

What He’s Insecure About [Obey Me! Headcanons]

Obey Me! Masterlist


  • He wants to tell the how much he adores them, how he loves them. How that while he’s supposed to be the light-bearer, MC’s the light in his life.
  • He cannot get the words out. He smirks at them instead of the soft smile he wants to give them. He’s cold and not warm. He tries to be soft with them, it comes out in small bits, but not as often as he wished it would.
  • He’s worried that MC will get fed up with this and will leave him for someone that can express their emotions more readily and be more vulnerable with them. He’s going to try, he should be good at everything, he’s Lucifer. But this is something he struggles with.


  • He’s a screwup, a scum bag, good for nothing. He knows it. Everyone knows it. Well, everyone but them. And he’s terrified that they’ll wizen up to it.
  • He’s terrified that they’ll stop forgiving him, stop standing up for him, will call him the same names that everyone throws at him.
  • He tries to not be such a loser. He tries so hard, but his greed gets to him and he messes up again. He punishes himself more than Lucifer could even try to.


  • He’s holding them back and people will start to think awful things of them just for associating themselves with him.
  • He does not want them to get the sort of reputation he has as some loser, shut-in. He knows he’s not good enough, but he doesn’t want them to start thinking that.
  • He’s worried that they’ll see that it’ll happen – even if it doesn’t – and they’ll start to actually believe it and turn away from him.
  • He wants to hold onto them tightly, he doesn’t want to lose his only friend.


  • He’s terrified that MC will become terrified of him. He tries so hard to keep his cool around them and to make sure they don’t see the hideous monster that he is.
  • He knows that it’s only a matter of time before they run in to see him truly wrathful, the monster that everyone has warned them about, the monster that will drive them away.
  • He wants them to know that he will never hurt them, that he would never do anything to hurt them, that they are safe.
  • But he knows that seeing a monster can mean more than his words.


  • He realizes he has a reputation as the Avatar of Lust. He’s worried that the reputation will make them think that he doesn’t truly love them, even though he loves them more than anything, even himself.
  • He’s worried that his looks won’t be enough to keep them. His looks can convey how much he loves them, even if he were to tattoo it on his flawless skin.
  • He tries so hard to show that he does love them, that he is faithful to them. That he would never cheat on them or betray them. That everything will be with their consent.
  • He loves them, but he doesn’t know how to prove it.


  • He’s terrified he won’t be able to protect them when they need him most. He feels he’s already let them down throughout the year, but now that fear is even worse
  • He’s already felt the burden of failing one loved one – and in response, the rest of his loved ones – he can’t stand the thought of it happening again.
  • He stands at their bodyguard whenever he thinks that they could potentially be in danger, always on alert and on the lookout.
  • Still, the thoughts are always in the back of his head and plague his nightmares.


  • Being awake and present is difficult for him. He’s worried that he won’t be able to be there for MC like they deserve. He does work on trying to be more awake, getting into a proper sleep cycle, chugging caffeine, but he’s still always exhausted.
  • He falls asleep when he doesn’t want to and he’s worried MC will get fed up with that. Fed up that he’s too tired to go out. He’ll try, but it’s hard.
  • He becomes a bit indifferent because of this, even though he does care to the point where it tears him up inside.


  • He has a very important job as the successor to the throne and he’s worried that it will drive a wedge between them.
  • He has to prioritize his job over them at times and he’s worried that they may not understand.
  • He’s worried that him being a demon and them being a human will be too much for them, especially given his role.
  • He’ll try his best to communicate and be upfront about it, but he feels they deserve more than a prince could give them.


  • His abilities lead to rumors spreading like wildfires. He’s fearful that rumors will spread that he used his powers to force them to be with him.
  • The thoughts get to him and he wonders if he unconsciously used his powers to force them to be with him. It tears him apart at the thought of even doing it.
  • He wonders if they would be happy with anyone else, the realities are out there. He just wants them to be the happiest that they could ever be – even if it’s not with him.


  • If he doesn’t belong in the Celestial Realm, he doesn’t belong in the Devildom, does he truly belong with them?
  • He’s processing what’s happened to him, slowly. He’ll come to terms with it eventually, but he wonders if MC will process it well.
  • Will they reject him just as he’s been rejected by others?
  • He wants a home to go to, he feels that their arms are his home, but he doesn’t want those arms to push him away.


  • All of the demons know him as the shady sorcerer for trying to form pacts with them and understand the workings of the Devildom to ensure the safety of the human realm.
  • Still, those rumors have even spread to other sorcerers and witches to where they also don’t trust him.
  • He tries his best to be genuine with them, even if he can be a bit mischievous.
  • He desperately wants them to trust him, he would never do anything to betray that trust if they gave it to him.

His Preferred Method of Transportation [Obey Me! Headcanons]

Obey Me! Masterlist


  • It’s elegant, it screams sophistication, and it makes people think he’s someone important, which he is.
  • He can drink some demonus in the back and not have to worry about getting anywhere. Sometimes, he’ll just tell the driver to drive around so he doesn’t have to go to an event or back home right away.
  • Don’t tell him they’re also associated with annoying kids for prom
  • It’s also big enough to where he can pick up his brothers if there’s something going on

Mammon: Sports Car

  • He likes driving any sports car, really. Though, his own car will always be his favorite.
  • He likes how expensive they are, how they look, and how fast they can go.
  • He never really makes his own car go fast, he’s scared that all of his hard work will go up in flames if he wrecks it.
  • Will still rent a sports car every now and then to show off


  • He likes being out on the water and boats are typically not as crowded as other methods of transportation.
  • He also feels like that if it is crowded and if he gets overwhelmed, he can escape on all sides of the boat.
  • He shouldn’t, he knows that, but the option’s always there if he really gets desperate
  • He can also secretly have Lotan swim alongside the boat if the water’s deep/dark enough.

Satan: Aerial Tramways

  • He doesn’t know why, but being up high is appealing. He likes being able to see around a large area and see what’s going on.
  • Perhaps it’s because he doesn’t have wings that he appreciates this more than his other brothers.
  • He also likes that Lucifer is uncomfortable being in high places when he’s not in control of it.
  • Will hold that over Lucifer for a very long time.

Asmodeus: Double Decker Bus

  • He likes being able to sightsee on these buses and people watch more easily than on other methods of transportation.
  • They usually drive by some cool places, which is always great for a selfie
  • He gets that natural windblown look, too.
  • If he gets cold or if the weather turns, he can go to the lower level, no problem

Beelzebub: Party Bike

  • He likes the aspect of being able to exercise while he’s being transported from one location to the next. In fact, for this, he can give the bike enough power so he can be the only passenger on it.
  • He can also eat all of the food and drink all of the drinks as the only passenger, too
  • He does like it when his family joins him, it’s more fun
  • The only downside is that the party bike never has enough food for him.

Belphegor: Being Carried Around

  • He likes just falling asleep everywhere he goes. If someone’s carrying him, he doesn’t have to worry about missing his stop. They’ll take him where he needs to go
  • It’s nice, too, because he knows that his family does actually care for him and doesn’t just tolerate him
  • He will try to be annoying about it and just suddenly put all of his weight on someone until they are forced to at least drag him somewhere


  • He likes to walk around his kingdom to see how things are going and check in on his people.
  • It’s nice that he has this freedom now after being locked up as a child in his castle.
  • He does tend to wander while he’s walking around, so he has to keep track of the twists and turns he takes
  • He has had to call either Lucifer or Barbatos to come and find him - He knows he could use his GPS, but he wants to show them what he found.


  • He enjoys being able to sit by a window on a train and just relax
  • He can finally tune out and not worry about the next task at hand - that’ll occur when he gets to his next stop.
  • He can take time to do some hobbies if he wishes: knitting, reading, sipping a cup of tea, whatever he pleases
  • He does also enjoy sampling different foods on the dining carts for the more upscale trains


  • A lot of forms of transportation have buttons that he can’t ever figure out. For a funicular, there’s not much for him to do except get on and just relax
  • He likes that they usually provide a unique view while still being on the ground
  • The very steep ones are also very exciting and he thinks that they should be impossible - but there they are


  • It took him a lot of practice to get good enough to try it
  • Mammon was the one that had first helped him with it. He would never admit it, but it was fun
  • Now he enjoys the praise he gets from others when he’s able to get around with no problem
  • Makes him taller, too. The others can’t call him short when he’s riding it


  • It’s not necessarily the subway that he enjoys, but rather the subway station
  • There are also such a vast variety of people that take the subway and he likes to watch them
  • Sometimes he’ll hustle with some low-key magic tricks that could be considered just trick of the eye - it’s real magic, shhh
  • It’s a reminder that he loves how chaotic people can be

Attic Club Sandwich x GN!Mc

When you wanna have some fun with Beel after his shower, but you have to invite your sleepy boy as well

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Beelzebub This series doesnt exist, but that shouldnt stop you from reading it! come on. angels, dem


This series doesnt exist, but that shouldnt stop you from reading it! come on. angels, demons, electric halos! its the best story uve never read!!! 

haha this was great practice and i had a blast working on it. helps me not go stir crazy doing all the basics in class.

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Lucifer’s child

Illustrations of demons from Dictionnaire Infernal, 1863 edition, by Jacques Collin de Plancy, illusIllustrations of demons from Dictionnaire Infernal, 1863 edition, by Jacques Collin de Plancy, illusIllustrations of demons from Dictionnaire Infernal, 1863 edition, by Jacques Collin de Plancy, illusIllustrations of demons from Dictionnaire Infernal, 1863 edition, by Jacques Collin de Plancy, illusIllustrations of demons from Dictionnaire Infernal, 1863 edition, by Jacques Collin de Plancy, illus

Illustrations of demons from Dictionnaire Infernal, 1863 edition, by Jacques Collin de Plancy, illustrated by Louis le Breton

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llawennyd: Beelzy and Michael chibi painting by @nightslux Beelzy (nightslux’s creation! <3) woul


Beelzy and Michael chibi painting by @nightslux

Beelzy (nightslux’s creation! <3) would absolutely know something was up with this Lucifer-looking imposter and immediately set about doing something about him :D 

Michael (in my headcanon, still newly arrived and about as good at figuring out what to do in a situation as every other new-to-Earth angel) is here enduring the assault until he determines what he is supposed to be doing here. If anything.

I love the little cheek poof under his eye, the scar, the expressions, Beelzy’s SO FIERCE eyes and SO FLUFFY attack and his sweet demon-y ears :)

Beautiful, hilarious, kawaii chibi <3 I LOVE

(side note: @nightslux​ and I both had the idea that Michael should have something off to his side, and both realized we atm know virtually nothing about Michael to have any idea what he would keep by him XD )

Thank you @nightslux! <3

*if reposting or sharing, leave the watermark on and credit @nightslux - my rule because I commissioned this beauty, and also a good general rule because it is the right thing to do

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From Beelzebub episode 2 (2011)From Beelzebub episode 2 (2011)From Beelzebub episode 2 (2011)From Beelzebub episode 2 (2011)From Beelzebub episode 2 (2011)

From Beelzebub episode 2 (2011)

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Beelzebub episode 24 (2011)

Beelzebub episode 24 (2011)

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Beelzebub episode 20 (2011)Beelzebub episode 20 (2011)Beelzebub episode 20 (2011)Beelzebub episode 20 (2011)Beelzebub episode 20 (2011)Beelzebub episode 20 (2011)Beelzebub episode 20 (2011)

Beelzebub episode 20 (2011)

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Beelzebub episode 18 (2011)Beelzebub episode 18 (2011)Beelzebub episode 18 (2011)

Beelzebub episode 18 (2011)

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The Seraph Beelzebub against the Archangel Gabriel, and the rebellion in Heaven

(Click for better quality)


Good Omens DTIYS challenge.

Requirements: just draw the picture  ¯\_(:/)_/¯ make sure to tag me (both digital and traditional is fine)

Due Date: January 31st

Prize: top 3 winners will get a free story written for them

i am not an artist but thought this would be fun


hell yeah here we go lads

More gacha luck - This time birthday guaranteed UR pull but it’s my number one best boy.

I’ve never been happier.

ss  Oh good lord MC, what have you gotten yourself into now?

  You had a huge crush on the Avatar of Gluttony, and it was fairly obvious to everyone but him. You would often go out of your way to “just hang out” with him, you would ask him what he wanted from a vending machine if you were using it, you would even look up the best restaurants in Devildom to take him there. Yet this dense boy still thought you were just so incredibly nice. But he’s cute so it’s ok.

 After getting some advice from Asmo on how to make him like you more, you were setting up the kitchen to attempt some Deviled Spider Eggs. (Just look at these if you don’t know what Deviled Eggs are.)This was a delicacy in Devildom, and you were sure Beel was going to love it. The problem was that you had never touched a frying pan in your life, but it can’t be that hard, right?


 How did you manage to burn the spider eggs? You were supposed to boil them, not fry them. Now you can’t turn them into little boats! Even if you could, how are you supposed to get the yolk out now? You couldn’t save the first batch, but you didn’t have it in you to throw it in the trash. So you just left the fried eggs on a plate on the counter beside you, thinking that maybe you could save them or mix them with something else.

 The next two batches didn’t go so well either. While you did manage to boil the eggs this time, you cut them in half horizontally instead of vertically so they were always falling over and rolling around, getting the goop everywhere on the plate. The third batch wasn’t too bad, except that you had somehow mixed paprika with chili powder, so your taste test almost made you down the entire goat milk carton in the fridge. You were so busy working on your fourth batch of Deviled Spider Eggs that you didn’t even notice the red-haired demon coming up behind you.

 “What are you making, MC?” You nearly jumped high enough to hit the ceiling at those words as you whipped around and saw the huge and curious Beelzebub standing almost right behind you. His purple eyes were darting between the failed batches next to you and your deer-in-headlights expression.

“B-Beel! Hi! What are you doing here?” You managed to say to which he raises an eyebrow.

 “Um, getting food?” Of course he was, he was the Avatar of Gluttony. You internally facepalmed at your previous words and opted to block the sight of your most recent batch of Deviled Spider Eggs with your body. You stood up straighter and hid your hands behind your back, hopefully obscuring your surprise snack for the demon.

He wasn’t even paying attention to your movements, his eyes on your other failed attempts. They were mostly unrecognizable from the picture of the recipe you had seen on Devilgram, so you hoped those batches wouldn’t give away your surprise.

“Can I have those?” He pointed and you nodded. He started wolfing down the failed eggs as you took the distraction as an opportunity to work more on your most recent batch. You were certain this would be the most perfect dish you had ever attempted to make; you had boiled the eggs, you had cut them in half vertically, and you made sure you had used paprika this time. Everything seemed perfect until you noticed that the previous batches had already been devoured and Beel was now watching you sprinkle the paprika on the giant spider eggs. “Are those Deviled Spider Eggs?”

“Umm…yes? I’ve been trying to practice my cooking so I started with these. Were the other ones ok?” You didn’t want him to know your feelings just yet, so you avoided telling him why you had been practicing your cooking.

 “The other ones were nice, but thoselook perfect!” His eyes only left the food to give you a big smile. You could feel your face heat up as you looked back at the eggs you had spent hours trying to perfect. They certainly looked somewhat close to the ones you had seen on Devilgram, but Beel complimenting them made them seem even better now.

 “Want to help me taste test? I don’t think I can eat all of them on my own.” You offered, to which he nodded excitedly and immediately reached for the nearest delicacy. He popped several in his mouth at a time while you grabbed one and nommed on it. It tasted like one of those Deviled Eggs you had eaten in the human world, with some added unknown flavor from the spider eggs. Needless to say, it tasted amazing. Before you had even eaten three, Beel had finished the other ones with a satisfied grin on his face.

 When you asked if they tasted ok to him, he looked over to you with a big grin on his face and nodded. “Those were amazing. Are you going to practice cooking again soon?”

You laughed at how cute his excited face was and said, “ If it means you’ll help me taste test whatever it is, of course I will!”

Sorry if this was OOC, I’m just practicing.


This fucking-

Obey Me Mammon Angst Skits: Angstober 2021 Edition

Day 1 (Late): STAB in the BACK



  • This will be angst, as most of my stuff tends to be. That, and on the count that I am using the Angstober Calander, I would assume you all know what is going on here. 
  • There will be descriptions of blood in this short fic.
  • Typical emotional angst, family drama, and mentions or references of depression may or may not be present. 
  • There will be a ‘Keep Reading’ UNDER the Angstober PNG. Only continue if you really want to. 
  • Make sure to be safe. Thanks for stopping by. 
  • -
  • Have a good day.

There was many things people could use to identify the Avatar of Greed. So many choice words that others could have for him. 

As everyone was- Mammon was prone to flaw, and prone to make mistakes. It was part of being alive. Part of being a conscious being. Nobody and nothing is perfect. Because perfect isn’t a thing that is set in stone. 

Even so… on top of being what people would classify as the Scumbag of Hell- the loser- if one must- there was one thing that he had that anyone could find admirable. 

Despite his scummy nature, and his outbursts, and his terrible selfishness- the one thing that everyone knew Mammon to be- was Loyal.

How could he not be? If he wasn’t- he wouldn’t have stuck around as long as he has. On top of everything- he would always make sure his family came first- no matter what it did to him. At the expense of his comfort, and safety, and his happiness. He would give up everything, if it kept them safe, because that is what good brothers did. 

It’s too bad… that he knew that they wouldn’t do the same. 


It started off as an argument. Didn’t it always? No matter what he did, he proved to be a disappointment, or an embarrassment. They looked down on him, because he was who he was. 

He wasn’t smart, or good looking. He wasn’t talented in art, or emotionally stable, and competant. He wasn’t everything they could be. The only thing he was- was a fighter. 

NO matter what context it could be taken in.. he fought his hardest. He tried his best. 

He would be damned if he ever failed when his brothers in a situation where they lives would be in danger. 

He would always help them… and he would never have betrayed them. 

That is the one thing he could be proud of hismelf for…

The white haired demon rolled over on his bed, and grunted, as he heard his name being called. Without a moments hesitation, he stood up, and walked down to the first floor of the house, before stopping at the front door, where all of his brothers stood. 

“Is he here?” a voice asked from the other side of the door. 

The black haired man nodded, before stepping to the side, to reveal Mammon. The white haired sibling looked at all of his siblings, who stood there- giving him looks that could be seen as … regretful?

“Hello, Hello, Mammon! It is nice to meet you! Very nice indeed!” the man grinned, as he stepped into the place, grabbing the man’s hand in a firm handshake. Mammon, in return, slid his hand away, looking unamused, and rather weirded out. 

“Who are you?” he asked the figure, before the man grinned back. 

“I am a local collector… and you see… I am here… to collect YOU.” The man smiled, before tipping his hat. “Neutralize him, boys!” 

Mammon felt alarm starting to flow through his veins. He stepped back, before looking around at his siblings, who all maintained a rather unphased, or partially hurt expessions. 

More of them teetered on the lines of being uncaring, though…

“What… what the hell is going on?! You guys know something, don’t you?!” he looked at all of them accusingly. “What the fuck are they here for?!” He grabbed the near lamp, and quickly used it to hit one of the men upside the head, while his brothers all moved to one corner of the area to watch. 

Lucifer walked forward, all of the other siblings staying behind. 

“Mammon… please don’t fight it. You are going to make this worse than it needs to be…” the red eyed demon stated, before he got closer to his sibling, who, in turn, turns the lamp on the eldest. 

“What the fuck are they trying to do, huh?! Tell them to leave!!” he nearly pleaded, just to feel a hand on his shoulder, from one of the strangers. “Let me go! Get off!” 

Mammon started to shift into his demon form, but Lucifer used his own magic to cancel it out. The eldest sibling of pride shook his head. “One more minute with Mammon… then you can go…” he looked to the men, before they nodded. 

Mammon looked up at the older sibling, tearing up. His panic, and fear, and pure adrenaline were coursing through him, despite magic keeping him stuck in place. 

“Just who do you think you are?! Huh?! What is going on?!” he demanded to know, trying to struggle. It was pointless, his fear continued to grow, as well as an overwhelming feeling of betrayal, and apprehension. 

“You know how you said that if you coud… you would go back in time… and save Lilith? That if you could… you would do ANYTHING to bring her back…?” Lucifer asked down to his sibling, maintaining a somewhat saddened, but still cold gleam in his eyes. “Now… now we can.” 

Dread fell over Mammon, 

Would… would they all really have-?!


They would… 

“You… fucking bartered me… TO GET LILITH BACK?! How fucking stupid are you?!” Mammon yelled out to his sibling, before trying to thrash around again. “Why the hell would you dow this?! Huh?!”

Lucifer’s face soured, before he shook his head, and looked down. “Stop being so selfish, Mammon. You take stuff from us all the time… the least you could do… is finally do something and give back to us.” he stated, before nodding over to the men- who started to drag Mammon away. 

Mammon started to thrash, but he was significantly weaker. It wasn’t until now that he felt a small pain in his neck. He must have been drugged when he was paralyzed and distracted. 

The white haired man looked around at all of them, before tears started to fall from his eyes. He grit his teeth as energy continued to leave him. He barely processed Satan and Beel moving forward, to make objections, but Lucifer looked at them, and they stepped back into place. 

As he was dragged out to the sidewalk, Mammon felt himself getting dropped on the ground, and a circle of sorts was constructed of blood, and golden shavings. 

The man that had greeted Mammon at the door just a few minutes ago started to speak again. “Your barter is much appreciated, Dear Pride. Now- I shall deliver!’ the man grinned, before stepping down to where Mammon was, pulling out what looked like a holy object. It seemed to be a dagger. 

Mammon felt it getting plunged into his back, and twisted several times, which make him choke back a yell of pain. 

The Avatar of Greed’s world continued to get darker and darker as he heard some words prayed or yelled off in the directions of the heavens… and a beam of light flowing into the summoning circle that had been drawn before. 

Within a small blur of light… a young girl appeared. She seemed to be unconscious. 

“Now… to seal back the realm of which we have retrieved your kin… I am afraid we need to finsih of the host of the pathway that was used to acquire your request.” the man chuckled. 

He walked over to Mammon, and grabbed the white haired man’s head. 

“It was a pleasure doing business with you, MorningStar. Let me know if you would ever want another sibling up for trade” The stranger looked down to Mammon, who struggled to breathe. 

‘I… really did mean nothing to them..’ Mammon thought as he teared up more, looking down. The knife in his back used for whatever sick ritual this was- was just an ironic inconvenience. somehow… he didn’t turn to dust when it was used on him.. ‘I hate them….”I hate them, I hate them, I hate them…” he cought hismelf thinking bitterly as he bit his lip. ‘Those bastards…’

With a quick movement- the man snapped the avatar of greed’s neck, and Mammon’s eyes grew larger as the golden color left them- leaving plain, darkened iris’s and an unfocused pair of pupils. 

Fate truly was cruel… in the end… 

The rest of the demon kind ended up being more Greedy than Mammon had been. 

They got Lilith back… and they sold their brothers life to do so. 

//Someone said that they would be interested in this AU being turned into a fanfiction. If you know who you are, well, here you go, dear reader.//


It was funny. 

The cost of not abiding by one’s own nature was usually dissatisfaction. It usually was a sense of emptiness. Lack of self identity, if their nature was that big of a part of themselves. However, with time, you will either get eaten alive by it, or you will surpress, and control it. It depended on determination and the will or drive to accomplish such a difficult task. 

Try as he might, Mammon usually failed at self control. 

He had a hard time controlling his sin, because he was too busy trying to help his siblings with what they needed. 

The sin rested within him, and was acted on as it started to set the buzzing off in his mind that he wanted something. ‘That flower looks so pretty. Take it. Take it for yourself, no one is looking.’ It almost always resulted in theft. 

It started out so small at first. So seemingly insignificant.

So miniscule and laughable. 

Like most things, though- flowers became objects of value. Objects of value became actual money. He tried. Really he did. He tried so hard to make the urges go away, but even so, he doesn’t have time to try and seek help to slow his sin down. 

He doesn’t help, or the patience, or the energy for it. 

That brought him to the pit of constant annoyance he was within now. He had pulled himself to a hault. Trying desperately to ignore his sin as he barracaded himself in his room, covered himself in blankets, and blocked his view from anything other than the dakrness. 

The darkness, though, didn’t stop his yearning imagination. 

Gold. Gold and jewels, and glimmering objects. Love, and affection, and attention. There were so many things he was greedy for. Physically, and emotionally. No matter what he did, he wasn’t satisfied in life. Both because he was incompetant, and because of his constant yearning for MORE. He can’t be happy with 'some’ or 'enough’. He can’t be happy with 'for now’ or 'later’. 

He wants it. 

He longs for it.

He does his damndest to acquire it, at the cost of his brothers and sometimes his friends’ patience. He tried to gain what he yearns for any way he knows how, because that is the only way he will get it. 

Stopping these sensations feel worse that being caste down to the depths of the devildom by his father, and the angels of which serve him. He will always say that he doesn’t regret following Lucifer down here. Lucifer is his brother. They are all his brothers. He would do it again, even if he had a chance at a better life, and better treatment. 

He knew damn well that the way he was treat in his family was not fair. 

However, he has no room to complain… does he? 

He would have to endure whatever pain he could so he could better himself. Even if it meant that he would suffer. He could do it for them. He WOULD do it for them. 

Closing his eyes, he made a silent promise to himself, and he clenched his hands together. He wasn’t going to act on his greed anymore. If he did… he would severely punish himself. 

No matter what.


Resting under the covers of his bed, Mammon kept his hands under his rump, the tingling in his fingers had not ceased and it had been over a month. They twitched and jolted. He desperately wanted to take anything that wasn’t his. The gnawing in his mind from the sin that was a part of him mocked his every move. It tried to nag on him, and persuade him to give up. 

He felt cold. 

Too cold. 

Everything hurt. 

It spun, and made him feel nauseus.

'Come on, steal something. You know you want to. Treat yourself, for working so hard… there is a snack cake in the freezer Beel got. Don’t you think it looked good?’ a small voice coaxed in his mind. 'Go and take it for yourself, It’s not like he doesn’t have anything else to eat~' 

Mammon shivered, and bit his lip, before digging his nails into the mattress under him. He shook his head no, which only agitated him. The buzzing getting louder and louder. 

As his internal turmoil continued- the man only knit his eyebrows closer together, and grunted. Any and all thoughts he was having before that point were halted for a mere few seconds as he heard a voice calling out to him from the hallway. 

“Mammon, get out here. Lucifer is complaining about you not doing something and it’s getting annoying. Get it done so he will shut up.” Good to hear from you too, Satan. 

The second eldest brother merely dug his nails into his mattress again, and bit back a groan- before pulling the blankets off of his head, and inching his way toward the door of his room. He stood in front of it, just staring for a few seconds as he fidgets his hands in his pants pockets. Tapping his fingers on his legs, grasping ot the cloth- anything to keep them from being out in the open, where he could just grab whatever was in the open. 

He quickly took his right hand out of his pocket, opened the door, and put it back in his pocket, before using his foot to push it open the rest of the way. He didn’t bother acknowleding the blonde sibling, who stood there looking at him in annoyance. 

he just walked past, and started to make his way to Lucifer’s office. Sadly, that was one of the biggest broblem areas for him. On top of that… his chest was starting to feel funny. 

There was a small burst of what could be described as congestion..? But then it subsided again. Mammon’s fingers were grasping at the cloth in his pockets again, trembling not out of fear, but still out of self restraint. 

He opened the door to Lucifer’s office, and walked into the room, keeping his eyes on the floor as he avoided looking around the well decorated space. He could almost hear the subconscious voice within him again, the buzzing in his head spiking as he just knew how much cool and pretty stuff was in this room. 

'Stop thinking about it… stop… stop… no.. don’t look around.’ he was talking down to himself mentally, profusely sweating as his nails dug at his protected flesh

“Mammon. I asked you to go and get something earlier today. Care to tell me why you didn’t get what I asked of you completed?” the man glared to his younger sibling, who, in turn, kept staring at the ground. 

“S-sorry. I forgot…” he tried to leave the excuse brief. He felt like he was going to throw up. 

His chest was starting to hurt again. 

'Come on, steal something. Take it. He has all of these cool things, you need to treat yourself too, you know. It’s not like your brother is going to.’ the idea coaxed. It mocked him. 

The white haired demon leans forward, feeling pressure in his throat, and a splitting pain pulsate through his head as he bit back a bit of a yelp. He shook his head, and kept his hands in his pockets, feeling it was getting harder and harder to breathe. 

“Mammon! Answer my question!” a stern, annoyed voice interjected. It slashed through his thoughts with a mighty tone, and made the white haired demon flinch. That, though, was a mistake. The second he leans forward from flinching, he felt as thought he was choking. There was something in his thraot- he could feel it there. 

But how? He wasn’t getting sick. He didn’t eat anything recently..! 

He quickly looks up to the red eyed demon with teary eyes, not willing to try and ask him for help. Instead, he dashed out of the room, and slammed the door behind himself- before making a b-line to the bathroom that rested in the hallway between a closet, and another room that was hardly used. 

Locking the door  behind himself, and falling to his knees, Mammon started to gag, and wheeze, trying to get his air back. His face had darkened, and his eyes wouldn’t stop watering from the lack of desired oxygen. His head was pounding, and he coudl feel his heart racing. It hurt. It really fucking hurt. Fuck!

He struggled, and struggled, gagging, and choking on the slightest bits of air that were coming through. 

Eventually, he coughed up a mass of blood into the toilet, and something heavier made a firm 'tinkk’ noise as it hit the whitened porcelain. 

After taking about half a minute to breathe, and clear his clouded vision- Mammon concentrated on the bloodied water of the toilet, and spots what had made such a heavy noise. 

There, resting int the water, and washed of the blood that had followed it from the ailing demon’s throat- was a brilliant golden pearl. 

((To Be Continued))

Despite being the laziest brother of the demons seven kin- Belphegor knew that he was among one of the most observant of them all. He never opened his mouth to speak out something, unless he felt it was important… or unless there was enough spite to propel him to try to act on hate or annoyance.

Over the last several weeks… he was observing even more.

Mammon seemed so normal at first. 

At first, the brother of sloth wouldn’t have batted an eye at his annoying, older sibling. He wouldn’t have cared about this, that, and the other. Not… much… anyways.

The incidents started out small. They always did. 

Belphegor had noticed that the avatar sustained a deep gash to his forearm- but- no blood spilled from the wound. Maybe he just healed that fast… 

During another incident- Mammon was walking in front of the bathroom mirror that rested in a small restroom in the hallway.Belphegor was standing there with Leviathan, listening to the estranged fanatic ramble about Henry for the nth time. He took note of the fact that Mammon passed in front of the mirror- and he didn’t have a reflection.

“Maybe you’re just seeing things.”

On yet another occasion- the purple and pink eyed youngest of the brothers saw that the second eldest sibling had gotten into a fight with another demon. During the exchange- Mammon’s entire arm was broken. Within seconds… it snapped back into place as if there was no damage to it at all.

Demon magic takes longer to heal serious injuries like those ones… that shouldn’t have happened.

The youngest demon brother walked at the sleeping form of Mammon on the couch, napping there. He narrowed his eyes, and contemplated doing one of his typical monuevers and just flopping down on the older sibling, and sleeping there, seeing as he KNEW he wouldn’t move. That  and because he was too lazy to go up the stairs. 

He stood there… pondering his actions… he almost felt… unsafe. Like this was someone unfamiliar. 

Closing his eyes, he clenched his pillow, and did what he usually would do… if it were a different situation. 

He flopped down on the older sibling, who grunted, and sighs. “Fuckin’ trying to suffocate me as usual, huh?” the white haired man grunted out, before snorting and turning his head, and simply falling back asleep. Seemingly because he was too tired to care. 

Belphegor waits for over ten minutes… apprehensive to move. 

He eventually found his courage though, and made it seem like hie head fell of his pillow onto the others chect- 

His entire body went cold after several minutes of waiting. 

No matter how hard he tried to search for it… despite trying to be quiet, and not get caught…

He couldn’t find it…

Despite the fact that he was alive… right there… sleeping. 

There was no pulse .

Mammon didn’t have a heartbeat.

Siete, Babusan, AglovaleSiete, Babusan, AglovaleSiete, Babusan, Aglovale

Siete, Babusan, Aglovale

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