#you need dysphoria to be trans


Out of curiosity, how many transmeds here actually believe that you need debilitating gender dysphoria in order to be a valid transgender person. Tucutes always explain transmedicalism to me (a transmed) by saying we think that you need to absolutely hate yourself to be seen as valid. I know I don’t believe that and I don’t think any of you (minus possible radicals, but radicals are always shit) actually think that.


anyone who uses neopronouns/xenogenders are always american

your stupid made up pronouns don’t fucking translate to other languages, but keep your head stuck up your ass dear


honestly i’m convinced that transtrenders who are “faking it for attention” or “pretending to be trans” are far and few between and the majority of the “you don’t need dysphoria to be trans” discourse just stems from people genuinely thinking that gender dysphoria only means suffering, self-hatred, severe physical/body dysphoria, and the intent to medically transition (which it doesn’t).


Trumeds: We’re just protecting the community and real trans people! We’re just trying to help!

Also trumeds: *mass report dysphoric trans artists and activists to have their blogs taken down and get them post blocked for either disagreeing with them, or for being GNC in the “wrong way” and loving their transness (which they’ll take as “proof” of them being “trenders”)*

I’m extremely anti trumed, just in case you didn’t know

lol okay so um ive talked it over with friends and my bf + kinda feeling influenced by an alter so.

i wanna just. apologize incase anyone has been hurt by my blog or anything ive posted. truthfully i felt rly in denial of things so i took it out on other ppl. recently my bf and friends have come out in wanting to use neopronouns and i don’t see any option in denying them that and im no hypocrite either so i know i shouldn’t say i support them but nobody else.

maybe ill change my mind about this but for now i just want to apologize to anyone in the event they felt hurt or invalidated by me. im just really sorry and over the months ive learned to sympathize with ppl who use neos and nounself pronouns. i don’t rly see myself running this blog like i use to because the selfhate and venting literally seeps through every post i made. i don’t resent or hate anyone whether they’re transmed or tucute or not i just don’t really want to return to something like this ive made again and spread hate

its funny when tucutes think transmeds haven’t been there and had experience so we know that they’re talking about. we’ve gone through this and experienced it and know you don’t take it seriously.

when i was 11/12 years old i literally called myself manglegender (only because i liked fnaf at the time) and 2 years ago i called myself a tucute with pride. yes i LITERALLY had called myself a tucute and decorated my profiles on sites with cute “sakura trans” flags. i didn’t even know what it meant to be really trans and decided one day i wanted to be a trans boy out of nowhere essentially until someone had to tell me that i needed dysphoria and being trans was something that people injured themselves and killed themselves over their crippling dysphoria.

being a tucute also made me believe i was aro/ace without once again understanding what that meant. i called myself frayromantic just because i saw the term and liked it and thought it related to me without thinking or having much experience in life.

being a tucute made me take gender and being trans/nonbinary as a joke (and my sexuality) and not seriously as well as stopped me from understanding what my dysphoria was or how it affected me. being a tucute is absolutely harmful to the trans community and the people who call themselves one are hurt by it as well. the mogai is terrible and will only stop you from figuring yourself out

not sure if its passive influence or attempts at co fronting

 but rn having an internal debate and nearly crying because one of ur headmates wants to be in their words “kind to people” n “not a transmed”???? help i also think i know exactly who it is too

you need dysphoria to be trans!

transmeds are valid!

i hope all transmeds have a good day today

transfeminine transmeds are incredible

transmasculine transmeds are amazing

neurodivergent transmeds deserve the world

bi and gay transmeds are valid as fuck

this is a transmed safe space !!!!

anyone who uses neopronouns/xenogenders are always american

your stupid made up pronouns don’t fucking translate to other languages, but keep your head stuck up your ass dear

its a beautiful day to be a truscum and hate catself pronouns + chairgender people :)

why did ppl normalize neopronouns and xenogenders please its 2021 unnormalize sun/sunself and bun/bunself and sparkleself i am tired of you people









My gender studies teacher is… A grown ass tucute….?

Can someone please send help. PLEASE.

I was a little blunt but - cmon….

You, broke: “Obviously my teacher is a biased tucute, I didn’t do anything wrong!”

Me, woke: “You’re teacher is very obviously grading based on their academic knowledge and you’re just wrong.”

It’s almost as if the prevailing psychological, medical, academic consensus is “tucute”.

This is literally the most dismissive, self righteous thing I’ve ever seen a student try to tell a teacher.

OP stop calling everyone that agrees with the medical consensus “tucutes”. It doesn’t do anything good, and it doesn’t prove that you, or any other transmed, are willing to have any good debate/discussion without resorting to insults.

transmed: i only support SCIENCE and KNOWLEDGE

professor that has been through years of schooling and study: *gives facts*

transmed: i cannot FU CKIGN believw my teacher is a tucute…..im shooketh…… theure obviously WRONG and IM right

I can’t say how many times transmeds have said “WAIT TILL YOU GET TO THE REAL WORLD AND THE ACTUAL SCIENTIFIC TRANS COMMUNITY!!!” And then…. this is literally what the “real world medical community” fucking teaches and believes like

Welcome to the real world, we been trying to tell y’all that “tucutes” have been right this whole time.

I can’t believe I forgot about this

YES. I have been looking for this post for so long! I was starting to think I really imagined this.

I told someone about it and they asked to see it and I couldn’t find it.


If you don’t know them, they play on Pose as Angel.

Edit: I can already see the “Being GNC isn’t inherently trans!” comments and messages so please, please remember: You’re VERY likely thinking of the wrong definition/use of the term “GNC”. Whereas it seems the younger, newer, western community members use it to solely refer to style, older (as in generally above 20) members seem to mean a literal “gender does not conform”. “You’re saying women wearing men’s clothes are trans” No.

Isn’t it lovely that trumeds are so hellbent on demonizing every single person that supports us that they 1: Make Indya’s accomplishments seem insignificant. 2: Treat Indya’s age and time spent in the community as insignificant. And 3: repeatedly, intentionally misunderstand and lie about the intent of this post?

I keep getting notifications for this post, so I’m gonna reblog it again with a link to sources
