#avengers endgame



After months of hard work and consuming 5,000 calories a day, Downey Jr. had packed on 25 pounds of muscle and forged a physique truly worthy of Iron Man.

That ass tho

Loki never wanted the throne, he just wanted acceptance,

from Odin;

from Thor;

from the Asgardians;

and he got it.

and then died.

Reasons why Thor Odinson deserves better:

- Lost both his mother and his father

- An older sister, he never knew he had, tried to kill him

- Lost Asgard, the place he used to called home

- Lost half of his people after an attack by Thanos

- His best friend was killed in front of him

- Forced to watch his brother die (again) after they had finally reconciled

Like Thor really has lost everything…………

“Let Me Go”

Black Widow falling fanart from Marvel Month 2020

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Anyone care that I’m back? Don’t know if for good, but I’d like to hope I come up with weird shit to post again. It’s been over a year

Me, still not over endgame: they had to take the stones off of Tony’s dead body to bring them back

My parents eating dinner: I am literally begging you to stop

We’re Connected {H.K}

Platonic Harley Keener x reader. Kind of a continuation of Heartbreaking Goodbyes, but you don’t have to read that before reading this.

A shriek tears through your lips as you watch your father snap his fingers. You’d only just gotten back, with barely a chance to even talk to him. Tears are running down your cheeks underneath your mask as you fly towards him.

You barely register as Thanos and his forces disappear, too distracted by the sight of your father collapsing.

You land next to him, suit retracting as you lean him against a price of rubble from the compound.

“Dad, daddy. Dad no.” You whine pitifully. He forces a smile, but it doesn’t last. Pepper lands near your in a suit of her own. She’s talking, but you don’t understand. Peter arrives, and tears are falling down his face too.

Around you it’s silent, the rest of the avengers watching the nightmare unfolding in front of you.

“Daddy please don’t die.” You whisper.

“You’re gonna be such a great big sister.” He whispers hoarsely. You freeze in shock, before a fresh stream of tears falls down your face and you sob.

You reach blindly for his hand, and you know the moment he’s gone. You don’t know how, but you know without looking that the world’s best hero, the world’s best father, is gone for good.


The atmosphere is somber, everyone clad in black and no one smiling. You grasp Peter’s hand like he’s all that’s keeping you there. He’s gripping yours just as hard, so you know the feeling’s mutual.

You tune out most of the funeral. It’s too painful to listen as everyone speaks, tells stories about your father. It finally ends with everyone outside of the house he had been living in with Pepper and your new sister.

You struggle in vain to hold back tears as Pepper sets your father’s first arc reactor down. The thing that made him a superhero. That consequently made you one. Proof that Tony Stark has a heart.

As everyone slowly drifts away, you let go of Peter’s hand to wipe your face, and begin the trek back inside, through a crowd full of pity and sorrow.

A familiar face stops you, and brings back memories of a potato gun, a cold garage, and a clever, blonde little boy.

“Hey Harley.” You whisper, looking up at him. You haven’t seen him in ten years, but you know it’s him.

“Hi, Y/N.” He whispers back.

You bury yourself in your old friend’s arms. Peter walks away, giving the two of your privacy that you’re grateful for.

“I’m sorry, Y/N,” he murmurs against your hair. “I’m so sorry.”

You pull back, wiping your face for what feels like the millionth time that day. “Thank you.” You reply automatically. “I’m glad you’re here.”

“Well I couldn’t not come. Your dad changed my life.” He explains, before casting a few suspicious glances around the room. “Can I tell you something?”

You nod. “I can’t guarantee that no one will hear. The room is full of spies and superheroes.”

Harley nods. “It’s just, I was in class, listening to my professor drone on, when I got a really bad feeling. I felt like I was outside in a blizzard, in my underwear or something. I was freezing. And then I just knew, I knew that something happened. I saw the news later that day and I just-“ he breaks off. “How could I have known?”

Your eyes tear up, but you manage to hold them at bay this time. “Don’t tell me you don’t remember, Harley?” A small smile tugs at your lips as you cross your arms. Through your blurry vision, Harley tilts his head. “We’re connected.” And then the waterworks come.

thank you. you deserved better.

thank you. you deserved better.

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