#asexual as fuck


Yeah sex is cool, but have you ever ever had ice water after a workout? Sex is cool, but have you ever gotten a full night of sleep? Sex is cool, but have you ever had stale bread? Sex is cool, but have you ever run head first into a wall and experienced extreme life-long head trauma?

I think the overall point I’m making here is “yeah sex is cool, but have you ever done literally anything else?” And that’s on asexuality

There are a lot of things I want to do after I leave my religious town and household in around a year so Imma make a list and add onto it as I go through my year, and hopefully I’ll be able to update after I can do some of these things. Some of these are very random and have nothing to do with the context I’ve given lolol. This list is mostly for me but I wanna post it here anyway.

  • Get an ace flag
  • Be open about my asexuality
  • Join an lgbtq+ group
  • Get several tattoos
  • Dye my hair some unnatural color
  • Cut my hair shorter than what I’m used to
  • Get piercings (unsure of what type)
  • Buy skirts for myself
  • Get a crop top
  • Get platform boots/heels
  • Buy fishnets!
  • Seriously though I really want fishnets
  • Overall just dress how I want to
  • Learn how to do my makeup
  • Learn how to style my hair
  • Test out they/them pronouns in person
  • Buy a binder!
  • Find friends and develop my social skills
  • Join an anime/manga group!

I hope to be able to do most/all of the things on this list at some point in my life because everything just feels so stifling rn. Maybe one day lol

Listen, I was already obsessed with the color purple before I knew my sexuality, but now that I know I’m asexual I’ve become more powerful. My obsession with purple has trancended what I thought was possible.

I’m proud to be asexual, but its hard to be different from everyone else. I have to live in a society where any healthy relationship is expected to involve sex, even though I’m repulsed by the thought of that. This society is so oversexualized–You can hear it in every song and see it on every magazine cover–and I feel left out for not feeling the same as everyone else. I take pride in my asexuality, but can’t erase the thought that I might be wrong and might just be broken.

“Asexuality is beautiful, asexuality is a gift”, I tell myself, but that doesn’t stop the loneliness, the negativity, the self-loathing, from seeping into every aspect of my brain. Every aspect of my life.

I react to my aromanticism differently. My time is often spent hoping, praying, that I’ll be able to one day feel love for another person. Society has put a strong emphasis on romance, on the beauty of love, and unlike the asexual side of me that didn’t buy into our sexualized culture, the aromantic side of me dove into our culture of romance right from the start, and it’s strangling me.

I hear those around me talking of lovers, of future marriages, of heartbreak, and of all those things that come with romance. There’s one friend who I even believe has found her soulmate, her eternal sweetheart. Before I go to bed I dream of my imaginary lover. My soulmate. I dream of a love that might not ever find me, and that terrifies me.

“My aromanticism is not beautiful, it isn’t a gift,” I tell myself. I don’t try and shield myself from that perspective. I don’t love this side of myself, I never have. I can only pray that one day I will.

Why are there people that say that they’d rather be asexual? Rather be aromantic? I don’t feel like it’s as wonderful as they may think. The suffocating loneliness, the intense self-loathing for traits that are out of one’s control, the intense desire to love, to feel. It’s not beautiful. It’s a monster living in my heart and head, trying to tear apart my soul.

Everyone experiences asexuality and aromanticism differently, but the pain, the feeling of brokenness seems to be a trend at least at the start. Honestly, I don’t know where I was going with writing this. I’m not a good writer, I’m no poet, but I just felt the need to write, to put my heart and feelings on the table for all to see.

I know that asexuality and aromanticism are both beautiful things, but my perception has been warped by the society we live in. When all I hear about in songs, movies, and other media is love, when it’s such a popular topic for most people, it can be a hard pill to swallow to know that you might never be able to experience it. I will continue to seek the beauty in my orientation in order to fully appreciate and accept myself, and live my life in a way that’s best for me.

Does asexuality cause people to perceive their gender differently? Like, I’m not sure if I’m nonbinary or anything, but I definitely feel disconnected from my gender, and have noticed a trend that other asexual people are more likely to be nonbinary than other sexualities.

Does the lack of sexual attraction lead to that disconnection to your gender? As in, not being able to relate to the others of your assigned gender in the same way due to not being in touch with sexuality in the same way as them? It may also be similar with aromantics, I’m not sure.

If anyone has any further input or ideas on this I’d love to know because I’m really interested in this concept.

I’m just saying, if anyone here wants to bond with me over the fact that we’re both asexual and/or aromantic, I’m all for that

I was just starting to forget how asexual and aromantic I really am and then my volleyball team party happened oops

They were all talking about their sexual and romantic experience, their types, and their desires for the future and I was just sitting there like “what the fUCk. Is sêx.”

Also it’s surreal to hear people a year or two younger than you talking about their sëxūãl êxpèrīéncē

I’m eating a tall bowl of purple mac and cheese past midnight because I am astronomically asexual and exist to spite god

I was presenting an intro presentation for my personal finance class, and on the slide where we were supposed to talk about what type of family you want in the future, I said I don’t wanna get married and just wanna have a ton of dogs, including a picture showing that, as well as a picture of those car stickers depicting family members but only with dogs. My classmate just said “that’s the most im-asexual-as-fuck-help-me thing I’ve ever heard” and I just wanna say I’m glad I’ve built a reputation like that at school

Can we all do a thing where we talk about how we learned that we were asexual for asexual awareness week? I think it would be pretty neat.

Here’s mine:

I spent years knowing about the lgbtqia+ community and being super accepting of it despite my religious school and family. I think because of this I started questioning. There wasn’t any real reason, I just wanted to look into it.

Through the years I learned about so many different identities in order to figure out what mine is. I jumped from straight, to pan, to bi, to gay, and back to straight multiple times. But no matter what identity I would land on it never felt right.

In hindsight my asexuality should have been easy to figure out. Other people would look at a guy and say how hot he is, while I would just wonder how that’s the first thing someone would notice, and I didn’t even know what it meant to be attractive. I never had crushes and always thought waiting until marriage is easy. I never understood why people would actively seek out sex and crave it, because when I think about it I only feel uncomfortable and awkward.

It’s not as though I didn’t know the word “asexual,” but whenever I came across it I skimmed over it assuming it wasn’t me. I liked the idea of romance and stuff, so past me thought asexuality couldn’t be me. I obviously had misunderstandings about asexuality at the time so I don’t blame myself, but I should have read more into it.

One day during pride month, I was laying around reading lgbt reddit threads, when it just dawned on me that I’m asexual. It really came out of nowhere, it was actually a little weird lol, but I’m happy to finally know this part of myself. This has developed into my knowledge that I’m aro as well.

This was a little long and was posted fairly late into ace week (and I feel like no one’s gonna respond to it), but feel free to add you own story if you want!

After waking up at 1 pm I’m here to tell everyone happy asexuality awareness week!


So I heard that asexual awareness week is happening over Halloween!!!!! This feels like a historical landmark bc spooky season and asexuality just seems like the ultimate power couple to me idk

Bring back the true halloween spirit by throwing away the sexy werewolf costumes and just, dress up as asexual clowns and scare the shit out of people just like the good old days

This’ll be easy because I don’t even need to wear a costume to be an asexual clown

So I heard that asexual awareness week is happening over Halloween!!!!! This feels like a historical landmark bc spooky season and asexuality just seems like the ultimate power couple to me idk

Since I’m asexual and all two of my braincells go towards plotting world domination, this physics worksheet is making me want to yeet myself into the nearest void. Adieu

Everyone irl is talking about how many kids they want but all I want in life are those car stickers that represent family members but instead of it being me, my spouse, and my kids, I want it to be me and just a ton of dogs. Dream big, kids
