#nb positivity




Rebecca confirmed on the podcast that Rainbow Quartz 2.0 goes by he/him and they/them and Sunstone goes by she/her and they/them. Discourse is canceled now because you’re BOTH right and nb people can go by more than just they/them.

cis people don’t get too excited this doesn’t mean Rainbow 2.0 is a male gem

Some of the alternative terms are gender neutral while others are specific to nonbinary people.

Remember: you should talk to your nonbinary friends to discuss what terms they are personally comfortable with. Don’t assume that enben will always use these terms.

Nonbinary butch people are fantastic and amazing and I love all of them!

Autistic nonbinary people should be loved and celebrated.

if you’re nblw

Here are some reminders-

I love you so, so much!

Your identity and attraction is valid. You are not required to label it in any way if that’s not what you’d like. And if you do use labels, they’re for you to define yourself with- not for other people to critique.

Binary people don’t exclusively love other binary people. There are many wonderful wlnb’s (who also are super valid!) out there, and you all deserve amazing partners that love you for who you are, not despite who you are.

It doesn’t matter how you present- be your radiant nonbinary self in your own unique and brilliant way! Also, if you use she/her pronouns or are female aligned, that doesn’t automatically make you some extension or “downgraded version” of lesbian or sapphic. Being male aligned or using he/him doesn’t make you “basically straight.”

I hope you have a super great day!

Dear friends who are unable to bind due to medical reasons,

Wow, your identity is super valid, even if you can’t express how you truly feel on the outside- and don’t let anyone tell you anything else!

You’re not any less trans* just because you choose not to bind due to it- it’s a decision for your health, which is super important!

Stay safe out there, pals! From a disabled enby to another trans* friend, I know your limitations do not define who you are. I wish you a thousand great things, and you deserve nothing less.

Fun Fact

All nblw’s, and wlnb’s, are beautiful, mythical deities and radiate pure magic and strength. They are all ethereal, and I hope they all find amazing partners.

manningeli:there are a lot of words out there for nonbinary attraction, and sometimes they can be manningeli:there are a lot of words out there for nonbinary attraction, and sometimes they can be manningeli:there are a lot of words out there for nonbinary attraction, and sometimes they can be manningeli:there are a lot of words out there for nonbinary attraction, and sometimes they can be manningeli:there are a lot of words out there for nonbinary attraction, and sometimes they can be manningeli:there are a lot of words out there for nonbinary attraction, and sometimes they can be manningeli:there are a lot of words out there for nonbinary attraction, and sometimes they can be manningeli:there are a lot of words out there for nonbinary attraction, and sometimes they can be manningeli:there are a lot of words out there for nonbinary attraction, and sometimes they can be manningeli:there are a lot of words out there for nonbinary attraction, and sometimes they can be


there are a lot of words out there for nonbinary attraction, and sometimes they can be overwhelming

you can define your attraction however you want, whether it’s with labels or descriptions!!!

Post link
outtathisbinary:Credit: @positivedoodles


Credit: @positivedoodles

Post link


Fantasy Creature Type NBs

Fae- puns, graphic t-shirts, neon colors, chaotic neutral, fidgeting, dad dancer

Dwarf- tough, leather jackets, big boots, strong storms, neutrals, scraped knuckles

Dragon- messy room, collections, passion, most likely to not care about romance, talkative once you get to know them, absentminded

Elf- jewel tones, self care is the best care, “have you tried to find some coping mechanisms?”, moonless nights, artist (visual, verbal, musical, any type)

Nymph- earth tones, has plant babies, not wearing shoes, breezy days, outgoing, calming energy

Unicorn- Bright colors, rainbow is my favorite color, stuffed animals, excitable, outgoing


all bi nb people are so lovely, radiant, and attractive!!! you guys are doing absolutely amazing and you are so so valid! i hope you all have a fantastic week <3


Hello, ace friends! The Care Bears are here to send lots of love and positivity your way. You’re all wonderful and valid and we Care Bears and Cousins hope that you all know that you’ll always be welcome here in Care-a-Lot. If anyone calls you broken or hates on you for being ace, come here for hugs and cuddles and if the bully tries to follow you here, we’ll give them the old Care Bear Stare!


Art by PwahLaLa

We here at @carebearsnotdiscourse​ are beyond thrilled to introduce to you all this amazing new blog called @care-bears-for-aces, that’s an important part of the Care-a-Lot tumblrverse! 

This new blog appears to be specifically about lifting up and loving aces in particular, so I really hope that you will all check it out and follow. ⭐️



Welcome home to Care-a-Lot, Noble Heart Horse (@the-dracologist)!! It’s so great to have my best friend back home with us (I’m True Heart Bear, pictured above on right!)!! 

Together, we can do anything ⭐️

y’know what else i love about this blog? it’s consistently had a higher follower count than post count. 

right now we stand at 81/76 respectively. 

not too bad, eh? 

yall-aphobes-need-to-shoosh: @carebearsnotdiscourse I saw this at the toy store today and I’ve chang


@carebearsnotdiscourse I saw this at the toy store today and I’ve changed my mind, this is my care bear.

OMG I totally have something for that that I was waiting for the most perfect moment to share, and this is clearly that moment!!! ⭐️


That said, I’m very sorry for my late reblog of this post. Like with @merfolkofcolor‘s post, I just kept forgetting if I’m being honest :/

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merfolkofcolor: It took me a while because I love the Care Bears and I couldn’t just choose one, but


It took me a while because I love the Care Bears and I couldn’t just choose one, but @carebearsnotdiscourse, I think I’d like to be Sea Friend Bear! They’re the most relatable for me.

Welcome to Care-a-Lot Sea Friend Bear, it’s so wonderful to meet you! I also grew up watching the care bears daily and to me, this blog is a little bit of heaven haha. 

That said, many apologies for my late reblog of this post. I just kept forgetting if I’m being honest :/

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Another of my favorite childhood cartoon series was Care Bears❕I use to getearly on weekdays to watch it❕The place where they live looks very peaceful and relaxing to me❕ It’s called Care-a -lot, which is just a cloud☁️☁️☁️☁️world with a few rainbows, and hearts❤️❤️❤️❤️on it❕ Each of these bears are a solid color with special symbols on their bellies❕ They unit to spread kindness everywhere❕Ihave three care bears on display in mybed room on top of my enterianment center they are Fun shine,bear, Bedtime bear, and Sharebear❕
