#autistic problems



when i watch other people my age, i see that they have this kind of effortless way about them that i don’t think i’ll ever have. the way they talk to each other and the way they go out and pursue what interests them without having to think twice about it. the way they know how to conduct themselves, the way it all comes so naturally to them, like breathing or swimming or riding a bike. it’s like they all have something ingrained in them that i just don’t have, and it’s so embarrassing and it’s fucking killing me. i wish i knew how to be okay.


How do neurotypicals not have a set spot at their table? How can they sit in different spots every time??? How??? It feels so wrong and uncomfortable!!


Edit: I made the assumption that as I left the original posters name on the photo and the fact it is a photo people could deduce that it was not my own.

I found this image on Pinterest and thought it would be helpful, I attempted to find the original to reblog but the name @ceebycee does not come up when I search it and I was unable to find the original.

I do not claim this is my post and I am not trying to steal someone else’s just thought that it could be helpful.

I’m sorry if I have caused any issues or offend anyone in sharing this information.



Anyone else hate the sound of the the blender? It makes my brain rattle, and on bad days can cause a meltdown

Oh boy, yes.

Blenders, beaters, and vacuums are the enemy. 

That ain’t it chief. I’m sure some of you guys have seen profiles like this before. Parents invading their childs privacy and posting pictures/videos of their child displaying symptoms only to brag about how hard their life is and to fish for comments of praise from others. Also parents of neurodivergent children who advocate for organisations like Autism Speaks, either they haven’t done their research or they have and believe that their child needs to be cured which of course is wrong on so many levels. Ain’t it chief.

Straight to the shredder without hesitation, don’t need that type of negativity in my life or on this account.

late-to-the-party-81: ohmybribri:The struggle is REAL!Oh look @yarnforbrains , it’s us!!! I need a



The struggle is REAL!

Oh look @yarnforbrains , it’s us!!!

I need a band aid and aloe after this sick burn

Post link

All Allistic people should owe an Autistic person 1 dollar for everytime they refuse to clarify their statements. If you are going to cause me confusion it’s going to cost you a dollar.



[Image ID: Screenshot of tweet by Haley Moss (@/haleymossart):

Autism on TV: I’m a human supercomputer, solving the world’s most complex mathematical and technological mysteries

Autism in real life: I need to mentally rehearse making a phone call to a customer service rep for the thousandth time and then I want quiet for the rest of the day

End ID]

my therapist: if you’re uncomfortable with neurotypicals maybe you should try dating neurodivirgent people…

my codependency:

Damn i’m stressed.. i have my drivers test in 9 days and there are many things which i need to memorize. On top of that i also i have a 5-6 page assigment to write in danish-history… plus i need to produce a short film in media studies for an exam. We also need to film outside of school… It all just feels so exhausting. It feels almost impossible to get through. I’m so afraid of failing my drivers test.

I also started high school and the days are really long. Thats why i haven’t posted.. i just feel way too drained of energy.

Tbh most peoples sarsasm just fly over my head.

(This was a couple of years ago lmao.. it has been sitting in my drafts for ages now. This was kinda at the start of quarantine in Denmark i think in 2020)

Today i went to pick up my package at the other side of the town i live in. When i said my name he picked up the wrong package. The person apparently had the same name as me. But it was the wrong package because it wasn’t the right adress on it. Then he finally found the right package and then he jokingly said
“You must have a sister in this town” or something like that…
Then i replied that i didn’t have a sister annndd then he said he was joking.

Trick or treaters

I’m afraid to open the door for trick or treaters lmao… I shouldn’t be this afraid.

High school party

P.s all the covid restrictions has been lifted in my country aka Denmark!

Sooo i went to my very first high school party today. It’s almost midnight as im writing this.. i got home earlier than i expected i would. The party started at 19:30 and should end at 24:00..
There were a lot of people, lights, loud noises, very loud music and i couldn’t hear what my friends were saying (who btw are all autistic too). It was party that were rave themed.

And i had a mental breakdown and got sensory overloaded. I started crying. Luckily my friends were there to help me :)). But honestly i also thought the party was kinda boring.. i already started considering going home at 21 because the party was so boring. It has to be the most boring party that i’ve ever attended. Even tho it was kinda boring, loud etc. i’m also kinda glad i went. I discovered something new about myself and my boundaries. I have always fantazised about high school parties… but i found out they weren’t for me.

Do you have any similar experience regarding parties like this? If so i would love to hear them.

I know its 3 AM but I’m having thoughts.

My head isn’t empty. Its full of thoughts, too many thoughts. But those thoughts move much too fast.
