#crystal child



by Sharyl Jackson of the New Earth Magazine

What do we know about the children of the Crystal vibration? Unlike their more “in your face” brother and sister Indigos, the Crystal children have not stirred things up - yet. September 11, 2001 was a turning point, a signal, and a gateway for this next wave of children. The Crystal children’s time has come!

Steve Rother and the Group call these kids The Peacemakers, while the Indigos have been called The Systems Busters. The Indigo kids were so named because of their distinctive indigo aura life color, indigo being the color of the third eye or the brow chakra. As such, they are very intuitive, mental, quick and easily bored. The Crystal children are so-called, not because of their aura color, but because of their high vibration. Perhaps it will be noted in time that Crystals are more dominant in the crown chakra, the violet color spectrum, even the white and clear aura.

When did the Crystal children begin to arrive? There have always been a few according to the Group. These few were acting as scouts, testing the waters, but humanity did not treat them very well. Like the one known as Jesus the Christ, most often these scouts were killed, but they served the purpose of planting the seeds. It has often been noted that “Crystal and Christ” are very similar words and in this respect offer a similar definition.

With the arrival of the Indigo children, we saw a dramatic increase in the number of children being diagnosed as hyperactive or with ADD by the medical community. Much has already been written of this phenomenon, so I shall leave that for the experts. However, I wondered how the Crystals would be labeled, so I began to observe. What I began to hear was the word “autistic.” I am now quite convinced that we will see a dramatic increase in the number of autistic children. These are really the Crystal children who are so sensitive, so vulnerable to the world around them, that they go inward, disconnect as best they can from even humans and do their best to survive in a world where they really don’t yet fit.

Back to the question of how long the Crystal children have been here: In the last four decades or so, a few more than usual began to incarnate to anchor the energy. From my observation, it was one of the hardest jobs on the planet, but somebody had to do it, so a few “Great Ones” took on the task.

How do we recognize these new children or some of the few adult Crystals who, as forerunners, anchored the necessary energies? They are not out and about raising havoc, they are quietly living in relative obscurity. I have had the pleasure and the honor, as well as the frustration, of raising one of these early Crystal pioneers who is now 28 years old. My personal experience, my intuition, and hints provided by Steve Rother and the Group are what I have used to compile a list of attributes of the children of the Crystal vibration. Please keep in mind that these attributes are not all inclusive, nor does every Crystal child necessarily exhibit every quality.

Attributes of the Crystal Children

* Extremely sensitive to everything in their environment -sound, colors, negative emotions in others, smells, food, chemicals, pollutants, the “feel” of clothing, violence, and pain of others, group consciousness, electromagnetic frequencies, solar flares.

* So sensitive that they are deeply vulnerable, as well as very powerful because of their intense vulnerability.

* They must have alone time. They do not live well in groups as few others understand their need for solitude, balance, rejuvenation, and deep quiet.

* They must have daily communion with nature and elements. The Spirit of Nature will help them balance and clear all of the disharmonious energies that affect them so strongly.

* They just plain do not understand “Man’s inhumanity to Man,” war, greed, etc., and thus can easily feel totally overwhelmed by it all.

* If life should become too intense, or if they are traumatized or see and feel others being traumatized they will withdraw and disconnect from society in order to protect themselves.

* Despite being quiet and self-effacing, others admire and are drawn to them like a magnet. They will have deep and lasting connections with humans who offer the unconditional love that the Crystal knows is the only true Love.

* When a Crystal looks at you, you feel as if they have penetrated your very soul.

* They really need very little traditional parenting as they are gentle, wise, and will be able to tell you what they need, as well as what is good or not good for them. When my son was very young, he said one day, “I can never drink alcohol or take any drugs at all!” And he hasn’t!

* They will often avoid crowds or malls, as there are too many different energies at such places for them to cope with.

* They have a deep love for children and animals, and a remarkable way of connecting with all creatures.

* Water is very beneficial in clearing and soothing them. They love baths, showers, waterfalls, fountains, playing in water and sand.

* They require comfortable clothing of their choice of natural fibers and colors.

* They require lots of pure water and often prefer fresh organic food.

* It is not uncommon for these children to ‘tell’ their parents their name before they are born, and engage in other direct communication.

* Miracles and magic happen around them - money appears, animals seek them out, babies smile at them, healings occur naturally and spontaneously.

* They are extremely empathic to the point of knowing what a complete stranger in the street is feeling.

* They have a fear of intimacy because they so easily feel invaded, not respected. They would rather be alone than have their “personal body space” disregarded. They may also avoid romantic relationships for fear of hurting another if the relationship ends.

* There is an innocence, a guilelessness, a purity about Crystals; this is due to the absence of ego.

* They may need help in learning to ground their energy with physical activity, nature, sports, martial arts, yoga or dance.

* They may disrupt electrical appliances, radios, TVs, computers.

* They often refrain from showing emotion for fear of its amplification and losing control. This can make them appear to be flat or passionless.

* They can feel responsible for someone dying or getting hurt or even fighting.

* They can have periods of deep depression.

* They respond well to body work, massage, and energy work by someone who is themselves balanced. Massage and cranio-sacral therapy may be crucial to keeping their bodies healthy and pain-free.

* They will often have a high metabolism and be natural vegetarians.

* They are bright, “big-picture” individuals with an instinctual understanding of the spiritual laws, and of how it all works.

* They have a clear connection to their higher self, naturally accessing their highest guidance. It is precisely because of this connection that they know the truth of spiritual Oneness.

* They are natural healers and peacemakers.

* They are multi-talented.

* They are capable of regeneration of bone and tissue. Where most of us are gradually being upgraded - ascending to the Crystal energy, it is already in their DNA.

* They may be individuals of a few words, but everyone listens when they quietly express their wisdom with humility. However, they will not give advice without being asked and will never interfere.

I’m still in love with you

Its been over a year

Since I last felt your body

Pressed up against mine

Is it true that love grows fonder with time?

I can’t seem to get you off of my mind

Like a movie, scenes of you

Play and repeat behind my eyes

Wishing you were holding me one last time

I wish I could figure out why

I decided to forget about you

Because I could never forget you

I tried for a year and it didn’t work

I tried for a year and it fucking hurt me

Your heart seems to be entangled with mine

I wish you could see the way your eyes shine

When the light hits them at sunset

How it looks like they hold the world inside

I love the way your hand melds with mine

Like a piece of the puzzle I couldn’t find

The whole world is going up

To higher dimensions as I write this

Not everyone realizes it

But everything is pure bliss

Everything is perfect

And exactly as it should be

We’re all finding ourselves

And soon we will all see

That something big is happening

To each and every one of us

We may not know what it is yet

We all just need to trust

I was feeling really hopeless the other day and I just wanted to do anything to distract myself. So I started going through old photos and videos. With every video came a bunch of memories and it was like I was back in that moment. Just watching all these videos knowing how happy I was in all of them.. I usually just take videos when I’m feeling really content. So it was so nice to be able to tap into this happy feeling. So please enjoy these videos that make me happy. Maybe they can bring you some joy, too. Also the song is one I wrote and recorded last week, hope you like that, too.

Tired of feeling everyone else

Everyone else’s feelings

Because my own are overwhelming

And I don’t want to be overwhelmed

I feel this crippling anxiety

Anxiety about being myself

Then I let it take control of me

As if control is what it needs

I’m so tired of being lonely

Lonely yet surrounded by people

People who don’t know me at all

Because I don’t let them know me at all

I put on a mask when I leave the house

And take it off when I get home

This mask is starting to get heavy

I just really want to be alone

I am grateful for the wonderful, supportive people in my life. I am grateful for delicious food to eat. I am grateful to be able to feel things.

Sitting criss-cross in the sun

Enjoying the warmth on my face

Knowing my life is about to get better

Because I finally made the change

No more sitting back and waiting

For life to happen to me

Because life is happening for me

And I finally feel free

There’s beautiful people all around

Often these people don’t want to be found

It’s like they’re hiding just waiting for the day

For someone to really see them and stay

Sometimes I just feel so fucking ugly

Because I don’t pay attention to the good

Everyone just wants something from me

And I give because I think that I should

Never giving a damn thing to myself

Trapped in this life that feels like hell

When will I finally see the beauty

That lies so deeply inside of me

Let go. These two words speak volumes. We must accept that sometimes we feel emotions such as anxiety, fear, anger, frustration and sadness. Sometimes these feelings come out of nowhere and we quickly attach ourselves to them. This aligns us with the vibration of these emotions, attracting more of them into our lives. We must learn to observe these feelings, accept them, and let them go. We may feel these feelings, but we are not feelings. We are simply experiencing them. I am feeling anxious, but I am not anxiety. I am feeling sad, but I am not sadness. We must let ourselves feel the feeling, and let it go. Today and everyday I am going to let go of the attachment I have to these emotions. I am not my feelings. I am me.

I can’t believe the words you said to me

I could never act like you’re dead to me

But when you told me that you loved her

It seemed like the world lost its color

It still hurts me when I see your pictures

It makes me sick to think you kiss her

Don’t forget that I know how you taste

Now I’m up and leaving without a trace

There’s no other way that I can forget

This pit in my stomach is all of my regret

I knew you reflected me back like a mirror

Showed me where I wasn’t seeing clear

But she’s two faced and you can’t see that

You need genuine and baby I can be that

I love every story that you’ve ever told me

I love the way you know just how to hold me

How much of your life are you willing to waste

We both know that life is not a race

But wouldn’t you want to live your life

Like someone isn’t coming at you with a knife

She’s always so ready to rip you apart

Like she doesn’t even have a fucking heart

I just can’t even begin to understand

Why I didn’t want you to be my man.

I just want to give in sometimes

Give into what begs me to quit

I beg my shadow self to let go

We are no longer a good fit

We might have connected for a bit

But now it’s time for me to move on

I’m tired of not feeling like myself

I’m tired of feeling like I don’t belong

Feels like the real me is long gone

And I don’t know where she went

It’s like she got up and ran away

I need to find her again.

Some important, healing lessons I’ve learned over the last 2 years:

• trust your intuition. it’s usually right.

• don’t chase emotionally unavailable people, they will never want you back.

• you can only numb your feelings for so long.

• feel your feelings, they’re meant to be felt.

• hobbies are important, and so are you. do what you love.

• when in relationship, you are allowed to be alone.

• you are allowed to ask for space.

• open and honest communication is so so important.

• do not put others needs before your own.

• if you don’t want to go out, don’t go out.

• you can say no without giving a reason why.

• connection is important. don’t take it for granted.

reading back on my old journal entries and I’m just grateful to still be alive and to have come so far. Grateful for all of the hard lessons.

We’ve all been blessed

With the ability to connect

Virtually, physically, telepathically

Blessed to live in this reality


Sirian Starseed

Sirian Starseeds are extremely connected to water. They come from a planet or star constellation with mermaids, lion people, bird people, and other aquatic beings. Sirian Starseeds have a loner-like attitude about them. They are seen as daydreamers and are often told they have “old souls.” Sirian descedents are interested in witches/wizards, Ancient Egypt, metaphysics, and magik. Sirians have an innate connection to oceans, rivers, lakes, streams, and any body of water. They can also sense energy very well. Whether it be people, animals, or nature. Sirian Starseeds have a serious and quiet demeaner at times. They have high morals and expectations. They are very trustworthy. Because of all these attributes, they are slow to open up to people. Sirians don’t take much pleasure in the 3D world and enjoy what’s going on in their heads more. They also make great teachers.

Each moment offers the potential for healing and understanding beyond the mind led by the heart. As you remember that the moment is there for your learning your healing and remembering you will have no need to tremble or fear or argue or blame. You may notice these tendencies at first. Do not judge them or run away from them. Allow them to present. And then pause, breathe - inhale, exhale and allow to Truth to emerge. And show you the way Home.

Understand the gift of accelerated presence. When you go live stream you experience an instant introduction to something that on physical terms seems to be located at a distance. That is what you are in the process of doing. You are learning to go live stream with your multidimensional visioning and reawakened remembrance.

What if a decision that was made in the past could be changed now? Would you do it? You still think that a decision once made is made for good. This is hardly the case. You are to have a new lease on life as you become most willing to make a new decision. And what is this decision? It is the decision to see yourself  in your innocence.

You must understand that you are the ultimate authority. There is no one else that can direct your attention. That can persuade you to focus on this or that. The blame game must end as you take ultimate authority for your authentic self. There is a descending grace upon your land waiting for your awareness and consent. As you accept ultimate authority for your choice of awareness.

Trust and honor your process. Be involved day by day in the moment by moment
transfer of occurrence and allowance. Extraordinary opportunities are set before you now as you allow a sense of expansion and entitlement and as you endure.
We say endure because you must be open to receiving and adapting to your liberal pleasure to your entitlement. This is what you have been waiting for and will bring the needed changes and relief in the outer realm. As you shift your focus and consent to your multidimensional vehicle and sense of self now. 

​It is time to understand your gifts. The power and light that wishes to flow through you. Pay no attention to what another is doing or dreaming or fantasizing about. But assume that you are the master artist the world is waiting to meet. What gift, what orchestration of love, is calling to be submitted through you?

​You are learning to understand the power of love. Now, this has its advantages. It has its increases. But you must try it on. Imagine a beautiful coat on a hanger. Quite lovely, but not very useful when you step outside in the winter air without it. The power of love.

As we open up to present and delight we ask each of you to establish grace. We ask each to establish kindness for the self. You are in the process of learning some new ropes, and so there may be a time or two where you will pause, reevaluate, and maybe even want to stop. But then, you will press forward. This is what we are attesting to- to your brilliance, to your majesty to your love. We ask you therefore to commit to the higher heart, to remember in truth that in all moments you are actualizing your destiny.

We remind you that there is no wrong turn. It may feel like a bump, it may feel like a complete stop, it may feel like a complete turnaround, but in fact you are pressing forward. You are learning how to discern grace, you are learning how to discern freedom, you are learning how to discern your highest attunement of your true self. Whatever occurs, understand that it is part of your pathway to the finish line. It is important therefore that you begin to materialize, begin to birth the bigger picture of your goal. Your goal is not the end result of the moment, or even the day. The goal is establishing grace by and by. And that you are doing beautifully.  We ask you therefore to see yourselves as heroes, as ones of a very brave nature, of courage, and of commitment. That is what is enabling you to pick up your stride now, enabling you to let go of the old and to bring in the higher energies.

Now, as we offer you this highest claim, we understand that you have places of uncertainty. We understand that you wonder what is to be next. And we ask you to take a bow, a curtsy ahead of time, realizing that what is next is your destiny. You see, some of you have concerns- it is not stable. It is not like yesteryear, it is not as planned. And we say, “Oh boy, do we have news for you.” Because in the midst of the challenge, in the midst of the to and fro, you are bringing forth higher vibration, bringing forth higher wisdom. You are letting go of the old simply because it matters no longer. And you are opening up in delight. We ask you therefore to claim this, we ask you to be in charge of your ascended grace. Because as you will bring forth your own provisions, you will realize at last that you indeed are the master. All is ready for your acquittal. All is ready for your advancement.


When you understand your importance and relevance you will bow to your own sacredness. We ask you to consider your importance and relevance.

Sometimes it takes two tries. Let it. Allow there to be some give some movement, some two stepping. You are merging with a new understanding of your power, your strength and your love. So allow there to be room for growth, room for movement.The second try is what counts the evolved awareness of consciousness and all that that entails. 

Allow there to be two stepping.


When you understand the power of the commitment to Truth you will part ways with your past and sail on to victory. Notice where you are looking, what you are attending to. Is it an obligation to the mind’s extractions or to Truth?

You are learning to trust yourself. In each moment there is a higher broadcast
playing your soul’s music. Can you hear it? Allow yourself to enjoy your higher broadcast. Just plugin and know that it is there. Permit yourself to enjoy the true essence of you. The key, dear ones, is in full permission. Clear permission to begin the travels in earnest. Listen to your own broadcast of music. 

What if you choose self-love in the now moment? How would that change things? It is not about what has already occurred but what you are ready and willing to allow in now that will seal your fate. We ask you to sincerely permit brilliance and higher status to enter the playing field now. You are merging with grace in the here and now as you will recognize that you are entitled. Who are you, Divine Being of Light?
