
A quoi ça sert de commencer, le chemin est trop long de toute façon… . Souvent, quand tu veux démarr

A quoi ça sert de commencer, le chemin est trop long de toute façon…


Souvent, quand tu veux démarrer quelque chose - et surtout, une transformation pour toi, tu commences par être super motivée. Puis, au bout de quelques minutes/jours voire semaines, tu laisses tomber.

Oui, le parcours est long. Et tu as surtout l’impression qu’il va être interminable. Tu sais quand tu commences et tu ne sais pas quand tu vas finir. En même temps, jusqu’à maintenant, tu n’es peut être jamais allée au bout pour cette raison.
Que cette coline sur laquelle tu as commencé à grimpé est devenue une montagne à la pente raide. Tu t’essouffles, l’air se fait rare - bref, tu préfères rebrousser chemin.


Du coup, quand tu te mets à penser à ton projet, l’idée même de démarrer (ou continuer) te démotive…

C’est normal.

Nous sommes conditionné.es à voir sur du court terme, à être gratifié.e à la moindre occasion (ou se gratifier - par exemple, je veux changer mes habitudes alimentaires et au bout de 3j, je me félicite avec de la nourriture…y a pas de problème avec ça. Néanmoins, se poser la question pourquoi la nourriture prend la place d’une récompense!).

Tu aimerais que dès lors que tu décides de planter la graine, la fleur va être cueillie le même jour.

Et surtout, face à cette montagne, tu penses que la seule solution est de la grimper. Tu te dis que ça va forcément être difficile. Généralement, c’est simple mais souvent douloureux car cela demande un engagement.
Et puis, le cœur de mon activité est de trouver la solution sur mesure pour dealer avec cette montagne.
Pour certaines personnes, ça sera une ascension. Pour d’autres, il s’agira de creuser un tunnel. Enfin, pour une partie d’entre nous, cela demandera de trouver un itinéraire qui contourne !

Alors, es-tu prête à te laisser une vraie chance pour te confronter à ta « montagne » ? Viens, on fait équipe ! Je vais être là tout le long du chemin pour t’assurer !
➡️ MP si cela te parle !

#mindset #transformation #coach #coaching #coachdevie #metaphor #montagne #ascension #motivation #nopainnogain #entrepreneur #lifestyle #motivation #mantra #photography #louvre #pyramidedulouvre #paris #sunset #confianceensoi (à Pyramide du Louvre)

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Trust where you are heading. What you have requested, asked for and now expect requires an upgrade of sorts. A turnabout from yesterday’s news. So trust what has surfaced that now needs your attendance and follow through. To get there, you must attend to that which is here. Trust where you are heading. 


Trust your higher guidance. You are shifting from separation consciousness to unity, cohesion, wholeness. As you make this leap of faith there will be daily follow through. Learning how to function out of your light, your harmony, your direct connection.
As you stay plugged in you will find yourself changing direction, coming from a place of peaceful strength and wholeness rather than antagonism, anger and fear. Allow yourself to tune into and engage with this higher wisdom throughout the course of the day. You are learning how to take a leap of faith and live your life unscripted.

​When you allow yourself to be led, when you allow yourself to be inspired, you will arrive. What you are doing is beginning again, achieving your goal rapidly by painting your canvas with colors of your truest reflection. 

You are making it happen. Every time you say yes to love. Every time you stop and breathe and choose the light, rather than the darkness, rather than an old familiar pattern. You make it happen.

Trust where you are heading. It might seem like things are not in order, scattered almost and unsure but you are acquiring skills at every reach. When you bake a cake there is a lot of mixing of separate ingredients. But when it combines, it comes out with a richness beyond measure. Trust that you are learning to be a good steward of light through all your adventures. Trust where you are heading. 

What if you were entitled to more than you have  understood and you were ready to take full possession? You are entitled. That is what we are asking you to consider. That there is more available than you have understood. Begin to allow that flexibility of understanding. Surrender to divine grace as you allow the teacher within to instruct to show you the way around to introduce you to new opportunities of achievement. 


Understand the power of direction. You choose the final outcome by realizing that in each moment you have the opportunity to align with Source and discover a new approach or stay committed to the old dialogue of yesteryear. Understand well then, the power of focused choice. 

Trust in your creative power and influence. You create in each moment. Trust in the power of that influence. It is not about what you were in agreement as of yesterday but what you are willing to claim with your power in every present moment of today. Choose your strength, choose your love, choose your light. You still seem to dismiss this power but that is only because you have not been properly educated as to its strength. That which you have previously empowered has made itself known so that you can easily refine your choice making.

So that you can see your old beliefs clearly.
So that you can now exercise your power of choice at last.

It is for you to be obligated to the affairs of the heart. What interests you. What is calling to you a soul level. There is only so much time in one’s day, as they say.
Are you willing to sacrifice your dreams in order to play along with someone else’s mirage or agenda? Learn to politely excuse yourself  and commit to focusing on the matters of your heart. 

Now is the time of true liberation as you take time for matters of the heart. Focus on what matters to you. Do you realize you give time and energy and creative influence to what doesn’t resonate any longer? We are delighted with your growing influence. You influence the life you experience in each moment. So pay attention, notice what you are paying attention to. Place focus on what matters to you, what resonates with your heart.

Understand the power of self love. This will help you to stand still and breathe
and remain present. Trust that you have what it takes to open up to the storehouse of wealth within as you pause, breathe and commit to going
into your truth that is waiting to be revealed through you.

It is the fear of the self that keeps you bottle necked searching aimlessly for answers without. Continue to honor and love the self that knows. That has access, that is magical. 


Trust your first response. You are heading to stardom but you must trust it. Trust your dream. Trust your vision. Remember, that it is to be energized by you. You might be looking for your next step, your next vision, and we say to claim it in the inner first. To trust where you are going, where you are heading, your call from Spirit home. Trust your first response. 

Understand your gifts. You are to merge with grace and ease. There is no more need to struggle. There is no more need. There is need of discernment, however. How to see beyond the past in order to discover what is available to you now. 

As you will choose the light, as you will choose your orchestration of love, as you will choose your destiny, you will be showered with gifts from the Divine beyond your current understanding. You are the one you have been waiting for. 

What if everything has been set up for your advancement? What if there were no errors at all? Simply experience. Simply opportunities to choose the power of love.

A Lesson On Being in the “Now”We live in a time where we are always trying to distract ourselves fro

A Lesson On Being in the “Now”

We live in a time where we are always trying to distract ourselves from the present. We are always grabbing for something else, often unconsciously, to change our mood — change the channel, get a cup of coffee, have a cigarette, scroll down facebook, but so often what we are reaching for is not material at all. Subconsciously we are not happy with how we are living in that moment. We are searching for some kind of fulfillment. We are so uncomfortable with living life just as it should be, that we create problems and unhappiness for ourselves. You see, life isn’t meant to exist in a narrow state of perpetual happiness. That’s a book - those are movies. It is very far from reality. 

So what can you do right now? Breathe, and slow down. Start right now by looking at the colors around you. Inhale deeply and notice how the air smells. Pretend you are a child again, experiencing life for the very first time - one sense at a time. Notice the sounds around you - even the subtle ones. The hum of your computer, the soft breathing of your dog or cat, envelop the sounds of music and feel them deeply. Whatever you are doing, do it fully. Do it with all of yourself. After doing this for a few minutes, notice how you feel. Calmer? Simpler? This is how life should be! This is also a form of meditation and one can find it very therapeutic to relax their mind through focusing on external simplicities. 

The goal here is to FEEL. Embrace all emotions and feelings. This is to be human. This is to be alive. Let yourself cry and let yourself be angry. LET yourself feel things. This world trains us for a life of indifference -over the years we forget that empathy is the key to happiness. Feeling is the key to life. So let yourself feel. Feel all your vivid, fiery, watery emotions. Give yourself permission to be full-bodied. Peel away the many layers that you’ve built up over the years. The peeling is necessary for growth and happiness.  It’s a messy, beautiful, magnificent process. Breathe, relax, and let go. 

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Cracked open this beauty to find a crystalinne wonderland inside! 

Cracked open this beauty to find a crystalinne wonderland inside! 

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