





Just in case y’all weren’t convinced yet that a lot of truscum/transmed ideology is followed by alt-right or anti-feminism or literal nazi’s, here’s your proof

This is taken from the account bepisdog.

My guy, being a transmed just means you believe that you need dysphoria to be trans. Anything else is not transmedicalism. I completely disagree with many of this guy’s points and yet we are both transmeds. Having one thing in common doesn’t make us the same and you are generalizing by saying it does.

Yeah I know what transmedicalism is, I was a trasmed, and this person followed me before I blocked him. My point is that the ideology is followed by sh¡tty people saying and doing sh¡tty things completely unchecked.

But isn’t because they are transmeds. Every community has bad apples, it’s just how the world works.

Just because a shitty person shares an opinion with another group doesn’t mean it’s automatically shitty. Their transmedicalist views are separate from the others. I absolutely disagree with the shitty things that person says, and they are absolutely not welcome into the transmed community. Agreeing with one opinion doesn’t mean you condone everything they do.

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This post is bad, ur bad, and anyone who uncritically reblogged this is bad. Seriously. Stop fucking shaming people for their pronouns and genders wtf???? Gross

You just defended space alien as a legitimate gender, good job.

Do you fucking transtrenders have any idea how difficult you’re making it for legitimate trans people to be taken seriously? Do you even fucking understand what a gender is? A gender isn’t a fucking aesthetic. It’s not a feeling, an animal, a colour, a fashion, or any other sparkly snowflake bullshit. A gender is literally the way your brain is biologically wired.
There are millions of people who suffer and face dangerous discrimination because their genders don’t match their bodies, and you tweenyboppers are making it into a fucking trend that you can wear like a brooch or a scarf? Fuck you.

Post link

Out of curiosity, how many transmeds here actually believe that you need debilitating gender dysphoria in order to be a valid transgender person. Tucutes always explain transmedicalism to me (a transmed) by saying we think that you need to absolutely hate yourself to be seen as valid. I know I don’t believe that and I don’t think any of you (minus possible radicals, but radicals are always shit) actually think that.


How about instead of putting trans women in men’s prisons we put TERFs in there instead.

Ugly ass terf bitches please keep getting angry at this post it’s my current source of joy seeing you useless transphobic cunts pissed





People getting mad at Kalvin Garrah showing that he’s had top surgery and saying that doing that means he hates people who can’t transition and is classist is so funny. You’re just jealous.

No they’re getting mad at him because he is immature and toxic.

Oh no, these people were just straight up mad for him lifting up his shirt.

Somehow both Kalvin and the posse of anti-Kalvin tucutes are equally childish and it’s hilarious to me.

I don’t like the dude either but this is just funny

His haters are honestly far more immature (and pretty dumb tbh) like they seriously think this guy is gonna change his opinions at all because they spam him and get pissed at every little thing he does? They’re giving him money attention. I’d be loving like if I were in his shoes. He could probably get top surgery another 20 times with the money he’s gotten from their interactions on his social media



People getting mad at Kalvin Garrah showing that he’s had top surgery and saying that doing that means he hates people who can’t transition and is classist is so funny. You’re just jealous.

No they’re getting mad at him because he is immature and toxic.

Oh no, these people were just straight up mad for him lifting up his shirt.

People getting mad at Kalvin Garrah showing that he’s had top surgery and saying that doing that means he hates people who can’t transition and is classist is so funny. You’re just jealous.


Medicalizing being trans is about:

  • Making it easier and cheaper for trans people to get hrt and surgery under insurance
  • Making de-transitioners less common

Medicalizing being trans is NOT about:

  • Telling anyone if they are or are not trans because their dysphoria doesn’t match a “one size fits all” model

Remember that wanting to make detransitioners less common doesn’t mean it’s not okay to detransition! We make mistakes! We have phases! We just wanna prevent people from medically transitioning and finding out the hard way :)


everytime I see a post like “I believed in transmedicalism before I understood better” the person mentions something about how they used to deny they were trans because they didn’t experience “debilitatingdysphoria”. not that they didn’t experience dysphoria at all but that it wasn’t debilitatingand I’m just like

that’s not what transmedicalists are saying though…? 

some of you are just making up standards without ever even speaking to a transmedicalist, based on gossip from friends or w/e, then act enlightened when your views change from what you THOUGHT transmedicalism was.

literally all it means is believing you need some dysphoria to be trans, for the simple fact that the unease is an indicator that your gender isn’t matching- and that’s any level of unease. that’s ALL. everything else are standards made up by people who disagree despite not really understanding

as much as everyone says they hate transmeds and they’re against transmeds, every trans person I’ve ever spoken to describes some level of unease with their birth gender. they describe it in different ways and to different extents, but the very basic indicator of “hey, something isn’t right”, is something even people who claim to have no dysphoria, end up talking about experiencing

what I’m getting at here is that dysphoria encompasses a lot more experiences and “levels” than you’ve been led to believe and the issue here isn’t one of transmed vs everyone else, it’s of poor medical labelling and people thinking they have to be miserable when that’s literally not what anyone is saying

Nothing will ever be as funny as someone saying I’m a transmed because my parents were conservative because they’re so fucking liberal LMAOOOO. They deadass told me if I ever wanted to rebel I’d have to be a conservative catholic.




The greatest trick the right ever pulled was convincing queer people that other queer people are the enemy

What a load of bullshit lmao

Other LGBT people can absolutely be “the enemy”. Cis LGB people can be transphobic, non-bisexuals can be biphobic, non-lesbians can be lesbophobic etc.

Am I supposed to ignore those people just because they’re in my community? Am I supposed to bite my tongue when I see other LGBT people telling me that bisexuals are diseased whores, that trans people are mentally ill, that lesbians are all disgusting man haters or that gay men are a plague because “other LGBT people are not the enemy”?

Also, what on earth is even “the right”? What “right”? Which party? Of which country? Its ridiculous to use a generic “right” as a scapegoat because you don’t want to acknowledge that LGBT people can be bigoted other LGBT people.

Solidarity without holding your own community accountable is absolutely pointless, as its pointless to blame a generic group of bad guys for the actions of people within your community.

I wanna add that not only can LGBT people be bigoted towards each other, you can also be bigoted towards people like yourself. If bullies who are gay can be homophobic towards, and harass, their openly gay peers, is it such a stretch to point out that trans people can say transphobic things? That bisexuals, particularly those who are in denial of being bisexual, can spread biphobic misinformation? what about lesbian TERFs, that regularly spew lesbophobic rhetoric, claim that all lesbians have the same preferences, and erase trans lesbians? 

Ever heard of the phrase “too gay to be straight, too straight to be gay” OP? bc that’s a sentiment echoed by bisexuals who feel as though they are “too gay” to fit in with their straight peers while being simultaneously being “too straight” to fit in with their gay peers (i.e., to exist in LGBT spaces, and this becomes magnified if they are dating an opposite-sex partner). 

The LGBT community may be full of rainbows, but it sure as hell isn’t full of fucking sunshine! 

Just because two people are lgbt doesn’t make them friends. It doesn’t mean they respect each other. lgbt people can 100% still be bigots.


Spicy hot takes ladies

• you can’t be a lesbian and use he/him pronouns outside of roleplay in bed, same for ‘she/her gays’

• neopronouns are embarassing

• most transtrenders are afab and that is because of mysoginy and/or because they’re cringy fujoshis

• non-binary is a thing

• you NEED dysphoria to be trans

• cishet Asexuals are not 100% LGBT

• Pan = Bi

• Kinning is cringy and Kinphobia isn’t real

• Furries, Pedophiles and rapists do NOT belong in the LGBT community

• the whole picrew debate is stupid. Put japanese instructions on a japanese website wtf




no offence but literally no one gives a fuck if you don’t feel included, sometimes certain spaces need to practice exclusion, this is not oppression and if it makes you feel invalidated then that’s a personal problem you must deal with

Full offense but some spaces are actively improved by excluding some of y’all

Some spaces need to be exclusive in order for them to be safe spaces because not every space is going to be safe for every single person. it’s ok to not be included in certain spaces. It’s not the end of the world. There are other spaces you can go to that are gonna be more tailored for you. Go find those instead of trying to change current ones to expand and become less effective for the people currently using those spaces.

It’s exclusive to state that cishet LGBTphobes aren’t allowed in LGBT clubs and safe spaces when their intentions are to harass and bully those attending. Exclusive =/= wrong

I’m leaving discourse.

This was long coming, I just don’t care for it nearly as much as I used to. Besides, I’ve met someone who made me reevaluate my views on discourse (pro tip: don’t fall in love with two enbies in a row?) and whether I need to be engaged in it per se? It’s difficult to explain, my stance hasn’t changed much, I just don’t care for it.

Y'all might have noticed that I haven’t engaged with much discourse lately as it is. Let’s just say my mental health didn’t take the hit of losing a support system as well as I hoped it would.

On the bright side, I don’t think I’ll try and kill myself ever again. And I’ll definitely purge much more of my online presence over time, once I have it.

I’m still going to be on this blog, don’t get me wrong. Just less.

They were right when they told me I’d know who my real friends were. And I’ll cherish these people more than I could ever before.



The way I was so confused before reading the comments,,, why tf is “gore” one of your pronouns like nya, whatever I’ve seen it before, cats cute and all whatever. Still dumb but ok. But GORE??

The use of “nya’s” makes it clear these aren’t PRONOUNS. They are simply NOUNS. They’re nicknames for the person. We do not conjugate hers, his, or theirs. None of these “neopronouns” are pronouns, they’re proper noun nicknames that you demand people use in place of normal simplified speech.

bisexual people.. are attracted to people regardless of gender.. and saying they aren’t… means you think of them as gross sex machine monster things…

y’all say all men are trash, but when someone tries to include transmen you say that they aren’t. admit your transphobia and leave, sweethearts, because trans men are men through and through and if all men are trash, you need to include us too.

stop using truscum as a valid term challenge





me: joins a tucute discourse server

me: states my opinions

tucutes, banning me because i shared my opinion in a discourse server and they’re busy with their fingers in their ears going lalala:

The following are popular beliefs but untrue:

  1. That any and all discourse must be “neutral”;
  2. That “neutral” means giving any and all viewpoints the same platform, no matter how demonstrably true or immoral.

Truscum: joins a server with anti truscum and states beliefs that invalidate trans people

Truscum: is kicked


Truscum: *Make several unfounded statements that disrespects the identities and existence of several people because ~“It’s my opinion uwu”~ no matter how racist, transphobic, ableist, classist, etc. it is*

Anti-truscum: *Give actual scientific sources and disprove several of these statements, continually talk about how the woman who is frequently cited as coining the term “truscum” isn’t a “"cis girl”“, she’s a transwomanwho was mercilessly harassed by these assholes, had her nudes spread around by truscum, and was accused of her genitalia being fake because "It’s a different color from the rest of your body, obviously a fake”, even when she provided pictures of her estrogen too. And that continuing to call her a “cis girl” even while knowing this just serves to add onto her harassment and a way to misgender her. Make clear that people have something called boundaries and that we don’t want our safe spaces to be constantly invaded by entitled assholes who think that their opinions should rule our lives and dictate our lived experiences*

Truscum, immediately:

i logged back in and saw that people are still spreading this post around.

i’ll never come back to discourse on tumblr while it is still like this. every single one of you will harass someone to the ends of the earth just to prove that you’re right. you almost cost me my life, and that still could’ve been worse.

if you know what’s good for you, and you want to be considered genuinely good people, you need to listen. you won’t continually harass them. when they say they need to stop, they need to fucking stop. it doesn’t mean they consider themselves in the right 100% of the time, in fact, maybe they’re resigning because they believe you are right.

this is my formal apology for the post: i’m sorry. now please, leave me alone, and anyone else involved, because discourse shouldn’t have to be as goddamn lethal as i and all of you made it become.

trendersona’s have two types:

- looks like a TERF caricature of a trans person

- looks like one of the trans steve rogers drawings RCDart did back in the day

okay, i have a question for both sides of the party that i’ve been wondering for a while:

my boyfriend is comfortable with any pronoun you throw at him (she/he/they etc), and yes, he is cis.

i’m expecting a tucute to erase his identity and i’m expecting a transmed to not really care, so take to the notes!

lesbians don’t have to date pre-op transwomen


Trumeds: We’re just protecting the community and real trans people! We’re just trying to help!

Also trumeds: *mass report dysphoric trans artists and activists to have their blogs taken down and get them post blocked for either disagreeing with them, or for being GNC in the “wrong way” and loving their transness (which they’ll take as “proof” of them being “trenders”)*

I’m extremely anti trumed, just in case you didn’t know
