has started calling her ‘Amber’ as an insult.

Then another woman commented that her husband threatened her and when she cried, he called her ‘Amber’

I’ve started seeing more and more comments.

This morning I woke up to a comment from a woman who said her ex was screaming at her in front of their daughter so she asked him to stop screaming and lower his voice and he said ‘Ok Miss Heard’ and DARVO her.

The fact that these comments appear to be from women from different countries, different ages, different backgrounds and yet men are starting to use ‘Amber’ and ‘Miss Heard’ as an insult is fucking terrifying.

I keep finding myself questioning what the real agenda was of televising this trial, and the media coverage of it.

What was the real purpose of tearing apart a woman like this for the whole world to watch on YouTube and Tiktok with their popcorn?

I think we are finding out.”

Dr. Jessica Taylor
