#annleigh odaniel


Unfortunately all I care about in this world is (probably gay) cheerleaders and (probably gay) attorneys so if anyone else also loves both those things please enjoy

Store clerk: Cairo Adekoya, please come to the front of the store

Cairo: Is there a problem?

Store clerk: I believe these five belong to you?

Reese, Annleigh, Mattie, Kate, Eva: We got lost :(

Cairo: I didn’t even bring any of you

Reese: Tongues, but they itch.

Farrah: Citrus.

*some time later*

Farrah: I do not have a citrus allergy! I just appreciate the tang!

*some more time*

Farrah: Update: Annleigh says I’m mildly allergic to citrus

Eva: You see, they have about six brain cells between them. Cairo has three of them at all times, Mattie has one, and so does Chess.

Eva: Farrah has none, Annleigh has half of one, and Kate thinks they have one but it’s just me whispering in her ear.

Kate: I dare you-

Annleigh: Farrah is not allowed to accept dares anymore

Kate: Why not?

Farrah: As some would say, I have “no regard for the safety of myself or others”

Farrah: We have fun, don’t we, Annleigh?

Annleigh: I have never been more stressed out in my entire life

Kate: How did you know we were in trouble?

Chess: You stopped sending us annoying texts every five minutes

Eva: That’s when we knew something was wrong

Farrah: Oh…

Annleigh: It was nice. Strange, but nice

Eva: How do you sleep at night?

Annleigh: At 8PM exactly with a glass of warm milk, surrounded by proof of my own achievement. How do YOU sleep at night?

Eva: I don’t

Annleigh: This is a mistake

Farrah: A mistake we’re gonna laugh about one day

Annleigh: But not today

Farrah: Oh, no, today’s gonna be a mess

Cairo: Ah yes, the five love languages

Cairo, pointing to Kate: My parents never told me they’re proud of me

Cairo, pointing to Eva: I’m so fucking tired please let me rest for five more minutes

Cairo, pointing to Mattie: I love my friends

Cairo, pointing to Reese: Please pay attention to me

Cairo, pointing to Annleigh: Touch starved
