#anti transmedicalism



If you don’t know them, they play on Pose as Angel.

Edit: I can already see the “Being GNC isn’t inherently trans!” comments and messages so please, please remember: You’re VERY likely thinking of the wrong definition/use of the term “GNC”. Whereas it seems the younger, newer, western community members use it to solely refer to style, older (as in generally above 20) members seem to mean a literal “gender does not conform”. “You’re saying women wearing men’s clothes are trans” No.

Isn’t it lovely that trumeds are so hellbent on demonizing every single person that supports us that they 1: Make Indya’s accomplishments seem insignificant. 2: Treat Indya’s age and time spent in the community as insignificant. And 3: repeatedly, intentionally misunderstand and lie about the intent of this post?

I keep getting notifications for this post, so I’m gonna reblog it again with a link to sources
