#aspec solidarity


Listen, I was already obsessed with the color purple before I knew my sexuality, but now that I know I’m asexual I’ve become more powerful. My obsession with purple has trancended what I thought was possible.

Does asexuality cause people to perceive their gender differently? Like, I’m not sure if I’m nonbinary or anything, but I definitely feel disconnected from my gender, and have noticed a trend that other asexual people are more likely to be nonbinary than other sexualities.

Does the lack of sexual attraction lead to that disconnection to your gender? As in, not being able to relate to the others of your assigned gender in the same way due to not being in touch with sexuality in the same way as them? It may also be similar with aromantics, I’m not sure.

If anyone has any further input or ideas on this I’d love to know because I’m really interested in this concept.

I’m eating a tall bowl of purple mac and cheese past midnight because I am astronomically asexual and exist to spite god


So I heard that asexual awareness week is happening over Halloween!!!!! This feels like a historical landmark bc spooky season and asexuality just seems like the ultimate power couple to me idk

Bring back the true halloween spirit by throwing away the sexy werewolf costumes and just, dress up as asexual clowns and scare the shit out of people just like the good old days

This’ll be easy because I don’t even need to wear a costume to be an asexual clown

So I heard that asexual awareness week is happening over Halloween!!!!! This feels like a historical landmark bc spooky season and asexuality just seems like the ultimate power couple to me idk

Since I’m asexual and all two of my braincells go towards plotting world domination, this physics worksheet is making me want to yeet myself into the nearest void. Adieu

Everyone irl is talking about how many kids they want but all I want in life are those car stickers that represent family members but instead of it being me, my spouse, and my kids, I want it to be me and just a ton of dogs. Dream big, kids
