#alternate universe


Listened to Falsettos again on a whim and yknow what? Ace Attorney would be perfect for the Falsettos AU. We have:

Phoenix as Whizzer

Miles as Marvin

Apollo/Trucy as Jason

Thalassa as Trina

Zak as Mendel

Maya as Cordelia

Franziska as Charlotte

Pepper in some AA plot points and events, and you’d have the recipe for a perfect tragedy. You cannot convince me otherwise; Falsettos is already so deliciously tragic, so combine that with the darker elements and themes below the surface of Ace Attorney and you’d get *chef’s kiss* a perfect plot to explore the unfairness of the world and tragedy as a whole. I just think it’d be neat, y'know?

keepbeachcityweird:At any given moment, if you asked me what I was thinking about, the answer would


At any given moment, if you asked me what I was thinking about, the answer would be one of two things: katana swords, or THE POSSIBILITY OF ALTERNATE TIMELINES RUNNING PARALLEL TO OUR OWN!

Proving the existence of these timelines can be pretty tricky, even for a seasoned paranormal investigator such as myself.  An inter-temporal incursion caused by the momentary weakening of the time-space continuum doesn’t really photograph well.  And all the cross dimensional time travelers I know don’t want to go on the record about their experiences.  Frankly, the only thing I can submit as evidence of alternate timelines is the fact that THEY ARE PROBABLY JUST SO COOL AND AWESOME THAT THEY HAVE TO BE REAL.

Think about it!  What about a universe where that asteroid missed Earth and we had DINOSAURS for pets instead of dogs?  Or a universe where someone was like “Hey, zeppelins are way cooler than planes, let’s just do that!”  Or a universe where AN ALTERNATE VERSION OF ME CAN GROW A FULL BEARD?!  What an amazing life that Ronaldo must have… in THIS stupid reality I have a really hard time getting my moustache to connect to the rest of my facial hair and it’s incredibly frustrating.


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so a while back i redrew Temmie Village as hellit was fun and i dunno why i never posted it anywhere

so a while back i redrew Temmie Village as hell
it was fun and i dunno why i never posted it anywhere so here it is!
you can see Carl and Steve and Jeremy in there, the demons, but naturally you wouldn’t know who they are cuz i NEVER POST ANYTHING ABOUT MY CHARACTERS CUZ I’M AN IDIOT

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Candlemon was the first digimon Saltzpyre ever met. He encountered her while on a job, she was hidin

Candlemon was the first digimon Saltzpyre ever met. He encountered her while on a job, she was hiding in a vent, and when they saw each other, they practically jumped out of their skins. The only thing that kept him from spraying her like the vermin he usually exterminates was the fact that she could talk. She spoke in a raspy yet energetic voice, and began chewing him out for scaring her and brandishing a stick at her. When his shock faded into questioning reality he decided he was hallucinating from too much bug spray. He dropped everything and left for home to take and early rest. Unfortunately for him, she followed him home…

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Bois with freckles my dudesInk belongs to @comyetDream belongs to @jokublogUnderswap belongs to UndeBois with freckles my dudesInk belongs to @comyetDream belongs to @jokublogUnderswap belongs to UndeBois with freckles my dudesInk belongs to @comyetDream belongs to @jokublogUnderswap belongs to Unde

Bois with freckles my dudes

Ink belongs to @comyet

Dream belongs to @jokublog

Underswap belongs to Undertale community

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More soul eater Au! God I really didn’t expect for this to internally take off. Now to come upMore soul eater Au! God I really didn’t expect for this to internally take off. Now to come up

More soul eater Au! God I really didn’t expect for this to internally take off. Now to come up with a cohesive plot that goes along with my one-shot :)

Do not repost, reblog and likes are okay!

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AU where things went a little differently for Varrick and Zhu Li. His little business with his one canoe never really took off, but he still met Zhu Li, a young woman from a harbor town, who he fell in love with and married.

I.e. soulmates always find each other AU.

You can see the full version of the second image (which is still rather tame) on my nsfw Twitter, @lunaafterdawn. And yes,I know, the first one is cheesy but idc, sue me.

nakutan: nakutan:nakutan:Galra Keith AU [Part 1] Sometimes you just go to space and fall in lovenakutan: nakutan:nakutan:Galra Keith AU [Part 1] Sometimes you just go to space and fall in love




Galra Keith AU

[Part 1] Sometimes you just go to space and fall in love with a cute alien boy ♡

[Part 2] Keith: trying to act cool

[Part 3] Shiro: gay panic


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OOOO this AU has so many possibilities lol. It’s basically the entire Percy Jackson & Heroes of Olympus series but instead of Percy and Annabeth, it’s Carmen and Julia. My brain is a weird place to be tbh. I changed their eye colors to match their PJO counterparts. The idea of them calling each other “Seaweed Brain” and “Wise Girl” is just amazing to me lol I love it. Also the events of the show still happen, with some events and side quests like finding Carmen’s mom are moved around or deleted. No I have not written this, probably not going to, but y’all are free to lol. Anyway, here’s Carulia Week Day 4: Alternate Universe.


yyuppys:Carulia Week Day 4 : Alternate Universe @caruliaweek finally finished this omg ive been dyinyyuppys:Carulia Week Day 4 : Alternate Universe @caruliaweek finally finished this omg ive been dyinyyuppys:Carulia Week Day 4 : Alternate Universe @caruliaweek finally finished this omg ive been dyin


Carulia Week Day 4 : Alternate Universe @caruliaweek

finally finished this omg ive been dying to show u guys my very self indulgent AU which is a carulia yakuza (or mafia/gangster) AU!!! (im rlly indecisive) jasdssjsjs anyways i also would like to dump some of my rough ideas,, (warning that this might be incoherent)

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Okay so I know it’s late buuuut…. 2 main ideas here

1. She-Ra AU
How would Carmen Sandiego go about her job differently with the power of She-Ra? Would she use the guardian sword as all of her tools? How would she use its tranformation abilities? What about Julia? How would she deal with her crush on Carmen with Catra’s trauma and cynicism?

2. Amphibia AU
I can totally see Marcy as Carmen Sandiego. I think it would be cool to see fanart of this but I’m bad at drawing…. (also this is already a day late lol) and I think anne would be SO CUTE with glasses and a suit


carulia coffee shop AU

We’re gonna pretend that this isn’t an hour after the deadline…shhh.

day 4 of @caruliaweek(AU)

this is coming from someone who said they’d never write an au…but I had fun writing this one :D

Half an hour late.

My date was thirty minutes late, and I was almost completely sure that he had stood me up. I was getting tired of the pitying way the baristas—and pretty much everyone in the crowded cafe—had been glancing at me. Why did I always seem to be the one that got stood up, time after time? And why was it always in front of a crowded room?

I sighed and glanced at my watch for the upteenth time. I should never have suggested my favorite cafe. Now I would be remembered as ‘the customer who got stood up’ each day I came in for my morning tea. Great.

Thirty five minutes late.

I was going to have some choice words with Mr. Egotistical next week at the faculty meeting. Why did every guy I date turn out to be the same? I propped up my head with a hand and stared out the window from my seat at the bar, and idly wondered if I could choose to be exclusively attracted to women. How did that work exactly?

I sighed again as the bell above the door chimed, signaling yet another person to witness my embarrassment. But there was really no point in sitting around and taking everyone’s pity glances for another minute. I might as well leave.

But before I could make my escape, the barista came my way. I watched her approach warily.

“Your date isn’t here yet? Anything else I can get you?”

I smiled, but it felt a bit forced. “No. No thank you. I was just about to—”

“Hey, there you are! So sorry I’m late.”

I turned. A stunning woman dressed casually with red accents—whom I had never seen before in my life—put her arm around me and kissed my cheek. She was tall, with warm caramel toned skin, dark auburn hair up in a messy bun and stunning grey eyes that I was sure I could get lost in. I was willing to bet she worked out on a daily basis too, I could feel the well defined muscles of her arms wrapped around me. Who was this beautiful stranger?

read the rest on ao3!


This was gonna be for day 4 of @caruliaweek so.. Beast au. they dance.


Day 4 of @caruliaweek !!! AU just allows for so many options

also the outfits were supposed to be satire but they actually turned out alright don’t mind the fact that i apparently can’t color in the lines ????////

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