#back from hiatus


Greetings fellow kendokas!

Apologies for the unannounced hiatus. I’ve been busy the past year tryint to complete grad school. As such, I’ve had to put things such as kendo (and even fencing) on hold. But now that things have winded down for me a bit and I’m focusing just on research this term, I have a little bit of extra time to get back into the swing of training. I’ve returned to fencing and picked up epee, which is a lot like kendo in it’s own way, I’ve also began to show a friend the very basics of kendo (how to move, how to swing the shinai, etc.) which is making me review the basics as well.

Basically, you all can look forward to more posts and updates from me in the future! While I will be blogging about my experiences in fencing, I’ll be making some comparisons to kendo and how much these two arts have in common. I’ll also be posting some more martial arts/kendo/samurai related things I find here on tumblr.

Until then, keep practicing everyone!

this acc is run on the full deftones discography, thank chino moreno personally

The main thing I’ve learned this past year is that I can overcome anything as long as I believe in myself.

What is up fellow youths

Its your bio, uh, me.

Yeah, I’ve been gone for a while. Things are starting to get better

I ended up not drawing for a couple months and I’m starting to get back in it now. I’ve been doing a lot of studies so I think I improved a bit in my absence. I’ll try to post a drawing soon!

Also kinda just now realizing that it’s been about a year since hiatus…

Ah, hyperfixating again, I’ll be bringing Goldie back more or less, I started writing something to cost over from the impromptu Hiatus I took that I’ll be posting when it’s done, it’s at Just under 500 words now, I’ll be done with it by week’s end, and then I’ll post it and get back into the swing of things, expect little changes here and there on my blog until then, Thank you if you’ve stuck with me this far, I appreciate it and will try my best to get things ship-shape. :)


HEY GUYS! I’m so sorry once more for not posting in too many months! I’ve posted updates on twitter and Instagram. where I’m much more active, about my hiatus. I stopped posting because my senior year of HS was getting too hard and I had to stop drawing and focus on my studies. But YAYYYY I graduated (and was in the TOP 10 Highest GPA of my school)! This month, I was also preparing for college, as I will be going to uni in the fall.

If you’d like, please consider following me on twitter (@ GuavaCosmic) and IG (@ cosmic_guava) for more!

I will still be posting real slow since I am involved in two collaborative zines (https://twitter.com/mersheithzine/andhttps://twitter.com/ReflectionsZine?s=09) which will come out soon, as well as college preparation.

Christ, guys, thank you for your patience! I will answering your questions shortly, albeit extremely late!! I also have a new mermay piece to share, so check my profile! I LOVE YOU

Holy shit school is already driving me into a corner, sorry for the inactivity! Thank you all for staying with me!


I’m going to take a lil break from tumblr, my hands still have a pretty bad tremor. I guess I need some time off. Various reasoning behind that.

I’m baaaaaaaaack~




First round: August 5 though 11, 2019

The purpose of the Endangered Languages Challenge is to raise awareness of endangered / moribund or recently extinct languages.  

The challenge for the lingblr and langblr community is to learn and write about the languages not about their vocabulary or some interesting grammatical features. 


  1. No exotification. 
    We wouldn’t want this to drift off into something like “this language is worth saving because it does X”.  
  2. Stick to sociolinguistics.
    Typology and phonology are for the Linguistic Diversity Challenges.
  3. Frequency.
    Post at least once a day for at least six of the seven days of the challenge. 
  4. Diversity.
    Try to post on languages from different families and geographical areas. Avoid eurocentrism. 
  5. Visibility.
    Please use the following two tags:

Some guiding questions:

  • name(s) of the language 
    What is/are the language’s name(s) for itself, the name(s) used in linguistic literature, the English name(s)?
  • genealogical affiliation 
    Which linguistic family does the language belong to? Notable relatives? 
  • location of the language
    Where is it spoken? Is there a diaspora community? What are its neighboring languages? 
  • number of speakers 
    how many speakers (native, L1)  are there? how is the prognosis for future transmission to the next generation(s)?
  • endangerment situation 
    Why is the language endangered? Who and what caused the language and speaker community to be marginalized or suppressed? When and why did people stop teaching it to their children? Which domains has the language been removed from? Which factors mitigate or aggravate the language’s situation nowadays? Are there media or publications in the language? 
  • speaker community
    How did the speech community react to the threat and marginalization  politically, artistically, socially, economically, etc.?  Are there maintenance / revitalization efforts?
  • language breakdown
    Is the language still fully functional or does it show signs of structural collapse? 
  • official / legal status
    Does the language have any kind of recognition, as official or minority language? Is it taught in primary to tertiary education? Is it legal to speak the language in its home country? When or where may the language (not) freely be spoken? 
  • documentation status 
    Is there a (sketch) grammar? A dictionary? Teaching materials? A (multimodal) corpus? Were or are there documentation efforts?

Possible ressources

tagging and challenging:@allthingslinguistic,@babbelcause,@bilabialfricative,@blackgrad,@camlangsci,@containslanguage,@culmaer,@determinerd,@dystonia-linguist,@endangeredlanguagechallenge,@floppergostic@frislander,@gacorley,@gekbarna,@globalvoices,@havermelk,@house-carpenter,@humanswhoreadgrammars,@injerabae,@jstor,@kelseythelinguist,@ladyofthesilent,@languagemoon,@languageoficeandfire,@languagesandshootingstars,@languagesaroundtheglobe,@large-angry-ground-squirrel,@laserhedvig,@learninglinguist,@linguastic,@linguist-breakaribecca,@linguisticmaps,@linguisticsyall,@linguistlinguine,@lingumaniac,@little-linguist-on-the-prairie,@maskedlinguist,@missalsfromiram,@mutedtongues,@oupacademic,@parksanddeserts,@phonaesthemes,@possessivesuffix,@practicingtheliberalarts,@putawaytheglobe,@selchieproductions,@siancore,@smithsonianlibraries,@smithsonianmag,@snaplanguage,@sociolingarticles,@something-called-fieldwork,@speak-to-survive,@sprachgefuehle,@superlinguo,@theamateurlinguist,@tulunnguaq,@vergi1ius,@voicedpharyngealfricative, @vocalfriespod, @yeli-renrong


Structural Ambiguity of the Day


I cannot dispute this, and it’s always an octave or two above the usual speaking tone.

Ope, sorry!

ᴼᴴ ᴺᴼ ᵞᴼᵁ'ᴿᴱ ᶠᴵᴺᴱ


“The Archive of Our Own has none of these problems. It uses a third tagging system, one that blends the best elements of both styles. On AO3, users can put in whatever tags they want (autocomplete is there to help, but they don’t have to use it). Then, behind the scenes, human volunteers look up any new tags that no one else has used before and match them with any applicable existing tags, a process known as tag wrangling. Wrangling means that you don’t need to know whether the most popular tag for your new fanfic featuring Sherlock Holmes and John Watson is Johnlock or Sherwatson or John/Sherlock or Sherlock/John or Holmes/Watson or anything else. And you definitely don’t need to tag your fic with all of them just in case. Instead, you pick whichever one you like, the tag wranglers do their work behind the scenes, and readers looking for any of these synonyms will still be able to find you. AO3’s trick is that it involves humans by design—around 350 volunteer tag wranglers in 2019, up from 160 people in 2012—who each spend a few hours a week deciding whether new tags should be treated as synonyms or subsets of existing tags, or simply left alone. AO3’s Tag Wrangling Chairs estimate that the group is on track to wrangle over 2 million never-before-used tags in 2019, up from around 1.5 million in 2018. Laissez-faire and rigid tagging systems both fail because they assume too much—that users can create order from a completely open system, or that a predefined taxonomy can encompass every kind of tag a person might ever want. When these assumptions don’t pan out, it always seems to be the user’s fault. AO3’s beliefs about human nature are more pragmatic, like an architect designing pathways where pedestrians have begun wearing down the grass, recognizing how variation and standardization can fit together. The wrangler system is one where ordinary user behavior can be successful, a system which accepts that users periodically need help from someone with a bird’s-eye view of the larger picture. Users appreciate this help. According to Tag Wrangling Chair briar_pipe, “We sometimes get users who come from Instagram or Tumblr or another unmoderated site. We can tell that they’re new to AO3 because they tag with every variation of a concept—abbreviations, different word order, all of it. I love how excited people get when they realize they don’t have to do that here.””

Gretchen McCulloch, Fans Are Better Than Tech at Organizing Information Online 

(My latest Wired column is up and it’s about AO3 and taxonomies!) 


Someone: that’s a made up word

An intellectual: all words are made up

Me, an aspiring linguist: all words are made up and so let’s talk for the next 40 minutes about the process that made this new word and also just how cool it is that we can and do make up words as needed, please.

I’m back from my spontaneous 3-month break!!

It started when I took a couple weeks off all forms of social media, but then I never came back to tumblr when I realized that it was where I spent the most time aimlessly scrolling. I’m returning now because I miss everyone on this platform and I really enjoy running this blog. I can’t wait to keep talking about language with you guys.

Anyways, send me any posts I’ve missed that you think I should see, or just come say hi!!

Hello, sorry I’ve been hiatus for like maybe over a month now but life was really starting to get to me. I had a couple of panic attacks and have been dealing with applying to college stress (still haven’t decided my major/school lol gonna kms (jk not really )), exams, friend problems, adhd shit (you guys know), and just my usual busy schedule on top of that. I just needed to lighten the load and managing my tumblr was the easiest thing to let go of. 

I feel bad about this because a lot of you guys have been submitting messages and stuff to me and I literally just you guys in the dark (I’m so so sorry). I was just in like bad condition and needed to fix myself and get back on track before I tried to help anyone else. Keeping that in mind, although I sometimes offer advice, I make no guarantee I will always be able to or that it’s going to be the best advice. Ya know? I’m just some high school kid, not Dr. Phil but imma try best anyway because we need to stick together as a community and try to help each other out when we can :)

That said, from now on (or at least for now) I will be responding to all messages privately (as soon as I get through all the anonymous messages in my inbox) as I just don’t want my the blog to be an advice/submission blog you know? I feel like ADHDtumblr already has a few really good blogs that post submissions, so idk, if you don’t like this, I guess maybe just go to them instead (?) (sorry). 

Anywho, I’ll start writing back to all the messages this week (just please have patience with me though, there’s a lot).

 I’m steal dealing with anxiety stuff and life in general, but I miss this and I miss you guys so imma slowly work my way back to posting often again. Sorry for the long text post.  <3

I’m writing again so send requests if you’d like
